Apr 28 2007, 01:12 AM
Ordat nodded. An hour.
Kyla sat back on her bed. Ok, so what until then?
Lady Door
Apr 28 2007, 01:13 AM
We could always plan out how we're going to approach this war lord... Lu smiles at the look on Ky's face. From the way she was glancing at Llondir, Lu knew that Ky had her own plans for the hour they'd wait.
Lu just continued stripping off her armor, stacking it neatly in the chest.
Apr 28 2007, 01:48 AM
Once finished, Ordat led Lu to the room he would be sharing with Lolindril... supposedly. He made him self comfortable waiting for dinner.
Lady Door
Apr 28 2007, 04:11 AM
Tell me, Ordat. What will we need to do to prepare for the training?
Apr 28 2007, 04:15 AM
A strong will.
To begin the training, the Discipline teaches that you must pay. I'm sure you know the standard rates. This shows your devotion, and also compensates me, just as I have compensated others over the years. Training for the fourth circle costs 500 silver pieces. If you're unable to pay, then you can be my apprentice and shield bearer until you have worked off your debt.
There is also the Pledge.
Lady Door
Apr 28 2007, 04:20 AM
As you know, my sister and I have earned come coin from Captain Jonthen... but nothing near what we would need to advance both of us to the 4th circle. Lu pauses for a moment as if debating something. I would, if you would have be, take the pledge. She looks up at him, trying to read any expression in his stone-cut face.
Apr 28 2007, 04:34 AM
His face is smooth and expressionless. He'd be an excellent card player.
He reached under his shirt and withdraw waht looked like a small coin purse made of chainmail, and actually secured with a lock. The bag was secured with a small chain around his neck. She had thought it only a necklace when she'd glimpsed it before.
Ordat opened the lock not with a key, but by brushing the lock and speaking a word in trollic. The lop popped open smoothly. He up ened the bag over his massive fist. Out of it fell a coin, about as big as Ordat's thumb nail . But it's perternatural shine, and gold-silver color, Lu recognized it as the most precious of metals, a coin of pure orichalcum. She could see two small dots of color on it, one red and one a dark blue.
Two years ago, I used the coin, which I purchased ate great price, for the purpose of swearing the blood oath to the Warrior Kyros. He is an obsidiman, and a Warrior of the twelth circle. I could have bought the training with silver and left it at that. What I sought it was more than just the training to the Talents of the Seventh Circle. What I wanted was the training of a truely great Warrior. He consented to the Training Pledge, and taught me the Path of the Warrior.
If you are unfamiliar with the tenents of the Pledge, I will explain it. When a student Pledges to a Master, he is paying the teacher in more than coin. He is paying him in imortality. The student swears not only to learn the Masters way of following his Discipline, but to take on the mindset and practice it throughout his life, until he passes the Pledge coin on to another.
If you take this Pledge coin from me, you are consenting to follow Warden Kyros' Way of the Warrior, and to pass those teaching on to another if you are asked. You may not ask anyone to take the Pledge. It is strictly forbidden. You must be asked. You must not lose the Pledge Coin. It symbolizes one of the most important contracts you will ever make in your life. You bind it with your blood, as I have. If the coin is lost or stolen, you will lose all of the abilities and talents you have learned since taking the coin, and can only recover your magic and strength by recovering the coin.
This is a great responsibility you will take on to your self. I want you to realize that. Do you still wish to take the Pledge?[ Spoiler ]
Pronounced Keer-Os
OOC Cast updated with ship's crew personality and legend of Kyros and Ender
Lady Door
Apr 28 2007, 05:43 AM
Lu nods, her face serious and determined.
I understand what it means and I ask again to be pledged.
Apr 28 2007, 06:40 AM
Ordat simply nods. He draws out his large knife (also known as a shortsword), and makes a small cut on his hand, letting the blood touch the coin. It seems to sparkle. He hands the coin to Lu.
Lady Door
Apr 28 2007, 06:55 AM
Lu takes the coin, her face and posture stoic. Reaching for the sheath on her thigh, she pulls out her dagger. She looks up at Ordat and then back down at her palm. She drags the blade across her hand and lets the welling blood fall onto the coin.
