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Wait and see and talk, good interpretation.

One of the first (if not the first) question I asked was if the recent delays were caused by this atleast in part, and the answer was yes.

WizKids seems genuinly interested in the success of SR and CBT, my impression is that FPs licence was up for renewal, and this happened...
Yeah as I said in another thread, the inability to make product release dates really could have put them in a bad way with WK. No products, no money. And since this started all product releases will be on hold till they decide who controls SR.
QUOTE (Shadow @ May 4 2007, 04:23 PM)
Yeah as I said in another thread, the inability to make product release dates really could have put them in a bad way with WK. No products, no money. And since this started all product releases will be on hold till they decide who controls SR.

While we are not at liberty to discuss the details of what lies behind this development, SR4's success (and it has been a success regardless of slow down in releases because of the current situation) has absolutely nothing to do with the change over in license. In fact, it says quite a lot that the current development team is moving over to the new company intact.

Recent delays are directly attributable to the current situation. Several books were and are on final approach and as soon as the dust settles and the actual terms and date of the change of the guard are finalized, we fully expect to resume our SR4 release schedule where we left off
I just don't see a way that a company would willingly give up a successful title, or a parent company would pull a title from a company that was making it a success. I am not lying, since I am just stating my opinion. And I really don't mean to offend anyone. It is no secret that I was (and am) incredibly unhappy with SR4, even though some of the elements of it turned out really well.

As a business person though, knowing what little I know about business, I don't see WK going, "Hey FP, I know you have made a helluva success with SR, good job, oh yeah and we are pulling the license and giving it to these guys, have a nice day".

Now, like I said, it is possible that SR4 has been a huge success, I don't know because LLC's don't have to release sales figures. It could have been a smashing success, making everyone involved with it a lot of money (relatively speaking). If so though, barring some huge legal issue, why would WK pull a winning license from a proven company to give it to someone else?

These are the questions I ask, because I care. And because they are the questions that will never get answered. Any answer will resemble what I call, "The Company Line".

Some variation of the Ship is sinking and that is a good thing.
As I've said elsewhere, we are not at liberty to discuss the full details of the situation - but I will repeat it has nothing to do with SR4's success.

There are times when people read too much into situations with too little facts on hand. For instance, it might be interesting to note (since it hasn't been mentioned that I know of) that FanPro Germany recently announced that its games lines will be taken over Ulisses Games and that it will be focusing on the book publishing market. I advise, however, against jumping to conclusions.
Rotbart van Dainig
And for those that still don't get it: They're broke.

(The note on the book publishing market is a sad joke. They lost Heyne as publisher quite a time ago.)
Demonseed Elite
It makes a lot more sense with the full story, which we can't get into. Without the full story, you're left guessing at the reasons why and the guesses are incorrect.

If you don't want to trust us on that, that's cool. There just isn't anything we can do about it at this time. But I know that as a freelancer I'm really looking forward to the license changeover.
Well thats cool, its good to know you guys are looking forward to it. As a veteran of a couple of changeover/mergers I would suggest you ask yourself, are you getting the full story? And if you lost your job next week, what would you do?

Because the company has no problem telling you everything is bright and sunny, right up to the point where they give you your walking papers.
Rotbart van Dainig
It's not really a big secret that FanPro Germany bit off than it could chew concerning ClickTech, etc.
Just to get the perspective right:
Giving away DSA (The Dark Eye) is about the same for FPG as if WW would drop WoD. wink.gif
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (Shadow)
Well thats cool, its good to know you guys are looking forward to it. As a veteran of a couple of changeover/mergers I would suggest you ask yourself, are you getting the full story? And if you lost your job next week, what would you do?

I know I'm not getting the full story. But I've been told enough (and I have heard enough from other angles) to know that I have a good enough idea.

And if I lost my job? On Shadowrun? I'm just a freelancer for Shadowrun, I'm not exactly employed by them. I think I'd get over it pretty quickly. I mean, you are talking to the freelancer who quit writing for Shadowrun before, back when it was FASA. If I'm looking forward to this change, it means something.
I see the doom and gloom is out in force.
I don't see any doom and gloom. SR has sold out 3 printings, and that ain't small potatoes in the non D&D world. I have no knowledge of the Fanpro license on printing SR source and setting books, but IMR may have come up with a more compresnsive offer than FP could have (Battlecorps already shows the web side of that). I doubt they would negoiate for less for SR.

May be better in the long run, may be worse. I'm just sitting on the sidelines at the moment. Good luck to all involved, and I hope you end up where you wish.

