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but since we haven't seen any new books recently, things really can't go worse, right?

So long as the same people are writing, proof-reading and play-testing this material, then I'd say no. If there were different writers coming in, then I would be very concerned. But by the sounds of things, this could be very positive.

And obviously Shadowrun's success in an otherwise dire RPG market has been noticed. So long as the new company understands why that is, then this should be good.
I doubt a company would buy the license for a game just to close it down. I think we will see more books and rules coming out for Shadowrun, at least at first if they want to pay back their investment.
QUOTE (prionic6)
What happens to the german translations?

*crosses fingers and brings question up again for addressing*
QUOTE (Dentris)
I doubt a company would buy the license for a game just to close it down.

Your point is valid, but noone is buying the licence, IMR is negotiating "to explore the acquisition of RPG publishing rights". Still noone will negotiate for the rights and shut it down, and WizKids wouldn't offer up the rights to ruin the lines. It's semantics but it's better that it's clear I think.
QUOTE (Adam)
QUOTE (Demerzel @ Apr 21 2007, 02:58 AM)
What happens to Dumpshock now?  Will it still remain the main forum for SR?  Does IMR have plans for it?

I think it is very likely that IMR will be launching their own Shadowrun forums, but I expect them to be slightly more focused on "new player" issues than Dumpshock is. More limited in scope.

Interesting. Wonder if this means we get to be the new red headed step child of Shadowrun? It should be interesting to see how an "Official Forum" will end up looking.

*Disclaimer - No Offense intended or implied to any Red-Headed Step children. I'm sure you're all very nice people. Sorry no one pays attention to you.*
[EDITED] With my apologies to the CBT community.

So to the forum issue, DSF will continue, and a new IMR forum will be added? Adam, you're highly involved in this forum's administration (That may be an understatement), will the support and dispensing of information remain? A coupple weeks or days ago you said that there has been some critisism of your releasing too much info on DSF, was that a part of the prenegotiations when that came up? I guess I mean, if I was better able to catch it, was that comment foreshadowing of this event?
QUOTE (Dentris)
I doubt a company would buy the license for a game just to close it down. I think we will see more books and rules coming out for Shadowrun, at least at first if they want to pay back their investment.

You know, up until this morning I thought that too. Now I must direct your attention to Damage Control Games and their acquisition of the Cold Navy starship miniature line...

Note: I do not think that will be the case here. All I'm saying is that I too didn't think a thing like that would happen...boy, you live long enough, you see just about everything... dead.gif
I cried over the FASA deal, because we were ramping up to a book a month, but with current release schedules I really do think things can only get better. I'm also more comfortable with the news knowing that key players will retain their roles. I was happy with the core product line that was announced, and am eager to own it all. I expect great things beyond the core products as well. smile.gif
QUOTE (Demerzel @ Apr 21 2007, 04:08 PM)
So to the forum issue, DSF will continue, and a new IMR forum will be added?  Adam, you're highly involved in this forum's administration (That may be an understatement), will the support and dispensing of information remain?

I think that its undeniable that Shadowrun owes a lot to the persistence and popularity of Dumpshock over the years and I think its safe to say that it will remain a reference in the future. Heck, a fair number of our active freelancers were recruited from Dumpshock alumni (myself included). I for one will continue to visit these forums and try to update people on developments and clarify doubts here and there. I have no doubt Adam, Robyn and the rest of the gang will remain equally active here too (time allowing).
Haven't seen much of Robyn lately. *Sends out the new WH11 signal*
QUOTE (Adam)
I think it is very likely that IMR will be launching their own Shadowrun forums, but I expect them to be slightly more focused on "new player" issues than Dumpshock is. More limited in scope.

I think this will actually be good for SR’s online community if this is the way it pans out.

I've seen some other boards run by other game companies (Games Workshop comes to mind) where long term veteran players were driven away by the endless stream of repetitious beginner questions when their product lines got popular. Not to imply that newb questions are not valid or important- having places where new players can get advise and info from veterans is good for a game.

