Jan 30 2007, 09:03 PM
Link to IC Back to the Future 1
Link to BttF 2 IC
Ok, starting premise for this is two Shadowrun Characters being played in ED unnder Earthdawn rules. Three cheers for Astral Rifts and DM hand waiving, let's see how it goes.
Now, for starters, physical attributes:
Your Six attributes are as follows-
-Toughness (convert body)
-Dexterity ( add together agility and reaction, take the average)
-Perception (Same for Logic and Intuition)
To get your new Attribute, take the SR attribute ,and multiply it by 3 round up (that is, if it's above .5)
Skills are next.
Any skill that you have in SR is a skill in ED, at an equal rating. We'll need to do a bit of bakc and forth though becuase any skills that are boosted byadept powers, become adept talents also.
So what you'll need to do ispost your character stats up to that point, whith you skills and adept powers listed, and then I can edit it for you or go over the needed changes on msn chat. WHen ever you change something on this page, make sure you use the little tag at the bottom of the Edit page, the check mark that says "Add the 'Edit by' line in this post?" so we know when the last change was.
See below for example
Step Table, so that you know what to roll
[ Spoiler ]
Step # Action Dice
1 D4-2
2 D4-1
3 D4
4 D6
5 D8
6 D10
7 D12
8 2D6
9 D8+D6
10 D10+D6
11 D10+D8
12 2D10
13 D12+D10
14 D20+D4
15 D20+D6
16 D20+D8
17 D20+D10
18 D20+D12
19 D20+2D6
20 D20+D8+D6
21 D20+D10+D6
22 D20+D10+D8
23 D20+2D10
24 D20+D12+D10
25 D20+D10+D8+D4
26 D20+D10+D8+D6
27 D20+D10+2D8
28 D20+2D10+D8
29 D20+D12+D10+D8
30 D20+D10+D8+2D6
31 D20+D10+2D8+D6
32 D20+2D10+2D8
33 D20+3D10+D8
34 D20++D12+2D10+D8
35 2D20+D10+D8+D4
36 2D20+D10+D8+D6
37 2D20+D10+2D8
38 2D20+2D10+D8
39 2D20+D12+D10+D8
40 2D20+D10+D8+2D6
Jan 30 2007, 10:22 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Age- 44
Circle 6 Nethermancer , Circle 2 Warrior
Race : Drake/Human
Karma: As Human Dice: D8
Total 10/40
Strength- 24
Toughness- 24
Dexterity - 17
Perception- 16
Willpower- 18
Charisma- 18
Physical Defense 9
Spell Defense 10 +1
Social Defense 10+1
Movement Full/Combat 80/40
Carry/Lift Capacity 140/70
Death 50 +36 (Durability Talent Bonus)
Wound 14
Unconc 43 +32 (Durability Talent Bonus)
Recovery tests/day 4
Mystic Armor : 3
SkillsEtiquette 6
Bribe 6
Seduction 6
Silent Walk 5
Exotic Range(Breathe)- 5
Missle Weapons 2
Climbing 5
Gymnastics 5
Survival 4
Tracking 4
Flight- 6
(K) Magic 4
First aid 4
Adept PowersKinesics- 2 (1)
Aid Spell- 3 (1.5)
Spell resisitance- 3 (1.5)
TalentsFirst CircleSpellcasting 6
Spell Matrix 6
SpellMatrix 5
ThreadWeaving (Nethermancy) 3
Read/Write Language 6
Read/Write Magic 6
Second Circle Astral Sight 4
Durability 4
Frighten 6
Third CircleTaunt 6
Spell Matrix 4
Fourth Circle Karma on Perception
Spell Matrix 3
WillForce 5
Fifth Circle +1 Spell Defense
Animal possession 6
Spirit Hold 1
Sixth Circle +1 Social Defense
Enhanced Matrix 2
Spirit Talk 2
First Circle Acrobatic Strike 2
Air Dance 2
Karma Ritual 1
Melee Weapons 6
Unarmed Combat 6
WoodSkin 3
Second CircleAnticipate Blow 1
Durability 4
Throwing Weapons 8
Versatility 6
[ Spoiler ]
Versatility is a humans-only talent (which is what we are considering you at this point) that lets you learn talents out side of your normal discipline. normally Nethermancers don't get throwing weapons.
