Nov 14 2006, 03:45 AM
Long story short I was trying to fence some very hot chemical weapons, nasty nerve gas called "agent blue" (I don't think it even has stats it's sorta like the death star) that eats through most normal chemical seals.
Anyhow I had a fence that I felt I could trust far enough to see the deal through. He'd been referred to me by another NPC that my character trusts a great deal. Not only that but Jean felt the need to get rid of this stuff ASAP since very BAD THINGS would happen if he was caught with it in his possession. I doubt there is even a felony serious enough to charge him with when it comes to trafficking this stuff. Not only that but the only other serious fence that would likely be willing to take it off our hands was associated with the New Islamic Jihad and this nerve gas falling into their hands would likely cause even WORSE THINGS to happen.
Anyhow I go to the meet while the rest of the team guards the goods in a secure location and I start negotiating with the guy. We get to the point where we are starting to talk price at which point he tells me he'd rather not pay for them and one of his goons suddenly has a gun pointed at my head. He also jammed my comlink so my connection to our technomancer suddenly went dead. He then drugged me and I blacked out.
The rest of the team got paranoid after about 15 minutes of radio silence so they changed locations.
I woke up chained to a chair with a hood over my head on a boat somewhere. After much cussing I agreed to a second deal where we would actually get some payment for the goods. I made the arrangements with the team after which he knocked me out again and I didn't come too for about an hour. Unfortunately for the guy who double crossed me he didn't know I was a mage. After he left I did some astral recon on the boat and found out it was a pretty decent sized yacht with only a single rigger piloting it. I popped back into my body, used a bound spirit to get rid of my blindfold and began raising a ruckus. Rigger came down to get me to shut up and I hit him with a mob mind and took control of the ship.
I then contacted the TM again and told him the deal was fubar'ed. I also gave him the address of the fixer, sent him his picture and asked him to get our two attack dogs (the street sam and the physad) to teach him a lesson, with an RPG to the storefront as a physical demonstration, preferably after they knew he was home too. I'm 90% sure the hit was successful. At the very least his storefront doesn't exist any more.
The question is where to now? We're still sitting on 10 25-30L cylinders of VERY BAD nerve gas, with a shiny new boat, a rigger/autonomaton and a few crates of small arms. Where the heck do I go to unload this stuff? I could try my Seripham contact but I'm not sure he'd want it. And how should I cover our asses to keep a certain (hopefully) dead fixer from coming back to haunt us?
Nov 14 2006, 03:54 AM
No one who would pay for that can be trusted to have that, and any attempt to unload it will result in dealing with more people like this last guy. Now, obviously you want to make some money off this, but you have to ask yourself: is the chances you'll have to take worth what you are likely to get out of this? Are their easier ways to get the same amount of money? Even without the moral considerations (which aren't negligable, even to a runner such as yourself), this stuff is too hot to handle.
I say destroy the damn stuff, write it off, and consider your shiney new yacht the payment for your trouble.
Nov 14 2006, 03:56 AM
Some times calling it a wash is best.
I would seriously consider either delivering the toxin to a 'safe' holder. (Star if you trust them, the 'manufactor', etc) or destroying them (if you can safely).
Destroying them you have the problem people might not belive you did and still come looking for them.
Returning them, you need to be careful not to leave a trail back to you.
Sometimes though things are too hot to handle.
Call the boat and the small arms your payment. (I would make sure your ficer (you said you trust so dont think he was in on the double deal), knows the story of the double cross and why you took action. That should keep too much heat from coming down on you for the boat even if the double-dealing fixer lives.).
If you want to try to squeeze something out of it.
Find a reasonably well trusted if low rating contact with the 'athorities'. Let him know wheere the big bad stuff is.
Let him get credit for finding / recovering it, and just let it be a 'favor'.
Really something are much much much better not to be associated with.
Nov 14 2006, 03:58 AM
Offer to sell it to the local authorities.
Ask them if they're currently pissed at someone and how much they'd pay for the stuff to be planted at said location. You'd probably take a hit on the price, but at least you'd get something for the stuff, the authorities would get good PR and get rid of someone they disliked and they probably wouldn't be asking questions about you.
Nov 14 2006, 04:02 AM
Or, yah, pick someone you hate yourself, plant it on them, and then CALL the local authorities with an anonymous tip. This might be a great way to get rid of that gang problem around your hood.
