May 14 2007, 01:39 AM
-Cash -Thursday, May 16th, 2070: 15:15 - Charlie's Doss
Arriving just a tad late (aka fashionably) Cash makes his way up to Charlie's apartment, rapping on the door twice.
Hey Chuck, you home?
Walking in after the answer, Cash scans the room. As for himself, he's wearing his typical black on black, and looking like he had a good night.
Sunny, heya. Chuck, thanks for letting us doss down here. Crow. Shell. Where's that ninja boy? Ah well. Loosing at poker there Shell? So what do we have so far guys?
Again, Cash makes a point of shaking hands with each member of the team as he rounds the room. After all, he plans on spending the next few weeks in their company. Best to get to know each other, or at least comforatble.
As Cash talks, he finds the kitchen , and takes out a bag of actual coffee beans, holding them up for Charlie to see, then setting them down next to the coffee maker. Out of his little "black bag of tricks" (aka plain black back pack) he also produces a pair of 6 packs.
Brought some beers as well. None of the soy-crap, so enjoy gents.
Cash finds a seat at the poker table ,watching for now, and waiting for what ever information the two computer wizzes have found.
Since everyone else is busy, he hands a beer to Crow. Wacha' reading there chummer?
May 14 2007, 01:39 AM
Charlie grins at Shell, opens the deck of cards and offers it to the troll. Cut for deal.
OOC: Callidus choose even or odds, then roll a dice and lemme know.
Charlie grins as Cash enters the room. He responds to the troll with a stream of chatter.
No big. Wiz Cash you brought beer too. I got donuts, for the coffee. Hey watch that machine it can get tricky. Drek I don't have grinder thou. Anybody wants something else you all know where the kitchen is. Or there's a nice little Italian place down the block, they'll do delivery or takeout . Want us to deal you in, Cash? Where is that ninja guy, I barely saw him last night.
Charlie is clearly enjoying himself playing host.
May 14 2007, 02:20 AM
In response to Shell and Charlie's comments about the book: "Yea. I don't have very many. They are pretty expensive... but for me the hand printing imprints a certain something...." At that point he realizes he's probably passed into the too much information zone and lets the subject pass away.
When Cash enters he returns the hand shake. Definitely our face. Even if he is a troll, he's an operator. He replies to Cash, "Haven't seen Neit."
He watches as Cash moves on through the apartment. At the sight of real coffee beans he even perks up. When Cash inquires about the book, "The Nature of Beast Spirits and Their Relation to Spirits of Man, though I think I should be reading about air elementals with the day I've had."
May 14 2007, 05:07 AM
Yeah Chuck I'll do a few hands. We should get down to biz soon though. What's the buy in?
Cash sits then turns back to Crow as Charlie deals.
Always worth the extra yen for qualitiy, isn't it Crow.
I gotta ask though, how is there a relation between beast spirits and spirits of man? I'd always thought they'd be polar opposites, man versus nature type thing.[ Spoiler ]
Workin' that Magical Background 2 baby!
Sharp group. These guys could be worth spending time iwth afterwords. I like that Shell is eyeing Charlie. No "dumb street trog" this guy. Good to see. Doesn't trust Charlie, at least at cards. Smart.Catching Crow's words a bit late as he organizes his cards, he looks up at Crow again.
You say something about a problem with an air elemental? I know a lady that's real good with those sorts of things. What's the scan?
May 14 2007, 10:31 AM
Sunny gladly accepted to offer to play poker until all team members arrive in the apartment.
He shakes hands with Cash when the troll enters the room. Hoi, good to see you.
May 14 2007, 10:47 AM
"Well, my core focus has been on spell casting, astral space, magic theory... Conjuring has been the most neglected area for me. I summoned a little storm spirit earlier.. Quite a feisty one at that... " Don't think I'm ready to admit any degree of failure not directly affecting the run to someone I've known less than 24 hours... "There were some complications. I need to do a little more research to better understand the nature of them though.." He ends by looking off pondering the thought.
Realizing that he is drifting from the conversation he focuses back on Cash and the other question, "Oh and as to spirits of man vs beast. They definitely seem to represent a dichotomy, but some theorize that the relationship is somewhat symbiotic.. The best example I've seen is like comparing them to the ego and the id."
May 14 2007, 01:15 PM
Nodding to each of the other runners as they come in Shell holds his face still and expressionless as he glances at his cards.