Lizard Leap 2
Claw Shape 2
Jan 31 2007, 01:50 PM
Interesting..... guessing SR4 creation rules or ED rules? Also any one able to post a character or restricted?
Jan 31 2007, 10:54 PM
Me, me, me! (Just PMed you about a game
Are you familiar with the ADM rules of RedBrick? If not
check it out.
Jan 31 2007, 11:27 PM
Hey to both of you guys. This WAS set up just for the two people I 've currently got (Plan B and SinN), but Idon't really see any reason to restrict it as long as it's ok with them. I've done it once before, and once you get past the initial "where the hell are we" it comes out pretty interesting.
If you're interested in posting, these were both experienced (a few hundred karma) SR characters, currently in SR4, that are being dropped in to ED. SO if you've got one you're interested in trying sure, post it up there. Please, ,adept or mage of course, preferably someone that could mesh with Earthdawn. Post the SR version first, ,and then we'll convert as we go.
Grinder, I know you've got plenty of ED material, and where/what time zone you're in (Germany for those of you others).
Callidus, if you're interested, just post a character you're interested in, inside spoiler tags please to save scrolling, and a background of the character. Once again, I'd prefer a character that is magically active, and has some experience in "old magic". Done the run with the Elemtnal Scrolls of Ak-elazar (or whatever the fuck) that sort of thing. Also, since I don't know you, PM me a general "hi, this is me.." and jsut a bit of background on what you know (and have as way of books) of ED so I know what page we're all on, as well as where you're located.
Myself and Plan B are in California, and SinN is in Utah.
Feb 2 2007, 02:29 AM
Ok, listing a few more tables so that we have the basic stuff handy.
Combat Options pg. 200 ED Core 1st edition
[ Spoiler ]
Aggressive Attack - +3 steps to attackers attk and Dmg step. Defender also receives +3 steps to attack against the attacker due to the fact that they aren't defending as well.
Attack to KnockDown - same as standard attack, except that the targets target number to resist knock down is the total damage, modified by armor. As opposed to resisting knockdown only when the target takes a wound, and the target # being the difference between their wound threshold and the damage dealt. Knockdown is resisted with a strength test.
- Penalities for knockdown is -3 to all steps for actions, and -3 to physical and spell defense
Called Shot -3 steps to attack . Hits called area if attack succeeds.
Defensive Stance - +3 to physical defense
Going inside a shield - subtract the shield's armor rating from the attackers initiative to bypass the shield, basically attacking before the defender can get their shield in the way. If the modified inititive is less than the defenders, the defender manages to get their shield in the way, knocking hte attack aside. Attacker then receives -2 steps to the attack test.
Giving Ground - defender back steps, giving gorudn to the attacker. +1 Physical defense for every 3 feet given. Defender can give 3 feet for every rank in the combat being used (i.e. rank 5 melee weapons defender can give 15 feet). Defender takes 1 point of strain for giving ground.
Talent Rank Increase pg 221
[ Spoiler ]
Talent Rank Circle1-4 5-8 9-12 13-15
1 100 200 300 500
2 200 300 500 800
3 300 500 800 1300
4 500 800 1300 2100
5 800 1300 2100 3400
6 1300 2100 3400 5500
7 2100 3400 5500 8900
8 3400 5500 8900 14400
9 5500 8900 14400 23300
10 8900 14400 23300 37700
11 14400 23300 37700 61000
12 23300 37700 61000 98700
13 37700 61000 98700 159700
14 61000 98700 159700 258400
15 98700 159700 258400 418100
Attribute Increase Table
[ Spoiler ]
Increase LP cost
1 800
2 1300
3 2100
4 3400
5 5500
Circle advancement
[ Spoiler ]
New Circle Min# of Talents Minimum Rank Single talent from Circle #
2 5 2 1
3 6 3 2
4 7 4 3
5 8 5 4
6 9 6 5
7 10 7 6
8 11 8 7
9 12 9 8
10 13 10 9
11 14 11 10
12 15 11 11
13 16 12 12
14 17 12 13
15 18 13 14
Feb 2 2007, 02:34 AM
Sorry for spacing, but the edit option deletes half the post, so you'll jsut have ot make do
Feb 3 2007, 06:42 AM
SO we're looking at , for likely players, is SinN, Callidus, and Grinder. CAllidus I'm waiting on a character from, for SR to translate over, and Grinder, I'm waiting on a pitch for a ED character. We might have one other, but I'm in MasterLink, but we'll see if that pans.
