emo samurai
May 5 2006, 02:01 AM
How does everyone feel towards dragons? Do they inspire fear? Respect? Loyalty? Hatred?
I voted that they were awesome.
May 5 2006, 02:04 AM
If they're on my side, they're great.
If they're technically on my side, but want to tear me limb from limb, I run and hide.
If they're not on my side, but not the enemy, I maintain a polite distance and great respect.
If they're the enemy, I plan long and hard and get a lot of explosives and anti-vehicular weapons ready as I can and prepare for a very painful, very long fight..... and hopefully sell their bodies for profit, while letting any dragon who helped lay claim to any particular parts they want..
May 5 2006, 02:12 AM
I admire the wyrms for their power and cunning, but I hope I'll never meet one. If I should meet one, I'll just do whatever he asks me to do and hope for the best. Sure, there's the possibility that I'll get killed by following his orders, but there's also the guarantee that I'll get killed by not following his orders. This is especially true if he's a Great Dragon.
HMHVV Hunter
May 5 2006, 02:13 AM
They're like people - I take them on a case-by-case basis.
Masaru - I always admire revolutionaries fighting for a worthy cause, so I think he's cool
Lung - Spiritual, with an admiration for puns. He's a cool guy, I think
Ryumyo - Headstrong and power hungry. Can't blame Lung for holding him back
Lofwyr - Greedy, power-hungry prick bent on world domination. Hate him
Alamais - Terrorist wanting to return metahumanity to primitivism. Hate him too
Hestaby - regardless of what Eyebright said about her, I think she's cool. Gotta love a dragon that uses "LOL" on Shadowland and can banter with Harlequin humorously
Damon - a party animal dragon. What's not to like?
Perianwyr - I find the idea of a dragon that likes to go on a bender hilarious
May 5 2006, 02:21 AM
My current converted char served under a Western Dragon named Losobal, who in turn recently got beat down by Hestaby cause he got too uppity. Consequently, my char now sorta serves under Hestaby ;p Liked Perianwyr, met him with a diff char once upon a time. Never actually met Lofwyr. May or may not have annoyed Ryumyo due to all the Yak smashing my char has done in Hawai'i and in the states.
emo samurai
May 5 2006, 02:28 AM
What about Ghostwalker? He's a pretty major dragon you're ignoring.
May 5 2006, 02:29 AM
Im a big supporter of Hestaby for 2072.
emo samurai
May 5 2006, 02:34 AM
Me too. Having a proponent who's able to eat the lobbyists should do wonders for the environmentalist cause.
May 5 2006, 02:59 AM
I think the Great Dragons are too cartoonishly overpowered. Sure, they should be much tougher than a metahuman, and have magical and other abilities that outstrip them, but they should still not be able to go one on one with modern military vehicles such as attack choppers and jets, much less rain destruction on entire cities.
emo samurai
May 5 2006, 03:03 AM
That means that you would never be able to take one on. I think that's okay; it's kind of like the megacorporations. It's not like D&D, where they have rules for smiting gods.
James McMurray
May 5 2006, 03:05 AM
I'm with FanGirl all the way. Give them a wide berth and acquiesce in a heartbeat if they pull you into their world.
QUOTE (Glyph) |
I think the Great Dragons are too cartoonishly overpowered. |
eh, i dunno. i have a hard time seeing such avaricious, magically-potent beings not having that kind of power, given the incredibly long time they've been around. i mean, plain ol' humans can amass a staggering amount of magical power in their relatively short lifespans; dragons outstrip them in that department by a factor of hundreds, if not thousands.
Kyoto Kid
May 5 2006, 03:13 AM
...Hate 'em Hate 'em Hate 'em....
Too many characters forced to "Retire" to the ranks of NPC because of them including three of my faves:
...the lovely news snoop Lana Lane [Hestaby]
...the baseball throwing bat wielding Tomoe [Hestaby & Lofweir]
...the cunning Sohei Randi "Desert" Rhodes [Hestaby]
Even little Leela had to watch her step [Rhonabwry]
May 5 2006, 03:13 AM
QUOTE (Glyph) |
I think the Great Dragons are too cartoonishly overpowered. Sure, they should be much tougher than a metahuman, and have magical and other abilities that outstrip them, but they should still not be able to go one on one with modern military vehicles such as attack choppers and jets, much less rain destruction on entire cities. |
Oh, I'm sure it's absolutely possible to take them down with force of combined arms.
it's just that you better get a good first strike in, because their return is gonna hurt.
