Oct 30 2006, 05:15 PM
Hey folks--
I'm about to join a few others on the boards in some fun collaborative fiction.
What are aspects of the 6th world culture that you particularly enjoy?
Obviously there are the trids, sports and Sim-news feeds from the SotA books, but what else would people like to see incorporated into their fiction?
Oct 30 2006, 05:37 PM
i tend to include aspects of modern 'punk' culture as being mainstream in T6W. for instance, i detailed a luxury airliner once; all of the flight attendants had, as part of their uniform, tasteful silver labret piercings that functioned as subvocal microphones.
Oct 30 2006, 05:49 PM
I need fashion like I was a Crackhead.
What was last year's style? What's this years? And the next?
2050 had the Western Wear, in both 'Cowboy' and 'Indian' forms, which stayed in for a couple years, but by 2052, was getting nudged aside. By 2054, Chrome was *dead*, and teh Western Look was gone, phasing in a more professional look, with less scary hair and piercings, more suits and ties. That rolled into "Commando Chic" by 2057, which gave way to a sort of bland "Whatever" look that's generally held since.
We know that 'Elven fashion' has died down with teh Tir's problems, Orksploitation is now king (But for how long?), but what about the TrendJills out there? Are hemlines up or down? Braids or no? Short hair, medium, or long? Curls or straight? Sleeves ... short, long, poofy? Are pants worn low this year? Has teh Wireless Matrix made "Nerdcore" the new trend, with tight pants pulled too high, buttonup tops, and pocket Commlinks? Glasses for everyone!
Also, brands.
Much like Contacts dropped several names of functionally similar contact options, I'd love to see a line of brand options for gear. You hate Colt, LOVE Ares, but want a Colt Manhunter? Luckily, the Ares Gladius is at-hand! Don't want to buy an Ingrim Smartgun? No worries! The new Ares Athena is the *goddess* of war!
And so on.
We *always* need trends.
Steak and Spirits
Oct 30 2006, 06:08 PM
The Sixth World culture of Dystopia. The battlefields of downtrodden vs. elite, soul vs. machine. The reckless, devil-may-care integration of technology into the very fabic of being. The spin of personal, and global morality, combined with an often times resentful, but none the less essential and symbiotic relationship between the underworld and the status-quo.
A culture that has shifted from "Should we do this?" into "Can we do this?", and the incredible accomplishments, and foolish shortcomings that present themselves with such an evolution of mankind.
The culture of glamour, and gritty gutterpunk, dead serious, or completely fabricated, fused together, in a mesh of urbanization.
Oct 30 2006, 06:09 PM
What more can you do without micromanaging the wolrd? you already listed all the major facets of life?
hmm to be productive though I would say casual drug culture and roleplaying games lol.
But on a more serrious note, celeberties wheather football, sim, or trid. How would an heiress like Paris hilton act in T6W. Would she be a magical slut or just a slut? Is the WWE still around that would be hilarous to see in T6W. Is goth culture still around and what about globalization?
But what I would like to see is megastars comeback. Mirror some of the greats to like Tupac, Kobain, Hendrix, The beatles, and my favorate rap duo snoop and dre. Crime time is funy but i need a little more to spice it up. East coast west coast music war part 2 would be fun to play out in the shadows if there are bigger factions and more artists involved
Oct 30 2006, 06:09 PM
QUOTE (Wakshaani @ Oct 30 2006, 05:49 PM) |
I need fashion like I was a Crackhead.
What was last year's style? What's this years? And the next?
2050 had the Western Wear, in both 'Cowboy' and 'Indian' forms, which stayed in for a couple years, but by 2052, was getting nudged aside. By 2054, Chrome was *dead*, and teh Western Look was gone, phasing in a more professional look, with less scary hair and piercings, more suits and ties. That rolled into "Commando Chic" by 2057, which gave way to a sort of bland "Whatever" look that's generally held since.
We know that 'Elven fashion' has died down with teh Tir's problems, Orksploitation is now king (But for how long?), but what about the TrendJills out there? Are hemlines up or down? Braids or no? Short hair, medium, or long? Curls or straight? Sleeves ... short, long, poofy? Are pants worn low this year? Has teh Wireless Matrix made "Nerdcore" the new trend, with tight pants pulled too high, buttonup tops, and pocket Commlinks? Glasses for everyone!