Feb 8 2007, 05:46 AM
Grinder, if you're going to be in on this one, I don't need a character from you to start, but I will with Callidus, so that's pretty much what we're waiting on at this point.
Feb 8 2007, 08:54 AM
Righto, I'll try to get the concept and background typed up over lunch, will have to make the character itself at home though as my boss has an aversion to RPG books at work *8->
Feb 8 2007, 09:09 AM
Sounds good, the stats are usually the easy part. As for the BP, make it a 550 BP character, to reflect an experienced character. Adept or mage, up to you. Do your self a favor though and don't waste any points on
for a life style or contacts. They'll just be wasted. Caps for skills are six, doesn't matter how many or if it's a skill group. Pretty open ended really. Just imagine that it's a charcater that you've already been playing. Attributes are still limited to half your BP (230 since you can't spend 5 point on an att uunless you get a 6, and I'm not going to force that).
Grinder, work out an ED adept for me buddy. And please, limit to ED 1st edition. No Cathayan disciplines because I don't have that book. Anything in the Core book, or either Denizens is kosher, since I have both of those. Barsaive region.
Feb 8 2007, 04:58 PM
Brief 20 questions type background Pm'd to you fistandantilus and I'll get the longer one and sheet over to you asap when I'm home *8->
Feb 8 2007, 08:52 PM
Okay background and char sheet away, hopefully not horribly broken but fun *8->
Feb 9 2007, 01:03 AM
ok I've got Calliuds' character Michael here. Go ahead and post the finished version on here and we'll get it converted over to ED when needed.
I have SinN's character already converted, because I have a copy of Gaelic's SR char sheet. So he's good to go.
Plan B's char sheet I have here as well, so we'll probably just have her post the ED version.
Grinder's char should be up by monday/Tuesday.
masterLink is still up in the air for whether or not he is in on this game we'll see on that one.
I need to post the dispel difficulty table, since we ahve two mages here that don't have the Core 1st edition ED book. Any other general tables that we're going to need access to on a regular basis? This is mostly for SinN and callidus, Grinder, let me know if you can think of anything they might need. i'll post some general house rules as they come up, becasue I really can't thikn of any that I apply besides how I handle multidiscipline Durability talents (basically the higher of the two as long as it's paid for properly).
Feb 9 2007, 09:19 AM
Okey dokey, here's Michael in all his combat ineptness *8->
[ Spoiler ]
Race: Human (0)
Attributes: (225)
Skills: (196)
Edge: (20)
Magic: (65)
Resources: 70000 (14)
Qualities: (-20)
Spells: (45)
Foci Bonding: (4)
Total: 550
Body: 3 (20)
Agility: 3 (20)
Reaction: 3 (20)
Strength: 2 (10)
Charisma: 3 (20)
Intuition: 4 (30)
Logic: 6 (65)
Willpower: 5 (40)
Edge: 4 (20)
Magic: 6 (65)
Essence: 6
Magician [Hermetic] (15)
Photographic Memory (10)
Combat Paralysis (-20)
Incompetent [Intimidate] (-5)
Sensitive System (-15)
SINner (-5) [Not sure if I should count this for this game]
Biotech 3 (30)
Conjuring 2 (20)
Electronics 2 (20)
Sorcery 5 (50)
Unarmed Combat [Blocking] 2 (10)
Dodge 2 (8)
Etiquette 3 (12)
Assensing 5 (20)
Knowledge Skills: [Int + Log x3 free = 30] (26 BP)
AK Archeology 6 (6 free points)
PK Magical Theory [Archeology Finds] 6 (6 free points and 1BP)
AK Paranormal Creatures of North America 6 (6 free points)
AK Paranormal Creatures of Africa 6 (6 free points)
PK Ancient History 6 [Africa] (6 free points and 1BP)
English [Native] (0)
Spanish 4 (8BP)
Russia 4 (8BP)
Sprethial [Ancient Written] 4 (9BP) [Guessing that this is even acceptable as a specialisation at 1 BP as I had 1 at the end hiding *8->]
Spells: (45)
Stunbolt (3)
Stunball (3)
Detect Magic, Extended (3)
Antidote (3)
Cure Disease (3)
Detox (3)
Heal (3)
Stabilize (3)
Trid Entertainment (3)
Physical Mask (3)
Armour (3)
Levitate (3)
Magic Fingers (3)
Physical Barrier (3)
Mana Barrier (3)
Resources: 69885 spent (14 BP)
Power focus 2, Bonded (50000 + 2BP)
Counterspelling focus 2, Bonded (10000 +2BP)
2 set of clothing 500 [Aiming for good quality upper wage mage style]
Armour Jacket 900
Lined Coat + chem Prot 3 [Lab Coat?] 1450
Hermes Ikon [4/3] 3000
Iris Orb OS [3/3] 1000
AR Gloves 250
Subvocal Mic 50
Contact Lenses + Lowlight + Imagelink + Vision Enhancement 3 + Vision Mag + Thermographic 675
Earbuds + Audio Enhancement 2 + Select Sound Filter 2 610
Chemsuit 6 600
Gas Mask 100
Medkit 6 + 3 refills 750
And a short version of background/concepty thing
[ Spoiler ]