OOC: I'll take odds, and rolled 6
Picked up a fair amount of information on both our horse and the ranch, off the boards. We'll probably want to take a deeper look into some bits, there's some worrying bits, but hey that's why they pay us. I'll need Charlie's help, well let's say I'll try to help Charlie dig further in, 'trix hacking really isn't my strong suit. I'd prefer to wait til everyone was here before going into depth on the information we've gathered but if any of you want to review first be my guest, it's on here.
And with that he places an OC on the table.
May 14 2007, 02:05 PM
OOC: Tough luck Callidus, my deal. (No that was not a force)
Charlie grins when Shell cuts a three. He accepts the deck with a smile and a shrug.
Tough luck, Shell my deal. We're playing Texas hold'em fifteen nu buy in, Cash. Blinds are ten and twenty. Table stakes are in force gentlemen. Let's try and keep this civil.
I'll check your chip later Shell. Did you want to spill first when Neit shows up or shall I?
May 14 2007, 02:33 PM
It's already half past. Start without Neit, he can catch up. Chuck's just trying to keep us playing longer so that he can take all our money.
So Crow, it's a balance thing? Let me know if I''m of base. Magic isn't exactly my strong suit, but it's definetely something worth putting effort in to learning more about.
May 14 2007, 04:31 PM
Let us begin, Neit can get a summary when shows up here.
May 14 2007, 04:41 PM
A moment later the bell rings as Neit arrives.
Sorry I'm late got tied up, hope I've not missed anything important.
Neit grins seeing the dice on the table.
Or maybe I'm just in time.
May 14 2007, 04:54 PM
Just made it. Why don't you buy in to this one? Maybe get your self a cred for a new watch omae. Cash winks and smiles, letting him know he's only half serious.
Shell, Charlie, wacha got so far?
May 14 2007, 05:34 PM
Thursday May 16 2070, 15:30 Charlie's Place
Charlie smiles as Neit enters the apartment.
Actually chummer you're just in time we were going to start without you. Game's hold'em and the odds are what yah make em. Blinds are ten and twenty, buy in is fifteen nu.
As he finishes the hand, Charlie rises from the floor and turns to the assembled runners.
Okay looks like I'm starting, host's priviledge. Lemme grab the lights. I put together a little show. Charlie closes his eyes for a moment and the apartment lights dim, the trid stops flickering and displays waiting for input Charlie begins his show. Well folks here we have Lucky Day, the horse, the myth, the legend. Our target. A shot of Lucky Day appears on the trid, it's a different angle than the one Lincoln showed last night. Our boy is going for the Triple Crown. Not bad. The shot of the horse shifts to a flyby shot of a pastoral ranch. Oak Haven Ranch, Lucky's home. I got good news, bad news and terrible news on this. The good news is the security team is small, only five guys. Two riggers and three sec goons. Bad news is their all on site, I also didn't get an employee list so I don't know how many more folks we may need to deal with. And the terrible news is that there is only one road into the place. Charlie pauses to let this sink in. If I learned one thing from Sensei, a place with only one way in and out is a trap waiting to happen. Also there are wards on the place. But no on site mage. So astral looks light. Charlie pauses for a beat and closes his eyes, the lights come up. Then he turns to the runners and smiles. There's more, but those are the basics. Also it looks like Lucky's owners are about as well connected as Lincoln is. So that's something to think on. Anyone who wants more info, I can put it on chip for you. Or you can just ask.
May 14 2007, 05:35 PM
What're odds and game?
Neit chuckles and sits down in the nearest avalible spot on the couch.
May 14 2007, 05:58 PM
Ok Chuck, that's the over view. We need details. First, what do you mean by 'connected'?
Second - two riggers? This place has spiders or what? What's the details of their tasks?
One access road: How long? Is it patrolled? How far from the highway? What's the terrain like?
What's the intel on the owners? For starters names, pics, general profiles if you've got them?
Any pcs of the place? Satellite images would be ideal, so that we knw what we're looking at.
We also need mroe details on the horse it's self. For starters, where's it kept at night? Does it wander the pastor? In the barn? Is the barn rigged for security for that matter.
Also, you said no on site mage. What about elementals?
Maybe I should just scan the chip.
While he's talking, Cash deals in Neit and Shell, leaving Charlie out for this hand since he's doing the presentation.
