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Hey all,

In case you get confused by the presence of this thread, just a FYI that as of August 26th, 2003, Shadows of Europe is not yet released.

QUOTE (Adam)
Hey all,

In case you get confused by the presence of this thread, just a FYI that as of August 26th, 2003, Shadows of Europe is not yet released.


I swear, maybe I should just change my nickname to Catalyst.

And when is the Rigger 3 reprint arriving?! Not that I need to spend any more nuyen.gif nuyen.gif nuyen.gif .

I haven't heard any word about it coming back from the printers yet; as it's a large book, it may just be taking longer than expected.
Hot Wheels
Just proving that Synner is enjoying tormenting us.
Hey! I haven't said a word in ages... wink.gif
QUOTE (Synner)
Hey! I haven't said a word in ages...

Actually, you have! Just today to Birdy, in fact. nyahnyah.gif
So what's the latest dirt on when SoE is supposed to be live?

otaku mike
Disclaimer: this is only my personal opinion on the matter, and absolutely not an official statement from FanPro US.

No release date available yet.
The proof-reading of the edited texts has not begun yet, and I don't know if it will soon. (hopefully, it should start very soon)
As this phase is the last one before the final final edit and then print, if we imagine it starts tomorrow, the earliest release date shouldn't be before last week of september.
But Rob seems quite busy those late weeks, so my uneducated guess would place the book more around mid-october.
Ronin Soul
QUOTE (otaku mike)
But Rob seems quite busy those late weeks, so my uneducated guess would place the book more around mid-october.

Right near my birthday!

Sidereals for Exalted and SOE for Shadowrun. This is gonna be a good 18th...
Hot Wheels
QUOTE (krishcane)
So what's the latest dirt on when SoE is supposed to be live?


My guess, 15 minutes after the ravening mob breaks down Synners door and tries to make him the center piece of a BBQ. I think he lives in Portugal just to get a heads up on the mob.
Hey! It's been out of my hands for a while now. wink.gif No fair breaking down the door like that. Hey! Leave that... What?... No... I won't... No really. What do you think you're doing? Hands off! Hey, that's private! What's that bat for? Stay away from me!!!

Seriously though, Otaku Mike probably has it about right. Primary writing has been over for a while now, but this book was always going to require a lot of editing since most of the writers were not native English speakers (or writers in this case). Regardless, I'm sure there will be updates as soon as we know something specific. No use in giving people false expectations.
What, the mob started already? They promised to wait till I could get tickets for a last minute flight. Well, I've got a message for you for all to hear: You killed Synner! You bastards!" biggrin.gif
I was made an undeclinable offer to fly to Portugal tomorrow and head towards the Lisbon plex to look for Synner's sorry hoop. You'll get the latest dirt as soon as I made friends with the locals and found his hidey-hole (Whaddaya say, just follow the smell of fire and the lynch mob screams?). Sounds like a cakewalk cyber.gif
To tide you all over a little while longer here are the countries in SoE as listed by Rob at RatCon and announced by FanPro D on their Forums:
  • Allied German States
  • Austria
  • Czech Republic
  • France
  • Italian Confederation
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Scandinavian Union
  • Spain
  • Switzerland
  • Tir Nan Og
  • United Kingdom
  • United Netherlands
There will should also be material on the NEEC, History, Corps, Crime and Magic as mentioned in the official blurb.
For those not following the acronym, NEEC == New European Economic Community, I believe.

Interesting country list -- Czech Republic made it, Slovakia didn't. Poland and the Czech Republic are the two ex-Warsaw-Pact countries that have really lept wholeheartedly into Western European living (well, and East Germany, obviously). I guess the rest of the Slavic bloc is still living in confusion and muted civil war in 2060, eh?

My Preesssccciousssss... love.gif

Sorry, just needed to get it of my chest.

Zen Shooter01
In the words of Bob Dylan (more or less)'s not out yet, but it's getting there.
The full-sized SoE cover was also available for people to check out at RatCon, and I was blown away by Klaus Scherwinski's artwork (not to mention the pencil sketch which I always prefer and which had some detailing that didn't make the colored print). Indeed, it is getting there.

We also got a "hands-on peek" at the Character Dossier which was fresh back from the printers, and should be in stores soon. Even the skeptics were drooling. Very nice work Adam.

It's not nice that Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) are not included.
Oh well, we are usually forgotten biggrin.gif

Still wanna get this one book and check out.
Nah, everything between Russia and Poland was just wiped off the map during the EuroWars. wink.gif

But seriously, as I've said above, they get a brief mention. There was an interest in developing other areas but the biggest problem is space. SoNA had 11 countries, SoE will have more and new pan-Euro info to boot. There's only so much you can incorporate in a limited space and still do it justice. A choice was made to focus on Western Europe based in part on recent developments in the region.
QUOTE (Synner)
We also got a "hands-on peek" at the Character Dossier which was fresh back from the printers, and should be in stores soon. Even the skeptics were drooling. Very nice work Adam.