Also, brands.
Much like Contacts dropped several names of functionally similar contact options, I'd love to see a line of brand options for gear. You hate Colt, LOVE Ares, but want a Colt Manhunter? Luckily, the Ares Gladius is at-hand! Don't want to buy an Ingrim Smartgun? No worries! The new Ares Athena is the *goddess* of war!
And so on.
We *always* need trends. |
I'm with you on that. When I think fashion I think smart materials. Logos and animations creeping all over your clothes. Clips of movies and music videos being shown upon mood. Color changing hair. I thought skin dyes where pretty lame.
I want genemods to hit high fashion like Alba the "glow bunny".

You know expanding on SoTA 2064.
Oct 30 2006, 06:21 PM
It always comes back to Transmetropolitan.

Read that series for a full on blast of dystopian culture, combined with crazy bodymods.
Oct 30 2006, 06:21 PM
QUOTE (ChicagosFineset) |
What more can you do without micromanaging the wolrd? you already listed all the major facets of life? |
I was specifically referencing the Culture chapters from SotA 63 and 64, I'm sure that the 6th world has changed drasticallly and has aspects of culture which extend radically beyond what was covered in those pages.
Oct 30 2006, 06:29 PM
I can't help but think of the "Derelict" campaign from Zoolander when someone mentions dystopian future.

I would think that the fashionistas would rebel against the wireless matrix and rampant technology, to counter the whole cyberpunk look the new trend would be Eco-wear. I think natural materials are pretty expensive compared to the synthetic stuff so it would of course appeal to the rich as a status symbol. Also nothing says I care about the environment like a hemp shirt while you're driving around in your 2071 Westwind

Animal prints and cloned fur and scales would be in. I can see some hot model in a skin hugging swimsuit patterned after and resembling orca skin. Or maybe I just want to see that.
Just a thought.
emo samurai
Oct 30 2006, 06:31 PM
I always imagined it spelled as "Dereliquet."
Oct 30 2006, 06:35 PM
Ahh i see so its like you want a SOTA 70' my fault. To add on more I would like to see more global subculturalization.
For example travel culture and vacationing. With so much happening in the world were do people go? Do they even get vacations?
Gaming cultrue (videogames, roleplaying, sims ect) what are some creative ways people spend their leisure time in the 70's
What about the desert? Is it all mad max style in the west cost now (beyond the thunderdome and the video for california love combined)
Maybe food as well. With all the mixing going on do orks have authentic Ork'zet food? Same with elves. Is evlen culture dead. What about dwarfen culture. Finaly to break it down futher. Does a black female ork who is jewish and gay have more rights than a sasquach?
Subcultures is where its at.
Oct 30 2006, 06:43 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Oct 30 2006, 06:31 PM) |
I always imagined it spelled as "Dereliquet." |
It's just how you pronounce it that makes it really funny.
Actually it's Derelicte. I just looked.
Oct 30 2006, 06:51 PM
Two words describe what is sadly missing from SR fiction: Urban Brawl.
Oct 30 2006, 06:53 PM
Has any sourcebook actually covered Urban Brawl?
Oct 30 2006, 06:55 PM
Yes. Shadowbeat is the sourcebook with full rules and a good writeup. It also contains Combat Biker, and info about "normal" sports.
(Unless I'm mixing up titles. I've re-read several older sourcebooks over the last couple of weeks, and I'm horrible at keeping the title/content stuff together sometimes. But I'm reasonably certain it was Shadowbeat.)
Oct 30 2006, 06:55 PM
Rigger street racing! With unmanned cars you can go nuts.
Oct 30 2006, 06:58 PM
QUOTE (eidolon) |
Yes. Shadowbeat is the sourcebook with full rules and a good writeup. It also contains Combat Biker, and info about "normal" sports.
(Unless I'm mixing up titles. I've re-read several older sourcebooks over the last couple of weeks, and I'm horrible at keeping the title/content stuff together sometimes. But I'm reasonably certain it was Shadowbeat.) |
Yep Shadowbeat p.68-73
Oct 30 2006, 07:35 PM
QUOTE (Draconis) |
[QUOTE=Wakshaani,Oct 30 2006, 05:49 PM] I'm with you on that. When I think fashion I think smart materials. Logos and animations creeping all over your clothes. Clips of movies and music videos being shown upon mood. Color changing hair. I thought skin dyes where pretty lame.