May 14 2007, 06:18 PM
There is a second way: through the air. I don't know if it's doable, but we shouldn't discard the possibility lightly.
And it would be an awesome stunt.
Sunny grins and goes to the kitchen to look for something to eat.
May 14 2007, 06:29 PM
Glancing at his hand and folds, Shell leans back from the table and sets up an AR screen.
Well time for the bits and pieces I found. he smiles and then continues On the AR screen you'll the pertainent information, as for a summary Lucky Day is, as Charlie mentioned, going for the Triple Crown, first horse in 70 years to have the chance. At birth he was worth 3.4 million, if he wins the crown that'll become more like 11 million. As for his, and the ranch's, owners well they have interesting, and maybe exploitable, habits. Bunny, the wife, is a socialite, probably alcholic and man chaser. Jefferson is known to have a mistress in Savannah, Georgia. Either of these could be helpful or useless.... If they each know the others secrets then using the information would be more harmful.... Also Bunny is confirmed, well confirmed by multiple rumours and boards at least, to be second cousin to a Lucas Scapelli a family man from Atlanta.
Now it gets interesting. The deed for Oak Haven Ranch is currently under lien with a company by the name of Global Alliance Inc. as the lien holder. Further digging showed that the lien was placed as part of a debt collection attempt by Svengali Casino and Resort in Atlantic City. A closer look at Svengali C & R shows a Mr. Lucas Scapelli as a member of their Board of Directors.
I also got a little medical info on Lucky as well, although it's observation based, spotters are fairly sure that the horse is suffering with arthritis like his grandmother and mother. This is from a previous race when he limped off track, but since then has been on top form and so he could have been modified or it was just a muscle strain. If we want his real medical records then we'll have to hack into his vet's Riverside Veterinary Clinic, but I'm probably not up to it alone, I'm not really a hacker, but I'll give it a go.
Anyway the rest of the info is on that OC if you want to read through it all.
May 14 2007, 06:38 PM
Charlie waits for Shell to finish.
Alright Cash, make me earn my nu, neh?
First I mean mob, Lucky's old lady, Bunny is Lucas Scapelli's cousin. Yeah that Scapelli. That was a suprise find neh Shell?
Second, one guy's just vehicles, he may have drones too. Couldn't find out. The other one's comps like me prolly. Rig boy runs the trailers and stuff. The other I couldn't find so he's more'n likely comps.
The road is a twenty mile long double wide to and from the public road, forty from the highway. Patrols and stuff I'll have to check. Terrain's mostly hills. The trix said the owners use a helo so I guess it's pretty rough.
The owners are Jefferson Davis Jr. and his wife Bunny like Shell said. I got basic pics and some juicy gossip. Mostly dupes of Shell's stuff. We can workup more if you guy's want.
Here's the Gridguide stuff on the ranch. Charlie sends Cash the Gridguide info on Oak Haven.
I shoulda got more on our boy, thanks for covering that for me Shell. I did get his sched though. He's on a break right now, till the Belmont Stakes. He's got himself a photo shoot on the 20th at 15:00. And a vet appointment the 24th noon at the ranch.
No elementals from what the trix said. But you can take that with a pinch of soy. Definate wards on the buildings and grounds
If we need to tap the vet, I can give it a go. Shell you want to watch my back?
May 15 2007, 02:01 AM
Charlie shifts his posture a little and says Guy's I thought about it and your cyber is your biz. I don't need to know. You guys don't know me from Jack, so why should you trust me? I'll tell you one thing though. You give me a job and I'll do my level best to make sure it gets done. That being said, do we need more info? And Shell nice find on that corp connect, it makes a piece I found on the stable site fit a little better.
May 15 2007, 02:22 AM
I honestly think that grabbing it at the vet or shoot is going to be too public, and have too quick a response time. Perhaps when it gets back though. It might be more manageable, and they'll be less likely to be watching it closely , having spent the day with it.
I think we should look more closely in to the gossip around them. See if there's anything in the scream sheets about these two guys. There's always society rags. If there's a hint in there about affairs, it's probably known about. If not, it might be something we can exploit.
