I'm all for "Average Joe" kinda trolls, but given their general appearance and height (and racial bonuses to attributes) even "average" is "above average" by norm standards.
But think about this-an ''average Joe'' troll might not have any fighting skill whatsoever. Just because you are big, doesn't mean you know how to fight. I've seen larger people who know nothing about fighting get their asses kicked by people smaller than them.
An ''Average Joe'' troll guy, let's say, has no Unarmed skill(or Clubs, or anything), no Firearms skill, and an Agility of 2. The fight would look sloppy and unskilled either way, and Joe Troll would not be able to lay out Joe Human in one hit(he would have 1 die for agility default, and 1 for reach.) Both of them would probably be glitching and while Joe Troll's hit might count for more, it wouldn't be some sound thrashing. .)
I'm also saying that there CAN be weaker, unhealthy trolls. Infirm, etc, can come into play. Even though by RAW it says their minimum Body and Strength are 5, I just find it hard to swallow that a troll who literally starves themselves, never exercises, has a weak immune system, and the like, has those scores.
This is one reason I'm not a big fan of set minimums in general. For example, forced minimums assume that even the biggest sod of an elf has at least a 3 by human standards. Sorry to say, but if an elf were the most despicable, antisocial, and every negative thing you can think of, I doubt he'd have a 3 even by human standards. Why can't I play a troll that's more in line of a Robert Wadlow, who had suffered from health problems, probably didn't have that big of a Body and Strength despite being almost nine feet tall.
(Another note I must say is that in some cases, magic can be the key. A Fox shifter, by RAW, can take a Troll form, yet keeps his Fox shifter stats. Which means he's a troll with no more than a 5 body or 4 Strength. How would they look in Troll form?)
As for a tall, lankier troll, I believe they can exist. There are examples of very healthy, but tall(7'6''+) people, who aren't overly large. I could probably dig some up online. (In my world, I don't like to limit the fact ''no, if you play a troll, you must be as wide as a house.'' If human examples can be above the norm and still healthy, a troll can be skinnier than average.)
A bit offtopic from the thread as a whole, but it reminds me how I've been wanting to make a system to do something about this. If someone wants to play an uncharismatic elf or a weak troll, they should be allowed to.