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Shell/Crow - Wednesday May 15th, 2070: 21:05 - The Ink & Paint Club
Commlink - Passive, Signal 0

Hmph, riddles and sidestepping, well neither of us know the other so only sensible.... Could really do with an escape right about now.... damn it timers still active.... gotta get rid off that soon.

With a mental flip Shell retunes his 'link's signal down to the 'Go Away' setting now that he's in the meeting room, and quickly checks that the firewall is fully bumped up and active.

Well that should keep everyone out, unless there's a hacker coming....

Well I always prefer calm green hills to ripples, but you have to take what comes.

Green hills my trollish arse, like I can see you mage, well ripples are my speciality, but none are still better.
Lady Door
As the early birds Shell and Crow eye each other from across the room, the door clicks open yet again.
A tall, well dressed human male enters. He glances at the both of you and then nods, crossing to sit in a chair at the opposite end of the table. Everything about the man seems to radiate power and wealth. His well-cut suit, the diamond Rolex, the impeccable cut on his salt and pepper pompadour... even the sheen on his wing tipped shoes.
Good evening, gentleman. I'm Mr. Lincoln. Thank you both for coming. He smiles, a genial smile that doesn't quite reach his blue eyes. I believe we have a few others that will be joining us momentarily, so until then, please... order a drink... on me. He unbuttons his suit jacket and sits, leaning back and crossing his legs; resting an ankle on his other knee. He doesn't make a move to order a drink, simply watches the both of you and waits.
Cash - Wednesday May 15th, 2070: 21:05 - The Ink & Paint Club - The Meet

The door opens as a tall but suprisingly 'lithe' troll walks in. In other words, he's not the muscle bound behemoth most have come to expect from trolls in the shadows. His black hair is cobmed back but more or less lose, which matches with his black on black slacks, tee shirt, and suit jacket.

Glancing at the occupants of the room, his eyes settle on the sole human, impeccably well dressed, and seeming in control of the room. He extends his hand to the man.

How do you do sir? I assume you're Mr Lincoln. I'm Tony Cash.
Lady Door
The Ink & Paint Club - Wednesday May 15th, 2070: 2105

Mr. Lincoln stands and offers his hand, returning the handshake with a firm grip.
Good evening, Mr. Cash. Glad you could join us. You were spoken highly of. Please... order a drink, on me. We still have some time before the others are due.
He smiles and then sits, returning to his previous position.
Cash first offers his hand to the other two runners in the room.

Tony Cash, pleasure. To both the troll and the elf, starting with the elf so that he doesn't feel any sort of racial leanings. Cash goes over to the meet room's wet bar, and pours him self a quick white russian.

Anyone else? he asks, while holding up a bottle.
The Ink & Paint Club - Wednesday May 15th, 2070: 21:06

Sean nods to Lincoln as he enters and drops his eyes for a momentary and sincere greeting. He turns back to Shell and replies, "I'm not much a green hills person myself, but I do prefer as few ripples as possible. In and out like a gentle summer breeze, if you'll excuse my continuing with metaphors."

Crow shakes the hand of the second troll. It appears we have a face, a sam and a mage so far. Rounding out quickly. Good. He replies feeling more comfortable with his nickname, "They call me Crow." As he looks at the new troll and gestures toward his existing drink, "Have one already. Thanks anyway.", he quickly assenses his aura.

