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Austere Emancipator
QUOTE (blakkie)
I guess they could vary the propellant for each round, making it smaller the further back the round is. But still the first round or three are going to have a damn low velocity unless these things are short, short, short.

MetalStorm weapons get around the varying muzzle velocity exactly like that, the first rounds having more and/or a different kind of (faster burning) propellant, and also by having much less of the total barrel length being covered by the bullets and propellant. (In case you didn't notice, the muzzle velocity thing and the ways the solve it was one issue I was using all the way through to show how stupid loading this thing with regular ammunition would be.)

QUOTE (blakkie)
You haven't seen yet, right?

Nope. Seems the only real gaming shop around here still hasn't got it.
QUOTE (RunnerPaul)
A dubious pistol in SR? Say it isn't so!

QUOTE (Austere Emancipator)
In case you didn't notice, the muzzle velocity thing and the ways the solve it was one issue I was using all the way through to show how stupid loading this thing with regular ammunition would be.

I didn't recall it offhand, no. It had always seemed kinda absurd that you'd be field loading it with normal rounds. Especially with the muzzle load tube denotation for the ammo. So i didn't focus that much on those parts. smile.gif

But i was just thinking with a shorter barrel the difference between the first and last would be a lot higher than the usual. If they only have an effective Saturday Night Special length, or less, for the first round compared to something like 8" last? *shrug* Though maybe not, i don't know enough specific technicals on that.

BTW i was thinking too more about how the ammo would work. Is is possible the slug is a bit smaller caliber, thus allowing a shorter slug without tumbling straight off. The larger outside diameter of the barrel allows for slim, though possibly a bit deeper, side pockets of propellant tangent to the barrel to increase propellent per barrel length? They'd of course have to be slim enough opennings that you wouldn't have blow-by for the slugs following, although they'd still bleed off some power unless they were shuttered chambers (messing up the no-moving-parts design aspect).
I'd like to think that gun was supposed to have pre-loaded barrel type magazines listed somewhere, but was just forgotten. Kinda like prices on chemicals and additional dmso for that super squirt gun....

If I was GMing I would make that a houserule I think. Make them cost an arm and a leg too, because the gun is getting away with some cheesy crap....
Ya, no way they'd be 5 nuyen.gif cheap. They should have separate tube pricing, like a rocket or missle. Maybe in the missing part it gives details about a speedloading clip that straps all 4 barrels together and allowes you to fully reload in one Complex Action? And estimates for the custom made silencers that fit on all four barrels at once? The ones you'd have multiples of and preattached to the barrels so you'd still be able to keep reloading down to a Complex Action. wink.gif

P.S. Another thing about this Cherry Blossom Special that bugs me. It only allows BF? WTF not FA? It's not like the weapon couldn't control burst sizes. Sure one Full Narrow Burst could empty 10x4, all 40 rounds, out of the weapon and the DV would be cheeze on toast. EDIT: And recoild could be an issue without without the stock extended. But damn it dumping everything NOW is the cool thing about Metal Storm. nyahnyah.gif
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (blakkie)
Ya, no way they'd be 5 nuyen.gif cheap.

Mass-produced and only being good for one load, this wouldn't be that far off, given stuff like plasteel.
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig)
QUOTE (blakkie)
Ya, no way they'd be 5 nuyen.gif cheap.

Mass-produced and only being good for one load, this wouldn't be that far off, given stuff like plasteel.

Sure you could use a bit softer material for the barrel because you don't need to worry about washout/wear so much. But a bit of durability would allow reuse so spent barrels could be returned for a refund, which is an ok marketing plan for the legitimate customers like Lone Star, corp guards, etc.

Also a precision milled barrel vs. a clip? You'll still need the low tolerance dimensions, and to keep that across the operating temperature range. Even the mass produced part isn't as true as for other weapons because this isn't run of the mill ammo tech and it is a new, proprietary weapon system.

I wasn't thinking hundreds of nuyen.gif, but maybe triple cost of a normal ammo with a 1/3 refund on barrels (which 'runners would never take advantage of except to lower costs of reloading their own). Nothing that i guess you can't gloss over i suppose, but still.
Anything the Corps produce is mass produced. One factory in Asia makes all parts used for all the weapons the world over.
There is mass produced, and there is MASS PRODUCED. Plus i ment more that there likely isn't yet as much capacity in place for a new weapon system. Yamaha might even be trying to curb or take-over knockoff manufacturers, which i've already added to my mental list of run possibilities.
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (blakkie)
Also a precision milled barrel vs. a clip?

Ironically, the clip has more moving parts. wink.gif

Given the average tolerance of the 70's normal production systems (SR4 nearly is diamond age), there is no real need to worry about mechanical precision - all the miniaturized electronics are much more delicate.
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