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Which one do you think I'll have the most fun with? I don't consciously know which one I most want to play. If you read both of my descriptions, perhaps you'll see which one I'm most enthusiastic about.
If this is still open, I'd like to submit a character. I'm a noob to message board gaming, but I am pretty familiar with Shadowrun world (I've read many of the novels, played tabletop/MUSH pretty extensively back in the second edition days). I've got the SR4 BBB, and ill probably pick up Street Magic soon. If the background below looks good, I'll do up a character sheet.

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Here is a rough char. sheet

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Ok im convinced to come in, Heres the background..

Demitri, grew up in a fairly typical street lifestyle in the slums of moscow. He picked up a few knacks here and there, about combat, b&e, and stealth, till one day he, read voulonteered, to work for the vory as a spy, when he awakened he he killed three of his higherups and fled to seattle. Once there he proceeded to join a magical orginization to learn more a bout his powers and the occult. On one of his forays into the occult he angered a a few queen bug spirits.

Im deciding to go the unarmed route or the blades route. He's a troll with 8 strength. i want to use the cool unarmed powers but dont really want to fight unarmed.
krayola red
Rough draft of my character is done! Lemme know if anything's off - I'm still not that familiar with the SR4 system.

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Looks like we have somewhat similiar character concepts. Thats cool with me, but I'd also be happy to switch things up if people think its too much overlap since you posted your concept first.
krayola red
Or we could just create some kind of shared history for our characters. The fact that they both attended MIT&T is enough of a hook. Might be fun to start the game knowing one another instead of as complete strangers. smile.gif
Works for me.
QUOTE (FanGirl)
Which one do you think I'll have the most fun with? I don't consciously know which one I most want to play. If you read both of my descriptions, perhaps you'll see which one I'm most enthusiastic about.

I have a slight preference for the Boy meets Girl story, has a potential hook I like. Otherwise I really think you should choose one you want to do.
Ok here is the character sheet for Leonardo "Leo" Rehcsif

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Just in the process creating an investigator type mystic adept I find this thread incidentially. smile.gif Would be interested. Problem might be, I use Serbitar's Karma Creation System. So is Raw-Creation a must?

He is definitely slightly better than average Raw-Charakter, but imho not overpowered at all nevertheless:

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Didnt write down a background story yet, but i think of him as being an ex officer who once found out too much and was fired from the security agency (lonestar? ;P) he was working for. his yet missing knowledge skils and those 4 connections i already paid for (20 BP in the raw system) would reflect this. nowadays he works as an investigator for anyone who has some *extraordinary* problems to solve.
his darting hobby^^ turned out to save his life quite a few times but he is perfectly aware of the fact that he needs *friends* to survive in the shadows. and in certain hours he is really jealous of those mages who fly through the air while throwing fireballs.. wink.gif

In hope of positive response,

Krayola: Nicotene isnt an appropriate addiction (per Core rules)

Xenefungus: I unfortunately have to insist on raw characters. If you'd like to create with core rules, i'd be happy to consider him.
krayola red
Gotcha. I'll just RP it then and find some other flaw for 'im.
krayola red
Also: wow, we got a lot of spellslingers in the group!
currently this is the selection period
Thanks, but I'm out. Don't like the Core-Creation-Rules at all wink.gif

Have a lot of fun all together, a magic-based Campaign can surely be interesting. smile.gif
Sorry you feel that way Xene, I just find it easier to use a "common" rule setting.
Fangirl: If your hermetic mage character was around during the "Bug City"-era CZ, etc. then there could be a great tie-in with the idea I had for Switch. Otherwise, I think the Orc girl decker is a cooler idea.

Jackripper: Good point about the Blades thing. I think I'll want to go with another Unarmed Combat-related power. Is Counterstrike the same in Street Magic as it was in SR3?
Jackripper: Good point about the Blades thing. I think I'll want to go with another Unarmed Combat-related power. Is Counterstrike the same in Street Magic as it was in SR3?

Nope. To use Counterstrike in SR4, you have to first parry or block (not dodge or full defense) a melee attack. Then, you take the character's levels in Countrstrike plus any net hits achieved during that block or parry, and add that many dice to your next melee attack roll (as long as that melee attack roll is his next available action).

Quite a bit funkier than it used to be, but still kind of cool for .5 a level. Though I've yet to try it out, my Adept bought a single level in it (just to see how often the block/counter even comes up, before investing any more).
Revised CS

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Okay this my rundown (Please correct me if I miss someone) at this point I have:

DireRadiant: Mystic Adept
Fangirl: Mage or Hacker
Krayolared: Paranormal Investigator
G.nome: Adept (Bug hunter)
Mekalus: SpecOps Mage (Aspected)
Arakary: Rigger
mattxyzed: Mage
Venenum: Adept (Troll)

If I have missed anyone that has shown interest and posted (even a small discript) please let me know here.

Also, if I am missing a detail like youre aspected mage or shaman please pipe up that info also.
Cedric Rolfsson
Jack, if you're still seeking players I'll throw one in.

