Feb 25 2007, 06:35 AM
SinN, check your char sheet to see if you have automotive repair. If not, both of you go ahead nad make a default test (Logic-1) for auto repair.
Callidus, over the course of 1-2 hours and a few gallons of water and healing spells, you manage to clear Patrick of sand in the lungs and heal the damage done.
No one else is very hurt. You made three hits for the test which was what I was requiring to make it out "unscathed".
By the way:
Feb 25 2007, 12:46 PM
ofc = of course *8-> took me ages to work that abbriviation out too *8->
Feb 25 2007, 07:12 PM
Forgot to post damage to Jeeps
Jeep #1 Body 10 3, 5,5,2,4,4,4,5,5,1 =4 net
Jeep #2 body 10 5,5,6,6,4,4,3,3,3,1 =4 net
Storm Force 8 5,5,6,5,3,4,1,1 = 4 net +8 base for 12 - 4 = 8 boxes to the jeeps + elemental effect (pg 165 Street Magic = The secondary effects of Sand damage may jam and damage machinery or weapons that are not fully sealed agaisnt the enviroment).
Feb 25 2007, 11:50 PM
What sort of time of day are we at this point? early to mid morning? And do you want a roll to build the sled, although hopefully I'm just aiding Dr. Floren's construction *8->
Feb 26 2007, 12:37 AM
I mentioned it in character, but the time you awoke from the mana storm was just about 4 am. So at this point it would be appx 6am, sun is up-ish. Don't need to roll to make the sled. Should be relatively simple for a group of geniuses really.
Feb 27 2007, 05:42 PM
Casting a Force 4 Detect Magic (extended range), still at work so no books to check ranges/drain code etc so I'll just roll and edit to IC to reflect the result once I get hold of my books *8->
[ Spoiler ]
Casting: (Magic + Spellcasting + Foci): 3 2 6 4 5 2 1 5 1 5 2 6 1 = 5 hits (before dice pool mods for BC/etc but will cap at 4 anyhoo I believe)
Drain: (Willpower + Logic): 5 1 6 5 1 1 2 6 2 5 4 = 5 hits (hopefully fully soaked but can't remember the DV mods for extended range and the spell so probably some drain hits Michael in the face *8->)
Feb 27 2007, 09:06 PM
Doesn't extended range have to be figured in at spell creation/learning and learned as different spell than regular range?
Feb 28 2007, 12:58 AM
Yup, which Michael has only the extended range version learnt, rather tired atm but checking book for what effect it has..... ah all extended range spells are +2DV compared to the normal version so Det Magic (Extended) is drain (F/2)+2 and has an area of Magic x Force x 10m on the other hand he's just happy that nothing goes ping *8->, supposedly I (or probably you *8->) roll my Magic + Spellcasting and I detect everything, in area, that that roll beats against it's Willpower + Counterspelling (if it's counterspelling at the time).....
Hmmm, I'm probably quote unnecessarily so time for sleep *8-> I'll try to get a post up as soon as I can, but I'll drop the det magic once it all looks clear and try to get some sleep until it's my watch.
Feb 28 2007, 06:20 AM
Sinn: roll for spirit summoing, go ahead and include dice form your ally spirit
Mar 1 2007, 09:41 AM
Just as a note Fistandantilus, my contacts have Lowlight, Thermo, Imagelink, Vision Enhancement 3, and Vision Mag in case that'll help in our night time travelling *8->
Mar 1 2007, 07:23 PM
Excellent, good to know. THe low light will be the best for night travel, althouhg would probably take some getting used to.
Mar 2 2007, 01:12 PM
Not certain what Survival defaults to as no books but gonna guess at Intuition so
[ Spoiler ]
Survival (Intuition - Defaulting): 3 3 3 = 0 hits (yah! go me *8->)
Mar 2 2007, 09:18 PM
Since SinN has been a bit incommunicado the last couple of days, I'll assume that he's got some RL stuff going on demanding his attention and continue for the moment.. Posting IC
Mar 3 2007, 10:25 AM
Hehe, well I'm at a RL RP session this weekend but will be checking in from time to time so hopefully I'll keep up *8->
Mar 3 2007, 11:34 PM
That's no problem. SinN just moved into a new place so he's working on his internet connection ATM. But we'll keep things rolling after the weekend.
Mar 6 2007, 09:47 PM
NPC Guide
Dr Elza patrick
Dr. Elza Patrick has been working in the field for the last 15 years, and has retained her remarkable good looks, although personality wise, she’s more of a book worm. She is a mundane human woman of about 40 years of age. She works for neonet, and has for the last years. The good doctor is a professional, in the field of anthropology, and knows quite a lot about ancient civilizations , current ones, and of course, magical theory and how they may relate. She’s used to field work, having been to many exotic, even dangerous sites over the years. Although she is certainly no combatant her self, she has had survival training.
