Phasma Felis
Nov 5 2003, 02:20 AM
Is there a canon picture of the Ruger Super Warhawk anywhere?
I'm curious to see what revolvers look like by 2063.
Nov 5 2003, 06:04 AM
Judging by the character pictures in SR 1st edition, they look pretty much the same as revolvers today.
There's not a whole lot of technology to upgrade in the design.
Nov 5 2003, 06:08 AM
Maybe a low light LED to let you know how much ammo is in the cylinder. Perhaos a blinking light at the end of the barrel (I saw it in a movie). Maybe a cool new sound when it fires, and some how blows four foot wide holes in everything!
Nov 5 2003, 07:24 AM
Hey now, it only does 10M not 10S
Nov 5 2003, 07:48 AM
Nov 5 2003, 09:19 AM
Maybe a cool new sound when it fires, and some how blows four foot wide holes in everything!
Nov 5 2003, 11:38 AM
QUOTE (Centurion) |
QUOTE | Maybe a cool new sound when it fires, and some how blows four foot wide holes in everything!
Nov 5 2003, 12:20 PM
Remember kiddies, it's not compensating, it's complementing.
Nov 5 2003, 04:05 PM
To be honest, I don't see the revolver going much farther. The better designs are pretty perfect (as a revolver, that is) as is.
Perhaps you might have a motor drive on the cylinder so you can index to that Gel round or APDS round when you need it. Good use for a SG link there.
I do like the hi-cap cylinders for some modern revolvers. If 2000 alloys can hold 8 .357mag rounds in a practical sized cylinder, then 2060 alloys should be able to do the same with .44mag.
But in general, go to Ruger's website, or S&W's site and pick a .44mag, full size revolver you like. That is close enough to a super warhawk for game purposes.
The Ruger Super Redhawk in .44mag is probably VERY close to what the 2050s descendant would look like.
Phasma Felis
Nov 5 2003, 10:32 PM
The Ruger Super Redhawk in .44mag is probably VERY close to what the 2050s descendant would look like. |
And, of course, the Ruger Super Redhawk doesn't look all that different from an 1873 Colt Army.

This really shouldn't surprise me much, given how much modern automatics tend to look like the Colt 1911. I imagine that innovations within these classes of gun are going to be evolutionary rather than revolutionary; any "revolutionary" changes will be an entirely new class of weapon, like the difference between revolvers and automatics.
Nov 5 2003, 10:57 PM
QUOTE (Phasma Felis) |
And, of course, the Ruger Super Redhawk doesn't look all that different from an 1873 Colt Army. |
I think you meant
Ruger Super Blackhawk, there. The
Super Redhawk is a double action revolver that doesn't much resemble the
Colt SAA.
The way I see it, the 10M damage code puts the Super Warhawk into .44 Magnum territory, and the SS mode makes it a single action. The Super Blackhawk is the only single action .44 Mag revolver that Ruger currently makes, so the Super Warhawk should be similar to it.
Nov 6 2003, 12:36 AM
The weapons of today used in SR..? *grumble whince*
I prefer something along the line of that Ghost in the Shell-revolver, just make it a little more massive with a heavier barrel or something...
Third from the top.
Nov 6 2003, 12:45 AM
Erhm... Sorry.
Edit: ...
so quoted Centurion.
Nov 6 2003, 01:36 AM
QUOTE (Dogsoup) |
The weapons of today used in SR..? *grumble whince* I prefer something along the line of that Ghost in the Shell-revolver, just make it a little more massive with a heavier barrel or something... Third from the top. |
Hate to break it to you, but the
Mateba revolver is a weapon of today, like the majority of the guns on that page.
CZ-100 is real.
Jericho 941FS is real (though AFAIK, there has never been a model 942, as the 941 designates that the pistol was originally available in 9mm and .41 AE. None of the Jerichos will ever be chambered in .50 AE. Period.).
