On the other hand, someone who is 140lbs and really knows how to punch their weight can be just as dangerous as someone larger. One of the toughest people I've know was small and, though moderately thick set was hardly big. But we got into a bit of a fight once with some other guys and bam - 100% that weight was neatly and unexpectedly transferred through a point the size of his knuckle to one of the other guys' chins and that - considerably larger individual - was out like a light.
There are probably a lot of trolls out there who don't know how to fight. There are probably a lot of trolls who make it a point not to know how to fight just to get away from the troll bouncer image. But in all the non-fights, the posturing and the shoving and the 'are you looking at my girl' face downs, trolls have a big advantage.
Oh, I've seen ''the little guy'' win plenty of times, in televised fights, and a few real life situations.
Funny thing is, if ''strength'' is so important in a fight, why doesn't it count for more in-game?(Well, i guess game balance is pretty much it, but with alll of the outside things you can get-they probably could have lowered the impact of outside forces and made Strength count for more, perhaps.) If Shadowrun tries to go for some realism, why is Agility the combat stat of choice, Strength is halved, and many situations of people having insane DV, it comes from things like skill(martial arts qualities giving DV, which makes sense), other outside sources like bone lacing and magic. For example, a 2 strength weakling can hit for, by RAW, 8P rather easily(1 from Strength, 3 Bone Density 4, 3 Martial Arts +3 DV, Hardliners...and this one isn't even an adept). That is, for the power of that person, a *lot* of damage. Sure, the guy with 7 strength can hit +3 DV higher, but given the actual difference in strength, you'd expect it to be a lot more to that.
It leads me to believe being agile and skilled DOES mean a lot to a fight. Again, I've seen some ''little guys'' who scared me(or would have scared me, but they were cool, but you know what i mean) way more than some of the bigger guys that I knew.
That being said, I've always been of the opinion that general physical fitness overall, helps the matter.
But good point about that posturing and the like. I mean, the troll might not be able to barely beat up the punching bag at his nerdy friend's house and be the troll equivalent of a wimp-but he doesn't look wimpy to a human, but he'd be more likely to get someone to shove off without having to prove anything(or in his case, end up in a lot of trouble since he doesn't know the first damn thing about fighting). The prettyboy elf who looks like a random member of a goth band standing next to him might well be able to crush someone's head like a melon with one hand while tearing out a spine with the other, but he, I'd guess, due to his appearance, might be forced to fight more often, as no one would be likely to believe him(but then again, this is where things like Intimidation skills come in. Assuming neither have the skill, I'd say the Troll is still way more likely to scare someone on appearance.)
EDIT: No damage at all? He'd get a bit in.
Keep in mind, I'm coming from a lot of situations in game. I'm not talking too much real life-but game. In recent situations, my samurai elf could beat the living crap out of the troll boxer any day of the week. Neither character were overly-super-twinked, but they were both build ''well'' so to speak. But my elf was actually the same strength, he had much higher Agility(so when Strength is equal, Agility seems to be the next telling thing), and still rolled good (body 4-5 I think, with lacing.) Troll had better defense(armor and body wise-reaction was decent but not excessive), but my elf's damage after the boosts were so excessive it became rather difficult for the troll to shrug it off; likewise, the elf had higher Reaction, so the troll was often unable to get his hit in, due to lesser dice from Agility. (Friendly sparring, for the record.)
Neither character was average, true, but it seems that if someone DOES manage to come within a couple points of a troll's strength-easy with mods-and it doesn't even have to be even like those two guys above were-the higher Agility character suddenly has a bit of an advantage. Which again goes back to ''overall fitness.''
EDIT: I'm definitely not saying anyone here with more experience on fighting is wrong. I am just saying things i have seen, and experienced, in game. Once you equal out strength and skill(be it natural, or cyber, or whatever), other stats DO count for something, surely. (of course, in Shadowrun melee, even more than a high Body, strength, or even agility, an excellent reaction/dodge/defense score really helps matters. I think this is where more of the big, slow guys i've seen in action have their trouble in combat-without a large pile of melee dice, and I mean large, it can be very hard to hit someone with a solid die pool in defense, since ties go to defenders, and in melee, you can have a rather large pool without even having to go full.) Anyway, sorry for the slight derailment...but this inspired me to do another topic/writeup in my blog maybe about the different races in melee.