'Worst case' for balance and justice, toturi; possibly 'best case' for the munchkin.
I wouldn't call it 'outrage'. I said I was shocked that anyone would call it 'fair', hehe.
First off, I don't handle everything RAW. … Were I to GM a 400BP campaign, a 30k debt would be _very_ detrimental. I usually play at the 500BP level, and even there it wouldn't necessarily be easy to remove it.
RAW is what we're talking about, though.
the 10% per month, which is 4500 at the highest level, is no joke to come up with.
I think I demonstrated that it *is* a joke, unless you're in some kind of artificially low-money campaign.
"But his son hates you now."
But this is exactly what the rules say, and just like Aerospider, you're giving a pretty misleading case. 'Oh, but the player/character already worked *so* hard, they even burned Edge!'.
If they did all that, they definitely earned some karma to buy it off with. While they were doing all this, what was the rest of the team up to? Were they dragged along to help this guy remove his chargen flaws?
Thirdly, if I can afflict characters with a quality, then I can also remove it from them
Yes, and the rules for gaining a PQ in play or losing a NQ are 'pay 2xBP in Karma'. If you give them a NQ, maybe they deserve a karma refund or trade, then.
On the other hand, my players usually do not cheese out their characters and their qualities are not bought for efficiency but for detailing the character
I am glad to hear you are so lucky. But that kind of means your experience isn't relevant: you're talking about a situation with house rules and model players, while I'm specifically talking about RAW and abuse potential.
Bottom line: *without* totally additional house rules for In Debt ('favors', vague threats of 'very detrimental', 'service charges', etc.) and especially without the totally RAW Karma cost, the power-focused player will take In Debt all day long, and twice if possible.
It is vastly better than everything else in the game, particularly its Positive Quality counterpart, and has a negligible, temporary downside.
But I appreciate you bringing thing back to the 'roleplay effects' issue. It's not an argument for me to mention that repay-with-karma is RAW, because we're specifically asking if it *should* be (for all NQs, not the terrible-broken-example In Debt). As a couple of us noted earlier, the RAW actually says 'it's both'. It specifically says the GM should require the PC to earn the right to buy off NQs, through the kind of RP effort you described. So it is in no way the 'boring numbers game' strawman Aerospider talked about. The real issue is, 'RP+payment' or 'RP, no payment'. It seems pretty clear to me that there should be fairness and balance in the rewards the GM hands out, right? That's why there are guidelines for the amount of Karma (and why we get so many threads here asking 'how much nuyen should I give out?'). But surely the good GM believes this? Surely the good GM *does* reduce the cash payout if the PCs get a bunch of free expensive gear (literally, in lieu of some of their payment); why wouldn't this be the same for Karma rewards? If you roleplay hard, you get more rewards. You don't necessarily get more rewards… PLUS another massive reward of NQ-removal, or free PQs (again, the rules 'suggest' 2xBP for those, too). That's certainly not fair to the player who didn't load up their character with NQs, gain all that power, and then drag the team around fixing his special problems with 'good roleplaying'.