John Michel Floren
Dr Floren is French by birth, and was picked up just out of college by Neotnet. He is in his late twenties, and something of an Indiana Jones character. He is adventurous, and skilled with a fire arm. He has had to fight for his life a number of times in his life. He also has something of a reputation as a maverick, if there is such a thing, in the field of archaeology. He has some “wild” theories about the world, magic, and history, The kind that few people really believe, but like to listen to. He is magically active, an adept. His abilities tend towards improved cognitive abilities, picking up details others would miss, and the ability to sense danger that others interpret as luck. He is human, and has a reputation as a bit of a lady’s man, even though he is only of average appearance. The man has great charisma. A little known fact is that this is because he is in fact homosexual, and most women take him as to be non-threatening and open up more to him.
Evan Michaels
Dr Michaels is an ork, and a very intelligent man. He has a doctorate degree is in magical theory. He’s also said to be something of an authority on “ancient ork and troll culture”. Rumor mill said he did some time studying with Robert Page in Orkland, but those may just be rumors.
Michaels is competent, and like others on the team, has been in dangerous places before. He can handle him self in most areas, having taken a “magic self defense course”. He is a more serious and reserved man, having seen some parts of the world he would rather not have. He tends to respect easily, but trust later.
Dr Andrew Wood
Andrew Wood is a well known name within the archaelogical community, especially within Neonet. He is human, just hitting his fifties, and has been in the field for almost 30 years. He has been all over the world and see many many things. He has been on joint projects with nearly every independant (read:non-corp affiliated) group, such as the AF, and many colleges.
He is calm and practical, always very together. He's been leading expeditions for the last 10 years and is very good at his trade. He is known to be magically active, although not exactly puissant. His abilites tend more towards examiniation astrally, pyschometry, geomancy, and the like.
Mar 7 2007, 12:14 AM
Perception test
[ Spoiler ]
Intuition - Defaulting: 4 4 6 = 1 hit
Sorry about the lack of activity, work keeps shipping me to sites.... hopefully tomorrow is the last day out though *8->
Mar 7 2007, 06:13 AM
Dr David Wilkins
A ladder climber if there ever was one, Dr Wilkins is about as ambitious as they come .He's usually first to be picked to head in house research projects because he gets the job done. Also because the ones he's not in charge of and wants have a tendency to miss dead lines. This is tolerated because he gets excellent results when in charge. The man is very good at delegating and picking the right people. He's very supportive of those below him as well, and helping others advance, just as long as they're not in his way. All in all, he's actually rather liked.
He is a hermetic mage, a balding human in his sixties, born jsut around the time of the awakening. he has a very good understanding of magical theory, having been around while most of it was being developed. He comes across as energetic and like able. Ffew really see the other side of him.
Mar 7 2007, 06:22 AM
QUOTE (Callidus) |
Perception test
[ Spoiler ] Intuition - Defaulting: 4 4 6 = 1 hit
Sorry about the lack of activity, work keeps shipping me to sites.... hopefully tomorrow is the last day out though *8-> |
It's not a problem. Life interfers with games at time, and unfortunately, it has to come first.
Besides, SinN is currently having to go to the library to post, since he jsut moved in to his new place and doesn't currently have internet. SO I think we're kinda running at his speed. Don't ever worry about not being able to post. Jsut let me know what's up and when to expect so I have an idea of what pace we're going ot be at. That's all I ask.
BTW, feel free to look at the Back to the Future II thread if ya like. Having fun over there. Pace is a bit slow though since Grinder is having lots of RL stuff to. Slammed at work, and trying to finish something he's submitting to Red Brick.
Mar 8 2007, 07:14 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Wasn't sure if you wanted a straight willpower roll or a composure roll so both below *8-> If nothing else I was going to have Michael freak out a bit and these I'll use as a guide for how much he freaks *8->
Straight Willpower: 4 6 5 1 2 = 2 hits
Composure (Willpower + Charisma): 3 5 5 2 2 6 6 5 = 5 hits
Right time to write a lot of in his mind freaking out *8->
Mar 8 2007, 09:22 PM
I was going for straight will on that, and that was fucking awesome!
Definitely be getting LP for that.
The big bold writing is to make sure I can find it easier for reference BTW.
As far as compsure rolls go, normally that's what I would go with. But I'm going more off of the 3rd ed Combat Paralysis, where you make will to resist. It was jsut perfect.
Mar 8 2007, 11:24 PM
SinN, elemental again?
Mar 8 2007, 11:44 PM
Hmmm, awakened funnel web spider.... that's just not gonna be good, makes me *very* glad I'm carrying Detox and Antidote *8->
Mar 9 2007, 06:51 PM
need character actions please.