Though I wouldn't trust the "authorities" with it anymore than the New Islamic Jihad. Actually, I can't think of a single group of people I'd EVER want to possess something like that.
Nov 14 2006, 04:15 AM
Selling it is going to be a chore because it is so hot. As has been said, you can't trust anyone not to double cross you. There are ways to set things up with no physical contact between you and the buyers, but my personal preference would be to just find something worth using it on.
Nov 14 2006, 04:16 AM
For the fixer, if it's his boat, try going over it with a catalog spell looking for ritual links. Find everything you can, then go through a process of eliminition through all the samples. Also, you could try good ol' fashion leg work. If yuo've got a technomancer, see if he can find the guys commlink, and try looking up his other contacts. See if they've heard from him lately.
Nov 14 2006, 04:22 AM
I seriously concidered finding a construction site with wet concrete (a dam would be nice) and making the cylinders a permanent part of the dam. Unfortunatly one of the other runners is a member of the New Islamic Jihad (no my character doesn't know) who really wants to give them to his contacts. He had been willing to let them go to my contact for more money but he's gonna want to sell them to his buddies now that plan A is out the window. Not only that but Jean has no knowlage of who exactly the Jihad member plans on selling the stuff to. All he knows is that it seems like a pretty low offer and it is going to some guy in the Philipenes.
Nov 14 2006, 04:37 AM
My recommendation is to put the canister onto an aerial drone and have the mind-controlled rigger disperse it over Tenochtitlan. Record the whole thing with clearsight equipped mini-blimp, edit together the most gruesome footage, and release it onto the matrix with the label "For Dzitbalchen"
That'll make things interesting.
Nov 14 2006, 04:46 AM
Maybe this is your GM's way of creating PC conflict?
Nov 14 2006, 04:58 AM
This is live agent, not a binary agent? Odd, as something that aggressive would be hard to transfer into a munition.
Anyhow I'd suggest that most shadowrunners can't really stand up to multiple governments assigning several thousand highly motivated and trained guys to hunt them down and who are offering 25 million rewards. Unless you are confident that there are no clues that link you to this and none of the various people who know that you have this won't roll over on you for enough money to live in luxury for the rest of their lives I wouldn't sell this.
And if someone is planning to kill a few thousand people, why wouldn't they kill another few infidels?
I'd suggest getting it collected before something bad happens. Or dropping it into several thousand feet of water without getting a fix, or otherwise disposing of it. A nice hot fire in a concrete vault would work, but I'd add a couple of large oxygen tanks to maximize combustion if the boiling agent blows the containers before it breaks down completely.
Nov 14 2006, 06:39 AM
Give it to the Draco Foundation. Might serve as a good introduction for future work.
Nov 14 2006, 06:44 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
Give it to the Draco Foundation. Might serve as a good introduction for future work. |
oooo now there's a thought... Possibly the closest thing to a benign agency in the SR world... Thanks, I'll run that idea past the other players.
Nov 14 2006, 06:47 AM
QUOTE (toturi @ Nov 14 2006, 04:46 AM) |
Maybe this is your GM's way of creating PC conflict? |
I hope not. The Jihadist's player and myself have been gaming together for over 10 years and between the two of us we're typically the ones who keep inter-party conflict to a minimum. We've metagamed in the past to overcome differences between our respective characters, I can't imagine that would change now. In fact we've already been co-ordinating on the phone about what exactly our next step is going to be.
Nov 14 2006, 03:03 PM
QUOTE (imperialus) |
QUOTE (Fortune @ Nov 14 2006, 06:39 AM) | Give it to the Draco Foundation. Might serve as a good introduction for future work. |
oooo now there's a thought... Possibly the closest thing to a benign agency in the SR world... Thanks, I'll run that idea past the other players.
So, how do you prove you dpn't have it anymore if folks come looking for it? You said you're trying to get rid of this hot stuff before someone catches you with it. How likely is that? Anyone know what you've got, or any good leads to your team?
Nov 14 2006, 04:01 PM
What about other chemical companies. I think UO is big in Chemicals try them? Well I'm not sure if you want to deal with a corp wht about an academic cirle as well?
My best advice is store it in a secure locker/bank vault, or smuggle it to an out of town contact via that shinny new yacht you got.
If your feeling evil... have your contacts spread the word your looking to sell it and hold a net auction (EBAY!) that way your ananomus. Make sure your technomancer sets up the node and have it bounce from place to place so you cant be tracked. That way you dont have to worry about getting kidnapped.