She pauses for a moment, not sure of what she should feel. She looks around the room and then back at the coin. Her father had told her of pledges before, of what they entailed. She had just expected more from the ceremony... a flash of light, smoke, something.
Lu looks back up at Ordat, waiting.
Apr 28 2007, 07:08 AM
Now repeat the Oath.
"I shall see the wisdom of my Discipline as my Instructor sees it. I shall practice the wisdom of my Discipline as my Instructor practices it. I shall teach the wisdom of my Discipline as my Instructor has taught me."
Lady Door
Apr 28 2007, 07:16 AM
I shall see the wisdom of my Discipline as my Instructor sees it. I shall practice the wisdom of my Discipline as my Instructor practices it. I shall teach the wisdom of my Discipline as my Instructor has taught me.
Lu stands in front of Ordat, aware of the weight of the cool coin in her hand and the sensation of the hot blood running down her hand.
Apr 28 2007, 07:40 AM
The Pledge is sealed. We will begin tomorrow.
Ordat takes the armored coin purse and hands it to Luthielien, almost sighing as if removing a great weight of responsibility he's carried for some time.
I believe that you will honor this pledge, and the Way of the Warrior, as taught by Warden Kyros.
Lady Door
Apr 28 2007, 07:48 AM
I will do everything within my power to uphold his teachings and to honor his name. Lu takes the pouch reverently, slipping the coin back inside.
She looks back up at Ordat. How do I open it? What word was it that you spoke?
Apr 28 2007, 07:52 AM
Kator. It means Honor.
Lady Door
Apr 28 2007, 07:55 AM
Thank you, Ordat. This means a lot to me. I want you to know that I will protect it with my life.
Lu tries in those simple words to express the depth of her appreciation and respect. Unsure of what can be said without offending Ordat's honor, she tries to make him feel how she feels at this exact moment.
Apr 28 2007, 08:04 AM
He simply nods again, as if the words are not needed, but appreciated.
Then they wait for dinner. It's noisy across the hall.
Lady Door
Apr 28 2007, 08:10 AM
Lu sighs and begins to hum to herself, an old elven ballad her mother taught her.
Dinner would be good... anytime now...
Apr 28 2007, 08:11 AM
Dinner is brought. It's warm , and tasty, although Lu's not really sure what the meat is. Ordat seems to be sure that it's meat, and that's good enough.
Lady Door
Apr 28 2007, 08:18 AM
Lu tears in and chews contentedly. The meat is rubbery and the sound of her chewing masks the sounds coming from the other room quite nicely. All in all, she enjoys dinner.
Afterwards, she lays back on one of the beds in Ordat's room and stares up at the ceiling. What will you do when you return home, Ordat? ... if I'm imposing, please let me know.. She smiles at him.
Apr 28 2007, 08:32 AM
I don't know. I don't know when, or if I'll return home. We are going in to a battle soon. We will see what fate Thystonius has for me.
Lady Door
Apr 28 2007, 08:40 AM
Lu just nods and lays back on the bed. She realizes that she can no longer hear the activity from the other room. She smiles to herself and continues counting the knots in the boards above her.
Apr 29 2007, 06:55 AM
Training begins early in the morning. Ordat managed to secure a small horse training stable for their use for he week. Luthielien had the pledge coin, and Ordat had the five gold Lu had received from the Captain for Kyla's share. The three of them sat facing each other in a triangle , sitting in the dirt of the stable.
Beinga Warrior is more than knowing how to fight. It is also knowing when to fight. A Warrior must have a strong sense of honor, or else they are nothing more than people swinging around pieces of sharp metal at each other.
It is from the Warrior's code of Honor that we dervice our strength.
The Disciplines provide us with a pattern of how to teach, learn, fight , and live. Honor is a part of a Warrior's Discipline as much as theft is to a thief. We live it, and practice it, or we are nothing. If you do not hold to you Honor, then your pattern will not form properly, and may even fade.
You will keep your word when you give it. If you take coin to perform a task, then you have given your word. If you break your word, you break your Honor, and damage your self. You will fight along side those that you have sworn to fight with. A Warrior does not run from battle. A Warrior may retreat if there is nothing to be gained in fighting. But a Warrior never retreats from fear. A Warrior never starts a battle, but they always finish it. At the end of the day, when the fields run red with blood, it is the Warrior than leaves the field last, or not at all. That is how you will know the true Warrior.