OOC: Assensing Cash
[ Spoiler ]

Crow then casually notes the number of exits from the room as he turns back to Lincoln. "A team of five tonight?"
The Ink & Paint Club - Wednesday May 15th 21:15

An elven man in a rumpled business suit enters, he looks around briefly. After taking in the room, he smiles at the gathered runners. Mr. Lincoln's party I assume? He sets a battered briefcase on the floor. Turning he surveys the room, I'm sorry if I'm late, had a bit of a run in with KE, no worries I took care of it He walks over to the bar, he pours himself a double Irish whiskey with no ice. He seats himself easily, after sitting he looks around, Drek, forgot to introduce my sorry carcass, I'm Charlie, some folks call me Clean Charlie. I'm PAN's and people He offers a hand. After shaking with anyone who wants he draws a pack of cards out of his suit coat pocket. Anyone for a game or two to pass the time? Small stakes of course

OOC: Charlie will not cheat too aggressively unless forced into it. Also before any game begins he will do a quick PAN sweep looking for active cyber or bugs
Cash- Wednesday Aug 15th 21:15 - The Meet-Ink& Paint Club
[ Spoiler ]

Cash nods at Crow and takes his seat, looking up when Charlie answers. He chuckles at the elf. Games later Charlie my man. Business is the order for the night I think. Make it tomorrow and raise the stakes a bit and we'll see.

Cash gives Charlie a wink, then turns to regard Mr Lincoln, waiting for him to call the meet.

Interesting little team here so far.Trolls and elves mostly. yeah.. we're low key. Yeah right.
Lady Door
The Ink & Paint Club - Wednesday May 15th, 2070: 2120

OOC: There is no waitress in the room, Meriss. It's a serve yourself kinda room. smile.gif The hostess escorted you to the room's door and then left.

Mr. Lincoln raises an eyebrow at Charlie's brash entrance and seems about to speak when Cash opens his mouth. He listens as Cash speaks and then turns his attention back to Charlie.
A run-in with Knight Errant? ... Mr. Lincoln does not look pleased. His features pinch for a moment and then relax. Very well. Charlie if Knight Errant becomes an issue, I hope you understand that I will count on you to take care of it before it becomes a problem. As far as your 'card' game is concerned, I'm afraid you're going to have to find a more ... suitable time for such ventures. As Mr. Cash has said, now is the time for business. Are we clear? ... Good. Then let us begin. Mr. Lincoln stands and waves a hand at the AR, activating the white noise generator and engaging the deadbolt on the door.
As you all may know, the reason we have assembled you together tonight is to discuss the particulars of a ... for lack of a better term, job that needs to be handled delicately. I trust that each of you understand our need for discretion in this matter? ... Good. We are in need of an extraction. The extraction is, unfortunately, not a willing one although it is very much necessary.
As was mentioned to you by your individual brokers and fixers, this operation will include travel and a rather extended timeline. We are offering 20K to each of you for your talents on this particular endeavor with bonuses offered for timeliness, the health and wellbeing of the target, and stealth.
So, now before we begin our discussions in earnest, does anyone have any questions for me? Please keep in mind that some specifics will be kept on a need to know basis until you accept the job. ... Anyone?
My first concern to being with is the issue of travel. Will this be within North America, the CAS, or some other area entirely? My second would be the amount of security around the targert.
The Ink & Paint Club - Wednesday May 15th, 2070: 2121

Sean sits quietly waiting for the rest of the team to arrive. When Charlie enters the room he maintains his outward composure while thinking, What a disaster... Knight Errant..? Late...? Games...? Oh no Lincoln, this guy isn't gonna work.....

OOC: Assensing Charlie
[ Spoiler ]

None the less he manages a friendly smile and shakes Charlie's hand. He'd been around long enough to know that at times even the most unprofessional, unorthodox, green runners can get lucky and save the day... Regrettably they usually just get themselves killed, the trick was to not die with them. Here's hoping this is just a bad first impression.. Sean elects at this point to remain silent and turns to Lincoln as the briefing begins.

