Dec 29 2006, 05:29 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Dec 29 2006, 12:28 AM) |
That's Aden, the Sirrush (feathered variant). Sirrug lives in Amazonia. But hey, nobody really likes Lowfyr anyways. |
Yes, Aden. Sorry. Because he's a Sirrush I often screw up the name and mistake him with Sirrurg.
But I'll not be nitpicked at without nitpicking back : Sirrush aren't feathered. They're similar to Eastern dragons but some physical differences (p.296 ; no whiskers, barbules, shorter tails etc.).
Anyway, Aden is the great dragon who would know everything about jinn followed rigt close by Lofwyr.
SL James
Dec 29 2006, 08:30 AM
Aden probably thinks the locals speak Arabic in Tehran.
Dec 29 2006, 03:11 PM
QUOTE (Charon @ Dec 29 2006, 12:29 AM) |
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Dec 29 2006, 12:28 AM) | That's Aden, the Sirrush (feathered variant). Sirrug lives in Amazonia. But hey, nobody really likes Lowfyr anyways. |
Yes, Aden. Sorry. Because he's a Sirrush I often screw up the name and mistake him with Sirrurg.
But I'll not be nitpicked at without nitpicking back : Sirrush aren't feathered. They're similar to Eastern dragons but some physical differences (p.296 ; no whiskers, barbules, shorter tails etc.).
Anyway, Aden is the great dragon who would know everything about jinn followed rigt close by Lofwyr.
Yup Passive agrssive is a good color on me. Since people like you tend to beleive dragons know everything I bet you Aden or loofy knows what you had for breakfast, lunch and dinner, plus when you go to work and everything you do there. Probably knows when you shit to. I mean he knows EVERYTHING about you and well jinns too.
Is there a freelancer around I want to be proven wrong "Offically" by someone who writes material so we all can be 100% sure that dragons know everything
Dec 29 2006, 05:15 PM
I didn't say Great Dragons know everything.
I said Lofwyr likely knew everything there is to know about any Middle East based mystical threat.
Because, you know, he's several thousand years old, possibly the most powerful mage on the planet and has a lot of plans and machinations concerning the Middle East. Since he his known for getting out of his lair and personally getting his claws dirty for any number of reasons, it is almost a given he experienced jinns (if they exist distinctly from spirits) somewhere down the road.
To be concise : Very old, very good with magic, knows the Middle East very well = Therefore he knows everything about jinn.
Can't make it clearer.
You know, when we started this argument I prefaced it by saying that you picked the wrong dragon to be ignorant about jinn. I've always argued that Lofwyr would know jinn and you always countered that dragons don't know everything. You're right but it has little to do with any of my posts and doesn't sustain the initial statement :
QUOTE (Chicagofinest) |
Loffwyr is the greatest example of a dragon that might have so much on his plate that he can get away to exepriance a jinn. |
And in a nutshell I've just said that you picked the wrong example, he's one of the most likely to know everything there is to know, including personal experience, with jinn, of all the GDs.
Dec 29 2006, 05:16 PM
Nobody is saying that Dragons (or even Great Dragons) know everything. We are saying that the majority would surely know of any significant awakened creature, especially if that type of creature had been around for many centuries, and played a major (or even just minor) role in one of the world's dominant religions.
Dec 29 2006, 06:29 PM
Rule #1 on Dumpshock. Every thread that goes on for more than two pages, no matter what the original subject, eventually devolves into an argument between those who think Lofwyr can do everything and those who are annoyed by this.
I haven't been here that long, but this seems to be a natural law or something.
Dec 29 2006, 06:32 PM
QUOTE (knasser) |
Rule #1 on Dumpshock. Every thread that goes on for more than two pages, no matter what the original subject, eventually devolves into an argument between those who think Lofwyr can do everything and those who are annoyed by this.
I haven't been here that long, but this seems to be a natural law or something. |
Well you see, that's because Lofwyr is like Hitler.

If you're not laughing, it's either because you're not familiar with Godwin's Law, or possibly that I'm just not funny.
Dec 29 2006, 07:00 PM
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk) |
or possibly that I'm just not funny. |
Man, I always wanted to find a use for that TLA.
Dec 29 2006, 07:04 PM
I was afraid of that.
Dec 30 2006, 01:17 AM
QUOTE (knasser) |
Rule #1 on Dumpshock. Every thread that goes on for more than two pages, no matter what the original subject, eventually devolves into an argument between those who think Lofwyr can do everything and those who are annoyed by this.
I haven't been here that long, but this seems to be a natural law or something. |
I don't think the drop bear thread has gone there though, strangely...
GM on the Threshold
Jan 6 2007, 05:10 PM
Returning to the subject of Jinns for a moment (hate to spoil the good dragon debate):
If you go back through pre-Islamic and pre-Adamite mythology you come across the god kings (the Sulyman, likely a name adopted from Solomon), beings that were more powerful than men but limited in number (some say 40, others 72). Of the last of the line of Sulymans was one named Jann Ibn-Jann (or Genn Ibn-Genn). There is wide belief that this name was taken later on to refer to all of the Jann, or Jinn (or Djinn, etc- regional spread evolves the name into dozens of 'genie names').
As for whether or not modern Muslims believe in their existence, it should be pointed out that Muslim Imans advise the faithful to not be encouraged by or mingle with Jinn or those who traffic with such. So should a believer in Islamic faith fail to mention any familiarity with the word, it may not be due to ignorance but religious conditioning that they do not speak to you on such a subject.
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