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Full Version: Hi, I want to run an SR4 game over IM.
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emo samurai
New house rule: Banishing no longer gives you drain, but each net success that a spirit has reduces your magic, magic loss which recharges once per hour.

New magical group creation rules:There's a "central" tradition whose centrality to the group will have no bearing on anything outside of group creation. The group has to have at least one magician of the "central" tradition. The negative modifier to creating the group for each extra tradition will be variable based on how much it diverges from the central tradition. For example, if you had a hermetic central tradition and you wanted to admit Gardnerian Wiccans, you'd have no modifiers and they could even join after group creation. Same for chaos mages. Chaos magic will have few traditions with which it would have that lack of a modifier, but it will have at most a -1 modifier with any other tradition. Hermeticism will only have a -1 with Wuxing, and a -2 with hedge witchcraft. And so on, and so forth.
So, I got lost somewhere along the way. What time do you actually start this game?

And is it still on AIM, or do I have to do the whole IRC (yuck!) thing?
emo samurai
IRC. Download mIRC if you use windows, XChat if you use anything else.

12 AM central standard time, Saturday. You thinking of joining?
I might drop in if I'm up and about at 5 AM on Sunday (my time).

Can I use your custom Aspected Mage rules (from your BNO thread)? My spellslinger ain't getting enough love (although I'd redesign him slightly for this, or indeed any other game).
emo samurai
Sure. I forgot to transport them over.
Cool. I'll give him a refit and then we'll see what happens.

So, what has been happening in the game so far?
emo samurai
We have gone through effectively one sessions, since everybody who showed up for the first didn't show up for the second.

Basically, they got a job to kill a young Shiawase executive who wanted to buy out a bar called the Happy Jumper, whose owner was being threatened because he refused to sell. The Happy Jumper has a tradition where bar patrons bid on the right to jump off the bridge above the bar through its rooftop while protected by an armor spell. This bar is in a house that had a smiley face painted on the rooftop to dissuade people from committing suicide on top of it.
What incredibly horrible timing, your shadowrun irc starts the exact same time as my real-life shadowrun game. Bwahahaha*sob*sob*sob*
emo samurai
Why'd everybody pick my game? Just thought I'd ask for an ego boost. biggrin.gif
SoyKaf Adict
I got my character into you, but I'm not going to be done with work until... I dunno when. I usually don't like getting Saturday jobs, but it pays really well. It'll probably be until 4PM, but I'm going to be in bumblef*&k Georgia so I don't know how long it'll be until I get back... Lucky we were going to start off soloing my character, eh? I totally understand if you don't want my character in your game because of time constraints though.
emo samurai
Yeah, time constraints. If only I could siphon off your enthusiasm and forcefeed it to a hot girl or something. Even if the process kills you horribly.
QUOTE (emo samurai)
Why'd everybody pick my game? Just thought I'd ask for an ego boost. biggrin.gif

Your one of the only ones running one online I think? Well one that isnt Post and Play kinda deal.

I never liked that kinda setup personally.
Emo, I am not going to be able to join the game this weekend, as I am headed out of town for a three day weekend/ wedding of a best friend. I will be back for the game the week after that though and also for anyone one on one roleplaying to keep Shift caught up with the team.
emo samurai
SoyKaf Adict
And thus we realize why post and play, while it may be inadequate in getting things done quickly, there in-lies it's strength, slow and steady wins the race. Things actually get done with everyone participating.
emo samurai
Goddammit people, show the fuck up!
Aww, man, I completely forgot about the game. It doesn't help that I had my days mixed up yesterday thinking that it was friday.

Did anyone show up?
emo samurai
cattynebulart did. Nobody else did. mad.gif
SoyKaf Adict
Have you maybe thought of changing the time and/or day of the week that we can do this?
emo samurai
Okay... Sundays okay for you guys? Sundays at noon, Midwestern time? Anything during the weekend's good, actually. And sorry if the time was bad, but I didn't really hear much of anything in terms of dissent... and if I seemed unapproachable on that point, sorry.
My hours have been messed up for a while to the point where I'm still asleep at the time when the game starts. And I am not a morning person.
edit: double post, sry

I do have a job interview wedensday morning though so maybe my hours will return to normal. Of course that means I may have to work weekends. It isn't an issue unless I actually get the job though.
Wooooooo, thanks for switching it to sunday grinbig.gif
emo samurai
I'm glad you like the possible switch, but I'm not changing the time until I get more feedback from the other dudes. You know, the saying about counting chickens and shit? Yeah, that one. But thanks for your enthusiasm!
SoyKaf Adict
So you know what's hilarious... I'm working Sunday and not Saturday this weekend, hahahahaha. rotfl.gif Damn, if only my job didn't get me off work so late... Grrr, arg.
emo samurai
Who's gaming this Saturday?
Not me, I'll be at work.
I don't know yet, I have to see my schedule for tomorrow....I close tonight so myabe I am closing tomorrow also and I will have tomorrow morning off...
SoyKaf Adict
Ah I thought you were changing to Sunday, oops, uh... I'm not doing anything this Saturday but I am next week so I don't know if joining your game is going to do anything but muck it up by not being there.
I will be there tomorrow in the morning...10 PST right?
emo samurai
I can't make it tomorrow, I have work in the morning, but if we did it on sunday..... wink.gif
I'm going to bed now, hopefully I'll be up in time to join. If we are doing it sunday it might be easier but I'll try to be there either way.
emo samurai
Sunday it is.
World of Darkness I will play, sorry.
emo samurai
Sunday won't be a weekly thing, Grinder. Sorry for this week.
Emo, call me if I am not awake for the game, as I was doign Parkour for 5+ hours today and I will be sleeping soundly tonight. I will PM you my number.
emo samurai
Game this Saturday.
Can't make the game tomorrow, I have to work from 7 am till 4 pm tomorrow. Sorry and see you guys next week.
emo samurai
I'm sorry, my work schedule changes each week, it is one of the things that comes along with working at Starbucks...
emo samurai
Sorry, guys, but I'm playing a Smash Brothers tournament this Saturday. No game.

I love Smash Brothers.
emo samurai
Sorry, guys, but the game is on hiatus.
emo samurai
No, it isn't.
I should be on this week if I am awake, since I don't have to work in the morning like usual.
emo samurai
Sorry, but the game is on hiatus.
ahh, alright, and I am actually awake this morning.....
emo samurai
I mean the sorry with all my heart.

Shame what happened.
I don't mind this game taking a break, at least until I can reliably get up in time but Cleg is right, 'tis a shame.
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