Mar 9 2007, 07:16 PM
Sorry been thinking up a post.... mostly going to warn that Agfanc might be in there and will ask if anyone can detect them.... failing that if we have any piping to get the water remotely *8-> Will try to get the post up asap though
Mar 9 2007, 07:27 PM
Thanks. Just talked to SinN on the phone, he's off to work ATM. Damn RL. But he should be posting tonight as well.
Grinder is still having RL stuff of his own too. Apparently lots of stuff going on at work as well as a dead line due this Saturday for something he's writing. But I've got mroe plot/travel for this first thread than the second, so it's ok.
Mar 9 2007, 08:59 PM
I'm alive, but buried under work at the moment, that's true. I'll try to post tomorrow (saturday) to keep the game rolling.
Deadline for my writing stuff is monday night, after that things will calm down a little I hope.
But now I'm out for a (alcohol free) beer.
Mar 10 2007, 12:42 AM
alcohol free? what's the point?! Do what you can just so we can get it moving along a bit. If you can get going on it on Moday, then that's ok. I'd rather not wait that long if we can do something to move it along a bit. All I need right now is an equipment list and an IC post for moving the game along a bit so we can make a bit of head way for getting it moving.
Mar 10 2007, 06:38 PM
I hate equipment lists, but for you I'll write one down.
I was out with a few guys who are living straight edge....
Mar 10 2007, 06:41 PM
Equipment list
[ Spoiler ]
Padded Leather Armor
Short Sword
Windling Bow w/ 25 arrows
Elfweave Robe
2 Healing Potions
2 Booster Potions
Traveler's Garb
Adventurer's Kit w/ Tent
Map/Scroll Case w/ Paper and 2 vials ink
Sewing Kit
Small Light Quartz
(Weapons are windling-sized, as is the armor).
Trail Rations if needed
1 Bottle of alcohol, preferably sweet liquor
1 Tobaco and a pipe windling-sized
Mar 10 2007, 06:56 PM
Thread item - Ralo
Thorn in the Side[ Spoiler ]
This small windling blade was originally created by an elf weaponsmith for a windling companion of his. The windling sized broadsword was named the "Thorn in the Side" by the weaponsmith. Nothing more is curently known of the blade's history.
The style of the blade and cross guard are made to resemble a large insect similar to a wasp. The cross guard are the insects wings, the pommel the head, and the long sharp blade the stinger.
Thread Rank 1 - K- name of blade Cost 200
+1 to Buzz talent
Mar 10 2007, 07:28 PM
Sorry guys, Been a bit tied up. Im gonna go post now.
Mar 10 2007, 07:46 PM
BTW, it's intuition, not logic for Tracking in the Outdoors (G). Remember that eveyr skill ties to an attribute, so if I ask for a skill roll, include the attribute.
Mar 12 2007, 05:21 PM
Thinking a Trid-Entertainment here, although Michael will probably need some guidance as to what critter to have go have a drink as I'm guessing the number of cows or sheep that Afancs run into is pretty small *8-> Although going by what I know of current day Crocs then it won't really matter *8->
Mar 12 2007, 10:38 PM
Note to PlayersGot your attention yet?
Just letting you know I put in an edit on all 4 of the Back to the Future threads, both IC and OOC. I added a link on the IC threads to their corresponding OOC threads. These links can be found at the top of the first post in both IC threads.
Each OOC thread also links to the IC threads of tracks 1 and 2. Should make it a lot easier than digging through the Forums for the thread you're looking for, since all four are now linked together.
Mar 13 2007, 09:07 PM
Detect Life success Table:
1= General knowledge, no details . Ex; Grop of metahumans
2= Major details only, no minor details Ex; Three male orks, and a female troll
3= Major and minor details, with some minor details obscuered or missing ex: All running running and armed with weaopns out. The troll is leading
Since Hood has enough dice to buy two successes, I'll list the success results for two successes. 2 = a pair of afanc under the water, appx 20 smaller fish, 1 bird, 17 lizards, 4 metahumans, 1 drake
Mar 14 2007, 12:48 AM
Fisty [edit]of Doom[/edit]: sudden thought.... well actually been brewing a while but just remembered it.... as power foci add directly to magic rating do they effect the point at which a spell force causes physical damage? I'd think not but thought I'd ask as I haven't seen anything in BBB that says either way.... although prolly being blind *8->
[edit]Editted to avoid doom *8->[/edit]
Mar 14 2007, 12:54 AM
No, unfortunately that got left behind with third edition. Power foci no longer add to the effective magic rating. Which really nails Maigician's way adepts (like Hood) as well..
Oh, and if you call me "Fisty" , it's required that you add "of Doom" after it. Otherwise you get Bad Karma.
