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Thinking we're stopping for the day then *8->
okay, since Sinn has been on, and didn't disagree or post, we'll do that then. I'l post an appropriate reply
First off, sorry about my total lack of posting over the weekend, I kinda got grabbed with no notice for the long weekend.... evil relatives *8->

This'll probably hurt a lot, I'll check exactly what the drain code is when I get my books out....

[ Spoiler ]
Max force is magic rating *2.

Antidote must be applied before poison onset according to the BBB. So Hood can use it to assist in his second test from the second bite. The effect of the Antidote spell is that it adds dice to the resistance test equal to the net hits.
QUOTE (BBB pg 198 - Antidote)

Type:M Range:T Duration: P DV:(ToxinDV)-2
This spell helps a poisoned subject to overcome a toxin. It must be applied before the toxin does damage (though anAntidote spell applied afterwards may alleviate some sideeffects if the game master chooses). The poisoned character receives a number of additional dice on her Toxin Test (see page 245) equal to the net hits.

QUOTE (BBB pg 244 Toxin Attributes - Effect - Nausea)

Nausea is a catch all term that covers pain,panic, vomiting, double vision, and other toxin effects. If the power of the attack after the Poison Resistnace Test exceeds the target's Willpower, she is incapacitated (unable to take any actions) with vomiting and dizziness for 3 Combat Rounds. Whether or not the character is incapacitated, nausea doubles all of the character's Wound Modifiers for 10 minutes.

I don't allow Antidote to cancel out the Poison's side effects, as that would make the Detox spell pointless. The Drain DV for Detox is DV -4.

SO Hood will need to roll a second resistance test, which Body alone (and any edge if he cares to use it of course) along with the 6 extra dice given by Holder's Antidote spell.

BTW, I'm going to have to go through the thread and do an Edge Tally, since I haven't done that yet. If you can remember any specific times you've used edge so far, that would make it a lot easier for me.

Callidus: Holder takes 2 boxes physical drain, and 4 boxes of stun from Antidote and Detox respectively.

As Hood has a Desert Survival kit, and Holder's equipment specifically included Australian Anti-venins in his equipment, the med kit roll will heal those dice that he rolled. Which is 5 hits.
Total damage applied to Hood, after medkit care, and antidodte spell, 2 boxes of physical damage remaining.

5 from first bite -5 from medkit

10DV-8 =2 remaining.

Roll body for healing tests (Hood and Holder) the next day -2 modifier for hard conditions.
Body healing

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[edit]Oh and on the edge front I believe Holder's used 1 so far on the sand manastorm....[/edit]
Once again, this would be the point that I'd award some karma, but Im waiting to give you a large lump sum in Legend Points. You owuldn't have any time to put karma to use anyways.


Karma marker for Callidus and SinN for RP and funnel spider encounter + altyree encounter
wweeeeee LPs *8-> and below a heal *8->

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I like the broken...

posts BTW Callidus. Helps get responses in there. Thank you.
Really sorry for the delay on posting guys, but anything internet based has gone pear shaped this week *8-< Hopefully should have home broadband fixed tonight and just about sneaked this post in at work.... apparently lunch breaks don't exist at the mo here *8-> Anyhoo gotta run, will try to get n MSN tonight and let you know how things are going.
That's alright . we appreciate the update so we know what's going on. Thanks.
Astral perception rolls
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eek.gif Please tell me you meant 'destroy *Woods* and Rho'.... gets ready to fight everyone in the whole room *8-<
I'l double check in case of typos. But yeah that was what I meant. Remember though that this is all in Hood's head. Holder does see him acting very strange and zoned though, and looking around the room, and obviously perceiving astraly.
hehe *8-> Holder's still trying to stay calm and hope his vision doesn't come true.... *8->
Well, they're about too. Micheals is as good as dead....if the guards dont kill us first. rotfl.gif
I was expecting a long battle with him, but that was pretty unexpected. I don't think anyone was expecting you to act that fast. He might be dead!

Initiative 7 - Combat Paralysis 4: 4 5 2 = 1 hit = Initiative 4

And in true combat paralysis/combat newbie.... he's heads straight for cover and cowering.... sorry plotting this round *8->

[edit]Oh on an attack against him react to full dodge/parry[/edit]

[edit2]Forgot to halve base initiative so actually acting on 4[/edit2]
Got it. 1 CSP for acting in character properly according to your flaws.

SinN, that carzy out right attack was nuts! And awesome! Now let's see if you live!
SinN, first make sure that you have the Shielding metamagic. If you don't, don't use the 6 dice.
Also, add your counterpselling (Sorcery (G)) and Effective Magic Rating (4) to your resist test.
Got it, I do have the sheilding metamagic. So do I roll 17 dice then?
Or are those two separate rolls of 6, and 11?
Keep the 6 dice, then roll your magic 4 plus coutnerspelling group ,and add that in to your current roll
6 for sheilding
4 for magic
and 5 for counterspelling.
15 dice, got it.
'k edit the IC then, let me know when it's done
Leave her alone you Horror scum!
Breathe Fire on him.

rotfl.gif So comic book cliche! That's great!

Callidus, love the post! I love it when Holder flips out. grinbig.gif
*bows* thank you m'lord notworthy.gif
Now he's becoming megalomanic. "Lord". Tssss...

If only I could get everyone else to do that.

Still, not doing to bad on the titles.

I've got "lord" now, Fisty of Doom, Uncle Fisty (which is just great), and of course "fallen" Iron Chef Drop Bear Elder.

Not bad really.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
"fallen" Iron Chef Drop Bear Elder.

You're no longer proud about it? eek.gif
huh? saved the best for last!

have you forgotten the "falling" test of faith!?
You only wrote "fallen" Iron Chef Drop Bear Elder. No proud.
And no, I haven't forgotten your test of faith. It was an awesome moment of true Dropness. love.gif
Ahhh... I didn't think "Proud" was part of the title. Got it.
Fine. smile.gif
Legend Point Awards - Hood
Mana Storm - --------------300LP
Bonus for Warding tents - 50LP
Afanc ---------------------- 300 LP
Altyrre ----------------------300LP
Traveling -------------------600LP
Epic Spell Duel------------- 1000LP

Tally #1 Good Roleplaying at begining -------300LP
Tally #2 SinN for Ally spirit Rear guard-------200LP
Tally #4 Karma marker for Callidus and SinN for RP and funnel spider encounter + altyree encounter--------------------------------400LP
Tally #5 QUOTE (SinN) -------------------------200LP
Leave her alone you Horror scum!
Breathe Fire on him.

Roleplaying Over all -------------------------1000LP
LP = 6,650
SinN, just FYI, I'm writing more of the BttF ATM. SO the delay is entirely my fault. Give me a bit to get ti finished and I'll move it along. Thanks for the patience. smile.gif
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