But hopefully this move will get Shadowrun out to lots of new gamers and having an official company-sponsored message board might be a nice buffer...
QUOTE (Method)
QUOTE (Adam @ Apr 21 2007, 01:29 AM)
I think it is very likely that IMR will be launching their own Shadowrun forums, but I expect them to be slightly more focused on "new player" issues than Dumpshock is. More limited in scope.

I think this will actually be good for SR’s online community if this is the way it pans out.

I've seen some other boards run by other game companies (Games Workshop comes to mind) where long term veteran players were driven away by the endless stream of repetitious beginner questions when their product lines got popular. Not to imply that newb questions are not valid or important- having places where new players can get advise and info from veterans is good for a game.

But hopefully this move will get Shadowrun out to lots of new gamers and having an official company-sponsored message board might be a nice buffer...

I equate "Unofficial" with "Freedom," myself.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
QUOTE (prionic6 @ Apr 21 2007, 03:58 AM)
What happens to the german translations?

*crosses fingers and brings question up again for addressing*

Sorry; I can't speak for FanPro Germany.
So to the forum issue, DSF will continue, and a new IMR forum will be added?

That's likely. Exact details to be worked out.

Adam, you're highly involved in this forum's administration (That may be an understatement), will the support and dispensing of information remain?


A coupple weeks or days ago you said that there has been some critisism of your releasing too much info on DSF, was that a part of the prenegotiations when that came up?  I guess I mean, if I was better able to catch it, was that comment foreshadowing of this event?

No, that comment was totally unrelated.
ok my tuppence worth, will IMR be working with any other products ? , or are they Shadowrun exclusive.

2 will any of the new Shadowrun material be tied more closely to the Earthdawn history of the Fourth World.

other than that i hope it all goes well for u guys, and that the game go;s from strength to strength.
IMR will be working on Classic BattleTech [and the BattleCorps site] and Shadowrun [and the HoloStreets site] -- discussion about other product lines is premature.

This doesn't change anything regarding Earthdawn and Shadowrun links.
thanks smile.gif
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Haven't seen much of Robyn lately. *Sends out the new WH11 signal*

Sorry, still here (sort of--haven't been reading DS quite as often lately as before).

Been using the time when things have been slow with SR to feed my WoW habit. biggrin.gif
Hey 'Hawk any chance of any new RAT FICTION out on your page? Those pieces were top notch. I loved them, I still go back every 3 months or so and reread them!
QUOTE (winterhawk11)
Been using the time when things have been slow with SR to feed my WoW habit. biggrin.gif

Why!? Why would you say such a thing!?!? Noooooooooooooooo....
QUOTE (Magus)
Hey 'Hawk any chance of any new RAT FICTION out on your page? Those pieces were top notch. I loved them, I still go back every 3 months or so and reread them!

Thanks--I'm glad you enjoy the stories! smile.gif

Realistically, probably not anything new anytime soon. Between the day job, life, SR dev stuff (which should be picking up again now that things are moving) and my WoW addiction, I don't have much time to write these days, sad to say. That could change, but for now the stories on the site are probably going to be it for awhile.
I was going to say, if you could just give up WOW, there could be so much more writing time!

Someone's goign to have to chain both you and Patrick Goodman down, and make you update your sites one of these days. At least DE updates his stuff semi-regularly.
I think a quick fictional run for Hawk, Ocelot and the gang to Oz would be great! More Drop Bears!!
Awesome idea. No dragon's though. IE's tend to follow them like those little birds on the backs of rhinos. Don't need any more IE's in Australia. Urdli and Fortune are enough thank you.
Just another question: has anyone the webpage of inmediares?
My google can't find anything that seems to be related to roleplaying games and says it's still awailable...
IMR doesn't have a page online beyond the BattleCorps online service at and, of course, the lovely placeholder page at
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Don't need any more IE's in Australia. Urdli and Fortune are enough thank you.


Wonder what Fortune is doing at the moment, though.
I Dropped in on him smokin.gif devil.gif
Demonseed Elite
At least DE updates his stuff semi-regularly.