Steyr TMP is real.
SIG 540 is real (again, AFAIK, there was never a 541. The 550 series are today's standard.).
Ultima Ratio is real. The CZN M22 and SPIW MINI 14 are both works of fiction.
Nov 6 2003, 03:11 AM
You lie! Why do you
Ok, make it a bit heavier, put on some blinking diods and and an ammo display... Hey waittaminute! That Mateba shot looked even better than the drawing; Radical, the weapons of the future, today!
Nov 6 2003, 03:53 PM
QUOTE (Raygun) |
The way I see it, the 10M damage code puts the Super Warhawk into .44 Magnum territory, and the SS mode makes it a single action.
The Super Blackhawk is the only single action .44 Mag revolver that Ruger currently makes, so the Super Warhawk should be similar to it. |
Hmm. I didn't notice that the Warhawk was SS.
I cannot argue with the logic, given the stats in the book, but I don't see why a single action revolver would be used for a combat firearm when equal quality double action revolvers are available.
The Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 6 2003, 04:16 PM
You can always use a pair of Ruger Warhawks simulataneously in the game. Each one is SS, which only means you're limited to a single Simple Action shot with each one per turn. Since you get to make two Simple Actions per turn, you can fire one then the other. Since you're not shooting them at the same time (as opposed to one then the other), you don't have to worry about the Firing Two Firearms penalties either. It's also another one of the reasons why having a pair of Induction Pads on your smartlink can be useful.
And this way, you now effectively have a gun with an effective Ammo of 12 and SA mode that does 10M damage. It's a nice option for gung-ho types with a not-so-high Pistols score, really. The extra damage makes up for the relative lack of skill.
Nov 6 2003, 04:18 PM
Bandersnatch, I think you are wrong.
Meanwhile I sent link to super-weapon to my powergamer.
He always asked for more firepower
The Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 6 2003, 04:48 PM
Err, "you think I am wrong" how?
Nov 6 2003, 05:08 PM
QUOTE (Ed_209a @ Nov 6 2003, 03:53 PM) |
QUOTE (Raygun @ Nov 5 2003, 05:57 PM) | The way I see it, the 10M damage code puts the Super Warhawk into .44 Magnum territory, and the SS mode makes it a single action.
The Super Blackhawk is the only single action .44 Mag revolver that Ruger currently makes, so the Super Warhawk should be similar to it. |
Hmm. I didn't notice that the Warhawk was SS.
I cannot argue with the logic, given the stats in the book, but I don't see why a single action revolver would be used for a combat firearm when equal quality double action revolvers are available.
I would love to see the recoil of a .500 S&W Magnum revolver. Better make that first shot count.
Edit: Cut out bizarre, half-baked rambling /edit
Mind you, the Ruger Warhawk isn't a combat gun but rather designed for hunting big game like deer, moose, piasma and troll.
Nov 6 2003, 05:08 PM
QUOTE (The Frumious Bandersnatch) |
how? |
I'm not sure if this is what Traks was referring to (so I'm not speaking for him), but your wording is a bit confusing even if the end results are the same.
The pistols would be fired together as a single Complex Action instead of two Simple Actions. Like I said, it's just wording - it sounds like you intended to fire each gun only once per turn regardless. It might only make a difference if, after firing the first shot, your character suddenly wanted to change his action and not fire the second shot. Since the shots are simultaneous, this would not be possible.
The second was your reference to the "pair of Induction pads on your smartlink". The smartlink does not give any target-number bonus when firing two weapons simultaneously, although you may have only been referring to the normal bonuses of having your remaining ammo displayed, having a smartlink safety system, etc.
Nov 6 2003, 05:26 PM
I think what he's saying is that, being firing once is a Simple Action, you fire one as a Simple Action, then the other as the same Simple Action. There you have an effective SA mode dealing 10M. However, then you need either Ambidexterity or Off-Hand Pistols to use it well.