And do the catalog spell the best Defence is a good offense dont let up until you know he is dead.
Nov 14 2006, 10:55 PM
One word for you my friend, Madagascar. More specifically Fort Dauphin. Ever since all the native inhabitants left the island and the pirates moved in to the ruins its been pretty much one big free for all of black market commerce. The old Pirates sourcebook even mentioned that you could buy and sell biological weapons there if you knew the right people.
So as I see it you've got three main options. First option being you sail off to Madagascar or wherever and try to sell the stuff whilst attempting to stay alive. You could sell them on the black market if you're not choosey, to a government agency or NGO if you like or even randsom it back to the original owners at a large discount. Second one is to head out to the Pacific, find a massive active volcano and then use drones to remotely dump the lot of it into the very centre of the thing to incinerate the canisters. Third and final options is to find someone you don't really mind using it on. I'd suggest finding a nice small tin-pot African micro-nation sitting on top of gold, diamonds or other precious commodity, loading all the Agent Blue into a fleet of sprayer drones and then taking out the government and army before moving in and declaring yourself the new President For Life.
Nov 15 2006, 02:12 AM
Thoughts: If you want some excellent cosmic warm-and-fuzzies, call the folks at Ft. Lewis (or your nearest UCAS military base) via more-or-less untraceable methods, and inform them that chemical munitions of unknown provenance may be found at a (location where you dropped them off).
No pay, but y'know what? Anybody else might actually use the things.
FlakJacket: That was considered, I believe, when it came time for the USA to destroy its chemical weapons; Nogo. As a result, they have to build specialized plants to do the job. Most are in very remote areas, for obvious reasons.
Nov 15 2006, 03:40 AM
QUOTE (Penta) |
Anybody else might actually use the things. |
What makes you so sure that someone in the UCAS government (or just someone at Ft Lewis) wouldn't use it?
Nov 15 2006, 03:48 AM
QUOTE (Penta) |
FlakJacket: That was considered, I believe, when it came time for the USA to destroy its chemical weapons; Nogo. As a result, they have to build specialized plants to do the job. Most are in very remote areas, for obvious reasons. |
Okay so gassing little ethnics and taking their stuff it is!
Nov 15 2006, 03:50 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
What makes you so sure that someone in the UCAS government (or just someone at Ft Lewis) wouldn't use it? |
Because if they wanted to use nerve gas they already have more than enough of their own for any viable plan.
Nov 15 2006, 04:00 AM
QUOTE (kzt) |
Because if they wanted to use nerve gas they already have more than enough of their own for any viable plan. |
But this batch wouldn't be directly tracable back to them, which opens up new possibilities when it comes to usage.
Besides, I'm not necessarily talking about policy, or command decisions. All it takes is one small element inside the government (or Ft. Lewis) in order to make use of it. And neither the UCAS government, nor the military (especially that stationed in Seattle) are the most trustworthy of organizations lately.
Nov 15 2006, 04:57 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
Besides, I'm not necessarily talking about policy, or command decisions. All it takes is one small element inside the government (or Ft. Lewis) in order to make use of it. And neither the UCAS government, nor the military (especially that stationed in Seattle) are the most trustworthy of organizations lately. |
By the time you get anyone to roll out on it it is traceable. Your going to have dozens to hundreds of people involved, with lots of reports and video from the call they received to the guys who went in the the level A suits to get it and the people who get it out and put it in the bunker.
If you can manage to misappropriate this under these conditions you can certainly get easier access to vastly safer to handle agents.
Nov 15 2006, 05:46 AM
You might have that many people involed, depending on the specific person contacted, and of course the method of contact itself. Trails can be covered if acted upon quickly enough.
All things considered though, I wouldn't trust any Government or Megacorp with this. I'd rather take my chances with Draco.
Nov 15 2006, 05:49 AM
If you just send a note to JTF Seattle HQ or the like, it'll go from the duty officer on up; something like this would go all the way up to the Situation Room in the White House. Easily hundreds of people will know of the call, more of the deployment of forces to secure the munitions.
I think it's underestimated how *hard* it is to really conceal things in a beauracracy.
Nov 15 2006, 05:54 AM
QUOTE (Penta @ Nov 15 2006, 04:49 PM) |
If you just send a note to JTF Seattle HQ or the like, it'll go from the duty officer on up; something like this would go all the way up to the Situation Room in the White House. Easily hundreds of people will know of the call, more of the deployment of forces to secure the munitions. |
And if you did that, you'd be a real idiot, at least in my opinion. Hence my statement concerning method of contact.