Well, not really. I'm horribly behind updating my site. For the same reasons as Rat, pretty much. I do have material I want to work on, but my writing time has been invested in Neo-Tokyo material for Corp Enclaves and NYC material which will appear somewhere (either my website or possibly through an IMR web release if things work out in that direction now).
Patrick Goodman
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Someone's goign to have to chain both you and Patrick Goodman down, and make you update your sites one of these days. At least DE updates his stuff semi-regularly.

Well, Fist, if I had anything to say I might do more updates. I've got day-job issues and a 16-month-old that eat up most of my available time. I'll see if I can find something worthwhile to say, though.
as far as WoW addiction, mine took care of itself after a while. for example, once i got bored of doing the same three quests over and over and over, just with different names and different objects.

and that was even before i started hitting epic dungeons where you need to run the same dungeon over and over, fighting the same bosses over and over, using the same techniquest over and over, and desparately hoping that this time you might actually get what you need out of it over and over...

(IOW, WoW got really old after a while. hopefully, it will for you too smile.gif )
QUOTE (Patrick Goodman)
Well, Fist, if I had anything to say I might do more updates. I've got day-job issues and a 16-month-old that eat up most of my available time. I'll see if I can find something worthwhile to say, though.

I know how it can be with kids. I'm just hoping the occassional shoulder poking will get something written. smile.gif Same to Robyn/Rat/WH (ok, you I never know what to call.)

QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
I'm horribly behind updating my site

Yes but yours has been upadted in the last year. Perhaps I should amend it to say semi-annualy.

QUOTE (Magus)
I Dropped in on him

Well done. Well done indeed.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
QUOTE (Magus)
I Dropped in on him

Well done. Well done indeed.

Yup. cool.gif
QUOTE (prionic6)
What happens to the german translations?

In negotiation. I'm quite optimistic after speaking with some people at RPC Münster...
QUOTE (Adam)
IMR doesn't have a page online beyond the BattleCorps online service at and, of course, the lovely placeholder page at

Well, we do have a domain, but since it's placeholder is nowhere near as lovely as the Holostreets one* I'll hold off on giving y'all the URL. nyahnyah.gif

There is a little bit of information about IMR on the BattleCorps site, however.

*"<html><head><title>Coming soon!</title></head><body><p>Coming soon!</p></body></html>" is the contents of index.htm on the site...
I might have missed this in the posts but is this deal going to push back any of the other books set to come out (or be finished) in the upcoming year? I know Emergence was mentioned but what about Arsenal, Augmentation, and Unwired?
QUOTE (Rob Boyle)
>>> Has this been part of the delays we've been seeing in publishing of late, and will this expidite the books we've all been waiting for?<<<

Yes, it's been a big part of the delay recently. Emergence is almost ready to go to print, for example, and should soon.

In the long run, this should also mean an overall more intensive focus on dev work (more staff, more time).

Looks like if anything it will accellerate development.
Emergence is almost ready to ship off to the printers needing only a few final touches. Currently Arsenal, Augmentation and Corp Enclaves are in various stages of completion but we are focusing on getting them out as soon as possible.
I'm surprised this is already about to fall off the front page. I'm not one much for bumping, but perhaps this should be stickied at least for a coupple weeks for those who don't check out DSF as addictively as I do?
Perhaps make it a sticky until the actual changeover plus one month?

Oh, and what's the ETA on Emergence at the moment? (I'm hopefully going to start running my campaign in a less than a month, and having that would be nice)
QUOTE (Synner)
Emergence is almost ready to ship off to the printers needing only a few final touches. Currently Arsenal, Augmentation and Corp Enclaves are in various stages of completion but we are focusing on getting them out as soon as possible.

QUOTE (bibliophile20)
Oh, and what's the ETA on Emergence at the moment? (I'm hopefully going to start running my campaign in a less than a month, and having that would be nice)

Next week? Two weeks? A month? I'm jonesin', man! spin.gif
QUOTE (Glayvin34)

QUOTE (bibliophile20)
Oh, and what's the ETA on Emergence at the moment? (I'm hopefully going to start running my campaign in a less than a month, and having that would be nice)

Next week? Two weeks? A month? I'm jonesin', man! spin.gif

I'm not going to start with it off the bat--I'm going to build into it, but having the book after two or three sessions is better than having it in August when the summer is almost over and the fall semester is starting soon.
QUOTE (bibliophile20)
I'm not going to start with it off the bat--I'm going to build into it, but having the book after two or three sessions is better than having it in August when the summer is almost over and the fall semester is starting soon.