So, technically speaking, he's right. However, at the same time, he isn't. Kind of a paradox, neh?
Nov 6 2003, 05:35 PM
QUOTE (Siege @ Nov 6 2003, 12:08 PM) |
I would love to see the recoil of a .500 S&W Magnum revolver. Better make that first shot count.
Edit: Cut out bizarre, half-baked rambling /edit
Mind you, the Ruger Warhawk isn't a combat gun but rather designed for hunting big game like deer, moose, piasma and troll.
-Siege |
I would call .44mag the very outside for practical combat handgun calibers in toe 2060s, only because of Orcs & Trolls. Barring them, .357mag would be the outside.
Of course, that assumes you have a human behind the gun. Goodness knows how powerful a handgun a Troll could wield. Revolver in 12ga anyone? <shudder>
The Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 6 2003, 06:38 PM
QUOTE (tanka @ Nov 6 2003, 11:26 AM) |
I think what he's saying is that, being firing once is a Simple Action, you fire one as a Simple Action, then the other as the same Simple Action. There you have an effective SA mode dealing 10M. However, then you need either Ambidexterity or Off-Hand Pistols to use it well.
So, technically speaking, he's right. However, at the same time, he isn't. Kind of a paradox, neh? |
Uhm, no.
You do not need Ambidexterity as you are NOT firing the revolvers simultaneously, which is the only time you suffer that particular penalty (and thus do not need to compensate for it).
Firing a Weapon is a Simple Action. SS weapons can only be fired once per Combat Phase, yes, but each shot is still a Simple Action. You have two Simple Actions (or one Complex Action) per phase. Thus you can fire two different SS weapons in one phase, each one taking up a Simple Action. One right after the other. As opposed to firing two weapons simulataneously which uses one Simple Action to fire two weapons, at which point you suffer the +2/+2, no targeting systems, and combined recoil penalties.
Thus you can fire two Ruger Warhawks per turn without incurring the Using a Second Firearm penalty (which is intended for firing them simultaneously, not just holding them), because you're not. It's just like firing a single pistol twice, one shot after the other. Bang. Pause. Bang. If both are smartlinked and you have two induction pads, you even get your -2 TN bonus just as if you were firing only one SA pistol.
So yes, effectively, you can use two Ruger Warhawks as if they were a single SA pistol with an Ammo capacity of 12 and a Damage Code of 10M. Your only major pitfalls is that 1) both hands are full and 2) reloading is going to be a lot more difficult.
But style-wise, it's still a fun alternative, especially if you just like the image of using two guns instead of one.
Nov 6 2003, 06:58 PM
If I understand Ambidex correctly, it's for even wielding the two guns, whether or not firing/attacking with them.
How easy is it to write with your dominant hand? How about with the other hand? You may not be doing it at the same time, but you still have to concentrate to be able to write legibly.
The Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 6 2003, 07:06 PM
Read the very first sentence of the description for Ambidexterity (CC p. 94). It applies for firing two weapons SIMULTANEOUSLY. It has no bearing on actual left- or right-hand dominance. There is also no Off-Hand skill needed or available for firearms, because there is no need for one. Never has been.
Nov 6 2003, 07:25 PM
QUOTE (Ed_209a @ Nov 6 2003, 03:53 PM) |
I cannot argue with the logic, given the stats in the book, but I don't see why a single action revolver would be used for a combat firearm when equal quality double action revolvers are available. |
Well, the Super Warhawk was the only canon revolver in the game until CC, IIRC. I'm really not sure why they chose to make it SS mode, but it is. Given the explanation of SS mode (SR3.114), I assume that it's just a single action revolver, which fits in well with the current state of affairs at Ruger.
Another explanation I've heard for the SS mode is that the Super Warhawk just generates too much recoil to be fired on the second simple action at all. I don't like that much because it negates some advantages of Orks and Trolls, who, because of their size, should be able to handle more recoil than other races. Of course, all recoil is treated the same using canon rules, but hey...
