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krayola red
Eh, I figured that since keycards are as common in the Sixth World as regular keys are today, if not more so, it wouldn't be any harder to run a copy.

Looks like we'll need another plan then.
It's true they're the next key, but they're still electronic based and whatnot. Even if you found a shady enough locksmith to do it for you, he'd still charge a small 'fee' for helping you keep your house key from getting lost.

Course, fixers might be able to find someone willing, but then that still costs you, and thus you still need cred.
We can just use the single-card for now, or front the money (if we have enough) if we think it wil llead to a bigger payoff (or less expenses) down the road...
krayola red
The reason I don't want to use Osbourne's card is because he might notice it's missing once he gets back home and alert the security at the facility to change the codes. Hmm, dilemma!

It sucks being poor. frown.gif
Well, you could also try making a fake card to switch it out with, so he won't find out until he tries it at work. That'd be cheaper I would think, or if one of you is decent at art, you could do it!

Just a thought.
krayola red
Good idea. How much would it cost to get a crappy passkey shell that happens to look just like Osbourne's at a locksmithing shop? I'm betting none of us have the Hardware skill, so it'll be tough to make it ourselves.
Mmm, I'd say 100/200 to make a gimick, 100 for one that simply looks like it, but under inspection turns out not to even be a cardkey, 200 for one that looks like a genuine key, but simply doens't have the right information (or any information on it for that matter).

You're gonna have to work fast though. You still need to find someone who can make one quick, so commlinks and pictures of the card are probably your friend. wink.gif Unless you plan to keep Osbourne unconscious all day?
Double Post, and News Flash.

Erik does have a Fixer on him, so if you want, I can use him for you guys if you'd like?

And bear in mind you'll 'lose' Erik after this run unless you desperately want to keep the extra character around. Course, you can also request a DM Dummy to play along with you guys too.
I'd jsut as soon replace Erik with a PC - but otherwise, if we go for a DM dummy, that's fine too. Course, if we jsut go shorthanded, that's more cash for us.
krayola red
Yeah, I'm with BlackHat on that. There are positions on the team that need to be filled that are more important than a secondary mage (ie hacker).

Incidentally, is anyone capable of fronting 100/200 bucks? If not, I'll see if I can negotiate a loan or something.
Knives has $250 on him. He'll offer it up if the group can reimburse him before the split at the end (ie, everyone chips in for the key).
krayola red
All right old man, cough it up. I've got no problem with splitting the costs. smile.gif
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Nov 11 2006, 06:14 PM)
I'd jsut as soon replace Erik with a PC - but otherwise, if we go for a DM dummy, that's fine too. Course, if we jsut go shorthanded, that's more cash for us.

Eh, but if we wait on another player, then we gotta wait (granted, we're sorta doing that already, but still). But then again, the waiting won't neccessarily happen until we bring him/her in.

If you all want me to check for a new PC first, I'll revive the recruitment.
I say we recruit now, but finish the run without him - so we're not waiting. If by the next run, we havn't found someone, we can NPC it up ... but if we have, we can work in the new guy.
I got the recruitment up, but I'm not sure you'll see much action tonight unless others come on. Godaime went to get some sleep. >.<
I will go and help move the game along tonight. Sorry for being quiet all.

Babysitting stinks, getting up with 4 hours of sleep stinks, etc, etc.
Uh, really sorry 'bout the wait. I'd share all of my complaints, but I have serious doubts that anyone'll read them or actually care. Suffice to say I've posted.
krayola red
Okay guys, what's our plan? Are we hitting the place tonight? I think we should, since Osbourne's going to notice that his key's a dummy the next day when he shows up at work.
Sounds like a plan to me. Knives has his coat-full-of-tricks ready. biggrin.gif
Convenient for when I finally show back up eh?
krayola red
Is Godaime back too? Haven't heard from her lately.
Yeah, I just kinda forgot to respond in here. Sorry 'bout that. I check here daily, not absent.
I think we're all back...sorta....So I guess we'll try and get the IC back on the front page too.
Yeah, I'm around. smile.gif Thanksgiving and all though, but will watch for IC posts.

It's close enough to start the raid, however you all would like to pull it off.

So we're effectively waiting on that then.