20 Questions.... err 18 as two or three really weren't applicable *8->
1. What is your characters Sex?
2. What is your characters physical size?
5'9" medium build.
3. What is the color of the characters Hair, eyes, and skin?
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Caucasian
4. What is the character's general appearance (i.e., How does he dress, etc.)?
Suit to work, while working same but minus the jacket but a lab coat over the top. Collared T-shirt and slacks at home. Plus a golden glove-like device attached to his right hand (think the finger and bracelet thingy that the gou-uldhave in Stargate SG-1)
5. Where was the character born (City, State, Hospital Name)?
Seattle, Washington, Seattle General Hospital
6. What is the characters date of birth?
4th April 2047
7. What was the character's family life like?
Lovely and supportive, in hindsight carefully nuturing as his mind was groomed by his parents and their employing corporation as soon as his intellect was noticed and potential magic.
8. Has the character begun his own family?
9. Where or how was the character educated?
Educated through various corporate schools and universities during his school years. Achieved his first diploma in Archeology and Ancient History at age 14, and proceeded to get degrees in Paranormal Studies, Magical Theory. And a doctorate in Magical Theory.
10. Has the character ever done anything else for a living?
No, as soon as he was counted as a major he was employed in the magical research division of NeoNet specialising in the Pheonomenom of the Year of the Comet and the effects of cyberware and magic interactions.
11. What are the characters beliefs on church and state?
Having been carefully educated by NeoNet (or earlier Novatech and Fuchi North America) through his formative years and his scientific viewpoint he isn't religious but recognises that some need to hold on to a belief to sustain them. As for his view of the state (governments) he sees them as having failed in their jobs of protecting the masses over the years and that they should fully stand aside for the corporations to take over.
12. Describe the characters Moral code. Include how mercenary he is, whether or not he'll kill innocents, etc.
Having never been put in the position of killing another metahuman he can't really see himself as doing it although when in danger he thinks he would fight rather than flee but does not know this for certain even with the defensive training he has received over the years. He would certainly try his best not to kill innocent metahumans.
13. What are the character have any goals?
At this point in his life mostly to learn as much as he can, impress his superiors in the corporation and find out what the glovelike device attached to his right hand is and what effect it will have on his mind and body.
14. What kind of personality does your character have? This should not necessarily be obviously stated in the background, as it is more important for actually playing the character, but it may color or add mood to the history.
A slighty absent mind professor like personality, he doesn't flount his intellect but at the same time does occasionally fall into explaining a problem in fair to much detail and then going off on a massive tangent... or starting off into space for a while and then give you an answer to a question asked 30 minutes before and then dropping back into the current conversation.
15. What special qualities does the character possess? This does not refer to skills, but rather at other things, such as How he gets along with people, does he plan ahead, etc.
Having a photographic memory helps immeasurably in his current job as well as remembering who people are, although his memory is more like leafing through a reference book rather than just having instant access to everything so it might take a short while to remember but he always does, this does mean that he can usually get on fairly well with people once he has been around them for a short while gathering enough information on their likes and dislikes from listening to them.
16. What things, people, or ideas does the character hate?
People who cause unnecessary damage/harm to people and places for no good reason, and who would unnecessarily harm creatures for study.
17. What things people, or ideas does the character love?
His family most of all, then his corporation. And more recently Zoe (an elf) from the accounts department who he has a crush on.