So that everyone knows what we're dealing with here, Lucas Scapelli is a sottocapo in the Gianelle family out of Atlanta. In other words, he's just as big, bigger actually, as Mr. Lincoln. This does bring up the possibility of an inside job. If this JEfferson guy is in a bind because of his wife's cousin, and knows that his horse is aging, he might be betting it all on one last throw. Collect the huge insurance instead of trying for a race the horse might lose. It makes sense if we have to grab it before the race. If it loses, it could depreciate in value.
It also makes sense for Mr. Ridgeborough to go to someone like Mr Lincoln. Have Family backing of his own.
Of course, this is all complete conjecture. Let's not get loose and sloppy because we suspect it's an inside job. Even if it is, they have to make it look good.
Sunny, you suggested an aerial intro. Anyone have a means for that? I'm sure I could get us wings, and at least a skill soft. But it would cost. Anyone else have any options along those lines? Last I checked, an Ares Dragon was still pretty expensive, and pretty easy to detect.
Oh, and I can handle any explosives work we need.
Oh, and when you guys get some down time, take a look and see if either Eidgeborough or the misses has any gambling debts. Most likely with that casino Spenneli has his interests in.
Cash deals another hand, this time dealing Charlie in again. He deals out to Sunny, Charlie, Niet, and Shell.
Crow, you in this hand? Might as well get everyone in here. Small stakes, and I'll front ya' $100.
May 15 2007, 03:08 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
So Crow, it's a balance thing? Let me know if I''m of base. Magic isn't exactly my strong suit, but it's definitely something worth putting effort in to learning more about. |
"Well, funny enough this book was authored by a hermetic mage and a snake shaman. They offer dissenting opinions on some of the finer points. The shaman's definitions tends to lean towards a sort of ying-yang galactic harmony while the hermetic is presenting a separation based upon composition of the meta plane and the formula contradictions. The wild uncontrolled aspects of the beast and its connections to nature versus spirits of man; Their more rational nature and connections to man and inhabited areas..."
OOC: Trying to play up his Magic Theory of 5.
QUOTE (Tashio) |
"Sorry I'm late got tied up, hope I've not missed anything important." |
"Overdue, but apparently not late." Crow says with subtle smile.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
"Crow, you in this hand?" |
"No thanks. I'll watch." Crow thinks over the research and begins replying to several points, "As to wards on the grounds. They will be near impossible to maintain or too small to be of value. For instance there can be a ward on the stable, but that would only hinder astral recon or ritual.. To what end?" He places his hands in his lap and thinks for just a moment, "I actually think snatching the horse in route will be the easiest for us to manage. I have several ideas about how to get the trucks to stop. This will solve all the problems with local security and put them completely out of their element.. We start from a position of equality and then we build that to an advantage. Starting at the ranch is always a position of weakness for us." Looking to Cash with a smile, "Momma always said never play another man's game. You may think you're winning but in the end... You'll lose."
May 15 2007, 03:33 AM
Interesting idea Crow. We would have to deal with the riggers of course. But that 20 mile road probably has more than a few good spots for an ambush. Of course, we'll have to seriously high tail it out of there. Any plans on how to take out a rigger and a bunch of drones ? There's got to be a mandatory stop point somewhere, but I doubt it'll be on the 20 mile stretch in to no where.
And we'll have to do some serious jamming to stop them from calling for help, as well as make sure that they can't call once we leave. Which also presents the problem of stopping their little road show without hurting the horse.
Any chance you can hit the drivers wit ha spell or send a sipirt after them? I know most vehicles are tinted or mirrored to prevent spells getting in, but can they be warded against spirits? Then again, I suppose we could always shoot out the windows. I might be able to arrange for some small explosives along the road, just to take out the wheels, if you can conceal them.
Hey Chuck, can you find out what the speed limit on that road is? I'm guessing somewhere around 45 if it's a winding hilly road, hauling a damn expensive horse and trailer behind it. We have to find a way to stop it without trashing everything.
How about we do a vote: grabbing the horse at night, or catching it on it's way back in. I think we'd have to do after the vet visit, that way we can watch after the photo shoot to get an idea of what we're looking at.Private PM to Shell, running IC along with it just in case
[ Spoiler ]
"hey Shell, run a scan for any transmitting cameras or drones while Chucks distracted, will ya. Boy gets a few too good of hands. This
is his home turf, and his deck, after all. Keep it quiet though. I just want t ofeel the guy out a bit.

