QUOTE (Falconer @ Jul 9 2012, 10:01 PM)
But watching in any system... the talkative one dump stat social skills and charisma because HE had a silver tongue and RP'ed it like so, even though his character had no redeeming social graces.
Wow. I'd've been docking him Karma every session for not playing his character as built.
I would also have been creatively re-interpreting everything the
player said, in light of the
character's lack of social graces. After all, I do the same (to the player's benefit) when someone is playing a character with
higher attributes than the player would have. It's only right, fair, and balanced to do the same in the other direction ... right?
So if the CHA 1, Uncouth, Etiquette 0 character goes to a party, and the player tries to pull a "Bond, James Bond" suave-and-debonaire routine?
I, as a GM, renarrate the scene to depict said character belching unapologetically, not dressed appropriately, unceremoniously shouldering people aside to get at the "eats an' booze", and otherwise being an absolute, unsufferable, uncivilised
monster. The NPCs reactions are predicate on
my version of events, not the players.
I keep the
core of what the player wants his character to say and/or do ... just ...
focused through a warped lens.
So ... in a PbP environment, if a player says of his character, Chumly the Ork (with aforementioned stat/skill/quality setup): "I thank the usher and tip him generously, then make my way to the buffet for a small snack and a glass of something to drink. And then spend the night making small-talk at the edge of the party."
I narrate it as
Chumly slides the usher a paper ten-spot, giving him a friendly clout on the shoulder that sends the poor fellow staggering a few steps with a cheerful "Oi, don' spend that on jus' one hooker, eh?" He then shoulders his way through the crowd (remarkably gently - noone falls, and you don't hear breaking glass even once) to the side-table. Taking one entire serving tray, and piling random handfuls of other foods on it as well (using a waiter's chest as a convenient napkin), and plucking two entire bottles of champagne out of a bucket of ice and drinking straight from teh bottle, Chumly spends the night making crude passes at just about anything female and legal in the room. Because, with Charisma 1, Uncouth, and not even a single rankof Etiquette?
That's actually surprisingly good behavior, wouldn't you agree?
So the player's wish to "be on best behavior and make a good impression" is honored ... but the character's actual attribute, (absence of) skill, and negative quality change what that intent
means for that specific character.
That trick is straight out of the Munchkins Guide to Powergaming... dump stating things you're good at. Such as playing the troll as if he were a super-genious even though his log is only 2. Who's to stop you... I got tired of seeing it done. Or acting on OOC info...
Who's to stop you?
The GM. That's who.