Big D
Nov 15 2006, 05:59 AM
Draco sounds like the safest bet, assuming that of course they're *not* secretly plotting world domination...
Might be a finder's fee involved, but if nothing else it would get you on their radar and lead to work.
Nov 15 2006, 06:44 AM
Having a statless unstopable superweapon in an RPG is like playing Rock, Paper, Scissors, Dynamite. You can win and you can tie but you can never lose if you just make the obvious move. Don't give up the dynamite without making it count.
Nov 15 2006, 07:49 AM
It's kinda silly to steal that kind of armageddon plot device with the intent to sell and then pretend you give a damn about what it's going to be used for and who you are going to sell it to, if you ask me.
It's like a catholic accepting to bomb the Vatican and who then pretends his faith his important to him.
Anyway, now that this super chemical weapon has been stolen, just destroying it isn't going to cut it since it's valuable enough that no one is just gonna accept that the weapon is gone until they've thoroughly "debriefed" the thieves.
Just accepting that kind of mission could in itself be considered a mistake. It's almost as bad as killing the president of the UCAS. Normally, the manhunt is never going to end!
Obviously, your GM may think otherwise and if you knew that for sure metagame-wise, then accepting wasn't a mistake. But from my POV, if you are going to do something like that, it better be the last run of your career, it better pay a fortune and then you need to be able to retire in some backward tropical island, go deep undercover, and never surface again. A complete break from all your known associates.
In game terms, it'd be an end to the campaign, with the possibility of bringing the legendary team out of retirement for one "last mission" at some point in which most PCs get killed according to the cinematic codes that go with such storylines.
Nov 15 2006, 05:18 PM
QUOTE (Charon) |
It's kinda silly to steal that kind of armageddon plot device with the intent to sell and then pretend you give a damn about what it's going to be used for and who you are going to sell it to, if you ask me.
It's like a catholic accepting to bomb the Vatican and who then pretends his faith his important to him.
Anyway, now that this super chemical weapon has been stolen, just destroying it isn't going to cut it since it's valuable enough that no one is just gonna accept that the weapon is gone until they've thoroughly "debriefed" the thieves.
Just accepting that kind of mission could in itself be considered a mistake. It's almost as bad as killing the president of the UCAS. Normally, the manhunt is never going to end!
Obviously, your GM may think otherwise and if you knew that for sure metagame-wise, then accepting wasn't a mistake. But from my POV, if you are going to do something like that, it better be the last run of your career, it better pay a fortune and then you need to be able to retire in some backward tropical island, go deep undercover, and never surface again. A complete break from all your known associates.
In game terms, it'd be an end to the campaign, with the possibility of bringing the legendary team out of retirement for one "last mission" at some point in which most PCs get killed according to the cinematic codes that go with such storylines. |
I highly disagree. Our team has stuff like this happen all the time. There was that time with the weaponized HMHVV a couple months ago, and the nukes we built after that... of course my team is on Mars now. We play for keeps.
Here's uncle Draconis' primer on weapons of mass destruction. Remember kids, you're not a terrorist until you deploy your weapon.
This entire scenario is called "WMD Poker"
Simply set up mutually assured destruction. If anyone comes after the WMD let them know in plain terms that you don't possess the weapon but if anything happens to you and yours, plans will be set into motion to retaliate with said weapon against the aggressors. Ergo you up the risk in the risk reward equation. Get them to write off the aquisition of the lost weapon as economically unfeasible. They'll go make or obtain new ones.
Now your best options are:
1. Sell the weapon on the black market. This may chafe your morals but if you don't have a problem with it there's Madigascar or my personal favorite, Vladivostok. VBAY rocks woohoo. Just remember to hint that you didn't sell all your stock and have some in "reserve" should someone come a knocking. I did this with a nuclear weapon myself we had lying around.
2. Give it to the Draco foundation. They're touchy feely and while rather curious as to where you obtained the weapon they'll generally leave you alone and can publicly announce the destruction of said weapon to get people off your back. Just remember to hint you may or may not have more in your secret stash. Don't expect a large reward but you will be able to sleep at night.