They'll all be believers when they use it. wink.gif

So now we'll need a Shadows of Eastern Europe sourcebook next. smile.gif

Netbook, anyone?

Hot Wheels
Any word yet?
otaku mike
sorry, not yet.
But I assure you that of all people here, we're the most impatient to see it completed smile.gif
Last we heard from Rob, he said it was coming together nicely. I take that as a good omen wink.gif
Ancient History
I hear if Rob's hair doesn't clog the shower it's a good omen.
The Balkans are missing from SoE too. Any idea when or if we will see some material for Eastern Europe and the Balkans?

Any dates set yet for the release?
We're considering some possibilities regarding the Balkans, I'll be posting when I know more.

It was a conscious decision to leave out most of Greece, Eastern Europe and Russia from SoE simply because there would not have been enough space to do the region justice. However there should be a section giving a (very brief) rundown of areas neighboring the new NEEC.
otaku mike
Not mentioning the map of Europe.
Even if some areas don't have a written part in the book, most of them will have canon borders and some "name droppings" on the main map.
Still no word yet Hot Wheels. Talk about tension huh? But we reckon that the wait will be worth it. But then I would say that 'cos I'm bias. The biggest pity was that due to wordcount limitations we couldn't squeeze everything we wanted into the book - like Greece for instance. But then there's plans for that in the future and it'll likely get a bigger and better place than we could have given it in SoE.

There goes my optimist chip again... wink.gif

But don't just take my word for how great this book is - preorder your copy today and don't forget to tell Rob how great he is for getting it out there.
Psst Synner, that should help our next project proposal - you think they bought it?
Gentlemen, enough with the teasers. Let's try to withhold any further comments until SoE gets a final date.
Hot Wheels
I thought it had a final date- but it was some time last summer?
No. There was no final date, especially not last summer.
otaku mike
Actually, I do believe it was advertised in the cons that SoE would be released for GenCon 2003 (something like end of july, I'm sorry I don't remember the date).
But, I'm far from lots of things here in Asia, so I may be wrong.
As I remember, the intent had been to release SoE by GenCon this year. That's still not a final date, however. "Final dates," as I would understand them personally, would be an announcement that it's gone to print, and should be in stores by [general week of x month].
Zen Shooter01
That would be the actual date, after the endless delays and foul-ups have made the original release date into a Dilbert strip about professionalism and efficiency.
otaku mike
I can't let that pass without reacting.
The final drafts have been delivered to Rob in august IIRC, but until the beginning of july, we were all working very hard on it, until everyone saw that we were not going to make it, and that it was better not rush things and have a good book.
After that, I have to remind everyone that FanPro US is a one-man-office. And the honest thing to say is that most texts we delivered were over wordcount allowances (an average of 15% more than planned) and, as no native writers, the editing work seems to be very tricky, a long process (which is not finished at the time I write this) involving lots of rewriting.
If you want to blame someone about the delays, blame me, not Rob.
Last thing I heard was end of November/early December...

QUOTE (Zen Shooter01 @ Oct 10 2003, 01:16 PM)
That would be the actual date, after the endless delays and foul-ups have made the original release date into a Dilbert strip about professionalism and efficiency.

Sorry, I forgot. WHat are YOUR qualifications about coordinating a multinational writing effort with more than 10 writers, delivering a 80,000 words book, editing it, making sure that the sections are consistent in tone, structure and language, providing the art (oh yeah, I always forget the dozen of artists involved) and managing the whole operation from the administrative side?

Just send your updated resume to FanPro and I'm sure Rob will take exactly 2 seconds to give you a call and hire you on the spot.
Drain Brain
you forgot - [/sarcasm] wink.gif
We wait for quality, not rush. If SoE has to be delayed to get it straight, so be it. I only hope it won't delay the others sourcebooks, but ...
Hot Wheels
Still no word yet Hot Wheels. Talk about tension huh? But we reckon that the wait will be worth it.

When it goes on too long, after a while the anticipation stops feeling good, gets boring, then starts to hurt!
Believe me, this is clearly a case of it hurts me more than it does you...
Zen Shooter01
Gosh, you guys sure can get cranky with me about the things you screw up.

The fact remains. DotSW was late by months. SOE is late by months. SONA was late by a month if I remember correctly. T:AW was late. Was SSG on time? I don't remember.

