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QUOTE (Lagomorph)
Edit: didn't realize this was 4 pages long, this reply is from the first page I think. Sorry for the disruption.

It's okay. The topic hasn't really moved on at all. wink.gif
QUOTE (Demon_Bob)
QUOTE (Shev @ May 24 2007, 12:16 PM)
QUOTE (Demon_Bob)
"Be Short.  Be Sincere.  Be Seated." FDR, on public speaking.

Not to be crass, but that last part seems a little biased, to me... spin.gif

I believe he was telling Congressmen to make thier point and move on.

Oh! I thought he was telling people to be sitting down when they spoke. THanks for putting it in perspective. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Shev)
QUOTE (Demon_Bob @ May 24 2007, 07:02 PM)
QUOTE (Shev @ May 24 2007, 12:16 PM)
QUOTE (Demon_Bob)
"Be Short.  Be Sincere.  Be Seated." FDR, on public speaking.

Not to be crass, but that last part seems a little biased, to me... spin.gif

I believe he was telling Congressmen to make thier point and move on.

Oh! I thought he was telling people to be sitting down when they spoke. THanks for putting it in perspective. biggrin.gif

It is funnier the other way, considering the source. wink.gif
QUOTE (toturi)
QUOTE (odinson @ May 20 2007, 01:30 PM)
There is always the street reputation modifier. Every time the character showed up at a meet and stared acting obnoxious he would get a point of notoriety as per "incredibly obnoxious or callous behavior." I would assume showing up and being rude is incredibly obnoxious. After a few games the -3 from hostile and the -know street reputation mods would add up. And that's all cannon.

Granted that Notoriety affects Street Cred in Negotiation or Etiquette rolls, but if the PC can take the -3 hostile and -1 Street Cred(Notoriety) and still have a good chance of success, he gets the roll without the GM modifiers. And it gets better from Intimidation or fear based rolls, I do not punish such behavior in my games. There is a rule mechanic consequence, I apply that. If you succeed, you succeed. If you don't, you don't.

Yeah, but the Notoriety keeps growing. After a few runs that -1 has turned into a -5 or more and with the -3 from hostile it does start to add up.
I am new to the forum and to Shadowrun. I am playing the face in our campaign. It is just my personal opinion however just because someone is clever in real life, or a social log it doesn't mean that he can't be one or the other in Seattle.

I work for Honda as a Japanese translator and I have 0 Japanese skill in game. If the GM requested that everyone who is doing social-fu be a real life social juggernaut that would be as unfair as me speaking in real Japanese to NPCs. Using skills that you have in real life, is just as bad as not allowing people skills that they have spent Karma/BP on.

If you want crazy social combat rules try Exalted where you get social special attacks, its only a matter of minutes before you and your friends are having a Phoenix Wright rule lawyer battle...

We are going to do Social-Fu like we did in Exalted but with the Shadowrun rules, tweeked. Say what you would like to say: like a joke, a threat, or whatever you want. Just give a quick explanation, then roll and try to role play the results. Just because someone isn't good as others at role playing shouldn't lock them out for what they want to do with their character. They should be encouraged, most of the time its stage fright. I think the giving the bonus dice and external penalties as mentioned before is a great idea and I am gonna run that by our GM
QUOTE (odinson)
QUOTE (toturi @ May 20 2007, 01:34 AM)
QUOTE (odinson @ May 20 2007, 01:30 PM)
There is always the street reputation modifier. Every time the character showed up at a meet and stared acting obnoxious he would get a point of notoriety as per "incredibly obnoxious or callous behavior." I would assume showing up and being rude is incredibly obnoxious. After a few games the -3 from hostile and the -know street reputation mods would add up. And that's all cannon.

Granted that Notoriety affects Street Cred in Negotiation or Etiquette rolls, but if the PC can take the -3 hostile and -1 Street Cred(Notoriety) and still have a good chance of success, he gets the roll without the GM modifiers. And it gets better from Intimidation or fear based rolls, I do not punish such behavior in my games. There is a rule mechanic consequence, I apply that. If you succeed, you succeed. If you don't, you don't.

Yeah, but the Notoriety keeps growing. After a few runs that -1 has turned into a -5 or more and with the -3 from hostile it does start to add up.

Read the Notoriety rules. Unless your PC is really innovative about how he is incredibly obnoxious or callous, he'd still be -1, not -5(unless he is innovative 4 more times).
Toturi is right - players are not supposed to earn notoriety points for things that they have already earned notoriety points for, barring the player going about it in an "innovative" way. Players can be very innovative, though... biggrin.gif

Of course, players also have the option of sacrificing two points of street cred to remove a point of notoriety - since street cred bonuses top out at the character's Charisma rating, there is no real logical reason not to burn street cred to lower notoriety once you have hit that point. This also lowers public awareness. But that is assuming you get street cred to that sweet spot before you start earning notoriety. Otherwise, your face will be gimping his own street cred with his notoriety, cheating himself out of a significant dice pool.
QUOTE (Glyph)
Of course, players also have the option of sacrificing two points of street cred to remove a point of notoriety - since street cred bonuses top out at the character's Charisma rating, there is no real logical reason not to burn street cred to lower notoriety once you have hit that point.  This also lowers public awareness.  But that is assuming you get street cred to that sweet spot before you start earning notoriety.  Otherwise, your face will be gimping his own street cred with his notoriety, cheating himself out of a significant dice pool.

Yep. If you're starting to garner too much public attention, just go shoot some toddlers in the face and buy down that Notoriety. I always thought those kids would be good for something someday.
When I GM for a face I generally let minor situations pass by without rolls. Even though there's no dice being thrown, I try to keep the character's general stats in mind and the NPCs I run will be more tolerant of impoliteness from a character with high charisma versus a character with low charisma. In general the role-playing in these situations is more important than the roll-playing.

When the situation is more dire, I generally have the player say a few lines of dialog to get a general idea of where he wants the conversation to go, then have them roll, and then alter the response from the NPC to match that roll. If the character continues the conversation and changes his method of attack, then he gets another roll. In general these major situations are more roll-play than role-play.
QUOTE (Aaron)
QUOTE (Glyph)
Of course, players also have the option of sacrificing two points of street cred to remove a point of notoriety - since street cred bonuses top out at the character's Charisma rating, there is no real logical reason not to burn street cred to lower notoriety once you have hit that point.  This also lowers public awareness.  But that is assuming you get street cred to that sweet spot before you start earning notoriety.  Otherwise, your face will be gimping his own street cred with his notoriety, cheating himself out of a significant dice pool.

Yep. If you're starting to garner too much public attention, just go shoot some toddlers in the face and buy down that Notoriety. I always thought those kids would be good for something someday.

Ah, but beware the GM who sees what you're up to and rules that the toddlers are actually already dead and are infested with shedim...
... and he gets bonus evil GM points if he bases the shedim off of Bride of Chucky. vegm.gif
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