I would love to see the recoil of a .500 S&W Magnum revolver. Better make that first shot count. |
Funny you should mention that. I got my hands on one this morning. Not as bad as I thought it would be, but it's still a bit less than tolerable. Loud, jarring and not good on the hands/wrists. I'd say the muzzle ended up about 65-75º from zero with my hands ending up above the level of my forehead. And it gave quite a push. I only paid $2.25 a shot to get beat up twice. It's definitely more fun to watch your friends beat themselves up. There were four of us and we couldn't manage to get through a 20-round box of ammo. I'm just glad I got the opportunity to shoot the damn thing without buying it. You really do have to make that first shot count. It'll take a couple seconds to set up for the next. But considering what people will be using it for, that shouldn't be difficult. The .500 Mag will definitely be easier to use in a rifle, though. Only a matter of time.
If you get the Outdoor Channel, I'm sure they'll be showing it in action on
Guns & Ammo TV here pretty soon if they haven't already.
Mind you, the Ruger Warhawk isn't a combat gun but rather designed for hunting big game like deer, moose, piasma and troll. |
That's the way I handle it as well. It also explains why Lone Star beat cops would be hauling monster revolvers around. It's what they could get on the cheap and quick to better deal with disgruntled Orks and Trolls. It only became a "combat" revolver out of necessity.
Nov 6 2003, 07:38 PM
QUOTE (tanka) |
If I understand Ambidex correctly, it's for even wielding the two guns, whether or not firing/attacking with them.
How easy is it to write with your dominant hand? How about with the other hand? You may not be doing it at the same time, but you still have to concentrate to be able to write legibly. |
Pistol firing with your off-hand is FAR easier than writing legibly with your off-hand. Especially if you aren't using iron sights, but using a laser or smartlink instead. Hand dominance is far less of a factor in firearms than in hand-to-hand combat.
Nov 6 2003, 07:49 PM
The way I see it, taking the kick, would be more difficult with your off-hand than your dominant hand. You just wouldn't be quite used to it.
Nov 6 2003, 08:08 PM
Doing anything with your offhand generally causes you a +1 to +4 TN penalty at the GM's discression. You do not need an off-hand skill for ranged weapons. Ever.
What's interesting is that ambidexterity seemingly does nothing to reduce this penalty, instead reduceing the +2 penalties for firing two weapons simultaneously. This is weird, since the penalties may both apply.
[edit]Page reference for the first: The first heading in CC under Advanced Combat Rules (just before it gets into firing two weapons at the same time).[/edit]
Nov 6 2003, 08:34 PM
QUOTE (The Frumious Bandersnatch) |
SS weapons can only be fired once per Combat Phase, yes, but each shot is still a Simple Action. |
Drek... I guess that saying "You learn something new every mana cycle" is true after all.

Thanks for the lesson TFB.
Morphling The Pretender
Nov 6 2003, 09:05 PM
QUOTE (The Frumious Bandersnatch) |
Read the very first sentence of the description for Ambidexterity (CC p. 94). It applies for firing two weapons SIMULTANEOUSLY. It has no bearing on actual left- or right-hand dominance. There is also no Off-Hand skill needed or available for firearms, because there is no need for one. Never has been. |
I don't own the Canon Companion, so I can't explictly reference it, but I am pretty sure Off Hand Weapon skills are in there.
Can I get a page reference? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
The Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 6 2003, 09:32 PM
Off-Hand weapon skills only exist for melee weapons. Ranged weapons have never had one because they're not hand-dependant.
Nov 6 2003, 09:33 PM
Yes, there are offhand weapon skills, for melee weapons only.
Edit: Too slow. Blarg! I am dead!
The Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 6 2003, 09:37 PM
Yay, I win the Shadowrun!