Hermetic mage- a human scholar whose studies have lead him down a path that's perhaps best left alone.

I'll have the CS finished in a couple of hours, do I post it here or PM it?
Spoiler here is fine or PM me if you'd like.
Okay, since I have plenty of magical candidates, i think i should recruit a blunt or two (not the kind you smoke, the mundane, non magical character type)

So, this is the call for the mundane types of characters (Hackers, Samurai,gangers, etc...) If you think you have a concept that has been signifigantly touched by evil to get pissed and hunt it down, here's your shot.

Fangirl, i do know youre still undecided so spots still open for consideration.
Cedric Rolfsson
Okay, here is the synopsis for my character.

Jack, still interested, see PMs for CS and Background
My magical candidates

If you possess the Street Magic book, can you please post what tradition you'll be following.
I don't have Street Magic, but my adept character is going down the Path of the Warrior (in case you couldn't tell).

edit: No religious beliefs, although he's read up on Taoism and Buddhism and had Episcopalian parents.
Cedric Rolfsson
Scholar type- Chaose Mage most likely.
Also, any religious beliefs
I'm sorry, but I'm going to sit this one out. I'm already in another game now, and I don't want to risk biting off more than I can chew. frown.gif Please feel free to steal my character concepts.
Shamanic Tradition - Dragon Mentor - Christian (Catholic)
Sorry to lose you FanGirl but, Thank you for posting your withdrawl.
krayola red
Right now - Vodun, Adversary mentor

I'm actually thinking about changing Clay's tradition to Hedge Witchcraft. There's just something about a male hedge witch that makes me snicker.
Cedric Rolfsson
Rules Question:

With a spell sustaining foci, can the magician to whom the foci is bonded voluntarily 'disrupt' the sustained spell at will? Page 191 doesn't talk about it and I can't find any references in Street Magic.

It says if a spell foci's spell is disrupted the magician can use the sustaining foci to sustain another spell. p. 191 SR4. Does 'deactivation' of the sustaining foci cause disruption? Can a magician use the Force 3 sustaining foci to sustain a physical barrier and then decided to dump the physical barrier and immediately cast and use the foci to sustain a detect enemies spell? Are their any tests involved or anything? Does a deactivated sustaining foci become blank, or upon activation does it immediately 'restore' the spell it was previously sustaining, because that would mean the character whose focus is snatched away from his person would have to recast the spell to get the benefit of the sustaining focus again.

I'm posting here to and elsewhere, sorry if this question doubles up.
Sorry for the delay after spending some time studying the traditions provided in the Street magic Ill have to say that Leo would be closest to the Druidic tradition, definitely shamanic as he has a mentor spirit (Lion). Please let me know if something doesn't jive with the above. I am not set in this but it seems to be the best choice.

Cedric I may be out of line answering your question but it is my understanding that the person bonded to the focus can as a free action turn it off at any time. This effectively kills the spell it was sustaining. When turning it back on it will no longer have a spell and will have to have the spell cast into it again. Sorry if I am out of order here please just say so.
I'm away from my books at the moment (school) but when I get home I'll look into it. From first glance I think Mek is right, but like I said I'm away from my books so i'll look at it later.

Mek, is Lion one of the Druidic totems? (not near book at the moment)
Cedric Rolfsson
Mekalus, no problems answering, I'll take data anywhere I can get it.

I've talked it over and in looking at p. 191 and was reminded that each spell focus has to be attuned to a specific category (Detection, Combat, etc.) so I couldn't go from manipulation to detection at the least.

As for the 'disruption' the general consensus seems to be the same as your answer. Thanks.
Quick notice and a bump

For those still interested (and havent posted a BG/CS wednesday the 30th is deadline)

Mek, there are 3 types of druids, and since you're a shaman so that takes away one type.
Ok so I am a wild druid then? Sound good? Only downside is he has a lot of tech so not sure how thats gonna work. Hmm maybe he should be Hindu? Problem here for me is when I created him I didn't pay very close attention to the traditions as you are the first GM interested in them as part of the chracter background. I will go with wild druid unless you think thats a bad fit in which case I will give the Hundu tradition a try.
I think wild druid is hard since you'd shun the modern world, but the 'new age' druid (the non hermetic one) would fit. It comes down to what you want to roleplay in the end. I can only provide guidance (which amounts to my 2 cents) the rest is up to your personal likes
Cedric Rolfsson
I got my finalize CS and BG off to you JackRipper, via PM
OK thats cool new age sounds better to me also.
Okay folks its the deadline date, so those of you who havent posted/pm'ed a bg/cs you need to by midnight.

Those of you who have and still in please post saying so.


I'm in, can't wait for the extended philosophical arguments.
That'll be good roleplay, which I reward
Cedric Rolfsson
I'm still in, my CS and BG were finalized and re-sent yesterday.
krayola red
I'm totally in.
Im in
Hmmm...seems we already have casualties to our list.

I'll be giving another day to post interest from prior submitters.(But can run with what I have)

Our thread (which I'll ask you all not to post on yet) is called Malleus Maleficarum.
I'm still in too.
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