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Full Version: Hi, I want to run an SR4 game over IM.
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Boxes? You mean the lines before and after numbers?
emo samurai
Hey, it works! Thanks a lot!
QUOTE (clegrady)
Boxes? You mean the lines before and after numbers?

Look like boxes to me.
The boxes usually means your computer doesn't know the symbols. I don't have mIRC, is the /i think a mIRC command or is it a standard irc command? because when I type either /i you posted I press enter and nothing shows up in the chat box. The status window does put out:
[20:54] *** 421 Kindol_Armand i :Unknown command
Well.. You first have to put the whole kid into the alias editor and then you have to be in a channel.. than you type /i message.. And where message is you put what you want..
Umm... huh?

I have never used irc so I don't know the terminology. I don't even know what the /i does.

What I'm looking at in my connection options is a server alias, the server address which irc.gamesurge... works with, nickname, user name, and user info. So what is the alias editor?
What are you talking about?
emo samurai
Well, whether or not you're able to read it, you should be able to input it by copying and pasting it, anyway, right?
Where do I put it?

I tried just copying the /i line right into the chat pane and I got the error I described above.
emo samurai
make a new line in the scripts editor.
ok, I got it to work in mIRC. I was hoping to be able to use trillian for everything but I can't find scripts anywhere in it. Oh well.

BTW, in light of reading what exactly certain items do is it to late to modify my starting equipment?

If I were more experienced I would probably be asking about the availability of various things from raygun's site, but I think I want to keep it simple for now. In a run or two I may seeing if I can mount a PTRS on my Comet though smile.gif.
emo samurai
It's not too late.
QUOTE (yoippari @ Nov 23 2006, 05:08 AM)
If I were more experienced I would probably be asking about the availability of various things from raygun's site ...

Raygun's stuff is all geared towards SR3 (and an extra-deadly version at that), and would therefore need quite a bit of adaption to make them compatable with the new system in SR4.
Ya, sniper rifle assault cannons that do 20S and ignore soft armor completely... at least it is expensive to shoot. I do like his ammo varients and the greater variety of weapons and ammunition. Seems like it would keep players from looting all the ammo, even apds and ex-ex if they couldn't use most of it.

I am a firearms guy with a taste for the unusual so I am more likely to find his stuff fun than most.

I would like to try and stat out a long chamber breech load shotgun using modified .50 bmg cases (the body of a .50 bmg is the same as a 12 gauge) and loaded with 800 grain slugs or .50 bullets in a sabot. The idea may be stolen, but it sounds like fun in real life. Part of why I gave my guy armorer skill.
Hey.. If you guys have some of the newer pdf's of the rulebooks.. Please send me it.. Like, RUnner's Haven and Street Magic.. Those.
QUOTE (clegrady)
Hey.. If you guys have some of the newer pdf's of the rulebooks.. Please send me it.. Like, RUnner's Haven and Street Magic.. Those.

Dude! We don't advocate the piracy of Shadowrun books on this site! Not only is it illegal, but it hurts the very game that we all enjoy.
Admin:Guidelines are pretty clearly stated guys. Fortune shouldn't have to remind you. neither should I.
krayola red
Indeed. Piracy, like shooting people in the face, is wrong, and is an activity that should be left to the imaginary realm of roleplaying.
Eh.. For the most part.
emo samurai
Heheh... face asplode.
emo samurai
I'm sorry, but tomorrow, I can't game. I'm really, really sorry. Time crunch and everything. :.(...
krayola red
Eh, no biggie. There's always next week.
emo samurai
Oh, definitely.
Horse ass.. Alright more Counter-Strike tonight for me.
emo samurai
SORRY!!! :.(...
Kinda works for me, have dinner with family tomorrow evening.
QUOTE (emo samurai)
I'm sorry, but tomorrow, I can't game. I'm really, really sorry. Time crunch and everything. :.(...

No worries.
Alright this sunday correct??
emo samurai
Oh, yeah.
So, you still looking for people? biggrin.gif
krayola red
Sorry guys, I won't be able to make the session this week. Massive final projects and all that. frown.gif
emo samurai
I would accept more people, but I can't run this week. That gives you time to make your character, of course.
I would also like to join, in case you can accommodate another player smile.gif
Cool. Eh.. what is the team missing right now? I'm pretty flexible on char types so I'm quite willing to shore up a lack of skills in one area or another kinda thing.
Do we have a new date, btw?
emo samurai
Next Sunday. I'm very sorry.
Hm, maybe Ill be at a birthday party then, but it's not fixed yet. If not, I would like to take part in your game. smile.gif
emo samurai
We have a demolitions dude, and a hermetic mage. My buddy's trying to find some people for a meat game, so if you want to be a technomancer or a hacker, don't feel as if you're stepping on any toes.
My character hasnt made an appearance yet but he is basicly a face with longarms, a bit of driving, and armorer.
I forgot what I wanted to play. Hmmm... adept, maybe?
Hmm well if thats the case, I do belive I know what I'll make. I've an ork runner idea I've been wanting to fiddle with for a while now. I'll whip it up and send it on over to you and see what you think of it.

BTW Which program are you using for the game? It still AIM or you using somethign else?
emo samurai
BTW Emo you get the email I sent with the charsheet?
emo samurai
Nope, it's
K. I'll resend it when I get home from work today.

EDIT: Ok sent again, let me know if you dont get it for some reason.
emo samurai
Kesslan, i got your character.

And bad news and good news. The bad news is that I have finals coming up, so no games this week. The good news is that this won't happen again for several months.
So no game again, but a really good chance of game next week. What do you say about starting a forum side to the game in the mean time? At least to introduce the characters who havn't shown up.
Could it be on a different day than Sunday.. Because I work mornings now.. 9:00 - 4:30 PM.. Someday during the week.
emo samurai
Saturdays okay?
Saturdays would work for me depending on what time it starts. I work till 7AM EST Saturdays. So I'd be free any time after that most weekends, though depending on start times my coherency might be out the window wobble.gif
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