Rotbart van Dainig
Yeah, everyone is pretty certain that Shadowrun will stay (and most likely prosper at IMR) - just FanPro is a goner.

So long as when they updates to SR4 and Street Magic PDFs come out with the new labels on them, I can still get my upgrade from DriveThruRPG.

Rotbart van Dainig
Heh. Looks like ordering PDFs from BattleCorps was the stategically wise choice. nyahnyah.gif
You don't get it: they're buying the license because the video game is going to have a larger audience than the PnP game. So if they turn the PnP game into an tie-in of the video game, they can get a lot of money with it. Of course, that will require modifying some details of the universe (what would Shadowrun be if you couldn't resurrect people?). Shadowrun PnP fans won't be pleased, but roleplayers are a dying breed and they're broke anyway, whereas 13 years old gamers can spend a lot more money for their games... upsidedown.gif

... And devs are happy about it, because they get paid so much they can retire to a place where they won't be hearing about it for the rest of their lives and play good ol' Shadowrun together.

[For those who doubt it, this post should not be taken seriously]
QUOTE (Blade)
... And devs are happy about it, because they get paid so much they can retire to a place where they won't be hearing about it for the rest of their lives and play good ol' Shadowrun together.

Personally, I know that I'm looking forward to the flights on the IMR corporate jet. It's going to save a lot of money that I'd otherwise be spending on gas driving to conventions. rotfl.gif
And our giant all-glass 28 storey office! wooooo!
The solid gold brick of D6's was certainly a nice touch.
QUOTE (the_dunner)
Personally, I know that I'm looking forward to the flights on the IMR corporate jet. It's going to save a lot of money that I'd otherwise be spending on gas driving to conventions. rotfl.gif

You get the jet to come get me Dunner and I'll run SRM's anywhere you need me too. wobble.gif
QUOTE (Adam)
And our giant all-glass 28 storey office! wooooo!

Mmm. T3 Interweb connection... grinbig.gif
How are the negotiations going? Are things moving along? stalled? or is everything all ready sign, sealed, and delivered?

If things are going good do we have an general ETA for the next book?

Would it be sometime this summer? or not until the fall? Or even later then that?
Things are moving along, but until negotiations are over, nothing can really be said or speculated about release dates, future plans, etc.

There's a GenCon coming up, isn't there? I'd always had the impression that GenCon is to game developers what end of year Exams are to final year students.

Or am I just being very hopeful. frown.gif
Gen Con Indy is August 16-19 this year.

I'm not sure I'd call it "final exams" ... I think the 16 hour work days in April -> June to get products ready for Gen Con is a better aproximation to final exams wink.gif
Isn't that more akin to the studying part right before the exams?

Yes, that's how I would see it as well. smile.gif
That's what I meant. Possibly transatlantic communication problems.
Probably more like the effect of those 16 hour days... wink.gif
From the desk of David "Vairdic" Stansel-Garner
Materials & Operations Manager: InMediaRes Productions (a wholly owned subsidiary of Saeder-Krupp)

Subject: Corporate realignment of the annotated brand Shadowrun (hereafter SR).

Dear invested player,

It is understandable that in this transition period of the SR identified brand, one could find trouble in any announcement published in a familiar tone. Therefore it has been prescribed by our marketing department that we release an announcement that targets that in which most of our market consumers dis-identify. Marketing refers to this as "Reverse Psychology".

With that said, let us begin.

The corporate realignment as stated above is in the interest of the invested consumer, employee, and contract worker due to the following reasons:

1) Asset redistribution and reintegration into a aligned unit with a structured market position.

2) Managed priorities and personnel asset restructuring will allow streamlining and better organizational order.

3) Synergistic asset valuation will enhance opportunities presented by key-enablers and the subsequent integration into the corporate vision.

4) Integrated solutions will enable out of the box solutions that will enhance value-add.

In conclusion, by all metrics used to measure success, this realignment creates an asset positive approach enhancing the player investment and product valuation to the current market. It also will enable market expansion due to asset redistribution and enhancement.

David M. Stansel-Garner
The Entropic Wizard
biggrin.gif I see someone has mastered the art of saying a lot without actually saying anything.

Clever dog, you. grinbig.gif
Wow. I think I understood most of that. Kinda worries me. Not the content, just that I think I got it.
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (Vairdic)
It is understandable that in this transition period of the SR identified brand, one could find trouble in any announcement published in a familiar tone.

