Well, I guess you are wrong in that. So if you run a free game, you normally have a lot of optional mission objectives and a lot of times where you may have the right skill at the right time. Using that, you can easy get several the "base" Karma for the run. (Well, on Top of that you get all your good roleplaying stuff for additional 1-2 Karma...)
Again, we are comparing different groups here. We are not talking about one player getting twice the karma of another one. Still, I am not saying, that this would be impossible to pull off, given the rules in 4th edition)
First of all, if you're offering 10 mission objectives per run, you're running some awfully complex runs. Second, even if you're spamming "good roleplay" karma, there's no guarantee the generalist's player will be getting it. Character build has no relation to roleplay ability.
(Yeah, I know the new table gets you around 4 Karma a run and works differently. Well, I say we wait untill that has been revisited. Or I try to play one round of chess with lowyfer in every game. Yeah, I lost but I went up against a dicepool about 60 giving me 10 Karma (which would be more than +7 to regular dicepools in the opposition you will probably face). Talking about using non essential skills to grind karma...)
If you're playing chess with Lowfyr every game, you're probably already running a high-powered game, which means everyone will be earning a lot of karma. Grinding for karma still isn't a viable tactic.
And again, I tell you that I quoted the table out of SR4 and this table is open to give additional points for secondary goals. If you go through it, there is a lot of things you can get additional points for and for a lot of those it can be assumed that it is easier to get if you have some low level skills, which fit the situation. Rollplaying is a big one at that.
If a player with no points in the influence group gives a speech I would not avard anything, because he left character. If he got one or two points in the appropriate skills, I would give rewards.
Unless you're deliberately tailoring the run for Mr. Generalist, there's no guarantee that any of his minor skills will come up, and certainly not often enough to earn three times the karma. And again, assuming you're being a fair GM, that means you're handing out karma like candy to everyone, so Mr. Generalist still won't be earning karma faster than everyone else.
Yeah, and the karma rewards were fucked up in the first printing of SR 4, too. Like I said, play chess with lowyfer for a big bonus to karma gain for the whole group.
By the book, that's only good for one karma (if that, because while difficulty is a factor in earning karma, so is risk). Besides which, if your players know Lowfyr well enough to have weekly chess games with him, you're well outside the normal bounds of Shadowrun.
My whole point is, the idea to have skills outside of your main field is neither good nor bad a priori. The question is how your group goes about it. What do you put focus on?
Generally, if you put a lot of focus on rollplaying and non-linear gameplay, than it is a very good idea to have the influence group at least at 1. If you play Shadowrun like you play the might and magic series, than it is pointless to even invest a single point in social skills, given you are not the face.
Rollplay vs Roleplay has nothing to do with it. Even if you're into heavy min/maxing, investing a little in social skills is a good idea. The goal of min/maxing is to minimize your weaknesses, not leave huge gaping ones; hence why, in SR4.5, you never saw a well-optimized character with Uncouth. And while having skills outside your specialty is never a bad idea, having a lot of them at the expense of your specialty is a really bad move. In fact, having a lot of low dice pools is sometimes worse than not having any skill ranks at all; if you don't have any skill in something, you're less likely to try it, and thus become more likely to critically fumble. It's certainly not going to net you a ton of karma by grinding, although you might get it for repeated critical fumbles.