3. Deploy it. This is completely crazy but it'll definately keep your neighbor from blasting his stereo at 4am anymore. I suggest mid grade targets, no governments or corporations for you. Because you ARE going to cause escalation. You need to cripple or destroy the people/organization you're going after in one fell swoop otherwise you've now got a shadow or hot war on your hands. Of course if you already have a shadow/hot war on your hands this isn't much of a problem (we did in the past). In this case I suggest you actually do save some in reserve as you're going to need it. Make sure to not step on the toes of any of the big boys or even hint that you're a threat to them. I suggest that you frame some other group for the act. That way you take care of two birds with one very large stone. Oh and don't deploy it for cash or some other group. They will turn on you in a heartbeat when the heat is on. There are better ways to make money.
4. Bury it figuratively or literally. This is really just a delaying option until you decide on one of the first three. Still it is nice to have an "Ace" up your sleeve when you need it. Remember to set up MAD of course otherwise you can only bluff.
Now in our current campaign we chose option 1. Hey what can I say rent isn't free
. In our SR3 game we chose option 3. Of course it was called the "Berserk antipathy tour" for a reason. Our final "concert" was nuking a south african UO facility.
I wanted to send a message to them that they couldn't ignore.
Oh and congrats on the yacht. Sweep it for bugs/malware, spoof the registry, change the color and sell that baby in the philippines, the carib, Vladivostok, or your favorite cyberpirate hang out.
Nov 15 2006, 05:33 PM
How does magic work on mars? Also, what can you tell me about those dragon bones?
Nov 15 2006, 05:44 PM
QUOTE (ChicagosFinest) |
How does magic work on mars? Also, what can you tell me about those dragon bones? |
Heh I knew you'd ask. Now why should I take all the drama out of it all?
But the short vague answers are 1. not as bad as some places I've been to on earth and 2. The early bird catches the bones.
Now stop hijacking the thread, there's another for this. Where's my rolled up newspaper?
Nov 15 2006, 05:44 PM
QUOTE (Charon) |
Just accepting that kind of mission could in itself be considered a mistake. It's almost as bad as killing the president of the UCAS. Normally, the manhunt is never going to end!
Obviously, your GM may think otherwise and if you knew that for sure metagame-wise, then accepting wasn't a mistake. |
The GM in question chiming in here!
They are just working for themselves, or more specifically their common hatred of Ares. Well Imperialus' PC has sort of an employer, the remainants of the Seraphim, but he's mostly driven on this by a hatred of Ares. They intercepted this shipment without knowing what was in it based off a tip from a tip one of the PCs (the NIJ one) recieved from an informant. From a metagame standpoint when I feed them the informant's info to kick things off --I-- didn't know what they'd find in the shipment. Hadn't yet decided that at that point.
Just like I'm not certain yet whether or not the hit on the storefront has killed the doublecrossing buyer.
A few other things that have been left out here:
- the PCs don't know each other very well, they met each other less than 24 hours prior.
- the canisters were a covert Ares shipment into the Kowloon Walled City.
- the Agent Blue canisters are marked with military script that is a number of years old (pre-revolution Poland)
- Agent Blue is near statless, however it is not nessasarily unstoppable. The PCs recovered a chemsuit each from the shipment they suspect would protect them....and then burnt all the rest.
- when they openned the shipping container with the canisters in it they noted the smell of fresh, drying enamal paint
- the NIJ is by himself at his apartment (that Imperialis' PC does not know the location of) with the canisters, and the other two PCs are in hiding after capping a couple Black Chrysanthemum members due to an escalating feud
- the only PC that has put together an understanding of the above feud is the NIJ PC, and he's not talking about it
...although all the players know
- the NIJ PC has now, on his own initiative and without consent from the rest of the "team", arranged to sell the canisters to his NIJ Phillipine contact for 150
I'd like to say more, but the player mentioned something separate from the other players. I'm going to urge at our next session that that be public to all the players, I really don't like the "table secret" thing. But I'm not going to spill the beans yet till we all have a chance to talk.
- the session ended at the last above point, the pickup was suppose to be at the NIJ PC's apartment....ETA not yet determined
- all the players so far have been focused on moving the gas, there has been no talk (that I know of) regarding WTF Ares (and their subsiduary Knight Errant has the police contract for all of Hong Kong) would be involved in transporting this into the Walled City
- oh, and Jean's friend-of-a-friend contact was gained from a failed Clout roll....I plead innocence, the dice told me to do it!