I want genemods to hit high fashion like Alba the "glow bunny". You know expanding on SoTA 2064. |
Awww, Genemods are *so* Year of the Comet!
Now that Elementals can be snapped up with nary a cost in Nuyen and Natural Spirits can go anywhere, domains be damned, well, the Next Big Thing is, clearly, SpiritWear.
The high and mighty hire magicians to summon them up a spirit at sundown, which materializes and is then 'Worn' for the evening. If you thought a slinky red dress was eyecatching, wait until they see you slink into the room caressed in flames! Animal prints have nothing on 'wearing' a leopard around you, and the most daring of the daring know that a wispy cloud and breeze-blown hair from an Air Elemental is the best. Nothig between you and the room but obscuring mist ... it's so *decadant*, donchayouknow?
Of course, just as Cinderella had to be home by midnight, any debutant who dared to dance the Mana Fandango had best pay attention to the sun's rise, lest the lovely lady be left somewhat ... exposed ... to her partyguests.
Oct 30 2006, 07:46 PM
QUOTE (Wakshaani) |
[QUOTE=Draconis,Oct 30 2006, 06:09 PM] [QUOTE=Wakshaani,Oct 30 2006, 05:49 PM] I'm with you on that. When I think fashion I think smart materials. Logos and animations creeping all over your clothes. Clips of movies and music videos being shown upon mood. Color changing hair. I thought skin dyes where pretty lame.
I want genemods to hit high fashion like Alba the "glow bunny". You know expanding on SoTA 2064. [/QUOTE] Awww, Genemods are *so* Year of the Comet!
Now that Elementals can be snapped up with nary a cost in Nuyen and Natural Spirits can go anywhere, domains be damned, well, the Next Big Thing is, clearly, SpiritWear.
The high and mighty hire magicians to summon them up a spirit at sundown, which materializes and is then 'Worn' for the evening. If you thought a slinky red dress was eyecatching, wait until they see you slink into the room caressed in flames! Animal prints have nothing on 'wearing' a leopard around you, and the most daring of the daring know that a wispy cloud and breeze-blown hair from an Air Elemental is the best. Nothig between you and the room but obscuring mist ... it's so *decadant*, donchayouknow?
Of course, just as Cinderella had to be home by midnight, any debutant who dared to dance the Mana Fandango had best pay attention to the sun's rise, lest the lovely lady be left somewhat ... exposed ... to her partyguests. |
You're my hero.
Oct 30 2006, 07:53 PM
Awww, Genemods are *so* Year of the Comet!
Now that Elementals can be snapped up with nary a cost in Nuyen and Natural Spirits can go anywhere, domains be damned, well, the Next Big Thing is, clearly, SpiritWear.
The high and mighty hire magicians to summon them up a spirit at sundown, which materializes and is then 'Worn' for the evening. If you thought a slinky red dress was eyecatching, wait until they see you slink into the room caressed in flames! Animal prints have nothing on 'wearing' a leopard around you, and the most daring of the daring know that a wispy cloud and breeze-blown hair from an Air Elemental is the best. Nothig between you and the room but obscuring mist ... it's so *decadant*, donchayouknow?
Of course, just as Cinderella had to be home by midnight, any debutant who dared to dance the Mana Fandango had best pay attention to the sun's rise, lest the lovely lady be left somewhat ... exposed ... to her partyguests. |
Cute, but "caressed" isn't the word your looking for, barbecued maybe. Fire spirits have energy aura so keep them out of your pants.
Mages are still a miniscule portion of the population, there's not enough to go around. Besides that mage is making better money using that spirit to movement a ship or guard a facility. Hell I can barely get a spirit around for my own purposes.
Oh and I can just see it... "Damn she's fine. Banish her clothes." "You got it."
Also I can see the spirits reaction when told the service, "You want me to do what!? Oh that's just low. Next you'll have me plunging your toliet. You sir are on my shit list."
Still amusing idea. I already practically wear my ally spirit. Ahem.
Oct 30 2006, 08:11 PM
*ring ring ring*
"Bob's Spirits Services, you summon, we sendum. Whatcha need?"