May 5 2006, 03:18 AM
QUOTE (Glyph @ May 4 2006, 09:59 PM) |
I think the Great Dragons are too cartoonishly overpowered. Sure, they should be much tougher than a metahuman, and have magical and other abilities that outstrip them, but they should still not be able to go one on one with modern military vehicles such as attack choppers and jets, much less rain destruction on entire cities. |
don't tell them what they can and can't do!
Anyway, I'm not too worried about a Great Dragon roasting and eating me (and I probably should be, seeing as how I'm a young virgin maiden and all that). What I am very worried about is a Great Dragon taking steps to ensure that I have a fatal "accident."
emo samurai
May 5 2006, 03:18 AM
QUOTE (Fix-it) |
Oh, I'm sure it's absolutely possible to take them down with force of combined arms. |
Which is where your rigger facing a dragon that is inexplicably sitting in the open will come in handy.
There is no circumstance under which that should be possible. Any dragon that isn't 2 years old will have read all your minds from astral space with Crazy Dragon Magic while masked under god knows how many dice.
May 5 2006, 03:33 AM
I leave them out of my games as much as possible. Much like IEs.
Oh wait...that wasn't on the poll.
James McMurray
May 5 2006, 03:37 AM
Dragons are killable. Even Dunkhelzahn (kinda) died. Actually getting yourself into a position to get that shot, much less make it successful, is the hardest part. Trying to do that and still escape afterwards? Wel, that's what legends are made of.
May 5 2006, 03:51 AM
QUOTE (mfb) |
QUOTE (Glyph) | I think the Great Dragons are too cartoonishly overpowered. |
eh, i dunno. i have a hard time seeing such avaricious, magically-potent beings not having that kind of power, given the incredibly long time they've been around. i mean, plain ol' humans can amass a staggering amount of magical power in their relatively short lifespans; dragons outstrip them in that department by a factor of hundreds, if not thousands.
I think SR2 powered them well. They were incredibly powerful, full of guile and cunning, but not the size of a 747. Their magic is to be feared, but at least a vehicular missle which would take out a 747 could take them down. Now, you might tarnish a scale or two.
May 5 2006, 03:52 AM
QUOTE (James McMurray) |
Dragons are killable. Even Dunkhelzahn (kinda) died. Actually getting yourself into a position to get that shot, much less make it successful, is the hardest part. Trying to do that and still escape afterwards? Wel, that's what legends are made of. |
should that not read:
At least dragons are suicidable. Able to die if they invoke haneous magical power in order to sacrifice themselves.
James McMurray
May 5 2006, 03:55 AM
If they can die, they can be killed.
caramel frappuccino
May 5 2006, 04:43 AM
Dragons are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
QUOTE (Platinum) |
I think SR2 powered them well. They were incredibly powerful, full of guile and cunning, but not the size of a 747. Their magic is to be feared, but at least a vehicular missle which would take out a 747 could take them down. Now, you might tarnish a scale or two. |
i'll agree that the base stats are overly impressive. what i might have done is given them stats only slightly higher than base, and magical abilities significantly higher than base. i'd have also noted that the named greats have even higher magical abilities.
May 5 2006, 04:57 AM
It depends entirely on their stats. Show me the official, definitive, canon as all hell stats of every dragon and great dragon and I shall tell you my opinion of him or her.
James McMurray
May 5 2006, 05:06 AM
I believe this was meant to be an in character thread, since it mentions "being on your side." Characters don't know stats.
Kyoto Kid
May 5 2006, 05:09 AM
QUOTE (James McMurray) |
If they can die, they can be killed. |
Maybe a NovaCannon*1000 would do the trick.
...of course that is crossing the genre barrier just a bit considering SR is still pretty much barely in Nearspace.
10 karma to the first one to get the game reference
James McMurray
May 5 2006, 05:30 AM
I have no idea what Novacannon is, but uit sounds like it would. You could kill an SR4 dragon with a rifle if you got enough successes and shot it enough times. It wouldn't be easy, and is far from the best route to take, but it could be done.
Kremlin KOA
May 5 2006, 06:33 AM
Recent run in uskie's game
International Miracle SHooter Tournament, Unlimited League
As ya know Critters appear in Miracle shooter
One round was a survival endurance battle against swarms of devil rats, hordes of Ghouls and zombies...
at one Point an AR lesser western dragon appeared and tried to land on our mage
My response? Jam an ares Alpha rught up its rectum and use the sphincter for extra recoil comp on a full auto 10 round fire
Probably shoulda used the grenade as well.
But admittedly I was showing off to impress a girl
May 5 2006, 06:44 AM
I've said it before, but I don't like the statless approach to things like IEs and great dragons. I don't have a problem with them being more powerful than the PCs, or being able to do things that the PCs will never be able to do. But they should not be invincible by game designer fiat.
