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Full Version: Hi, I want to run an SR4 game over IM.
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emo samurai
Add me to por favor.. clegz00
emo samurai

Roll call for AIM names!
krayola red
emo samurai
Underlines, dashes, anything?
krayola red
No, sir.
Alright.. So yeah, is this the first chapter thing or whatever you want to call it? For this sake we will refer to it as the first day we are playing? Also, what the hell is midwestern standard time?
If pacific time is gmt-8 then midwest (central) is gmt-6. Central Europe (france, germany) is gmt+1, eastern Australia is gmt+10, and China is gmt+8.

BTW, I have never heard it called midwestern standard time before now, I've always known it as central time.
QUOTE (yoippari)
eastern Australia is gmt+10

+11 ... we in NSW are currenty experiencing Daylight Savings Time. wink.gif
Alright so, I'm in Phoenix, Get on at 11.
emo samurai
Yes, you'll get on at 11.

I think we're gaming this Sunday. Submit your character sheets before then, please.

Also, I forgot to mention, every BP will buy you 7500 nuyen.gif.

Oh, and another thing, you'll get karma for writing fiction regarding your characters.

Oh, and here are some new rules regarding TM cyberware. If you buy pre-crash cyberware at chargen, you won't get resonance reduction. The caveat is that pre-crash cyberware costs twice as much money.
Does precrash cyberware cost twice as much if you bought it precrash or does the price increase after the crash?

Also, my sheet in in excel format. That isn't very friendly to simple text posting. Do you have an example of a forum posted sheet for me to convert mine too?
krayola red
Here's an example of a forum-posted character, courtesy of McQuillan over at the Welcome to the Shadows board. Just click on the spoiler tag. Hope that helps.
emo samurai
Precrash cyberware costs twice as much if you bought it precrash. And if you change it at all, you lose resonance.
Precrash means pre december 2059, right? That means I'll have to put a couple more bp into equipment.

edi: and yes, that link helps.
QUOTE (yoippari @ Nov 19 2006, 10:41 AM)
Precrash means pre december 2059, right?

Pre-crash means pre-November 2nd 2064. wink.gif
emo samurai
Thanks for your character sheets, dudes.

And Yoippari, AIM name?
Thought you had it from my previous post. kindolarmand .
emo samurai
Oh, yeah.

Also, I hope you can receive voice in your AIM. If not, download the latest version here.

Oh, and here are my rules for aspected magicians:

10 BP.

Free initiation grade at chargen.

Can't use summoning, or can't use spellcasting. Choose one.
Is this gonna get started or what? It's 10:52 AM my time right now.. I don't see anyone..
Okay.. THere they are.
krayola red
Well, that was a fun session. We should totally do it again. smile.gif
emo samurai

I liked how it brought out my storytelling capacity.
I thought your friend was a little gay.
Crap, I missed the session. By the time I was awake and got my caffine the game should have been well underway. It sounds like it was fun. Should I assume there is another session next sunday and that there will be an appropriate time to add another character?
Yeah.. Especially if your good with Longarms.. Hot damn that would be so useful..
Longarms 6 specialty shotguns. I guess I could use something like a rifle or... whatever the other long gun is. I'm gonna go check on that.

Since this is my first shadowrun character and it is using varient char gen rules I'm not sure if that 6 points is really amazing (like RAW) or if it is just so-so with an absolute max of 12 points.

BTW, what is the policy of asking about character/gear stats when in theory the other players shouldn't know your exact capabilities?
emo samurai
QUOTE (clegrady @ Nov 19 2006, 09:32 PM)
I thought your friend was a little gay.

He was playing around. Don't be a dick.

As for policy, the premise is you kinda know who the other people are because you know to turn to them for jobs. Just a basic knowledge of skillsets, nothing in-depth.
Score! He has longarms!
emo samurai
In the short term, that's the highest you can go without Aptitude. In the long run, it's so-so compared to Annie Oakley.

The level you're at is Marines sniper, so you're good to go until you fight the Red Samurai.

So... what should I change about how I handled things last night, besides the AIM clusterfuck? Was I too slow? Anything I could do better?
I did the skills with the idea that a 9 is the new 6 (this doesn't mean I put 6 in every skill I have). Emo, if you have any comments on my character stats to fit with plausability or character background I'd like to hear them.
emo samurai
Bah, plausibility?
Ah, ok, one of those kind of games.
emo samurai
Dude, where the fuck have you been? Of course it's one of those games. It's one of MY games!!!
QUOTE (emo samurai)
Of course it's one of those games. It's one of MY games!!!

And yet you complained about my submission. frown.gif
I've not been here. As in I found this site something like a week and a half ago.

Now I'm curious, what was the problem with your character when it is one of "those" games?
QUOTE (yoippari)
Now I'm curious, what was the problem with your character when it is one of "those" games?

Different game, but same GM. He just didn't like the fact that I took his rules exactly as written (he's since changed them). biggrin.gif

...? Well let's hope that we can actually have more than three people on this time.. Still using mIRC?
emo samurai
Definitely. And a friend from college is coming on, too, if the spirits are willing.
This sunday? Which time here in germany?
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (emo samurai @ Nov 21 2006, 02:28 PM)
Of course it's one of those games. It's one of MY games!!!

And yet you complained about my submission. frown.gif

Stranger things have happened.

But not very often. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (yoippari)
If pacific time is gmt-8 then midwest (central) is gmt-6. Central Europe (france, germany) is gmt+1, eastern Australia is gmt+10, and China is gmt+8.

BTW, I have never heard it called midwestern standard time before now, I've always known it as central time.

Last time the start was sunday at noon gmt-6. I'm assuming it is same time next sunday.
emo samurai
For you, Grinder, it's 7:00 p.m. Log on to with mIRC. If you give me your AIM name, I can walk you through the process before the game.

And clegrady, could you make the room maybe 30 minutes early? I don't know how to do it.
I'll install AIM the next days.
I don't know if I can make it at 7pm, I'll have an Iron Kingdoms game at sunday. But I'll see what I can do.
emo samurai
What if we move it to Saturday? Does that mesh with everybody?
Yes! Yeah and I got the channel registered..
I don't know yet, sorry. I'll have an Eberron game on that game. Sorry that I make it so complicated, but my timetable is usually very tight.
But if I can join saturday a little later, like 8.30 pm here, it should work.
/gm /say 12::4GameMaster12:: 12 $1- 

That's what you put in your alias emo.. then type /gm and the message.

Krayola use this

/i /say 3|7Lynx3| 3 $1- 

Type /i and then your message.
emo samurai
What's with the boxes? I can't read that.
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