"Yeah, I got two things. First, I got this van. I need it to explode really big, and someone to kill all the guards. There might be a couple mages shooting manabolts and stuff, but no biggie."
"Yeah, that's gonna be tough. I'll see what we've got. What else?"
"I need someone to wrap themselves around a naked supermodel for a few hours."
"Are you there?"
"Why the hell can't I be a spirit?"
Oct 30 2006, 09:16 PM
QUOTE (Draconis) |
Oh and I can just see it... "Damn she's fine. Banish her clothes." "You got it." |
I hadn't thought about that one. Somehow, I'm sure my players would have though.
Oct 30 2006, 09:40 PM
Sure you could do that, but you wouldn't, for all the same reasons you don't run up to a celebrity and try to tear their clothes off, no matter how flimsy their garments.
Oct 30 2006, 09:45 PM
What about a free spirt clothing/ fashion desinger. How would that look in the T6W? I bet the clothes would be crazy, or maybe it would be like "the emporers new clothes" and people would walk around naked like those girls who use body paint to paint a bakini on them. Thats the new fashion.
Oct 30 2006, 09:45 PM
One thought I had is multi media is a lot more media. So a Fad might not last long, but could appear literally everywhere for a few days. Also focused multi media blitzes. So you might see a new Star appear on the news, screamsheets, clothes (Brands names and decorations), skylines, ARO, online immersive games, literally in every part of someone's experience.
Be a fun character trait to explore, are you really paranoid, or is "Super Jane" the latest sim starlet really appearing everywhere you look?
Oct 30 2006, 10:04 PM
AR is where it's at for fashion. If I so desired, I could program it that anyone looking at me sees exactly what I want them to see based on their profile / who they are? Prostitutes wearing clothes that cater to particular fetishes, which those with the appropriate fetish can see, or even skimpier clothes for those who have better credit ratings. Nightclubs where every room changes what everyone looks like. In the AR, I wear what I want. Oh you can't see it? Then you obviously have last years designs still plugged in.
Oct 30 2006, 10:26 PM
Even though I'm not a huge fan of AR, that has to be one of the most interesting suggestions for its use that I've ever seen.
Oct 30 2006, 11:48 PM
I agree, SURGE too is a big one to mention. What happened to it? How has it changed the world since the comet?
Oct 31 2006, 01:34 AM
QUOTE (ChicagosFineset) |
I agree, SURGE too is a big one to mention. What happened to it? How has it changed the world since the comet? |
We should take a poll about SURGE sometime. In the result I'd like to see, the effects lasted for a year-ish after the Comet passed (if that long) then went away. Note that the in-game run at teh beginning of the book has a Troll who was a normal human and then Goblinized due to the comet... It isn't unprecedented to Goblinize later in life, and a big mana surge like teh comet coul dhave done it, but is it a comet effect (SURGE) or a 'mana hit a threshhold' level, like normal Goblinization was?
Luckily, it can go either way.
-- Wak, in the "No SURGE please," camp.
Oct 31 2006, 03:50 PM
Festivals and party culture would be a cool topic to cover. IE: the grand ball in england, Carnival and Cinco de Mayo.
The Olympics making a comeback in Seattle (Denver or Chicago) would be interesting. Baseball breaking the metahuman barrier?
The list for opportunities goes on but pary culture would be another issue to address in a SOTA 70'
Oct 31 2006, 10:53 PM
QUOTE (Wakshaani) |
QUOTE (ChicagosFineset @ Oct 30 2006, 11:48 PM) | I agree, SURGE too is a big one to mention. What happened to it? How has it changed the world since the comet? |
We should take a poll about SURGE sometime. In the result I'd like to see, the effects lasted for a year-ish after the Comet passed (if that long) then went away. Note that the in-game run at teh beginning of the book has a Troll who was a normal human and then Goblinized due to the comet... It isn't unprecedented to Goblinize later in life, and a big mana surge like teh comet coul dhave done it, but is it a comet effect (SURGE) or a 'mana hit a threshhold' level, like normal Goblinization was?
Luckily, it can go either way.
-- Wak, in the "No SURGE please," camp.
Hey I like SURGE, it allows me to play all the odd characters I've always wanted legitimately. Of course that never stopped me before.