They should have to worry about things like tailored magical nanotoxins, elite corporate death squads, missile strikes, and so on. I'm not saying those things would necessarily work against them, but they should fail because the IEs and great dragons have (and use) similar resources of their own, avoid unneccessary risks, work mainly from behind the scenes, and take ultra-paranoid security precautions.
In other words, they should be powerful, and at the top of the food chain, but still stuck in the same dark, gritty, dangerous world as everybody else.
May 5 2006, 06:55 AM
I love dragons in that very special way.
Young adult dragons are very killable and very defeatable. It isn't easy but there are canon Adventures in which the PCs may get into combat with an adult dragon and it is possible for them to win.
Pubescent dragons are pushovers, but don't let any Great Dragon here you say so.
May 5 2006, 07:09 AM
I believe in "Survival of the Fittest" they mention somewhere that if a PC does something dumb, just tell him what the dragon in question does. If the PC asks for a roll, you basically collect all the dice you have in the room and throw them, then ask if he'd like to see more. I know with Aden he isn't even given stats.
On some level, I like that. It plays up the "Don't do something dumb" angle. Oh the other level its a disappointment. I mean, lets be real, its virtually impossible to win that battle; but if the PCs had a plan, some good gear (maybe an anti-vehicular rocket or two...Or four, a Weapon Focus of decent strength in the hands of a skilled Adept, some decent magery and Anti-Vehicular sniper rifles (HOW do you miss a giant dragon? Tlak about a lot of free successes if you catch him off guard...) and comparable gear) and a lot of Karma Pool to throw, they could do it.
It'd be a good way to go down, anyway!
emo samurai
May 5 2006, 07:12 AM
I'll make stats for Harlequin if I ever use him.
Kremlin KOA
May 5 2006, 07:16 AM
Guys, the Great Dragons have stats
It is their skill list and spell list that is left unstatted
SL James
May 5 2006, 07:35 AM
QUOTE (frostPDP @ May 5 2006, 01:09 AM) |
HOW do you miss a giant dragon? |
Well, GW did a pretty impressive job of dodging Anti-Vehicular lasers when he invaded Denver.
QUOTE (mfb) |
QUOTE (Platinum) | I think SR2 powered them well. They were incredibly powerful, full of guile and cunning, but not the size of a 747. Their magic is to be feared, but at least a vehicular missle which would take out a 747 could take them down. Now, you might tarnish a scale or two. |
i'll agree that the base stats are overly impressive. what i might have done is given them stats only slightly higher than base, and magical abilities significantly higher than base. i'd have also noted that the named greats have even higher magical abilities.
And KP (Edge for you folks playing SR4) coming out the ass.
May 5 2006, 07:40 AM
Dragons mix well with AIM-4 and Nike-Ajax nuclear tipped missiles. "UCAS fried dragon" with "The President's special sauce" and a side-dish of Peacekeeper-roasted Tir Tairngire.
Just what a good Humanis member should order!
Death to the Metas! Earth to the Humans!
May 5 2006, 08:01 AM
I missed the "I despise them" option...
Crusher Bob
May 5 2006, 08:11 AM
What I dislike most about the SR metaplot is the uber-NPCS, whether they be dragons, IEs, or whatever. The minute the NPCs become statless plot devices, they go on my hate list.
Kremlin KOA
May 5 2006, 08:24 AM
II think we got more than enough of "The President's Special Sauce" in Muskies Fanfic, thank you very much
Kyoto Kid
May 5 2006, 08:33 AM
QUOTE (James McMurray) |
I have no idea what Novacannon is, but uit sounds like it would. You could kill an SR4 dragon with a rifle if you got enough successes and shot it enough times. It wouldn't be easy, and is far from the best route to take, but it could be done. |
...Basically, a NovaCannon is a starship to starship weapon.
Of course the final solution would be a Phoenix Hellburner or Planet Buster. Of course the collateral damage would be relatively staggering but, the great dragon would be dead.
Kinda like M.A.D. Yeah, we beat the enemy, but we torched ourselves in the process.
Kremlin KOA
May 5 2006, 08:33 AM
Nah get them all to earth
Colonize alpha centauri
and use a Nova bomd (make SOL a supernova)
Kyoto Kid
May 5 2006, 08:51 AM
QUOTE (Birdy) |
Dragons mix well with AIM-4 and Nike-Ajax nuclear tipped missiles. "UCAS fried dragon" with "The President's special sauce" and a side-dish of Peacekeeper-roasted Tir Tairngire.
Just what a good Humanis member should order!
Death to the Metas! Earth to the Humans! |
..KK4.1 hears you on that one...especially on the side dish...
Of course she usually prefers employing the RAF Blue Steele Missile.