QUOTE (toturi @ Nov 14 2006, 04:46 AM) |
Maybe this is your GM's way of creating PC conflict? |
Nah. I'm just giving them rope. They are the ones that seem to have decided to hang each other with it.
Nov 15 2006, 05:46 PM
QUOTE (Charon) |
It's kinda silly to steal that kind of armageddon plot device with the intent to sell and then pretend you give a damn about what it's going to be used for and who you are going to sell it to, if you ask me. |
To be fair we didn't have a clue what was in the shipping container we hijacked until we opened it. Not that we hadn't tried to find out, but other than the fact that Ares knew it was important enough to pretend it didn't exist we couldn't figure out what was up with it.
Personally I figured it was part of a black ops deal to arm one of the local chinese warlords or resistance armies (we're running in HK) with some new small arms. I figured we could take our time picking over for some choice peices of hardware that we wanted, then fence the rest a crate or two at a time without any issues.
Nov 15 2006, 05:49 PM
QUOTE (Draconis @ Nov 15 2006, 11:18 AM) |
Oh and congrats on the yacht. Sweep it for bugs/malware, spoof the registry, change the color and sell that baby in the philippines, the carib, Vladivostok, or your favorite cyberpirate hang out. |
Yeah, so far he's not played that one "smart" IMO. He has basically tipped his hand by phoning [repeatedly] the doublecrosser from his own previously confiscated commlink, effectively letting the doublecrosser know he should be doing something to remotely screw with the boat. Or at least get a lock on the boat and send a Wasp or something over to
discuss highseas property rights with Jean.
So now it's up in the air whether or not he's going to get back to shore, as he is currently a number of miles off the east coast.
EDIT: Of course if the RPG attack on the storefront succeeded then he's golden, and the proud owner of a new yacht.
Nov 15 2006, 05:53 PM
QUOTE (blakkie @ Nov 15 2006, 05:44 PM) |
QUOTE (Charon @ Nov 15 2006, 01:49 AM) | Just accepting that kind of mission could in itself be considered a mistake. It's almost as bad as killing the president of the UCAS. Normally, the manhunt is never going to end!
Obviously, your GM may think otherwise and if you knew that for sure metagame-wise, then accepting wasn't a mistake. |
The GM in question chiming in here! They are just working for themselves, or more specifically their common hatred of Ares. Well Imperialus' PC has sort of an employer, the remainants of the Seraphim, but he's mostly driven on this by a hatred of Ares. They intercepted this shipment without knowing what was in it based off a tip from a tip one of the PCs (the NIJ one) recieved from an informant. From a metagame standpoint when I feed them the informant's info to kick things off --I-- didn't know what they'd find in the shipment. Hadn't yet decided that at that point. Just like I'm not certain yet whether or not the hit on the storefront has killed the doublecrossing buyer. A few other things that have been left out here: - the PCs don't know each other very well, they met each other less than 24 hours prior. - the canisters were a covert Ares shipment into the Kowloon Walled City. - the Agent Blue canisters are marked with military script that is a number of years old (pre-revolution Poland) - Agent Blue is near statless, however it is not nessasarily unstoppable. The PCs recovered a chemsuit each from the shipment they suspect would protect them....and then burnt all the rest. - when they openned the shipping container with the canisters in it they noted the smell of fresh, drying enamal paint - the NIJ is by himself at his apartment (that Imperialis' PC does not know the location of) with the canisters, and the other two PCs are in hiding after capping a couple Black Chrysanthemum members due to an escalating feud - the only PC that has put together an understanding of the above feud is the NIJ PC, and he's not talking about it ...although all the players know - the NIJ PC has now, on his own initiative and without consent from the rest of the "team", arranged to sell the canisters to his NIJ Phillipine contact for 150 per! I'd like to say more, but the player mentioned something separate from the other players. I'm going to urge at our next session that that be public to all the players, I really don't like the "table secret" thing. But I'm not going to spill the beans yet till we all have a chance to talk. - the session ended at the last above point, the pickup was suppose to be at the NIJ PC's apartment....ETA not yet determined - all the players so far have been focused on moving the gas, there has been no talk (that I know of) regarding WTF Ares (and their subsiduary Knight Errant has the police contract for all of Hong Kong) would be involved in transporting this into the Walled City - oh, and Jean's friend-of-a-friend contact was gained from a failed Clout roll....I plead innocence, the dice told me to do it! QUOTE (toturi @ Nov 14 2006, 04:46 AM) | Maybe this is your GM's way of creating PC conflict? |
Nah. I'm just giving them rope. They are the ones that seem to have decided to hang each other with it. |
Wow you're cruel, I like it. Still that is going to make for a short game. 24 hours? I mean they're going to be turning on each other soon enough. I couldn't imagine such disparate people actually becoming cohesive, especially when they find out what the NIJ guy is up to.