May 15 2007, 05:55 AM
Going in with a heli might be expensive, but I don't want to run down a 20 mile-long straight road with a truck and a horse trailer when a rigger is chasing me with his drones - and maybe get the cops to block the crossing to the main road where heading to.
Can't we make the horse and one of us invisible and silent and ride out of the ranch? Anyone here has a knack with handling animals?
Looking at his cards, he grins. Another $100 from me.
No, I don't know anything about poker rules.
May 15 2007, 07:19 AM
Meh! Neit folds his hand. What a load of junk.
I can provide some spirit cover possibly one to provide concealment, but hard to conceal a dust cloud. Can anyone ride? What sort of cover is there elsewhere in the area, why not take the horse and ride it in another direction other than the road then arrange a pick up somewhere along the way. Maybe there is a better road closer by that does not go to the farm but is not 20km's of dirt road.
It's strange though that the only road into such a place is in such bad condition, considering that the wrong jolt and you could end up with a horse with a broken leg or such. I wonder if maybe there is another covered up but better quality access route?
May 15 2007, 10:34 AM
Riding the horse out in the night is just a bad idea. I for one know nothing about riding or leading animals. I'm not sure how real it was, but I saw on the trid when I was a kid about how a horse stumbled and went lame. I could see that happening on a long ride in the dark." Crow shifts from closed body language to more open. He unfolds his arms, his pupils get slightly larger, etc. "
I think we have two viable paths at the moment. The airlift possibility, though that one still leaves us facing the home ground advantage... or intercepting the package in route. The first order of business however is finding a way to get the crew to stop..."
OOC: Crow casts Physical Mask F6 6 hits; Resist DV4 Drain: 3 hits = 1 stun
The spirit mask of the crow is visible for a split second as a power magic is cast by Crow. Then in his place is a voluptuous blond, her breasts all but spilling out of her torn, disheveled top. A thick trickle of blood runs down her face from a nasty bump on her head. Her voice is sultry, though slightly panicked as she wobbles in her seat, "
On please help me. I've just crashed my car...I ...I .... Oooohh.. I think I may faint....". She releases a small, playful giggle then stands up. She leans over at Charlie bending straight from the waist. Little of her breasts left to the imagination any longer at this angle and in a clear, sexy voice says, "
You'd at least stop for me... Wouldn't you?" She bats her eyes a few times and then stands back up to look around at the crew, a hand on either perfectly shaped hip.
May 15 2007, 03:22 PM
Charlie sits quietly and listens to the others talk interjecting when he feels it nessecary (Or not)
Cash I don't know for sure that our rigger has drones. It's just a solid bet that he does. Like 200 from me. If he does I can prolly spoof em. That and a solid jammer 'll keep em busy for awhile. As for a speed limit 45 sounds about right, but it's a private road and hills so it's more likely to be 30 to avoid any damage on Lucky's part.
The helo sounds good Sunny. And would be one wiz pull if we could do it But, wouldn't that bring down more heat than we can handle? Although you gave me one wiz solid idea, see if we can get ourselves a rotodrone and a holo projector. Fake a Dragon, full of goons. That'd stop our boys with a minimum fuss. A few spike strips or caltrops 'd keep em stopped. Between me an Shell, I think we could keep a roto in line.
With the right softs I could ride the horse Neit, but you're right Crow no point in damaging our boy if we can avoid it.
After Crow finishes his transformation Charlie takes a long hungry look down the blondes cleavege.
Heck I'd do more than stop Crow. I tell yah if I hadn't seen yah do it, I'd tap that. Wiz boy does know a little con nice! But we don't know if rig boy is rig boy. With equal oppurtunity he could be a she, or a meta. Also, what do you do if he wants to do more than look? That being said, she's pretty cute, she based on a real girl or just wet dreams. Also does she come in elf? Charlie's remark ends with a leer in the blonde/Crow's face.
May 15 2007, 04:29 PM
In response to Charlie's feedback, Crow's image shimmers and mutes for a second before settling as a lanky, well endowed female elf with long white hair wearing a skin-tight leather jumpsuit. Her skin tone has changed to an olive and her long pointed ears poke out of her white hair. She sits and crosses her long legs which end in a black, spike heeled boot. Her voice is slightly deeper now, sulky and seductive. "I have about a dozen different persona that I have have practiced over the years so as to refine the details. This is however simply an illusion, not a true shape change. Any attempts to 'tap it' would not yield the desired results.... but I simply want the vehicle or vehicles to stop to minimize the chances of Lucky getting hurt in a crash."