18. What is the character's name? Give both full birth name, as well as nicknames, street names, etc.
Birth Name: Michael Patrick Holder
Nick Name: Mike, Mikey.
Feb 9 2007, 06:04 PM
Alrighty, shiny. I've got you and SinN, which are the two I need to start the game. At this point, as i mentioned, it's starting out in SR. I'll send SinN a PM, let him know that we're starting it tomorrow then. Since it's the two of you starting, and there's , what, 9 hours between us, it may be a bit of touch and go posting. Basically I'll post the action in the starting thread , and you two state your actions/statements/whatever. No actions are considered taken until I post a reply. If it takes a bit between posts, apologies, but that's the bitch of the time difference. We'll deal.
I'll send Sinn a PM, let him know we'll ocnsider the game started by this time tomorrow, since it starts with just two of you. Watch for the IC thread that I'll start. I'll post a link
Feb 10 2007, 08:36 AM
All right, the game is on. SinN and callidus, feel free to comment away. i'll be checking in periodically to reply to posts from each of you. OOC questions/commetns go here of course. Grinder, Plan B , feel free to comment in this thread on any goings on until you're turn is up (well, after then to)
I'm also going to go ahead and steal someone else's idea for posting format from this point on.
Any speech aloud, post in salmon
any IC thoughts, please post in aquamarine
Dice actions, post in gold
I tired using both blue text, which is dark, and red, which has the same problem.
For those of you who don't know how to do color tags, look to your left, under neath the smiley faces, to where it says BB code help. Let me know if anyone has an issue with the colors selected or a different preference for the posting format.
Feb 10 2007, 05:16 PM
Posting format is fine for me.
Nice start of the game. Can't wait to get involved.
Feb 10 2007, 08:50 PM
Well once you have a character.....
My plan is to run the two groups, Michael and Galeic, and Morgan and [enter your character's name here] on two seperate tracks until they come together. That way you two aren't sitting twiddling your thumbs.
Feb 11 2007, 09:54 PM
Posting methos looks fine by me.... oh and I'm back *8-> I'll catch up on the starting thread and get a starting post up.
[edit]Okay posts up and hopefully you don't mind me stealing Dr. Wilkins for a short bit to get into the office to save some time *8->.[/edit]
Feb 12 2007, 04:37 AM
no problem with highjacking Dr Wilkins for a short ride. He likes to stretch when he can.
NTW, remember that after Wednesdya, I'll be taking a short stay ('bout a week) in sunny San Diego to see some family. So if I'm delayed in posting, that's why. Should be able to get to the 'net, but it may take longer.
Grinder, looking forward to that character tomorrow (Monday)
Feb 12 2007, 09:20 PM
Basically searching the archives for information on what we'll need to get across the outback so that he'll have an idea of what would be sensible to talk over with the security detail rather than look a complete baby handling case, plus it keeps his mind off distracting things *8->
[ Spoiler ]
Data Search (Logic + Data Search) = 8
2 1 6 6 4 5 6 2 = 4 hits
Feb 12 2007, 10:23 PM
Data search teset very good success, check thread for equipment listing. Do you have the book "Target:Awakened Lands"?
Make two test w/ your character:
Magical Theory:Threshold 2, successes will tell you how much you know about mana storms
Paranormal animals test at a -3 for different continent.
SinN: No tests required yet becuase you alraedy have, or have easy access to your gear, and you know what's up w/ Australia pretty well.
Feb 12 2007, 10:46 PM
No to have target: awakened lands but I have read most of it in the past.... remembering mana storms with great trepidation *8->
Anyhoo the dice rolls
Magical Theory: (Magical Theory + Logic ?) [not certain about this as BBB not clear so logic dice are the last ones]
3 5 1 2 6 2 6 1 4 5 2 4 = 4 hits
Paranormal Critters: (Paranormal Creatures of North America + Logic - 3) [again logic dice last]
4 6 4 6 5 4 5 1 3 = 4 hits
Feb 12 2007, 11:06 PM
Magical theory for mana storms test:
Mana storms can very in appearance and type. They can do anything from make flowers grow to rain down fire and birmstone from the sky. The importnat part is that it is magic, and there fore shielding and spell defense work against them. Maybe not as well as full cover does though... On the astral, the disturbance is obvious and usually vioelnt , even if it isn't on the physical plane.
Good enough success test to also know that the sensing metamagic is a reliable way of spotting mana storms, and sometimes even noticing them forming, at range.