You must be as the mountains. Hard and unyielding no matter what force assails you. In battle, you are a rock, an unasailable fortress.Most novice Warriors forget the most basic talents, and proceed in to battle without even the protection of Woodskin. Skin of Wood leads to mastering the Skin of Earth, and eventually, the Skin of Stone. Master Kyros is a master of the StoneSkin Talent. I my self have seen him take a blow solid to the chest from another of his kind,a powerful obsidiman Warrior, and never flinch.
It is not enough to master the Earth, as we are all made of all four elements. The Warrior is grounded in the elements more than most adepts, as you know from learning the Earth,Air, Fire, and Water defenses that are the basis for everything else we learn,
To be the air, you must be quick, and graceful. When you strike, you must be fast and cold. The wind is idspassionate. It does not care what it blows down, or who it's bit chills. It is the wind, wild and free, and it wil go where it will. Talents such as Air Dance and Acrobatic Strike demonstrate te stregnth and grace of the wind. Use them, as they are a powerful weapon against a normal bladesmen who keeps his feet on the ground.
Water is the element of life . It is fluid and powerful. Any elementalist or farmer can tell you that the power of water is inexonerable. It fills all things, and can resist them as well. The strength of water is what will keep you alive. It is also the basis for Woodskin, and the key to the Warriors durability. Do not forget the grace of water. Do not forget also, the power that water has when gathered in great quantities. It demonstrates the strength of the Warrior at his peak. That even when faced with great odds, the Warrior filled with the strength of water can wipe away even a multitude of opponents.
Fire is the heart that will keep you going. Stoke the flames of fire within your self. A Warrior's greatest strength of all lies in his strength of Will, which is fed by the fire in your heart. If that fire still burns, if you have the will to go on and use it, there is very little in this world that can stop you. Some see only the strength of solid earth, and so harden their hearts and passions to the world around them. When you bury fire under earth, it dies. So too does the Warrior that does not live life fully, because they have no life left to fight for.
This is the basis of the teachings of Master Kyros, Warrior of the Twelth Circle. Learn them, and understand them. Once you master them, none wil lbe able to stand against you.
Lady Door
Apr 29 2007, 07:00 AM
GM Note: [ Spoiler ]
Wow... that was incredible. Really. If I could give you GM karma I would.
Lu listens intently, soaking in Ordat's words like they were ink on paper. She finds herself comparing his words to all that she has learned on this short journey. For the first time, she truly feels as though she feels the Warrior's Way, rather then simply passing through it on her way to another discipline. It's a powerful and enlightening feeling.
Apr 29 2007, 07:19 AM
Most of the rest of the day is spent in discussion of the finer points of the basis of the Elements in the Warrior's Way. Soon Ordat moves on to describing the basics of Patterns and Thread Weaving.
As your instructor for the Fourth Circle of our Discipline, I have the rare privilege to train you in the basics of the art of Thread Weaving. Thread Weaving is the art of tying your pattern to another, and there by adding to your own pattern, strengthening you.
By now you should know that your Pattern is the weave of your life. Each event in your life adds a thread to your pattern. Some are more central or important to your pattern, but every decision and action you make or take will add to it. Your Pattern is who you are. It is your mind, your life, your soul, the center of the fabric of your being. Your Pattern is you. Much like a tapestry, the threads of the events of your life interweave to create the person you are now, just as more threads will do throughout your life.
To learn to Weave Threads is to learn to control and manipulate those patterns. You will learn to bond the Patterns of items, places, and even other people to your own, thereby strengthening both. Just as weaving more cloth together adds to it's strength, so does weaving together the threads of Patterns and magic. Remember always the first basic tenent of Pattern Magic. Without a name, there is no basis for a Pattern to form around. Only named itmes, people, and places, will have a pattern. This is why it is so important that the people of our world are called 'NameGivers'. Because we all possess within our selves the ability to begin a pattern, which is something that no animal can do. This is what sets us apart.
Next I will teach you the difference between a Pattern, Thread Weaving, and the Warrior's art of War Weaving.