The image shimmers once again and Charlie is facing his twin. He hears his own voice as well, "I can't pass a voice authentication, nor do I have your knowledge.. but I can sure add a little more chaos to an already chaotic situation." The second Charlie then uncrosses his legs and scoots forward in his chair. "We do need to make a decision about force level. My personal opinion is that leaving dead bodies in my wake when I'm not being paid to make them dead is unprofessional." He looks around at the rest of the crew for their reactions and responses.
May 15 2007, 04:40 PM
Cool your jets for a sec' guys and scan this.
Cash forwards part of the chipped intel he downloaded from Charlie.
From other sources: Lucky Day is scheduled for an on-location photo shoot by Blood Horse Magazine on Monday, May 20th at 3 p.m., Lucky Day is also scheduled for a routine on-location vet appointment on Thursday, May 24th at noon.
Looks like our horsey isn't going anywhere. The vet apparently delivers. So looks like we're back to the night raid.
I agree with Crow, we should decide how aggressive we're going to be in advance. Leaving bodies is going to up the ante on any hunt for us. I think we should avoid that if possible. I can get us gel rounds or gamma and DMSO in capsule rounds if we need. If it's them or us, it's no question, but I vote we avoid it where possible.
Charlie, I call.
Hey Crow, that spell work on ex - girl friends? Could keep things interesting.
Cash grins.
May 15 2007, 04:52 PM
Well, anyone know the status on the photo shoot, is it press and media or is this private deal? If its fairly open or on some form of invitation we might be able to use that time to sneak onto the property and take a look around, even if we don't do anything at least we might be able to get a feel for the place.
I too can take on other faces, but even if we were to pose as photographers it would be odd, an awakened photographer is odd enough let alone two. Lets looking into this shoot even if its for some basic recon.
May 15 2007, 05:19 PM
Charlie colors for a moment.
Drek well it was a fun plan for awhile. I forgot the on site stuff about the photo op. But I can scan the Blood Horse site and see if it's invite or public. Some layout might be useful, for the actual snatch. Crow I was just yanking your chain. Elf babe is a looker though. Hmmm... Hey Cash, you and Crow could get on site with the celeb angle. I could prolly code you up some decent ID's. Neit and me could run reporters. As long as I don't run my mouth too much I can blend fairly well.
Cash I call read em and weep Charlie lays his cards face up.
2 hitsI'm not a bruiser but I can mix it up if I need to. I agree with you guys, I don't like killing folks.
May 15 2007, 05:51 PM
Cash lays down his hand
[ Spoiler ]
intuition 4
Poker (S) 7
5,5,1,4,6,4,1,6,4,5,5 = 6 hits
Sorry Chuck. Straight beats your two pair.
I doubt the shoot will be open to the public. Any chance we could stake out the area, and have Charlie hack the camera crews gear? Let them do our work for us? Everything's wireless these days after all.
May 15 2007, 08:01 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
Hey Crow, that spell work on ex - girl friends? Could keep things interesting. |
Crow (or second Charlie) just smiles.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
Straight beats your two pair. |
Second Charlie (or Crow) holds up two cards, "But not a straight flush..". He lets loose of the cards and they immediately vanish. "So they want to keep Lucky at home. Perhaps we will do best to hide in plain sight.". He morphs to Jefferson Davis Jr as in the picture Charlie had shown earlier. The voice sounds as Charlie's though, "Imagine I'll need some voice recordings though..."
May 15 2007, 09:09 PM
No there's an idea.
"Fancy a late night ride tonight Mr Ridgeborough?"
" Oh not too much. Just taking him out for a stroll."
Certainly gives us some possibilities.
Cash ignores Crow's 'card trick' and collects the winnings.
Great, more beer money.
So Chuck, any chance on getting intel on the ranch hands. maybe one of them has a weakness we can exploit. Maybe we can find someone Crow here can replace.
May 16 2007, 02:50 AM
Shouldn't be an issue Cash. If I'm going to get my ass handed to me with my own cards, I'll start on some of the info now. Just so I'm clear, you want, an employees list, full background on said employees, the scream sheets on the Jeffersons, full details on our road, check the photo shoot details and I still need to code up some ID's and regs. You want I should dance naked on the coffee table and sing "She loves Mr. J" too. This last part is said with heavy sarcasm in Charlie's voice.