Nov 15 2006, 05:57 PM
QUOTE (Draconis @ Nov 15 2006, 11:53 AM) |
Wow you're cruel, I like it. |
Seriously though, I really didn't mean or expect it to turn out like this.
Still that is going to make for a short game. 24 hours? |
That's just game-world time. Keep in mind that this is 3 full sessions in. Hey, look at the TV show that managed to squeeze entire seasons out of "24 hours".
I mean they're going to be turning on each other soon enough. I couldn't imagine such disparate people actually becoming cohesive, especially when they find out what the NIJ guy is up to. |
Yeah, I can't imagine it either. Which is going to make it all the cooler if they pull it off.
EDIT Or one bitching blood-bathed, nerve gas drenched, body strewn crater if they don't.
Nov 15 2006, 06:09 PM
....especially when they find out what the NIJ guy is up to. |
D'OH!!! I forgot about the spoiler tag.
Ok imperialus, you absolutely must not open this SPOILER!!!! If you want to know the contents before next Sunday you know who you have to talk to.
[ Spoiler ]
The NIJ guy has even asked his buyer to arrange taking the rest of the 'infidels' in his team out of the picture based on the assumption that the rest of the team isn't going to be happy parting with the entire lot of gas cylinders for the pitance of 1500
I think this is an excellent playing of the character. Keep in mind that these characters were NOT created in issolation. The players all knew what each other's characters were about, what their base motivations were. The characters were created cooperatively.
Nov 15 2006, 06:09 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
QUOTE (Draconis @ Nov 15 2006, 11:53 AM) | Wow you're cruel, I like it. |
Thanks. Seriously though, I really didn't mean or expect it to turn out like this. QUOTE | Still that is going to make for a short game. 24 hours? |
That's just game-world time. Keep in mind that this is 3 full sessions in. Hey, look at the TV show that managed to squeeze entire seasons out of "24 hours". QUOTE | I mean they're going to be turning on each other soon enough. I couldn't imagine such disparate people actually becoming cohesive, especially when they find out what the NIJ guy is up to. |
Yeah, I can't imagine it either. Which is going to make it all the cooler if they pull it off. EDIT Or one bitching blood-bathed, nerve gas drenched, body strewn crater if they don't. |
Cool let me know when things hit the fan.
I'm a fan of Reservoir Dogs.
Nov 15 2006, 08:58 PM
QUOTE (Draconis @ Nov 15 2006, 12:18 PM) |
I highly disagree. Our team has stuff like this happen all the time. There was that time with the weaponized HMHVV a couple months ago, and the nukes we built after that... of course my team is on Mars now. We play for keeps. |
What you mean is you are playing James Bond in a sci-fi setting.
It's fine and that's the way I play Spycraft (And D&D for that matter). But it's not very cyberpunk, IMO. In SR, When I break out the world shattering event or the armageddon plot device it's usually an end of campaign schtick where most PC will die or retire by the end of this event, which would be a multipart mission over at least 3 session. A last blaze of glory, basically.
The PC needs to be freakishly good by that point, too. I can't involve WMD in the tenth session of a 400 BP group. I'd have to tailor the threat level so that they have a fair shot to pull it off and then what the heck am I gonna have them do when they are REALLY good? Hijack Zurich Orbital? Assassinate Lofwyr?
So these kind of things do not happen all the time in my campaigns.
Nov 15 2006, 09:23 PM
QUOTE (Charon @ Nov 15 2006, 08:58 PM) |
What you mean is you are playing James Bond in a sci-fi setting. |
That was kinda my reaction, and I expect part of the reason why the assorted PC's have reacted to this in such a schizophrenic manner. None of us have the contacts to move this sort of stuff and we havn't developed any kind of trust or cohesion within the team. Looking at it from a purely in character perspective I expect that Jean would probably just leave the rest of the team hung out to dry and use the yacht to make his escape before laying low for a while and re-emerging with a new identity. Unfortunately that sort of plan doesn't work too well from a metagaming perspective since either myself or everyone else is going to be rolling up new characters.