Oct 31 2006, 10:56 PM
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk) |
Sure you could do that, but you wouldn't, for all the same reasons you don't run up to a celebrity and try to tear their clothes off, no matter how flimsy their garments. |
Except you don't have to run anywhere. Beer in one hand, binoculars in the other. Soon there's one less spirit around and nobody's the wiser who did it.
Oct 31 2006, 11:04 PM
Might be the guy with a beer and binoculars who was prepared to see something.
Nov 1 2006, 07:24 PM
QUOTE (ChicagosFineset) |
The Olympics making a comeback in Seattle (Denver or Chicago) would be interesting. |
IIRC, Runner Havens mentions that Seattle Metroplex and Salish-Shidhe Council are to host the 2074 Summer Games together.
Nov 1 2006, 07:26 PM
QUOTE (ChicagosFineset) |
What about a free spirt clothing/ fashion desinger. How would that look in the T6W? |
In Street Magic an Animus Free Spirit is mentioned who actually works as a sculptor. It seems his works are well sought-after and quite expensive...
Nov 1 2006, 07:27 PM
QUOTE (M¥$T1C) |
QUOTE (ChicagosFineset @ Oct 30 2006, 11:45 PM) | What about a free spirt clothing/ fashion desinger. How would that look in the T6W? |
In Street Magic an Animus Free Spirit is mentioned who actually works as a sculptor. It seems his works are well sought-after and quite expensive...
I'll shut up then. Great moment for the awakened world I'm sure it will measue how far we have come
Kyoto Kid
Nov 1 2006, 09:40 PM
QUOTE (ChicagosFineset) |
Festivals and party culture would be a cool topic to cover. IE: the grand ball in england, |
...ahh, the "Season" as it is called. Actually ran a fluff role play session which took place at one of the balls (The Grande Estate Ball to be exact which was Leela's "Coming Out").
QUOTE (ChicagosFineset) |
Baseball breaking the metahuman barrier? |
I thought it did. In Shadowbeat there is a picture of an Orc in uniform holding a bat and the Tir Taringire also has a team - The Portland Lords - which no doubt has only elves on its roster.
Nov 1 2006, 09:48 PM
Though there is no supposed metahuman barrier in MLB, only Orcs, Elves and Humans are allowed on the teams' rosters. Trolls and Dwarves have their own professional leagues.
Nov 1 2006, 10:04 PM
>>>>>[Well of course they do. Everybody knows that it's just not fair that a Troll's strike zone is so big and a Dwarf's is too small. It's not racism, it's just keeping unfair advantages from occurring in the MLB.]<<<<<
- Pitcher 16:04:21/11-01-70
Nov 1 2006, 10:48 PM
>>>>>[Besides - think of the amount of juice an elf would have to take to get to the baseline of a troll? And legs like that, trolls would have to have bases twice as far! Besides, no one wants to see giant green scaly buggers ruinin' the good ol' MLB....]<<<<<
- Southern_Cross 19:23:23/11-01-70
Nov 2 2006, 12:13 AM
LOL so I stand corrected by many people its been a while since shadowbeat
Nov 2 2006, 12:49 AM
If ever an old sourcebook needed a new release, Shadowbeat is it.
When's the last time anyone in *your* game played a reporter, rabble-rouser, or professional musician?
Nov 2 2006, 01:39 AM
QUOTE (Wakshaani) |
If ever an old sourcebook needed a new release, Shadowbeat is it.
When's the last time anyone in *your* game played a reporter, rabble-rouser, or professional musician? |
Some people don't want to play someone who is in legit work. Its hard to justify being on a shadowrun when you're a reporter. Others are unaware of the fact that wired 2 and smartlinked submachine guns are standard issue for on-air personalities.
Kyoto Kid
Nov 2 2006, 01:47 AM
QUOTE (Wakshaani) |
If ever an old sourcebook needed a new release, Shadowbeat is it.
When's the last time anyone in *your* game played a reporter, rabble-rouser, or professional musician? |
...I second that.
My last Shadowbeat based Character (and one of my personal favourites) was Lana Lane Ace Reporter (SR3). Our GM used the Shadowbeat rules for Pix & Punch as written.
For Leela, we made Music Performance an active instead of knowledge skill (since it was technically her real profession) and followed the guidelines for performance impact. Her debut concert rating at New Festival Hall in London was 98, placing it at "Novastar" level (in the classical sense of course). Seing that she could make a very comfortable living concertising and recording (without having someone shooting at her cute little butt all the time), she retired from shadowrunning and eventually went on to become Europe's hottest classical keyboard artist.