Paranimal test also enough to know that "running" metaroos, essentially magically sensitive large kangaroos , are good way of spotting a coming sotrm. if you spot a bucn hof them hoping one direction very quickly, and no predator chasing them, following them may be a good idea.
A couple of other awakened critters in the outback include the Bunyip (never before acutally "sighted", but strongly rumored, the infamous drop bear, and the afanc (a VERY large croc) . Those are the types you're likely to encounter, since you'll be sticking to the drier regions.
Feb 14 2007, 10:51 PM
First Impressions
[ Spoiler ]
Charisma + Ettiquette = 6
2 4 1 6 5 5 = 3 hits (go go ettiquette dice)
Feb 14 2007, 11:31 PM
SinN, go ahead and reply to Callidus, or vice versa, get your IC intros done. I'll post once you two get yours up.
Got a char sheet from Grinder. Just waiting for Char BG to get track 2 started.
Feb 14 2007, 11:32 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Rough equipment outline, will need to be tailored to carrying ability of jeeps/people
Bug netting/Repellent (preferably not the one that attracts sharks *8->)
Medkits with antivenin for Australian critters
2 weeks of emergency ration bars
at least 2-3 canteens each
desert/jungle survival gear
sturdy boots
solar recharging and self cooling clothing
water purification equipment (tablets, still, etc)
2 sets of spare batteries
Sat dish
GPS and maps (both electronic and hardcopy)
Range of Knowsofts for (desert and jungle survival, Hunting, trapping, finding water, australian wildlife, emergency medical treatments) and Linguasofts for Aboriginal langauges (if available on linguasoft)
Feb 15 2007, 05:54 PM
SinN for a rough idea of waht Michael's hand felt like, imagine shaking hands with someone wearing thin thimbles on each finger, a thin ring roughly centered on each finger bone, and a largish but only slightly domed coin like thing covering about half the palm of the hand.
If you want a better description just lemme know and I'll try to be clearer *8->
Feb 21 2007, 07:37 PM
Trip from Perth posted. Post from here if you're good to go, or IC if you need to do something else along the way before going to the Outback.
Feb 21 2007, 07:45 PM
I'm pretty much good to go, gonna be spending a lot of the trip being paranoid about poisonous things and metaroos running *8-> well maybe paranoid's too strong *8->
Feb 21 2007, 08:03 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Corp Politics (defaulting to Logic)
5 dice: 5 1 2 5 2 (2 Hits)
Feb 21 2007, 08:11 PM
2 success - Neonet has become rather large in Australia, so a number of these smaller corps may well be owned by Neonet. They made a big push here in '65
6 successes
[ Spoiler ]
Neonet moved in flush from cash after their IPO back in '64. Cairns had been on a down swing for a while, after a number of japanacorps moved out of the area. Cairns was a corporate center suddenly without corps. So Neonet got some amazing deals on real estatte and business deals.
Perth is a Capitol city, although some parts of it sure don't seeem it. They moved in after expanidng in Cairns. Neonet has been making major gains in Australia. Mostly beacuse their busniesses never made much of a push to the Outback, so they didn't take take as muchin losses when storm activity increased. Neonet also has a launch facility in Australia, so they've become a pretty major player out here.
Feb 21 2007, 09:32 PM
Counterspelling covering Dr. Patrick, Michaels, Floren, Hood and Holder and the two jeeps
Counterspelling + Magic + Foci = 13 dice
Charisma test : 1 1 5 = 1 sucess and glitch
Feb 21 2007, 09:34 PM
Callidus, notes from charisma check:
Glitch on charisma test, one success
patrcik seems a bit more at ease because of the defense, but seems to be unconciously responding to Hood's "keepin' it cool attitude" more.
Feb 21 2007, 09:53 PM
Perception test
Inituition + Vision Enhancement in contacts - Distracted - defaulting
4 2 4 4
hmmm well at least it's not a glitch *8->
Feb 21 2007, 10:01 PM
Feb 22 2007, 09:10 PM
Fistandantilus and I had a chat about warding up the camp and so if we put up a ward on each tent and the two jeeps the wards will move with those items but only active when all doors/windows/flaps shut.....