Nov 6 2003, 11:10 PM
I was thinking about designing a gun with such massive recoil that the firer suffered damage. The idea is that the gun was super-charged to deal with creatures that required excess punch.
Do you think there's anyway to up the recoil in order to up the power? Suppose a pistol had a +4 recoil kick and caused 4L stun to the firer - what power would you say that is?
Nov 6 2003, 11:56 PM
The concept is funny as all hell though.

I mean _technically_ you could make weapons even bigger and nastier than the .500 S&W, especially for trolls and the augmented but it's hard to extrapolate a real life parallel.
You _could_ make a revolver for 7.62 rounds if your really wanted to. As for the feasibility...
There was some discussion on a thread earlier about minimum Str needed to offset recoil penalties, otherwise the shooter suffered penalties to his TN. Sofar as I know, there was never a general consensus on the subject.
Nov 7 2003, 12:01 AM
QUOTE (The Frumious Bandersnatch) |
Yay, I win the Shadowrun! |
How've you been lately, Doc?
Nov 7 2003, 06:44 PM
QUOTE (El Machinae) |
Do you think there's anyway to up the recoil in order to up the power? Suppose a pistol had a +4 recoil kick and caused 4L stun to the firer - what power would you say that is? |
That's not a bad idea. I can imagine firing that .500 Mag more than a few times without padded gloves or recoil-absorbing grips would start to get really uncomfortable. Even after firing it twice, I have a bit of a tender spot in the web of my hand from the gun twisting up and jamming a corner of the frame into my hand. I guess you could consider that damage. It's anyone's guess as to how much damage that would work out to be in the game.
QUOTE (Siege) |
I mean _technically_ you could make weapons even bigger and nastier than the .500 S&W, especially for trolls and the augmented but it's hard to extrapolate a real life parallel.
You _could_ make a revolver for 7.62 rounds if your really wanted to. As for the feasibility... |
The .500 Mag develops more than twice as much recoil as the 7.62x51mm would from a gun of the same weight, actually. The 7.62x51mm has much greater range, but the .500 Magnum will likely create a much more destructive wound cavity than the 7.62x51mm. So in terms of energy and the ability to transfer it to tissue, the .500 Mag pretty much beats the 7.62x51mm hands down. At least, from a large revolver platform.
7.62x51mm NATO US M80
147 grain FMJ @ 2400 fps (from a 10" barrel)
44.5 grains IMR 4895
Gun Weight: 5.1 lbs.
Recoil: 18 fpe @ 15 fps
.500 Smith & Wesson Magnum
440 grain Hard Cast Lead @ 1654 fps (from a 10" barrel)
38 grains H110
Gun Weight: 5.1 lbs.
Recoil: 43 fpe @ 23 fps
The only things that are beefier than the .500 Magnum would be other big-bullet cartridges like the .450 Marlin (debatable), .458 Win Mag, .50 Alaskan and into the really big, super expensive dangerous game rounds like .416 Rigby, .404 Jeffery, .470 Nitro Express, .505 Gibbs, etc...
Dim Sum
Nov 7 2003, 07:27 PM
Ray, just out of curiosity ... where the FRAG did you learn so much about firearms????????? Do you study every journal that comes out?????????
Nov 7 2003, 09:56 PM
Well, the technical stuff comes mostly from reading (books, periodicals, internet), but I do shoot quite a bit more often than your average bear. I also live in a part of the US where most everyone else shoots regularly as well (hunting), so I get a lot of practical knowledge from other people. It comes from all over, really.
Nov 7 2003, 10:04 PM
Not to minimize Raygun's scholarship in the least, but most of it is available online.
Memorize much of nearly 100 websites and you too can be an expert in a nearly useless field of study.

But really, the draw for me as a gunhead is the engineering of firearm design, not tearing large bloody chunks out of other people.
Nov 7 2003, 11:28 PM
In this line of questioning: match a round, in handgun form, for an augmented/troll shooter.