Ahh well perhaps it's time to bust out the ex-Winternight hacker I have sitting on my computer.
Nov 15 2006, 09:28 PM
QUOTE (Charon) |
What you mean is you are playing James Bond in a sci-fi setting. |
You might feel that you have to describe it as such, but he's still just playing a Shadowrun game. To me, it's silly to think that a roleplaying game has to follow a certain type of play or story line in order to "still be X game".
Even with the horrible way that d20 promotes, if not flat out propagandizes and is written specifically for, the "kill, loot, buy new magical item, kill, loot, buy new magical item" style of play, you can play other kinds of game with it. Other systems might seem to work "better" for another kind of game, but playing that kind of game in Shadowrun doesn't mean you're no longer "playing Shadowrun".
Nov 15 2006, 09:30 PM
reminds me of that "motivational poster", where it shows Neo getting shot at behind the pillar in the first movie. Caption was:
"We Know This Is How You're Playing It"
Games like that can be a lot of fun. For me, I prefer them in small doses. We have a guy in our group that runs games about the same way avideo game would go. He can make some cool games, but I wouldn't want o play that way every time. So we rotate Gm's. Gives us a great variety of styles. To each his own. Your Shadowrun is no more right or wrong than mine.
edit: Unless you're tutori. he's more right.
Nov 15 2006, 11:25 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
- when they openned the shipping container with the canisters in it they noted the smell of fresh, drying enamal paint. |
So the canisters are old, but freshly painted such that the "Agent Blue canisters are marked with military script that is a number of years old (pre-revolution Poland)"
Hmm. Hmm I say.
I bet nobody had the guts to pull a sample?
Nov 15 2006, 11:40 PM
no, no we havn't. We used to have a player who would be calous enough to use squeegie kids as fodder but he moved across the country, it hasn't come up yet and I'm not about to suggest it.
Nov 16 2006, 12:50 AM
QUOTE (Charon @ Nov 15 2006, 08:58 PM) |
QUOTE (Draconis @ Nov 15 2006, 12:18 PM) | I highly disagree. Our team has stuff like this happen all the time. There was that time with the weaponized HMHVV a couple months ago, and the nukes we built after that... of course my team is on Mars now. We play for keeps. |
What you mean is you are playing James Bond in a sci-fi setting.
It's fine and that's the way I play Spycraft (And D&D for that matter). But it's not very cyberpunk, IMO. In SR, When I break out the world shattering event or the armageddon plot device it's usually an end of campaign schtick where most PC will die or retire by the end of this event, which would be a multipart mission over at least 3 session. A last blaze of glory, basically.
The PC needs to be freakishly good by that point, too. I can't involve WMD in the tenth session of a 400 BP group. I'd have to tailor the threat level so that they have a fair shot to pull it off and then what the heck am I gonna have them do when they are REALLY good? Hijack Zurich Orbital? Assassinate Lofwyr?
So these kind of things do not happen all the time in my campaigns.
Eh more like Fear and Loathing in 2072.
Admitidly Scratch is Street Cred 13.
Hmmm James Bond, I like that. Bond gets all the chicks including the catgirl strippers.
Z-O? Maybe, I did bring that up offhand and that's what led to the whole space thing.
We did need an encore after we stole the feng coin of luck. You don't want to know where it was hidden.
Oh and just so you all know we started a looong time ago, in a sprawl far far away, delivering garbage to people in the london sprawl and beating up spammers. See what hard criminal work will get you if you live long enough?
I see your point though.
Nov 16 2006, 12:56 AM
QUOTE (Draconis) |
See what hard criminal work will get you if you live long enough? |
Who says crime doesn't pay?
Nov 16 2006, 12:59 AM
QUOTE (imperialus) |
no, no we havn't. We used to have a player who would be calous enough to use squeegie kids as fodder but he moved across the country, it hasn't come up yet and I'm not about to suggest it. |
I'd suggest that you'd be better served by using a mass spectrometer or an optical spectroscope at a lab used to handling corrosive toxic substances.
Wouldn't it be amusing if they were full of HF or some other commonly available toxic substance?
Nov 16 2006, 02:51 PM
Or Glade. I vote they're actually full of Glade. Or nitrous oxide.
Nov 16 2006, 03:18 PM
Man, that would be hilarious!! The paint smell? They had just finished spray painting the Glade cans and slapping on the ol' poison labels they had laying around.
Man, those crazy longshoremen!
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