Apr 29 2007, 07:39 AM
You have been training for many years now following the Path of the Warrior. This means that for those years, more threads having to do with the Art of War than most other people in the world. This will directly affect your Pattern, as you well know, because of the feats you are able to perform. The magic within your blood, combined with the training of the Warrior Discipline, creates in you the Pattern of a Warrior.
It his most basic, the Warrior is a weapon. The reason does not matter. A weapon is created for one purpose, to inflict harm on others. It is the manner in which that weapon is used that defines a person. But a Warrior is often a weapon first. This means that even if you define your self by your actions, you are still a weapon first. The legendary sword Purifier was created to destroy horrors. It is a task it performs without par. Yet at it's most basic, it is a sword, a weapon. It can be wielded for the cause it was created for, or against, or for causes having nothing to do with it's creation. Such is the way of the Warrior at it's core. That is the way of the Discipline you have chosen. Do not forget that.
A Warrior may choose their path for many reasons. Some choose it for coin, others glory, to enhance their own abilities, or to protect others. To be these things though, you learn to be a weapon. You learn how to fight, how to conduct battles, and how to wage war. A weapon's purpose does not matter as long as it is functional. That is the Warrior's Pattern.
To understand your Pattern, and how you may tie it to others, remmber that you are tying the Pattern of a weapon to something. If you pick up a sword, and tie your self to it, you are not arming your self. You are arming your self more[i]. You [i]are the weapon. The Warrior's mind and will are his greatest weapons, empowering him to wage war on his enemies, whom ever they may be. That is why the art of Thread Weaving among Warriors is called War Weaving. It is the art of weaving together the Patterns of War to make a more powerful weapon: You.
Weaving a Thread to an item, especailly a weapon, is no diferent than picking up a swoord or axe or knife. It is something that ever Warrior does. Warrior's are not Swordmasters, and so we are not so foolish as to limit our selves to the type of weapon we use for the sake of 'style'. We will use what we can, and when we must , we will use what we must. Weaving a thread to an item is an act of will, of binding a piece of the item's Pattern, and harnessing it. It is akin to picking up a sword, and placing it in your empty scabbard. You have it now, and may draw it when you need it.
You tie the thread, harness the magic in the item's Pattern, and enhance your own strength. In this way we are empowered to carry on the Art of War, by weaving our tapestry of weapons and will togheter. Anyone will tell you that it takes an act of will to stand on the lines, ready for war. So it is with War Weaving. You choose your weapon, and forge your bond with your will. You make it another weapon at your disposal.
Ordat continues on for long hours, describing the feeling of weaving a thread, and of how the bonds of Patterns are made.
Apr 30 2007, 06:41 AM
After the second night of training, as Lu and Ky are just emerging from their baths, there is a knock at the door.
Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 06:43 AM
Lu looks at Ky already sprawled out on the bed and goes to the door, her hand already drawing the dagger from it's sheath on her thigh.
Who is it? She calls from her side of the door.
Apr 30 2007, 06:49 AM
Lolindril my lady.
Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 06:51 AM
Smiling, but still holding the knife ready just in case, Lu opened the door to let Llondril in.
Apr 30 2007, 06:53 AM
Lolindril is smiling on the other side, and more so when he sees Lu's complete lack of clothing.
Not quite the welcome I was expecting, but certainly one I'll take.
He smiles very pretty again, and steps in to the room.... avoiding the knife.
Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 06:55 AM
Lu looks down and blushes, dodging behind the dressing screen quickly.
I.. uh.. we weren't expecting company. She calls from behind the screen as she dresses. What can I do for you, Lolindril?
Apr 30 2007, 06:58 AM
Acutally Luthielien, I was hoping to take you out for diner. Bit if you;d rather stay in...
Kyla, still lounging quite happily naked on her bed laughs.
Awfully shy all of a sudden arent you Lu? Kyla teases.
Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 07:02 AM
Lu peeks around the screen, smiling. Dinner? I would love to. Lu reaches out and snatches one of the dresses lying across the bed. For a moment there's just the sound of cloth rustling and then: Just let me ... get this... thing... laced... up. Lu's words come out on the exhale as she ties the stays of the her corset.