After Lincoln finishes the opening and Cash injects a few questions Sean adds his, "I will also need some prep time to prepare offensive and defensive measures of a more elemental nature. While the rate definitely has my interest peaked, what about operational expenses? My measures will cost somewhere in the neighborhood of twelve to fifteen thousand and take a few days to prepare. Is there budget and time for that as well? "
Lady Door
Mr. Lincoln listens as Cash and Cole speak and then turns to address the both of them. From the way he moves it's obvious this man was born and bred in a board room. He has the vibe and he knows all the subtle etiquette.
For this job, you will remain within the CAS borders although, you will be skirting them as you reach the drop-off point for the target. Security will be mostly of a mundane physical variety; cameras, motion sensors, electrified wire... that sort of thing. Magical security is present but at the current time includes nothing more then a few low force wards and a patrolling elemental or two.
Now, having hired a magically inclined individual we are not blind to the operational costs you may incur. We will provide a $5000 discretionary fund for your use. If knowledge serves me correctly, you should be able to summon several potent elementals with that kind of capital.
Mr. Lincoln smiles genially. As far as the time to make your preparations, you have the three weeks I have spoken of before. That time frame is etched in stone, gentlemen. How you spend it is of no concern to me as long as by the end of it, the target is in our hands.... Now, my associates and I also understand that travel may be a difficulty as well. This is why we've also allocated another $3000 in travel expenses. I trust this is satisfactory?
Assuming we have no need for border crossings or special travel concerns for the target, such as medical, $3,000 should be sufficent. My last question would be, you say there are mundane security meausres in the form of electronics. What about guards?
Watching carefully as each new runner enters the room and says their piece Shell just watches, outwardsly calm.

A run in with the Knights already? That's not a good start, they a whole world of crap I don't fraggin' want. Well three pointys and another troll.... although he looks half grown.... carries himself well though....

As the questions start flying he just listens, mentally noting the questions and their corresponding answers onto his 'link.

Good we've got people covering the bases.... think two asking is plently, so just wait and speak only if they've left something out.... If they think it's 'cos I'm just a dumb trog then they're gonna be disappointed.... man, still plenty of time left 'til the lockout releases.... ah well I really should watch this group and feel them out.... but the release....
Lady Door
Mr. Lincoln nods and then continues. Yes, you can expect some sort of physical security presence. Their facility is outsourced through a private firm. I would put the number on patrol at any time around six. Anything else, gentlemen? Or are we ready to come to the point in the evening where you all sign on the dotted line?... figuratively speaking, of course.
Mr. Lincoln chuckles.
Charlie shrugs at Lincoln's disapproval, and winks broadly at Cash. He pockets the cards in single move. Like I said Mr. J Remarks Charlie in his best "bored clubkid voice" Null sheen, I took care of it he taps the side of his nose in the time honoured gesture of grifters everywhere. After Lincoln and the others finish he smiles and says I'm thinkin in the same direction as our boy here, Cash was it? Finally, a trog with a brain! Nodding in Cash's direction. Where are we going, and how are we getting there? I can tweak most anything, but I want to know if I need to tap into anything like Customs When Crow brings up the subject of payout, he speaks again Yeah, I hear that, if we're doing this, I might need some progs or softs and that stuff ain't cheap He rubs his fingers together in the universal sign for cash.

3K for travel, not bad, Mr J. I'll take that. How's about some goodies, in case of emergency?

[ Spoiler ]
Having worked with Lincoln before, Crow trusts that they are in pretty good shape for the run with 8k in upfront expense money and 20k each for a successful completion. The money was pretty good for the time frame involved, not quite prime runner pay, but the run is regional to the CAS and the security sounds average. He figured Lincoln would hold out for the expense money, Wouldn't be a good fixer if he didn't leave some room for negotiations...

When Lincoln looks his direction, Crow gives him the nod of acceptance.
Lady Door
Mr. Lincoln's eyes narrow at Charlie. He sighs disapprovingly.
My name is Mr. Lincoln, Charlie, not Mr. J as you seem to so mistakenly believe. Perhaps, if you are bored with our arrangement, you would be more amenable to looking for employment elsewhere? Mr. Lincoln pauses and lets the silence stretch for a good thirty seconds before continuing. As for your request for "goodies" along the way... His look grows ice cold. I am not your mother or your father. I do not pack goody bags for the trip. If you have the need for programs or software, then I'm sure you can see your way to spending a portion of your retainer to do so.
That's pretty damn good pay for a five man team. Especially with minimum security. Wondering where the catch is going to be.
After Lincoln's putting of Charlie in to his place OK, time to smooth things over a bit here. Elf kid seems a bit over eager.

