QUOTE (nezumi @ Jan 30 2009, 02:56 PM)

Man, where's that 2nd or 3rd edition pic with the troll schoolgirl? Hawwwwt!
3rd Edition at the back end of Target: Matrix I believe (or the other decker/Matrix related sourcebook). Basic sketch of a young troll girl clutching a copy of the Karma Sutra. Nice pose and suits the text which mentions the social side of Matrix activity, from online gaming nodes to porn sites. After all, when you can appear as anything your Icon chip programmer can imagine and all the experiences are real enough via ASIST it sure does pose a few questions about how society will evolve.
Anyhow, back on topic. Yeah, I agree wholeheartedly that there should be more art of lady trolls. However, as to what a troll (or other metatype) should appear as, well really that's all down to the actual artist and their style. OK, persoanlly, I like the original 1st Edition concepts of metatypes. Mainly because they were so original when SR first appeared all those years ago. They were so different from the standard fantasy depictions that we roleplayers had been bombarded with by AD&D, Runequest, Warhammer and all those other genres that were pre-Sixth World. Shadowrun actually had scientific, logical reasons of why these races existed and as they were "meta"human the similarity to "normal" humans was a refreshing and invigorating take. It helped that the original artwork was "realistic" rather than cartoony/anime.
Now, two decades later, with four Editions under the belt and a multitude of artists who have helped concieve and develop the Sixth World's image we have a variety of choices. As with each GM it's up to the individual to define what a troll looks like in their game. And why just one? Humans
Homo sapiens today comes in many forms and colours - all of which are baiscally identified as humanoid. Different genetic ethnicities are evident as are changes wrought by cultural or environmental factors. so as long as IMG metahumans are still "human" they can incorporate any of these different traits and still exist as real characters. Why not short trolls - I've a player who has a Japanese troll who it noticably much shorter and less bulky than the normal trolls ( a predeposition based on the general shortness of Japanese human genes when compared to western Europeans).On the same line, there's no real reason as to why disease or radical environmental circumstances couldn't reduce an Attrbute to below the standard racial minimum either.
As for appearance, well I do agree that the Charisma Attribute is not wholly based upon this, otherwise with cheap cosmetic modification any character would have maxed it out for Dice Pool bonuses. But, it certainly should be a consideration to affect Charisma-linked skills use in face-to-face situations, just as a character's attire or demeaneor does. I also subscribe that not all trolls should be ugly. Not all humans are, but as I admitedly find certain physical traits attractive (and vice versa) in other humans of certain ethnicities other than my own, so should metahumans see these differences as equally valid.
Then therre is also the fact of what actually defines attractiveness to us as influenced by society at large. We are constantly bombarded and surrounded by images of models and movie stars and so told by the media that
this is what is attractive and what we should all aspire to be like. Other cultures oppose the western media's interpretation - some steadfastly so. they have their own traditions and values to judge attractiveness. Sure, the Sixth World is so much closer together and influenced by the media due to the globalisation of megacorporations and the Matrix itself, but it still doesn't mean that all metahumans must drop in for cosmetic surgery. Maybe being unique and as you were born is better than something that you're not? I can easilly see that as a viewpoint to countermand the corporate style guides, heck its a rebellion in its own right. Then again, there are those who go for such outlandish bio-modifications that they are no longer really identifiable as metahuman, but are still found attractive (dare i mention catgirls here?).