So..... if we aim to ward up the tents tonight and sort the jeeps tomorrow evening/lunchtime/whatever we'll able able to get decent (force 3-4) ones up over night.... only problem is that the pair of us will be napping in the jeeps the next day after 6-8 hours of night time warding each and Dr. Michaels doing his own tent. We thought that would be the point to check with you as to whether your up for that plan or whether you want to stay awake tomorrow, in which case if you and Dr. Michaels do one each, I'll ward up the other three and crash out when you all get up *8->
Feb 22 2007, 09:39 PM
Both, roll for warding, and list on how many itmes (tent or Jeep) you are warding, and what it is that you are warding.
Also, Callidus
[ Spoiler ]
roll an assessning test to assense Hood's spell casting and shielding.
Feb 22 2007, 10:02 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Assensing (Intuition + Assensing): 5 4 6 4 6 4 4 4 5 = 4 hits
Ward 1 (Force 4) [Tent, probably mine as SinN's go tent-tastic *8->]
Duration roll (Magic + Willpower + Foci): 6 6 2 5 5 3 5 2 3 6 5 3 2 = 7 hits
Drain Resist (Willpower + Logic): 4 2 1 4 3 4 5 6 4 6 5 = 4 hits no drain
Ward 2 (Force 4) [Jeep Number 1]
Duration roll (Magic + Willpower + Foci): 4 5 3 5 3 2 3 6 1 2 2 5 1 = 4 hits
Drain Resist (Willpower + Logic): 2 6 5 2 3 5 4 1 3 6 1 = 4 hits no drain
Ward 3 (Force 4) [Jeep Number 2] ugh, Michael so asleep in the jeep tomorrow *8->
Duration roll (Magic + Willpower + Foci): 3 3 5 4 4 6 6 2 2 3 3 6 6 = 5 hits
Drain Resist (Willpower + Logic): 1 1 4 5 1 3 4 6 2 6 4 = 3 hits = 1 box of stun
Feb 22 2007, 10:08 PM
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Assensing on Hood's spellcasting and shielding: you haven't seen anything like his technique. You aren't really sure what tradition it is. Some parts seem shamanic, sort vaguely hermetic. It isn't chaos magic. When he did his shielding, there was also some sort of residual astral energy around him. Looked as if he had just done somethin, but it wasn't a spell or summoning. Also didn't look like any adept powers your familiar with, or foci use.
Feb 23 2007, 07:56 AM
Rolls for Mana Storm:
As all the mages in the gorup were exhausted form being up all night and warding, they all fell asleep quite quickly once night came.
True to the nature of Australia, I rolled for the effects of the mana storm. Effects were as follows:
background count : 2
type: storm is invisible
Force:D6+2: rolled 6, force 8
Size = appx 3 miles across
speed : appx 120 kph
duration = 40 minutes
effect roll: elemental
elemental effect:Sand
In effect, you were all warded within the force 4 wards, and were hit by a force 8 mana storm, which dumped about 8 feet of sand on the entire area. You were in tents, which essentially halved the ffect just becuase they're damn good tents. Of course, that would mean you would still be under four feet of sand, but the wards saved you from that. So everyone took appx 1-2' worth of sand in to their tent. Roll body against suffocation essentially. Assuming you make the thresh hold for that, the wards you guys did the night before just saved your lives.
Then there's just the pesky matter of getting out of a tent buried under 4 feet of sand.
Oh, and SinN, assuming that you put your ally on guard duty as you did the night before, there was nothing he could do to stop it. Essentially the sand simply appeared over a 3 mile area instantaneoussly. Sorry for the really nasty mana storm guys, but at least you're planning saved ya'.
Feb 23 2007, 09:41 AM
No worries mate, that's what keeps life interesting I guess *8->
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Body roll.... I'm thinking edge use here *8->
Body + Edge: 5 1 3 2 5 4 5 = 3 hits... gogo edge *8->
Assuming Michael hasn't drowned in sand he'll try to summon up a spirit of earth to dig us out. Probably starting with.... erm... prolly Patrick ICwise as he knows he's okay and then Hood.
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Summoning Force 4 Spirit of Earth
Summoning (Magic + Foci - Defaulting): 6 1 6 4 2 4 1 = 2 hits
Spirit's Opposition Role (Force): 1 3 3 2 = 0 hits, so 2 services
Drain (Willpower + Logic): 6 4 3 3 5 4 6 5 2 1 3 = 4 hits no drain
Feb 24 2007, 03:28 AM
Did you factor in the background count of 2 for the summoning?