I'm sure if the system becomes an issue, we can work something out between us. Any further negotiations I think should wait until we all decide if we are in or not.

It's certainly good pay for the amount of security that you're talking about. I'm inteterested in hearing more. I'm in.

Kid, just keep your mouth shut for a sec. Man, I really don't think this guy knows who he's dealing with here. Hopefully he won't have to find out.
Lady Door
Neit, Wednesday May 15, 6:05, Diamond Lil's

Felix raises an eyebrow and takes a sip of his wine. No need to get feisty, Neit. Let's not ruin a good dinner over something so petty as money. Felix smiles and downs the rest of his wine. He quickly changes the subject, speaking no more of the reward for the rest of dinner.
Later, as you're paying the considerable tab ($250) he leans forward, blotting his mouth with a napkin..
After this thing of yours tonight, call me. We'll discuss the reward... and it's intricacies. He smiles. Thank you for dinner, Neit. Always a pleasure.

**Later on that Night***
You arrive at the meet on time, easing into the room without barely a glance. It's only when Mr. Lincoln greets you that most of the other runners seem to even realize you're there.

OOC: So sorry for not getting you in on time, Tash. My bad. Everyone press your suspension of disbelief buttons and pretend he's been there the whole time.... sneaky little ninja.
Seeing Lincoln's reaction to the elf kid, Crow raises an eye-brow. I don't think this kid is gonna last.. Lincoln had mentioned me learning Turn-to-Goo... I thought he was kidding....
Speaking for the first time since Mr. Lincoln entered, Shell's voice rumbles to life.

Sounds good to me, Mr. Lincoln, you have my service until the extraction is complete.

Looks like a good group so far, that Charlie character could be trouble.... hope he doesn't think he's a face type. Now this Cash guy.... could be good enough to not need me to resort to having to shatter the quiet
Bringing someone unwilling in, thats definatly my game and at the price any day.

Neit sits quietly in his chair watching the others around him, taking in everything.

Interesting a Troll that can hold a decent conversation, beats the usual types I end up chasing down. Looks like he has a cool head.

I'm in.

OOC: Assensing Roll
[ Spoiler ]

Charlie raises his hands in surrender to Lincoln Okay Mr Lincoln you're the boss, I'm in.
Geez pissy, Johnson, Lincoln who the drek cares what your name is, unless your some big mobbed up character. ....Lincoln, Gambione naaah
Lady Door
Mr. Lincoln raises an eyebrow at Charlie's tone but lets it go.
Very well, gentleman. Now to the details. Mr. Lincoln hits a small button on his commlink, bringing up an AR holo display. He waves a hand and a 3D projection of a very well built Thoroughbred stallion appears.
This is your target. His name is Lucky Day.
Is this guy seriously giving the Johnson sarcasm?! He really doesn't have any idea who he is. Ohhhhhh boy.
QUOTE (Plan B @ May 10 2007, 05:18 PM)

This is your target. His name is Lucky Day.

Cash blinks. Once. Then Twice. *Blink*.....*Blink*

Ooohhhhhhh kaaaayyyyy.....

Try very hard to keep from laughing...

I think we're going to need some specialized equipment to transport.... Mr ... erm.... Lucky Day in Mr Lincoln. Unless you are already arranging that, me way need a bit more for travel expenses.

[ Spoiler ]
A horse? Well thats a rather unusual target. Do-able though. Would explain the light security for an "extraction" target.

Neit's eyes open slightly and a small grin appears on his face.

This could be more profitable in a few other ways.

