QUOTE (Red_Cap @ Jul 10 2010, 11:38 AM)

+1 for the Ares Predator. Plus, I was just skimming through the guns in SR4A, and I was wondering if anyone else noticed that the pistol pictured next to the text entry on the Ruger Supwarhawk was, in point of fact, NOT a revolver?
Got into an argument with a friend over it, in fact. I won because I read the text to him (and stat line), proving that it
was in fact a revolver, not a semi.
QUOTE (Ol' Scratch @ Jul 10 2010, 03:25 PM)

If I were a stone-cold professional shadowrunner, I'd go with a Machine Pistol. A bit harder to hide than a Heavy Pistol, but easier to smuggle than an SMG or Shotgun. The Ares Crusader would be my first choice, though I prefer the look of the FN 5-7C. I'd convert it to FA for suppressive fire again, plus a smartlink, upgraded gas-vent III (it already has one despite pistols not normally being able to, so I'm just upgrading the damn thing), detachable sound suppressor, ceramic/plasteel 3, powered break-down, personalized grip, and gecko grip options off the top of my head. Again, ignoring the 6-slot rule. I'd have both a Quick-Draw and Concealable Holster depending on the situation, and naturally a Long Coat or its equivalent to help hide it all that much more. Primary load would be AV despite the silliness of it (hey, no rule against it as far as I know), with Stick-n-Shock, Capsule (DMSO/Drug of Choice), and EX-Explosive clips on hand.
I agree with this concept and choice, but not with the mods. I'd go with built-in silencer/suppressor, no FA mod, and electronic firing. With subsonic ammo you're looking at a -7 to Perception to find it. Hard to argue with that.
QUOTE (Dumori @ Jul 11 2010, 11:44 AM)

A good gun would be a redline pistol asuming you have access to power sockets you can restock up on ammo free. It hits HARD and is easy to hide. It's a bit out there.
I was going to make this point. Power sockets are easy to find - I assume the power packs come with plugs that you can put into any standard power grid. One or two clips or one satchel should do you good.... permanently
I'm actually surprised (actually, not really) no one has mentioned this, but for a disposable firearm, I've taken a real liking to the Colt Asp. Cheap as all get-out with a really low availability means getting these (and disposing of them) is easy and painless.
On the other hand, a Super Squirt is legal (although the toxin may change that), and packed with Pepper Punch is fairly dangerous.
Nothing beats my gnome combat mage with a pistol grip for my firearm of choice though. He says his name is Gilbert, not "Little Friend" though, and no emotisoft/weapon personality can compete with the real thing.
EDIT: Editing more addons as I read through the thread. Be forewarned.