Actually, not making any anouncements is the quite familiar tone of FanPro Germany. nyahnyah.gif
I'm glad someone understood it Fist3.0

I couldn't make head nor tails of it!
Looks to me like at least four successes on that Corporate "Spin" roll. biggrin.gif
mattness pl
QUOTE (Adam @ Apr 21 2007, 03:00 AM)
Also, please note that WizKids is not selling either property. IMR would be licensing them like FanPro currently is.

So, WizKids still got rights to non-RPG and non-comp Shadowrun stuff (novels?!) frown.gif


Is it really THAT bad?

Saturday, May 05, 2007
Shadowrun Purchased

I'm not a huge SR fan, but this is big news. Before I proceed, I'd like to mention that I have not spoken to my friend Jong about this at all, I made a point of not talking about it with him so as not to put him in a compromising position.

Wizkids is getting out of the Battletech and Shadowrun business. Instead, they're selling both those titles off to Inmediares, a company that until now was mostly known for doing supplementary Battletech material. All of this happened while I was on vacation.

What does this mean? Well, first of all, it doesn't mean that Wizkids is in financial trouble, but it does obviously mean that neither of those titles are worth keeping for Wizkids. This isn't good news for SR fans.

What is worse news for SR fans is that the title was bought by a company that was almost completely devoted to Battletech before.  It smacks of SR being just the booby prize, a bonus thrown in like you might get a cheap pen when you buy a used car.  Battletech is the real gem that Inmediares were looking for, and SR was just filler that Wizkids wanted to get off their hands.

Hey, reality isn't pretty, but there it is.

Now, its not all bad news. Inmediares has promised to keep all the current writers (not a huge feat for them, since the current writers are almost all freelancers like Jong, and all of Shadowrun's management was basically a one-man show), and this obviously implies that there will still be books produced, and there is the claim that this will be even better for SR.

Will there? I wouldn't be so sure.  Again, if they sold of SR its not necessarily a sign that SR4 has done poorly, but obviously it IS evidence that SR4 didn't do well enough to be worth keeping.
As for this being the dawn of a bright new era for SR fans, I would be highly doubtful of that. Think of it this way: Inmediares does battletech. They love Battletech, they're dedicated to Battletech.  At best, SR will be the neglected hunchbacked brother of their Battletech line. At worst, they'll run SR to the ground, or produce utter junk.
Of course, I could be wrong. They could surprise everyone, they could create the best SR stuff yet, or radically change SR in a way that generates massive controversy but brings new attention to the game (shit, they might finally do a SR D20! Dare to dream, right?).
Ancient History
That would be more informative if not for the fact that Pundit is speaking out of his ass.
Rotbart van Dainig
That's what happens if people lack info.
i can see why pundit have a mixed rep in the p&p rpg world...
My degree in economics enables me to identify with the market-speech. IIRC I instructed several friends from university to kill me if that ever happens. Time to wrap up my life.

Anyone who complained about how things where done (not what was done) in the last years might just understand that a change of company -while keeping the developers- might be good for SR. The notion that a top-selling RPG-product is a just a giveaway on top of BATTLETECH is, well, not that realistic.
re: the Pundit article:

Holy lack of research, Batman!

Seems Pundit is of the same stripe as most of those "fair and unbaised" media types running around spouting thier own political spins on every blasted thing.
Ancient History
Well, with the notable exception that Pundit is at least honest about being biased and unfair.
and he can be at times fun to read when he goes up against some of the "thinkers" within the rpg world...
mattness pl
Oops - sorry, I didn't know that this source is biased.
No worries Mat, everyone is biased. Some for some against. I believe his primary mistake is in saying that WK is selling the product, as opposed to issuing a license to a different vendor (so to speak).
Does that make spouting baseless FUD about "what this means for SR players" his secondary mistake? wink.gif
Especially considering that he openly dreams about Cancer Shadowrun?

I knew there was a reason I never paid any attention to him. cyber.gif
QUOTE (Ravor)
Especially considering that he openly dreams about Cancer Shadowrun?

I knew there was a reason I never paid any attention to him. cyber.gif

QUOTE (mattness pl)
So, WizKids still got rights to non-RPG and non-comp Shadowrun stuff (novels?!) frown.gif

As the license deal hasn't been finalized, it's impossible to say what rights Catalyst Game Labs will have. Catalyst is not /acquiring/ Shadowrun and Classic BattleTech, though, so WizKids will still have, well, all the rights that they haven't licensed out to other parties. smile.gif
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