That's nice at least, it means I don't have anything too major to catch up on. ^-^; (homework has hit a bit of a splurge).
So is anybody interested in actually starting the raid? I would, myself, but Aurel doesn't start things. She waits for the people with more leadership talent to tell her what to do. Kray? You out there anywhere? BlackHat? I'd kinda like to do the raid sometime before... next year. That would be nice.
Sure, I'm into it - but Knives definatly isn't the type to lead on. He's more the type to go along, and make sure bad guys die. biggrin.gif Still, if we know where we are going, a good start is arriving there, so lets assume we go (at night).
So then we now wonder where Kray is... as he's the default leader.
krayola red
That should kick things off. Spellcasting roll, Force 3 Lightning Bolt: 09 05 05 04 04 03 03 03 02 02 02 01 01 (3 hits). Drain resistance, 4 boxes: 11 10 08 07 03 01 01 01 01 (4 hits, 0 drain)
Well...that is one way to kill a camera.

It's damn late, but I will gets things updated soon tomorrow. smile.gif I had to pick up people at 11, sheesh, heh.

*gets out the super soldiers and super secret 00 agent bond clones*
Short post on my part, but hey, the camera went poof!
Agility (5) Improved Agility (1) + Throwing (7) + Improved Ability (3) = 16 dice
Split between two attacks = 8 dice each

#D=8 : 14216153 n1=3 n6=1 nHit=2
#D=8 : 36615451 n1=2 n6=2 nHit=4

Base DV = Str/2+9 = 12... so 14 and 18
Ugh...I hate irony...and time eaters (no offense directed at SR).

I will be absent due to the Wicked One: Finals week. nyahnyah.gif

I might not have been so bad off if people didn't bloody use me to help them with everything all the time! (again, not SR related, and not even internet related).

So take the week or two off I guess. You can post when/if you want, and if I do get a free moment with a fresh head, I'll look, otherwise I'm not available. frown.gif

*considers taking that semester off*
krayola red
Hey, perfect timing. I got finals too. smile.gif
Well, obviously I took longer than finals, but I may as well start trying to get things back up again.

So this is a roll call to those playing. You'll get PM'd in a bit too.

Also, I'm having Inet troubles. It's usually not long term, but it likes to die out at random. nyahnyah.gif

So how's everyone doing?
Returned from Mexico, with no internet connection. Got the message today, still interested in the game if anyone else is.
Huh...well this may be a sign that everyone else is out, or lost interest. ^-^;

That would be sad.
I'm still around! Sorry for the late reply. I'd have to do a little rereading, but I'd be interested in continuing.
krayola red
Let's rock.
Aye, let's rock. Thankfully I appear to be over my stomach problems. >.<

Irony lives in my house, I swear upon this forum.

So I'll read up, and do a 'replay' of basic events, and that'll be cue to start up, sound alright? That'll give you all time to review for yourselves too.
You know, I, too, is still interested to join, if you still have the need for me.
*double gahs* Sorry Dentris, I guess I forgot you were interested? ^-^; Heh, it's been a crazy time...

On a side note, I realized just recently that it's silly to tell you all to do things if I don't give you anything to really know what you're doing (sotospeak). I apologizes on that note for my oops moment, and will try to correct it.

As for you, wanted the cyberized Jack of all trades or something like that, yes?
Hm...since there's a lack of responses around....I'll just traumatize people a wee bit to help get things in motion.

Future of Sixth World Humanity (with a twist)?
krayola red
Re stapler: Clay found out where it was during his astral recon earlier, IIRC.

Anyway, I think we're just searching the place for the stuff we have to get, so it'll make sense for you to let us know what, if anything, we find. smile.gif
Sorry for my absence all - I've had part of a good time and part of a bad time.

The good time makes you relaxed, content with the life of being able to sit down and, perish the thought - relax for a better amount of's addictive.

The bad time had me running around and tired, making it harder to pay attention to the games.

As such, I have provided everyone with a ladel of which to bash me with if I misbehave again.
I'm sorry to say that, unless I make a new one later...this game is now going to stay dusty. frown.gif

I'm sorry for having wasted part of the time of everyone - partly my mapping issues, partly time issues...heh. Guess it wasn't a good idea to make the game at the moment.

I tried, I learned, I determined I need to learn more and get more general epxerience with things..and most importantly make sure I put proper time into it! >.<

Again I apologize to all, especially Godaimesama, who may be hitting me with a ladel several times.
krayola red
Hey, no prob. Thanks for trying to provide a game, I definitely had fun while it lasted.
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