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I show magic of six, and a conjuring (G) of 2, and a power focus of 2. That means you should have 10 dice, no default . I show seven rolled. It should be 10 dice -2 for backgorund count if you're using your foci. Not a big issue in this case, since you'd be getting dice anyways, but for the future, count up dice, nad I'll roll spirit opposition.
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You list abody roll of 7. Your body is 7 or 8 isn't it? Please list your rolls, and if youre using edge, and list the rolls for that as well so I know what you've got.
Feb 24 2007, 03:40 AM
Threshold for body test is 3 to resist suffocation damage
Dr Patrick
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Body 3, edge 4 Body 1,2,3 Edge 2,3, 1, 6 - reroll 6, reroll 3 Net 2 successes.
Dr Michaels
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Body 7 -1,2,1,5,2,5,5 3 Net
Dr Floren
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Body 4 5,5,3 Net 3
Callidus - Spirit resistance roll against summoning
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test force 4 1,3,4,6 You have one net success, so you have one service.
Feb 24 2007, 01:26 PM
Okey dokey mate, sorry I managed to miss conjuring on my char sheet and forgot there was a background count *8-<
Will try to order the spirit to dig out all the tents, or if that counts as multiple services, I'll get it to dig out Dr.Patrick then summon another once I feel the spirit depart.
Feb 24 2007, 07:43 PM
Biotech roll for healing ideas for Dr.Patrick for whether Heal or Detox would help
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First Aid/Medicine (Logic + Biotech): 3 1 5 5 3 6 5 6 3 = 5 hits
Feb 24 2007, 07:46 PM
She'll need some water to help clear her throat, and some time and los of coughing (which means more water) to clear her lungs. Magical healing will help a little to repair the damage the sand will do to her lungs. But rather than one big healing spell, it'll be beter to apply several smaller ones over time.
Feb 24 2007, 08:09 PM
kk I'll do that then.... I'll post some heal roll below (assuming 1 box of damage each time although will cast force 3 as standard just in case) for drain as it's damage-2 for drain dv lemme know if there's more needed also couldn't find out what effect background count has so haven't taken that into account yet.
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Heal spell number one at force=damage
Spellcast (Magic + Spellcasting): 5 2 2 6 4 1 2 5 4 2 6 = 4 hits (Limited by force)
Drain (Logic + Willpower): 5 6 3 6 5 2 5 6 4 3 4 = 6 hits
Heal spell number two at force=damage
Spellcast (Magic + Spellcasting): 1 1 6 2 5 3 4 3 3 6 4 = 3 hits (Limited by force)
Drain (Logic + Willpower): 6 1 3 5 4 4 5 6 1 4 = 4 hits
Heal spell number three at force=damage
Spellcast (Magic + Spellcasting): 3 1 6 1 3 6 2 5 6 3 6 = 5 hits (Limited by force)
Drain (Logic + Willpower): 5 2 1 2 4 2 1 1 6 3 3 = 2 hits
Heal spell number four at force=damage
Spellcast (Magic + Spellcasting): 1 1 4 3 5 6 5 6 2 3 2 = 4 hits (Limited by force)
Drain (Logic + Willpower): 5 5 1 4 3 2 3 3 5 1 6 = 3 hits
Feb 24 2007, 10:07 PM
Unless interrupted to Detox, Cure Disease or Heal people start to put Force 1 wards on the two jeeps, and ofc assuming I get the time *8->
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[edit]Forgot about first aid rolls for checking myself and Dr. Patrick for bites earlier[/edit]
First Aid on me (First Aid + Logic): 1 4 2 2 3 6 3 2 6 = 2 hits
First Aid on Dr.Patrick (if she lets me) (First Aid + Logic): 5 2 6 1 2 5 4 6 3 = 4 hits
Ward Force 1 on first jeep leaving Foci off atm
Warding (Magic + Willpower): 6 3 4 2 4 5 3 3 1 5 3 = 2 hits
Drain (Logic + Willpower): 3 3 3 1 5 4 2 3 1 2 = 1 hit (glitch?)
Ward Force 1 on second jeep
Warding (Magic + Willpower): 3 6 4 1 4 1 4 4 4 2 5 = 2 hits
Drain (Logic + Willpower): 2 3 5 2 5 3 5 2 2 1 = 3 hits
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