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John Campbell
QUOTE (Solstice)
I guess the next question would be: What good is it then?

Y'know, it's entirely possible for characters, like real people, to have skills and areas of knowledge that don't give them extra dice in combat, or even in their chosen field of expertise.
[sarcasm] Wow really? I never thought of it that way because I'm a complete munchkin smacktard [/sarcasm] ohplease.gif

hehehe seriously though all "knowledge skills" have a use obviously or then would not be "skills" or "knowledge". I wasn't aware of any knowledge skill that gave you extra dice to anything.
QUOTE (Solstice)
[sarcasm] Wow really? I never thought of it that way because I'm a complete munchkin smacktard [/sarcasm] ohplease.gif

hehehe seriously though all "knowledge skills" have a use obviously or then would not be "skills" or "knowledge". I wasn't aware of any knowledge skill that gave you extra dice to anything.

Generally speaking, Knowledge skills do give complimentary dice bonuses to Active skills.

It is primarily at GM discretion and I haven't met a GM yet who liked giving comp bonuses to firearm skills. grinbig.gif

The first canon references to this, beyond the BBB, are M&M: Chemistry (Chemistry gives comp dice to Demolitions for making explosives) and M&M: Medicine (Medicine gives comp dice to Biotech for medical procedures).

Crimson Jack
QUOTE (Solstice)
hehehe seriously though all "knowledge skills" have a use obviously or then would not be "skills" or "knowledge". I wasn't aware of any knowledge skill that gave you extra dice to anything.

This is true. However, I've played along side and GM'ed for a lot of players who have spent some of their remaining chargen KS points on skills that are purely for fleshing out the character.


Comic Book Artists 3
Horror Movies 4

Some KS do nothing more than make one feel good about a fleshed out character. Just an observation.
QUOTE (Crimson Jack)
This is true. However, I've played along side and GM'ed for a lot of players who have spent some of their remaining chargen KS points on skills that are purely for fleshing out the character.


Comic Book Artists 3
Horror Movies 4

Some KS do nothing more than make one feel good about a fleshed out character. Just an observation.

Hear that, done that too many times, mainly so i don't have an entire background in shadow usefull skills. Real people.
Yeah I do the same thing. Like "Legendary Martial Arts"

Knowledge skill like "Security Design" and "Security Devices" are used like active skills in our game.
Crimson Jack
Just out of curiousity, what does Legendary Martial Arts cover as a knowledge skill?
QUOTE (Crimson Jack)
Just out of curiousity, what does Legendary Martial Arts cover as a knowledge skill?

People like Bruce Lee.
Crimson Jack
Ah, the "Arts" part was what I wondering about. Thought he might've meant "Artists" but wasn't sure.
the best one is "RPGs of the late 20th century" ohplease.gif that makes me cringe every time I hear it. Pure cheese. grinbig.gif
Herald of Verjigorm
I saw someone (a physical adept) use it as a centering skill.
in character: "Well, this security system looks like a TN 8 to avoid..."
Crimson Jack
Talk about metagaming. I love it. biggrin.gif
Herald of Verjigorm
The actual TN was 12, and he failed.
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