You're the only person from whom I'm prepared to accept the absurd level of numbers.

Nov 8 2003, 12:03 AM
Hmm, a borg handgun...
I keep coming back to something in 12ga. Perhaps rebuild the round into a shorter, metal rimless case so it can be more handily magazine fed.
Since we are talking about a troll paw (I mean hand, really.

) perhaps we can just scale the Colt M1911a1 pattern up to 18.something mm...
Alternately, any of the extremely large handgun calibers would probably do. That .500 S&W Mag would probably be about right for someone the mass of a cow.
I'll elaborate more later, but I have to go.
Nov 8 2003, 12:26 AM
I had an idea for a gun I called the Halcyon Executioner. A revolver that fires .872 solid-steel slugs. It's based on a submachine gun (the good HK from the B^3) that's stuck firing full-auto. It does 15D, is SS, and has a default recoil of +4. It runs for 2,750 nuyen. It also weights nine and a half pounds (4 kilograms).
Any takers?
Nov 8 2003, 12:40 AM
QUOTE (Ed_209a) |
Not to minimize Raygun's scholarship in the least, but most of it is available online. |
Uh, no. There's definitely a lot out there, but it's far from most. I'd say probably about a third of what I know about firearms I've learned from online sources.
QUOTE (Siege) |
In this line of questioning: match a round, in handgun form, for an augmented/troll shooter.
You're the only person from whom I'm prepared to accept the absurd level of numbers. |
Well, if you're talking to me, off the top of my head I would say that your average Troll could probably treat a .500 Mag like your average human treats a .40 S&W. I'll have to run the numbers some other time.
Nov 8 2003, 08:48 AM
QUOTE (Ed_209a) |
QUOTE (Siege @ Nov 6 2003, 12:08 PM) | I would love to see the recoil of a .500 S&W Magnum revolver. Better make that first shot count.
Edit: Cut out bizarre, half-baked rambling /edit
Mind you, the Ruger Warhawk isn't a combat gun but rather designed for hunting big game like deer, moose, piasma and troll.
-Siege |
I would call .44mag the very outside for practical combat handgun calibers in toe 2060s, only because of Orcs & Trolls. Barring them, .357mag would be the outside.
Of course, that assumes you have a human behind the gun. Goodness knows how powerful a handgun a Troll could wield. Revolver in 12ga anyone? <shudder>
Revolver in 12ga anyone? <shudder> |
Look up Magnum Research's BFR in .45-70. That oughta make you shudder.
Austere Emancipator
Nov 8 2003, 10:42 AM
And remember, it's not "Big Fucking Revolver", it's "Biggest Finest Revolver"...
Their site claims that the .45-70 BFR kicks less than 3lbs .44 Magnums, or just about any .454s. And the .45-70 seems to pack less punch than .450 Marlin anyway.
Nov 10 2003, 04:31 PM
QUOTE (Ed_209a) |
Not to minimize Raygun's scholarship in the least, but most of it is available online. |
QUOTE (Raygun @ Nov 7 2003, 07:40 PM) |
Uh, no. There's definitely a lot out there, but it's far from most. I'd say probably about a third of what I know about firearms I've learned from online sources.
OK, I stand corrected. "A lot" it is.
Phasma Felis
Nov 11 2003, 03:27 AM
Fun factoids from another game:
In the Deadlands: Hell on Earth post-apocalyptic sci-fi fantasy horror Western RPG, the standard-issue handgun for cyborgs serving with the Texas Rangers was the Dixie Arms M-2011A, firing a .60 Magnum round. It tended to break the wrists of non-cyborgs who tried to fire it.
One Ranger 'borg, Curtis "Big Fifty" Harman, who specialized in hunting other 'borgs, apparently felt that this wasn't big enough. He had a custom handgun made that chambered .50 BMG ammo, and had his shooting arm modified to withstand the recoil. It's a pretty scary handcannon, as I recall.
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