QUOTE (Aerospider @ Jul 11 2012, 04:30 AM)
Sure, if you play in a democracy and for many (usually narrative-oriented) RPGs that's just dandy, but for more GM-centred games like SR I think it a mistake. I see the GM as the host of the party - there's only one of him but he's responsible for running the show.
I see it the same way.
Sure, sure, the players can always outvote the GM "with their feet". But if there are so few players in an area that the GM can't readily replace the ones who leave ... then
GMs must be pretty scarece too, and those players who left?
Probably don't get to play at all anymore.And just ask CanRay how much fun
that is.
QUOTE (toturi @ Jul 11 2012, 04:50 AM)
Oh no, I wasn't thinking of a democracy, more along the lines of the tyranny of the majority. I think the GM in any game is the person who is the most masochistic, he has basically volunteered to be violated. RAW is the shield that protects him from gang bang ass rape.
GMing is a duty. Playing is a privilege.
Back in my highschool days, during lunch break I'd "run" entirely no-rules, whatever-I-could-think-up games / "dynamic stories" for my friends. I had nothing to start from except genre, really. Fantasy dungeon crawls, exploring post-apocalypse ruins, being marooned on a tropical island, etc.
I had no "RAW is the shield" to fall behind. Just. "this is the game I've presented you. Play my way, or
get out of the way so the rest of us
can play".
QUOTE (Irion @ Jul 11 2012, 06:24 AM)
The word of the GM is the word of GOD.
... and that Word should be spoken softly, 99 times out of 100.
Only to be challanged later, after the session, when he has lost his GOD status.
Absolutely right. Too many people forget
Rule 0 nowadays, I fear.