The fact remains that FanPro misses most of its release dates by a wide margin.

Go ahead and complain about the complexity of the operation. Go ahead and complain about the number of people working for you. Go ahead and complain about the pressure. Your dog is sick, you've got swimmer's ear.

But you're still late.

After the first two or three books missed their release dates, why didn't you say to yourselves, "Selves, it looks like a book takes longer to complete than we, next time, instead of giving ourselves six months, we'll give ourselves nine." You see, I'm not asking for a rush job, I'm just asking for the release date to match the day (the month!) the book arrives at my local shop.

A large number of writers each tackling a different section, should make it go faster through parallel effort. Smith writes chapter 1 while Jones writes chapter 2 while Doe writes chapter 3, and primary writing gets finished quicker. Then an editor or two goes over the book to make sure everything fits together, a few small revisions are made, and the book is done. How do *you* organize it?

If you're writers can't put together fifteen or twenty pages inside of two months, they're incompetent and should be replaced. If your printer takes three months to get their job done, they're incompetent and should be replaced.

I love the game! I buy the books! I'm standing here, money in my hand, eager to buy! Here's the demand! Make with the supply! Act like real company that wants to do real business!

Drain Brain
Why can't you just accept it and shut the f**k up?

Edit: Re-worked expletive...
QUOTE (Zen Shooter01 @ Oct 15 2003, 10:33 AM)
If you're writers can't put together fifteen or twenty pages inside of two months, they're incompetent and should be replaced.

So, what would be your recommendation regarding primadonnas? In your professional opinion, that is.
QUOTE (Zen Shooter01)
But you're still late.

After the first two or three books missed their release dates, why didn't you say to yourselves, "Selves, it looks like a book takes longer to complete than we, next time, instead of giving ourselves six months, we'll give ourselves nine."

Why are you not saying this to FanPro?

We're not FanPro. Dumpshock is not FanPro; the Forum moderating team is not FanPro; the freelancers here are not FanPro. The closest to "FanPro" we come are Adam and Pistons, who coordinate the website and magazine content respectively, and both of those are limited positions with no scope to affect anything else within FanPro.

Simply put: we can't do anything about the release dates, short of turning our drafts in on time.

Everyone here knows your position and opinions on FanPro's timeliness, so restating them probably won't earn you anything except higher blood pressure.
QUOTE (Zen Shooter01)
Gosh, you guys sure can get cranky with me about the things you screw up.

Hey. Hold the flame there Zen Shooter01. You're upset that the book's late on the offered release dates. Fine. But don't go slagging off he guys and gals who're working to keep your favourite game alive.

Sure that its annoying. But its no reason to give such verbal out on a public board. Take a look over on the Louge thread and see what happened there. Wnat the same to happen here? Or to the whole SR line? No. Neither do I.

Now, take a deep calming breath and take a look at the situation from the writer's, editor's and publisher's perspective. They've got a hard enough job to do without added presure like this. Take it from me - it ain't an easy thing to get a book written and published. At least not to the high standards we all expect from Shadowrun products. (Especially when many of SoE's writers are not native English speakers and need more time in the editing processes)

So, please have patience. These people have been releasing SR products regularly for several years since FASA's demise and the line is still going strong. That says something about their dedication to the hobby and competence if nothing else. Have faith, it'll be there and be worthy of the efforts so many of us have laboured long and hard to put into our hobby.

(Being a professional as an ameteur writer can be)
QUOTE (Zen Shooter01)
A large number of writers each tackling a different section, should make it go faster through parallel effort. Smith writes chapter 1 while Jones writes chapter 2 while Doe writes chapter 3, and primary writing gets finished quicker. Then an editor or two goes over the book to make sure everything fits together, a few small revisions are made, and the book is done. How do *you* organize it?

If you're writers can't put together fifteen or twenty pages inside of two months, they're incompetent and should be replaced. If your printer takes three months to get their job done, they're incompetent and should be replaced.

Make with the supply! Act like real company that wants to do real business!

It seems that you think that Fanpro has plenty of money to employ a full time editor just for SoE. You're wrong. The people in Fanpro involved in SoE are simultaneously involved in other activities like GenCon, RatCon, other products, administrative stuff and so on.
You want Fanpro to make quality products in time? You're talking about a real company that wants to make real business. Then would you agree to pay for that?
I don't think so. Or if you do, most people won't.

So accept the fact that Fanpro is only a small company dedicated to make your favorite game alive and kicking, not a multinational company that swims in money.
And be thankful of the number of products delivered, because all countries can't have this luck (in France, this year only 2 SR books will probably be translated into French, non-English speaking French people lack something like 10 3rd Ed. books).
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