Well you're not getting the last one, lemme see what I can do about the rest. Also if one of you could keep an eye on me while I'm trixing I'd appreciate it. You can never tell how hairy things are going to get. Shell if you want to do some legwork too, lemme know.
Charlier rises from his sitting position. You guys want to stick around it's up to you. There's food in the fridge, but it's mostly soy or nukeable dinners. There should be a list of restaurant's taped to the fridge. So you can order out with your beer money Cash. If you want. I'll set the house system to purge the call logs if you want to make any calls.
Charlie streches a little
House two tones sound from the trid speakers. Subroutine Mary A third tone sounds from the speakers There yah guys go, the call logs 'll purge about thirty seconds after you make em. Feel free to stick around, there should be some OC's with movies and stuff under the trid or you can just keep playing poker.
Charlie janders over to the bedroom I know I'm being a lousy host, but we need this info right? Oh and if you guys decide to take off, leave me a note and lock the door.
With a final flick of his hand Charlie enters his bedroom to begin his Matrix search.
May 16 2007, 04:36 AM
I should get started on requisitioning some gear. If you could all send let me know what weaponns you favor, I'll get the Gam-scop/DMSO capsule rounds. Sunny, you any good with a long rifle? You've got the look of a prime shooter.
We should get someone out to the area pronto too, for recon. Neit, since we always seem to forget you're around, I'd peg you for our queit man, unless someone else wants to go or has a suggestions.
I'd suggest we stick to two man teams while we're on the job. Shell and Charlie seem like a natural combo. Since Crow is going to have to be sticking around town, and I am as well, I'd say me and him together and Sunny and Neit out at the ranch, scouting out the land.
Unless anyone else has any suggestions of course.
I'll look at getting us a decent amount of CVI as well, see what we might need it for. Shell, lemme know what kind of jammer to get. Same for anything else we might need gear wise, lemme know I'm sure I can find it. Except for a chopper that is.
Cash scans through Charlie's fridge records , seeing what the man prefers to eat, as he wipes down his beer bottles, then tosses the cards in the trash, transferring $10 to the grocery list and putting playing cards on the list for delivery. He orders a few of Charlies 'Favorites' and pays for them off the winnings.
May 16 2007, 04:52 AM
I can be quiet if I need to but I tend to rely on my spells and spirits. I can take a look around, I'll take a look at the wards and see what we're up against. You can be invisible and quiet all you like, no use if some spirit it glaring at you on the astral.
Neit chips in a couple nuyen into the food pile. If you'r ordering make it something real.
May 16 2007, 05:01 AM
Cash stops cold and looks at Neit. Wait... you're a mage? I thought you were one of those sneaky little elf ninja adept types. Well... guess that's my fault for assuming. Shoudla said somethin' though chummer. You have spirits, or do you need time for summonings too?
May 16 2007, 09:09 AM
Neit chuckles and feels his ears. I know cats usually have pointy ears but I don't, but I can arrange a pair if it would make you feel better.
I'm good on the summoning side, once we have a better idea of what plan we're going to use I'll make a plan if needed, we have enough time.
May 16 2007, 12:21 PM
Looking to Cash, "I've got more summoning I want to do before the run, but I think we have plenty of time. If I have to pull a gun I'd probably shoot myself as soon as my intended target. Better to suffer the drain than a bullet wound, so I don't think I need any weapons." he says with a little smirk as he ceases to sustain the physical mask spell.
He looks to the cards in the trash and then to Cash. Hmmm.. He seemed more paranoid than that..
May 16 2007, 03:30 PM
Charlie May 16th HomeCharlie enters his bedroom, he shifts the privacy screen to block the door.
No point in disturbing the guys He quickly changes into an old pair of sweats. Lying on the bed he places his commlink on the nightstand and begins searching for the data.
Hope this isn't an all nighterSearching for:
Oak Haven Ranch Employee records: 3 hits
Employee backgrounds: 1 hit
I going to have to do that one over
Gossip columns on the Jeffersons: 3 hits
Oak Haven Private road rules, and security: 1 hit
Another do over
Blood Horse site, Lucky Day photo shoot: 1 hit
Okay I need a new die roller.