Neit sits back in his chair, arms crossed waiting to see how the others react.
Crow contains his laughter, though just barely, This is even better than the stripper in Atlanta that that psychotic, dirty old man in South Beach had fallen head over heals over.... She would not shut up, but at least she fit in the back seat of the car..... Heard she ended up marrying him.... then killing him....

He focuses back on the meeting at hand. "I assume he has at least one GPS implant and blood samples on file for ritual tracking. Where is he now?"

OOC: Assense Neit
[ Spoiler ]
Hadn't really thought about blood samples. Hmmm...

Those should be easy enough to counter. A jammer for the tracker, or maybe have Chuck here hack the signal. Put a ward in to a horse carriage, load Lucky up, keep her on the move. That should make thigns more difficult until we get her to where ever she's going.

Cash looks at Mr Lincoln. Where will Lucky Day be giong Mr Lincoln?
Lady Door
Mr. Lincoln smiles at the reactions of the assembled group and the continues.

Lucky Day resides at the Oak Haven Ranch in La Grange, Georgia. You can assume, that yes, there will be ritual samples of Lucky Day in cold storage at the ranch, as well as a GPS tracking device implanted beneath his skin.

Mr. Lincoln waves a hand and the AR image changes to that of a long white horse trailer.

My associates and I have, of course, arranged for the horse's transportation. It is imperative that you keep him well-cooled and well-fed throughout the journey. It is also critical that no drugs be introduced into his system. He must be able to test clean at the end of this little... operation. That means no tranquilizers, no gamma scoplamine... nothing.

As for where, Lucky Day is going... your destination will be the Cottonwood Creek Ranch in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The trip is roughly 470 miles and should take you no more then 6 hours.
Even veterinarians use tranquilizers on horses. Surely we can use something like that?
Lady Door
I'm afraid not, Mr. Cash. Veterinarians may use tranquilizers on common animals but they do not use them on prize thoroughbreds that are routinely tested for doping agents. Our policy is quite firm on this point... no chemicals are to be used on or in Lucky Day.
Well that ceratinly presents a problem for rounding up a race horse at pasture then. Mr. Crow, do you by chance have an arcane solution available?
Crow, waiting patiently for an opportunity to get a word in edgewise replies to Cash, "Crow's a nickname, so just Crow... and yes, I will be able to lull our charge to sleep. Stun does takes effect considerably faster than tranquilizers though so we'll need to plan accordingly."

He looks at Lincoln and then back to Cash, "I think 6 hours for four-hundred and seventy miles is pretty optimistic transporting a horse. I am concerned about our ability to establish an effective protective circle in a trailer. I assume there will be a tractor-trailer used for this as opposed to a horse trailer..? A horse trailer will be a pretty obvious target for recovery teams." I wonder just how motivated the owners will be to recover the horse...? "Also.. How much is Lucky worth?"
As soon as Lincoln shows the team the "target" Charlie's eyebrows shoot up somewhere into the vicinity of his hairline, and his jaw clenches tightly to keep from laughter or shouting you can't say.

A horse! A mother fragging horse! What kind of fragged up drekhole of a Johnson are we dealing with here?
Half a tick, he never said he was a .... Johnson
Charlie's face resumes it's normal expression.
Well this could be interesting
His reverie finished he pays careful attention to the meet.

When Cash mentions a tranq he carefully raises his hand to voice a thought. If I can get the right softs I think I can handle the horse, but I may need some muscle in case of emergency
Lady Door
Lincoln smiles in a vague sort of way. The trailer we have procured for you is, in fact, a horse trailer. A well equipped, auto-vet enabled trailer. My associates and I would strongly urge you to use the trailer we have procured as it does come at a great expense. Suitable defenses and avoidance issues are why we hired gentlemen of your reputations.
As far as Lucky Day's estimated value... well, he's a considerable investment. I would plan accordingly... Are there any other questions gentlemen?
A concern. Crow brings up a very good point. A missing horse would naturally lend to searching for a horse trailer. As you say Mr Lincoln, it's our job to transport your property to you as safely as possible. A modified tractor-trailer would certainly be more discrete, and more difficult to pick out on the freeway than a horse trailer. Six hours is quite a lot of time to allow the notice of a missing thorough bred. A truck with a trailer would be difficult to defend in any case. Better that we would not have to defend it at all.