When she steps out she's wearing her only silk dress. Cut tight up top and full on bottom it glides with her as she walks. The dress is a deep blue, a color that shows off her hair, eyes and skin to their full advantage. She performs a deep curtsy to Lolindril, smiling up at him as she rises.
Apr 30 2007, 07:05 AM
Absolutely stunning. You see Kyla, sometimes being dressed can be even more beautiful.
Lolindril looks like he wants to clap. Kyla looks like she wants to clap his head. He walks up to Lu and offers her his arm.
Shall we my dear?
Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 07:07 AM
Lu beams, basking in the praise. She smiles at Ky and winks... after all, it is Ky's dress. She takes his arm and lets him lead her out of the room.
So, where are we going, my good sir?
Apr 30 2007, 07:10 AM
Well, the City of Thieves does have to be able to cater to it's more successful .. entrepreneurs. There is a beautiful restaurant not far from here simply called "Gold". That is where we are going.
Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 07:13 AM
How exciting. Will you protect me then? Lu smiles winningly as she toys with the gold necklace resting on her collarbone. Though she asks for his protection, she doesn't really need it. The dagger is at her thigh, and given the need, she could protect herself well enough.
Apr 30 2007, 07:25 AM
A swordmaster always carries his blade. Besides, I've arranged for a small coach. Have you ever ridden in a coach?
Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 07:30 AM
No, I can't say that I have. I'm looking forward to it. Lu wraps her arm around Lolindril tighter.
Apr 30 2007, 07:45 AM
Lolindril leads her out through the front of the inn. There is a black horse drawn carriage, pulled by two, just out side of the inn. The door man sets a blcok dow nfor Lu as she exits the inn, and opens the door for her.
Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 07:49 AM
She smiles and steps into the carriage, thanking the man that put the step down. Once inside, she snuggles in next to Lolindril.
I think I'm already jealous of whoever you plan on marrying. That is, if you ever settle down.
Apr 30 2007, 07:54 AM
Well settling down does have it's appeals... some day. I internd to travel for some time more. I don't doubt that you feel the same way. As for now, I have a gorgeous young lady on my arm, and a hope in my heart. Driver, shall we?
The coach rolls.
Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 07:56 AM
Lu leans back against his chest, enjoying the comfort he gives. A small rests on her face. So this is what cherished feels like...
Apr 30 2007, 07:58 AM
I must say Luthielien that I thank the Passions for meeting a girl as amazing as you . You've already shown me ... well a number of amazing new things. I intend to keep you close.
Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 07:58 AM
I'm glad to hear that, Swordmaster. I intend for you to stay close. Lu smiles and reaches up to kiss him.
Apr 30 2007, 08:01 AM
Lolindril kisses her back, deeply and passionately, savoring the moment. He's smiling that beautiful smile again when they pull apart.
Lady Door
Apr 30 2007, 08:02 AM
Lu melts a little again. Such... a... pretty... smile..
Did you know that you are the most handsome man I have ever known? Lu says it without thinking and then blushes.
Apr 30 2007, 08:09 AM
Yes, but it is certainly pleasing to hear you say it. he smiles again.
May 2 2007, 05:28 AM
Soon they arrive at Gold. The restaurant has an outer wall, with a pair of guards at it. The place looks like a small estate house, with a courtyad and fountain where the coach deposits them . The entry way is a covered stone arch, with elegant lamps and curtains. There is no sign declaring the name of the establishment. Apparently they expect that if you don't know, you don't belong there.
The pair are greeted by the host, who leads them to a table near the center of an elegantly appointed room. The carpet is a soft red, there are a number of draping curtains arond the room adding color to the tan stuccoed walls. The room is kept elegantly dark, with small candles at each tables. The other patrons are all dressed in finery, with velvet doublets, gowns, and jewelry being the rule.
Lolindril and Luthielien get a number of looks as they enter. They obviously aren't dressed quite to par of the majority of the patrons, but they have the look. An elven lord, and blademaster by the look, with a gorgeous young elven girl in a sleek and clinging blue silk dress that sets off her lond gold-red hair make quite an impression without finery. Lolindril proceeds as if their attention is his due, and leads Lu to their table in the center, with a number of eyes on them.
You see them watching you? They're wondering who you are, and wondering why they've never noticed someone as beautiful as you.