Using Logic: 3, Electronics: 3 and Browse: 3
May 16 2007, 04:25 PM
Trashing his hand early seeing that he'd draw dross again,
Shell leans back again as he sees a message come in.
@Cash[ Spoiler ]
Will do chummer, although if they're not wireless I probably won't even spot them and I'd suspect that Charlie can protect them better than I can get in.
Listening to the conversation build around him, he takesit in and then responds
If you need someone sniped then I'm probably your sniper. Guns and combat are really more my speciality, hacking's more of a useful side skill really. And if you want to do the run on the vet's or elsewhere Charlie I'll try to cover your hoop as best I can on the 'trix, just let me know when you want to get started.Rolls and stuff for Plan B[ Spoiler ]
Scanning for hidden wireless cameras, think it's an extended test but will have to check at home.
Logic 3 + Electronic Warfare 3 + Scan Program 3: 3 1 6 1 2 6 4 2 3 = 2 hits
Logic 3 + Electronic Warfare 3 + Scan Program 3: 1 1 4 3 3 5 1 4 5 = 2 hits, 4 hits total
Logic 3 + Electronic Warfare 3 + Scan Program 3: 4 3 2 5 2 3 3 3 1 = 1 hit, 5 hits total
Logic 3 + Electronic Warfare 3 + Scan Program 3: 5 4 3 3 5 6 6 6 4 = 5 hits, 10 hits total
May 16 2007, 10:10 PM
Wiz, you got a rifle Shell, or do you need one? Give me the specs on it and I'll get rounds in the correct size. Sunny, you gonna be our other rifle man?
I'll toss in a clip or two of APDS just in case too.
May 17 2007, 09:27 AM
No specific sniper rifle, my Alpha can do the job, not the best for sniping at range though.... I could have a look into getting one designed for the job but they tend to be both expensive and hard to get.... might well not find one before we have to move.
May 17 2007, 05:33 PM
If you're comfortable with your alpah, I'll get you ammo for that then. Anything else?
Cash starts getting together to leave.
May 17 2007, 05:50 PM
Crow stands up to follow Cash. No glasses to wipe.. Though I might burn the furniture...
May 17 2007, 06:56 PM
I've got EX-Explosive and stun rounds, but if you can get some of those APDS rounds that'd be good. On the other hand if we meet anything that needs that level of firepower we're up the creek
@Charlie: Team looks to be moving out, lemme know where and when you want to meet for the 'trix run on the vet's host.
May 17 2007, 07:16 PM
Charlie pauses his matrix search when Shell's mesage comes in.
@Shell: Stick around would yah? I'm about a quarter through the public stuff, the house system 'll dump any trix logs so we can tap the vet from here. Also see if you can get someone else to stick around. If the vet run gets hairy I'll need someone to hit the kill switch on my link. You got any ideas for info, might as well get started. If you want to do it later lemme know.
His mesage sent, Charlie turns back to his info search.
May 17 2007, 07:24 PM
Okay guys, Charlie and me are gonna start the hack on the vet's medical records, and possible the ranch's personnel records too if we get the chance. Would be helpful if someone could stick around, watch us while we're out and, and I seriously hope not, disconnect our 'links if everything goes to hell in a hand basket. Any volunteers?
May 17 2007, 10:07 PM
I'm good thanks Cash, got everything I need.
I can stick around if you guys need some overwatch. Just show me where the button is.
Actualy, see if you can get some warding material, if we're going to be here for more than a day or two might be an idea to get some wards up to keep out unwanted people or at least to alert us.
May 18 2007, 04:41 AM
Neit, if you've got some down time while you're here, you think you can watch their meat while doing a search for some crappy apartment we can doss down in near the site? Say within half hour of the freeway exit? We'll need a temp place there to base from. 'Less you guys all wanna camp out in the back of what ever trailer we manage to acquire.
Sunny, since you seem to have some thoughts on it, why don't you start on looking in to ways to acquire a trailer and truck for us, No idea if we can just rent one or if we'll have to acquire one or what.
Alright guys, I gotta slide on outta here if I'm going to get started on this. If any of you need something, give me a ring. Crow, if you need a spot to do your summoing let me know. The same if you need a source for materials, although I figure you'll probably use your own.
At that, Cash heads out with a waive, and heads down to his car, heading home.