Well, if your players are more intent upon succeeding in their chosen professions/fields of study rather than have an awesome SR game you need to sit down with them and have a stern talk about priorities.
QUOTE (Demerzel)
QUOTE (bibliophile20 @ Apr 24 2007, 10:55 AM)
I'm not going to start with it off the bat--I'm going to build into it, but having the book after two or three sessions is better than having it in August when the summer is almost over and the fall semester is starting soon.

Well, if your players are more intent upon succeeding in their chosen professions/fields of study rather than have an awesome SR game you need to sit down with them and have a stern talk about priorities.

Aren't you a teacher or something?
QUOTE (knasser)
Aren't you a teacher or something?

No. I'm very pedantic, but not the definition that says, "Male teacher." More the, "showy in the use of knowledge" definition.

I do have a Physics degree, but there are other things than teaching to do with physics degree.
QUOTE (Demerzel)
QUOTE (knasser @ Apr 25 2007, 02:18 PM)
Aren't you a teacher or something?

No. I'm very pedantic, but not the definition that says, "Male teacher." More the, "showy in the use of knowledge" definition.

I do have a Physics degree, but there are other things than teaching to do with physics degree.

Ah. Could have sworn you once referred to teaching students during the "Spaceship to Mars" War.

Oh well. Guess you can continue, then. Was just amusing myself with notions of your classes: "Now if the samurai uses edge to re-roll, what is the new probability of damaging the troll with Ex-Ex rounds?"

Actually, this makes me want to become a teacher. grinbig.gif

Actually, I have a question related to the topic (apologies for random bantering). Are IMR planning to continue with the release of old supplements as PDFs? This is important to me as I've been waiting for SoE for ages and I know that it was in the queue.
QUOTE (knasser @ Apr 25 2007, 02:29 PM)
Ah. Could have sworn you once referred to teaching students during the "Spaceship to Mars" War.

While a Masters student I did the Obligitory TA time, that's its own story. So yes, I have student stories, and experience with the common misconceptions of students in Physics. I just didn't do it very long...
QUOTE (knasser)
Actually, I have a question related to the topic (apologies for random bantering). Are IMR planning to continue with the release of old supplements as PDFs? This is important to me as I've been waiting for SoE for ages and I know that it was in the queue.

Maybe I am just not seeing the threads, but is anyone talking about this? Fanpro is losing Shadowrun??? Now a lot of decisions over the last few years start to make sense. How is it that FP could be losing SR if they were "making a successful fourth edition" it just doesn't make sense. Has anyone heard anything other than the usual...

"I know the ship is sinking and water is filling all the compartments, but really this is a good thing, we are relocating to an aquatic environment where we plan to see lots of fish".

I mean come on, RB saying this is good for the franchise? Please, you don't lose a franchise unless you were horribly miss managing it. And it is never good for a new company to take over. Even if they keep some of the same employees, there will be someone new in charge and they will want to change everything to make it there own (ala RB).

This is not nay saying, but how can anyone feel reasonably secure with the future of the franchise with this sort of tumultuous environment.

Well to add to my comments everyone seems to really be taking this in stride. Someone mentioned they would dout a company would by a license just to shut it down. I hope that isn't the case but if Wizkids is losing money on SR and they want a quick infusion of cash, and another company needs to liquidate assets, well the two could easily spell the end of SR. But, it looks like some of the insiders seem to think this isn't going to happen. Then again, the only people who really know whats going on are over at the negotiating table.

FP has been pretty bad at meeting release dates (I know it isn't always there fault, but it is there product) combined with what I feel has been a lackluster 4th edition, I can WK yanking the license in hopes of salvaging the line. Well, I guess the only thing to do is wat and see, and talk biggrin.gif
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