[ Spoiler ]

I for one would be more than willing to give up the travel expenses for that added assurance. We could pick up the horse in the trailer, and transfer it somewhere to the semi. Properly equipped of course. That would divert any attention for the semi, using the horse trailer as a decoy. We have three weeks to prepare proper accomadations within a semi trailer. Allocating that $3000 in traveling expenses should help move that along.
Lady Door
Mr. Lincoln listens for a moment and then nods. Very well, ... it's not what my associates and I have agreed upon but your reasoning is sound, gentlemen. I'll allocate an additional 2K for the aquisition of this tractor-trailer. I would request that this tractor-trailer be equipped with a auto-vet program of at least rating three or higher. I'm sure you can take care of that, Charlie? Mr. Lincoln looks at Charlie with a questioning glance.
A little dissapointed that Lincoln is leaving it to them, but grateful that the pressure isn't on him, he too looks to Charlie.

This is your chance kid. Keep your feet firmly on the ground and away from your mouth.
Charlie shrugs Shouldn't be an issue, I'll take it out of my retainer. And if you don't mind Mr. Lincoln I'll see if I can't scare up a nice vet soft and some IC for the comms. It's not that I don't trust an auto vet, but if this Lucky Day is as valuable as you say, then I'd prefer to keep a set of eyes on him. And some muscle handy just in case.
Charlie smiles at the human Preferably one of these great big trogs, sensei said a horse nearly killed him down at the track
Lady Door
Your programs are up to you, of course... and my associates and I would appreciate your team erring on the side of caution... but, I would prefer to keep this operation very quiet. Too many eyes mean too many mouths. If you do bring on extra hands, be sure you have a plan for wrapping up the loose ends later. Mr. Lincoln's voice is calm, and it takes a moment to realize that he just suggested murder in the same tone one would suggest a trip to the grocery store for more milk. It's more then a little chilling.
This man I can work with. I have to wonder though if he considers our boy Charlie a loose end yet.
Charlie's glance drops away from Lincoln's eyes. Who the drek is this J? Geez a lou! Gotta watch my mouth around him.
Uh, Mr. Lincoln, sir? I meant one of us. Not someone else, I think we can handle it. I hope we can handle it. Cause if we don't, I think someone's going to be measuring us for plascrete overcoats. How mobbed up is this dude?
I guess that's one way to do it...
Scanning for comms

[ Spoiler ]

Cash opens the chat icon through his AR interface, using his datajack so as not to alert Mr Lincoln.

Cash here. Who else is online? Nice trick Shell.


Charlie blinks at the AR window. And uses his datajack to open the chat session

Charlie here, Cash. Shell if you can do this, why do you folks need me. .... Hey does anybody know this Lincoln character? Cause he's not reading like a Johnson to me.
Don't ask questions like that Charlie or me might think we don't need you. wink.gif

Lincoln ins't a corp Johsonson. He's representing his own interests, and a few other family members. Folk like him like to keep things organized, if you catch my dirft. So stop pissing him off. Men like him take it as a point of honor handing out 'reprimands' for insults.

I'm sure we can find the rest of any information we need on Day on our selves Mr Lincoln. We will be contacting you directly once we have the package, or would you prefer us to simply show up at your designated drop off site?
And I've been sitting here playing drekhead with a family member, thanks for the heads up, why didn't one of you stop me? And Cash, I can handle this don't worry about me. I hope I can handle this You guys just lemme know what you need.

Charlie remains very quiet for the remainder of the meeting. embarrassed.gif
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