Bad karma is something I do use in games, althouhg rarely (unles you're SinN). It's basically if a player does something effed up or that doesn't really make sense w./ their character, play off of something (metagame), etc. It's Edge for the opposition.
Mar 14 2007, 01:01 AM
Just as a reminder: the NPC's will often give suggestions, based on their character, so don't assume because an NPC says it that it's a good (or bad) idea. Also, any final decisions are left to the PCs. The NPCs will suggest till the sun goes down. But they won't decide anything.
Mar 14 2007, 09:49 AM
*8-> okey dokey boss.... to all three *8->
Mar 14 2007, 06:35 PM
sweet. someone called me "boss".
Mar 16 2007, 05:33 PM
Right enough faffing let's do this *8->
Aiming to be about 5 metres from the edge of the pool and casting a force 6 physical barrier with radius 6 metres (I think that's right, if not I'm aiming to have the barrier extend about 1 metre into the pool). Going to use the dome like one (which I assume does a globe? If not I'll use a 6m by 6m wall to partition off a chunk of pool). The book description says that anything molecule or smaller passes through so water should be critters, fish and debris shouldn't (although freakily anything polymer based could be argued that they should pass through.... <abort geeky chemistry mode>)
Anyhoo rolls
[ Spoiler ]
Casting Force 6 Physical Barrier (at work so no books but I'm pretty sure drain DV is ((F/2)+3) but will check and edit when home
Casting (Magic + Spellcasting + Foci): 2 6 4 6 3 6 2 3 4 2 2 5 6 = 5 hits
Drain (Willpower + Logic): 2 2 4 5 2 2 3 2 1 5 1 4 6 = 3 hits = 3 boxes of stun
Ouch *8->
IC'ing this inna sec.
[edit]Okay left the IC a little ambiguous about the shape of the barrier until I can get home and check that the globe version goes down as well as up, either way I'll edit the IC so it's clearer as to the shape once I've checked[/edit]
Mar 16 2007, 06:26 PM
I'll allow water to pass, althogh I question it. Draind is indeed F/2+3
QUOTE (SR4 pg 204-Physical Barrier) |
The caster can adjust the sie of the barrier the same as the radius of an area spell (p.173) |
QUOTE (Pg 173-Area Spells) |
The base radius for all areas spells is the Force in meters......Spells casters often choose to vary the area of spells. Thsi is done by withholding dice from the spell casting test.The caster can reduce or expand the area by one meter for every die withheld from the spellcasting test. Dice expended to change the radius of the effect cannot be used in any related test, such as resisiteing Drain for that spell. |
Mar 16 2007, 07:26 PM
*8-> Well from the sentence
(SR4-page 204) The Caster can form the barrier as dome with a radius and height equal to the spell's normal radius
I read that as it would form a globe so I'll go with that unless you read it another way Fistandantilus?
Also the what passes through is another stunning RPG vague description *8->
(SR4-page 204) Physical Barrier creates a physical wall. Anything the size of a molecule (or less) can pass through the barrier, including air or other gases.
Hence the 'oh great does that mean the whole chunk of Nylon bullets will bypass the barrier as Nylon is a single molecule' (if done well *8->) and "other gases"? so steel can't bypass the barrier as a solid but gaseous iron can? *8-> Anyhoo thanks for interpreting it for us Fistandantilus *8-> I'll run with that meaning *8->
[edit]Hehe just read the IC, tag two confused afancs.... although that could be interesting when I drop the barrier of course....[/edit]
Mar 16 2007, 08:02 PM
I read it as forming a globe, and you can of course not include any parts you wish (to make a "U" or a circle for example, or just one wall. As far as making the area bigger or smaller, remove dice as said in area effect description.
As for physical barrier and passing through it, I awlays understood it as nothing 'bigger' than air, but had never really thought about water. I suppose water could work. I reason it as being a bit slower going through, like a siev, if that makes sense.
although that could be interesting when I drop the barrier of course....[/ |
Mar 16 2007, 08:52 PM
Sounds good and sensible *8-> Think I'll go with the complet globe to sto them wandering around the edge....
And at least I won't have the sustained spell penalties if I drop it first.... or I was stunbolt them through the barrier... but that'll be painful *8-<
Mar 16 2007, 10:01 PM
Remember that you still need to roll for the barrier rating. Your successes are how strong it is. Better hope it's strong enough, otherwise you may need a lot more than a stun bolt.
Mar 16 2007, 10:23 PM
Well got 5 hits on the cast and as far as I can see that gives the barrier its rating.... so should have 5 armour and 5 structure, although I could be getting it wrong again *8->
Mar 16 2007, 10:24 PM
Yup that's correct.
Plan B was having trouble using one of the links tot he IC threads. Anyone else have any problems?
Mar 16 2007, 10:25 PM