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Full Version: I spoke to an old vet about M14 versus M16A1
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One would think they'd only take usefull degrees for officers, like history, military science (obvious), engineering, math...
QUOTE (Crakkerjakk)
Reminds me of the old joke. Know the difference between a PFC and a 2nd lieutenant? The PFC's already been promoted once.

But yeah, officers may be stupid fresh out the gate, but most of em wise up quick. It's easy to spot the exceptionally good ones and the exceptionally bad ones, but the vast majority of them are somewhere in between, and since the majority of my career was peacetime, it's hard to gauge the mediocre ones without a high stress situation to sift the wheat from the chaff.

Ripley: How many drops is this for you, Lieutenant?
Gorman: Thirty eight... simulated.
Vasquez: How many *combat* drops?
Gorman: Uh, two. Including this one.
Drake: Shit.
Hudson: Oh, man...

Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Smiley)
Hell, there was one Navy Ensign making waves that had graduated with a degree in the culinary arts. But it was a diploma, so he had a bar.

Well, if Under Seige is any indication, he just killed an entire platoon of terrorists with his bare hands after they managed to take over the ship he was aboard.
I know a lot of people who got big heads after picking up Cpl or SSgt, but I also had to deal with a few of my friends when I picked up Cpl. They figured that they could blow me off when I told them to do something, since I was their buddy and all. Never thought about what would happen when whatever job SSgt told me to get done didn't get done. Lost a couple "friends" that way, unfortunately, but thems the cards.

My philosophy as a leader was always never ask your marines to do shit that you aren't willing to do, and that means if they're all doing it and the job still isn't done, you chip in. Always pissed me off when I saw some Cpl sitting watching his guys mop or unload a quadcon with his hands on his hips yelling for his marines to go faster. Never understood unnecessary yelling either. I didn't go to drill instructor school. Wasn't my job to turn recruits into marines. My job was to make sure marines got a job done, and to to watch out for their welfare. Hell, half my job was politely telling Radio Platoon's SSgts that they couldn't have my guys to do their dirty work, that Wire Platoon wasn't doing anything because we took care of our shit ahead of time instead of putting it off till the last minute and then freaking out when it was 1530 and nothing was done. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But way I see it, you treat your platoon like your own personal feifdom, and then you tell them to put themselves in the way of bodily harm down the road, they're gonna tell you to go eff yourself.

I always found that I got better results when I treated my guys like adults instead of children. Had one problem Marine. Was brilliant at his job, but was lazy, barely pressed his cammies or shone his boots, and was frequently late to formation. The op after I got promioted I put him in charge of the wire plan, coralling all the gear, and sent him to a secondary site with three guys as the boss. Not one problem with him the entire op, comm ran smooth as hell, and he started taking an interest in his appearance(or at least not throwing his cammies in his wall locker at the end of the day and then just throwing them back on the next morning.)

The guys who always pissed me off were the fuckers who got meritoriously promoted after three seconds in the fleet. Usually didn't know dick about their jobs, but they could PT and look pretty, and they thought that was the most important thing, since thats how they got promoted. Plus they didn't spend enough time as a Lance to understand exactly how shitty being a peon can be, so they usually treated them like shit, like they saw all the super moto hard charging cpls and sgts who were constantly screaming at the nonrates. Bleah.


sorry, big part of why I got out was how my unit started to crumble(especially the upper ranks) the less we deployed. It was sad watching C Co go from the best comm unit on the east coast(and the Marine Corps, if you ask me, at least at providing highly mobile comm for a Bn size element) to a bunch of bored NCOs playing games with frustrated marines who never got a chance to use their training.
QUOTE (HullBreach)
Oh and to go back on subject, Kel-Tec (Not the greatest rep, but a decent manufacturer) is putting out a bullpup 7.62x51 carbine in the near future that looks like it'll be a fun one. Worth looking at if your a budget shooter.

.308 isn't that cheap in my neck of the woods, whose your fixer?

if you like to shoot a lot the only real choices are .22lr 9mm .223 plus a few combloc rounds with limited platforms to chose from.

unless you mean budget collectors who have guns they can't afford to shoot.
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