Kyoto Kid
Nov 2 2006, 04:03 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
QUOTE (Wakshaani @ Nov 1 2006, 07:49 PM) | If ever an old sourcebook needed a new release, Shadowbeat is it.
When's the last time anyone in *your* game played a reporter, rabble-rouser, or professional musician? |
Some people don't want to play someone who is in legit work. Its hard to justify being on a shadowrun when you're a reporter. Others are unaware of the fact that wired 2 and smartlinked submachine guns are standard issue for on-air personalities.
...a reporter can make an excellent Face, she is usually set up to do better research and legwork, often has really useful contacts, and often able to gain to hard to enter areas for recon without making a scene.
A reporter (as I proved with Lana Lane) can be a valuable asset to a runner team.
Of course, they still need a little edge in the way of speed just to keep up & at least be able to shoot a gun if necessary.
Nov 2 2006, 04:18 PM
One thing I'm verry currious about and think would be worth while to see in SR culture is protest music and media. I think it would be something cool to see if i third world nation staged an earth shattering coup through protest music and cinema (think Cuba, Jamacia, USA during the 60's and 70's, along with revolutionary artists like Lennon, Hendrix, Marley and even throw a little Parliment in there for shits and giggles).
Who would become big name performers of music? How would a leader present documentary sims to the masses that show the tyrany of the big corps without selling out his integrity. What groups would back the movement? Where would this take place? Would the revolution work? Better yet would it last (those wacky elves have gotten the biz handed to them) or would there be tibetian massacares like the asian kid ran over by the tank?
Man the possibilties are endless with a metaplot sceme like that at the attention of everyone in the 6th world. My suggestion of places where it could manifest, Africa (the only continent that has never gotten a SB but has been mentioned more and more over the years). Plus something like this could take SR back to the roots of 1st and 2nd ed. Make things grittier and cyber punk again instead of awakened and cutting edge.
Edit: BTW that could be included in a new shadowbeat, I to agree that a reporter would be a smooth face character. I would love to see rocker come back the last one I heard of was "Crime time" (I would love to meet the guy who came up with him i got ?'s to ask)
Nov 2 2006, 04:30 PM
I was bemoaning the loss of the Rockerboi a couple weeks ago.
Bring back Shadowbeat!!
Nov 2 2006, 06:26 PM
QUOTE (lorechaser) |
I was bemoaning the loss of the Rockerboi a couple weeks ago.
Bring back Shadowbeat!! |
On the one side, you have prefab musical groups pushed out of corporate enclaves ala Disney artists (Which, I suppose, means that Aztechnology is behind most of teh prefab bands in 2070 ... does there evil know
no bounds?!) and teh 'edgy' corporate bands who are just as manufactured, but hide it somewhat better. (Screw those boy bands, I'm listening to this edgey alternative band! Wooo, I'm free of manipulative shackles!)
On the other are the underground artists (Who quietly want to sell out but never admit to it) and the handful of big artists who survived the dispoable 'Idoru' culture and came out as actual stars. That a runner could very well say "Mercurial? Aw man, that was before I was
born!" should show that we're due for a few new bands at this stage.

Of course, there's bound to be a 'Pornomancer' style musician or three in bidness by now. And that... is kind of terrifying.
Nov 2 2006, 07:45 PM
QUOTE (lorechaser) |
I was bemoaning the loss of the Rockerboi a couple weeks ago. |
What loss? If you want them, you can have them. You don't need a badly-designed Archetype in order to include them in your games.
Bring back Shadowbeat |
I agree. Just leave out those inane rules.
Nov 2 2006, 07:54 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (lorechaser @ Nov 3 2006, 03:30 AM) | I was bemoaning the loss of the Rockerboi a couple weeks ago. |
What loss? If you want them, you can have them. You don't need a badly-designed Archetype in order to include them in your games.
QUOTE | Bring back Shadowbeat |
I agree. Just leave out those inane rules. |
Yeah, but if they aren't in the sample characters, no one is gonna think to play them except oldschool fools.

I mean, really, that's not a concept a sane person comes up with and tries to play, without prompting.