...but I do like the crispy w/Ketchup, though I would prefer a hot pub mustard with a side of crisps.
www.battlefleetgothic.comSite for the game which has the nova cannon, think of it as ship to ship space artillery, it's not the most accurate. If anyone knows about Games Workshop's Warhammer 40K or Epic games it's the space component, like Aerotech is to CBT.
And I can easily see dragons dodging fire if they're airborne, it's when they're on the ground they'd be hard to miss.
I think on the whole anything that lacks stats is bad, but then that is different to my opinion on the dragon concept. If they were properly used they could work well in my opinion. I personally think the stories on Magespace give them about the right level of toughness and abilities personally.
May 5 2006, 12:44 PM
QUOTE (cx2) |
And I can easily see dragons dodging fire if they're airborne, it's when they're on the ground they'd be hard to miss. |
How do they go about dodging AV lasers?
IC, most of my characters dislike or hate dragons, for the same reasons they might dislike AAA corporate CEOs - they're all just a reminder of how little control you have over your own life, and the virtually immortal, as-close-to-omnipotent-as-it-gets lizards are the worst.
Can't stand them OOC, either. I find the idea that one would be able to (for example) take over a major city, effectively defeating one of the largest countries left on the planet in the process, completely absurd. What is this, all of a sudden, a Godzilla movie?
May 5 2006, 01:12 PM
Agreed. Or controlling a whole AAA corp alone. Dragons add some fantasy-flavour to SR, but they're too overpowered for my personal taste. And there are way too much of them flying around.
The Jopp
May 5 2006, 02:20 PM
I have no problem with dragons per se, but the only ones a character should ever see should be the tiny ones. The megacorporate owner/city controlling mega huge ancient western dragons should be seen on the news or be whispered about as mere rumours.
Dragons work behind the scenes, they are above such mundane things as dealing with tiny problems like shadowrunners or any jobs connected with them. They have personell for that, and people who can represent them.
The only way a dragon would be involved would be when:
A: You are on their menu.
B: You poke them in the ass with a spoon (how you got that far is beyond me)
C: You have the deranged mind that you can hunt them down with guns and magic )gotta find them first)
D: You (somehow) manage to steal their offspring (the egg that is) (Also known as the “mommy is pissed” mission)
E: They are young and inexperienced and hide in human form and play shadowrunner for fun (even dragons need a hobby).
May 5 2006, 03:06 PM
Non-great dragons arnt too bad. Greats, well kiss it good bye. They can bend karma. Think about that, BEND reality to their will.
I have always been of the opinion that there are things that just shouldent be able to be F-ed around with, and even considering it should mean a quick painfull death. Great dragons are just SRs version there of.
Which is why I love Planescape...
Daddy's Little Ninja
May 5 2006, 03:19 PM
You did not have my choice. "Goes great on the BBQ"
May 5 2006, 05:56 PM
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid) |
QUOTE (James McMurray) | If they can die, they can be killed. |
Maybe a NovaCannon*1000 would do the trick.
10 karma to the first one to get the game reference
Hmm, I think It's a Novagun.
and it would most probably do the trick.... though a Novagun*1000 would probably
get all the dragons of the world at the same time. ( to be sure I'd have to remove several layer of dust from the books you're refering which are IIRC Space Opera & the various sourcebooks about space fleets. )
Kyoto Kid
May 5 2006, 08:53 PM
QUOTE (Firestorm) |
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid @ May 5 2006, 12:09 AM) | QUOTE (James McMurray) | If they can die, they can be killed. |
....hmm... Maybe a NovaCannon*1000 would do the trick. [snip] 10 karma to the first one to get the game reference |
Hmm, I think It's a Novagun. and it would most probably do the trick.... though a Novagun*1000 would probably get all the dragons of the world at the same time. ( to be sure I'd have to remove several layer of dust from the books you're referring which are IIRC Space Opera & the various sourcebooks about space fleets. ) |
And the survey said... *Ding* ...Space Opera.
You get the 10 Karma.
It's been quite a while since I looked at the rules myself.
I actually have the complete set including the Selden's compendiums & various star atlases.
The Novagun*1000 is designed to put really big holes in other starships (and basically vapourise any living matter caught in the beam). I am not sure if they were very useful as a primary planetary bombardment weapon. That seemed to be the realm of devices like StarTorps, Phoenix Hellburners and the granddaddy of them all...
Planet Busters
...ok Lofie...dodge this...
QUOTE (mmu1) |
How do they go about dodging AV lasers? |
same way they dodge everything else. just like with bullets and other projectiles, they're dodging the intent, not the actual shot. nobody, not even a dragon, is fast enough to dodge a bullet.