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00:39:07 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - The Pizza Bank, NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE

Legion continued to move forward, mindful of the young ganger's sudden defensive posture. Had the roles been reversed, he would be cautious as well.

"Just somebody passing through, looking for a cigarette."

He gestured behind him, but didn't take his eyes from the young LoCoS ganger.

"In fact, given a choice, we'd all just like to pass through, no muss, no fuss, no trouble at all."
00:39:10 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - The Pizza Bank, NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE


Could drundeah zakhan right now.

Adjust grip on axe.

Legion talktalktalk with LoCo ujnort. Over before he could make speech.

Step forward. So quiet.

Legs first, so knows its coming.

Another step.

Then the gut. Live long, but no way to save.

One more step...Night not dark. See everything. See Ink.

Zakhan can wait. He made my star shine. He mixed beauty with power. He is part of my legend. Must not fight Legion.

Silence the Fang.

"Skraa Ink!" Step into light. "'This war is over. Now it's time to rebuild.'" His words. His pretty speech. "No more fight. You are strong. You made me beautiful."
00:39:10 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - The Pizza Bank, NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE


Ink took in the speaker, trying to get a bead on the shape and get one shot off.

Then there was a low crunch on his side left side, Shit!

He turned, pointing the gun at the incoming Plague rat.

He heard "Skraa Ink! This war is over. Now it's time to rebuild. No more fight. You are strong. You made me beautiful."

He dropped his gun arm "Shit, ese. Grack? Where'd you come from? So who's your friend that likes his smokes?"
00:21:10 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - At the intersection of 126th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

I break right as I go through the door and badmarsh goes down; rifle ahead and searching for corners, doorways, and other funnels.

Gotta work quick before the bystanders around Badmarsh panic; give 'em something to do before they fucking think. Shout "Bring him in here NOW! Get him in cover and use this!"

No chance in hell they'll know what 'this' is, but my left hand snatches up and rips the red-foil-wrapped trauma patch off my eapaulette and flicks it back to the door. Fuck. That was mine. I'da been left if I needed it.

Crouch into the heel-toe walk; general direction of the raiders, keepin' an eye out for windows that overlook them, keeping low to minimize my sillhouete from outside. First things first.
00:39:10 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - The Pizza Bank, NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE

"He's Legion."

Spit on ground.

"Doesn't want to fight."
00:39:10 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - The Pizza Bank, NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE

Ink looks the young gang leader up and down. "The big hefe huh? Carlos always made you sound bigger, ese. Like you was troll sized or some shit. They call me Ink."

He holds out a blood encrusted hand "No problema ese, it ain't mine"
00:39:13 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - The Pizza Bank, NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE

Doc kept to the shadows as Grack made introductions. He recognized the LoCos vato, as the tattoo artist that was pretty chummy with Nevada, and Doc thought he remembered selling him Cocaine at least once. Doc's spanish was actually half-decent, and he thought he'd try greeting the ganger using the language. He stepped out of the shadows, as Legion and Ink were saying their hellos.

"¿Qué onda, ese?"
00:39:18 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - The Pizza Bank, NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE

Legion grasped Ink's forearm, wrist to wrist in a warrior's salute. That the young ganger was carrying a coating of blood that wasn't his didn't matter at all. He shrugged in reply to Ink's statement.

"I make a habit of being not what people expect. Seems like some of my crew know you. Think it'll be okay with Carlos if we just pass on through?"
00:39:18 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - The Pizza Bank, NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE


Ink nods at Doc "Da nada, hombre. Que pasa a tu?"

The gangers eyes cloud with pain for a moment at Legion's question. "Nobody 'll mind hefe, they're all muerte. Every last one, ese. I am the LoCoS now."

"So where you headed, hefe? Mind if I come with?"
00:30:47 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of NE 124th Ave and NE 132nd St

Child took a second to himself before responding.
"Legion is a living legend. And since hes still alive, cause no one, not even those bat shit Raiders, can kill him, Im all for it. We aint got shit to loose by at least talking to the man."

He adjusted the strap of his shotgun.

"Gimme a hand dirtying up this bike and we'll head out."

Child grabbed a handful of muck and rubbed it along the bright orange and yellow of his bike, trying at least temporarily, to cover its true owners colors.
With some help the job went fast, and within a few moments Child and Fool where starting their treck north along 124th.
00:30:47 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of NE 124th Ave and NE 132nd St

As Fool finished helping smear "stuff" all over the bike to help hide its true identity and tried his best to get his hands clean again he spoke up. "Hey, im going to use my cybereyes to scan for people as we drive along. I'll give ya a slap on the shoulder if I see anyone and that will be your cue to slowdown so I can get a good look. If I slap you on the shoulder again that means floor it because they arent friendlies. OK?

I'll kinda be like that dude in that one movie who is up in that bat's nest or bird's nest or whatever they called it who looks out for other ships and land. You get to be the captain."
00:39:21 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - The Pizza Bank, NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE

Doc felt his speech slipping back into english.

"Nothing much, ese. If you still got a nose for the yayo, you know who to see, right?"

Doc paused for a second, thinking that bringing up Ink's drug use shortly after the death of all of his comrades might not have been the best idea.

"My old crew's all muerte too, ese. That's why I'm not flying any colors. You should come with us, you'll be in good company."

Still, Doc knew full well that the decision was not his to make, and his eyes fell on Legion.
00:40:38 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - The Pizza Bank, NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE

The LoCoS destroyed as well? Carlos dead? How many has the war claimed?

This was news to Legion, and unwelcome news at that. More than just the Hammerpack had been destroyed, he knew that already, but the damage suddenly seemed more extensive. With so many gone, what would happen to the power structure of Kingsgate? Who would seek to expand their territory? Who would play it cool? The variables in the equations gave him a headache, and he shook his head once. There would be time enough later to weigh the events of the past month, to sift their meanings and examine the repercussions. Now was not the time. He looked back to Ink.

"We're headed south, looking for a place to crash and rebuild. Be a brother to me like you were to Carlos and you're welcome to come with us."
00:21:10 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - At the intersection of 126th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Bockscar cautiously but quickly moved through the house, hoping to catch the Raiders before they realized what had happened. Unfortunately, the angle of the building relative to the Raider position was such that he had to get to the back of the building to have a chance of seeing them. Motioning Nevada to follow, the two of them crept quietly through the building.

Behind them were the clumps and thuds of the girls' heels as they tried to drag Badmarsh into the building and to safety. A second sharp rifle crack, followed by loud screams and panicked running indicated that more than likely, they had not been successful. A dull thump sounded through the room the pair had just left, sounding far too much like a body hitting the floor for either Bockscar or Nevada to harbor any illusions about what had probably happened.

As bad a sign as that was, what was perhaps even more ominous was that in the last few seconds, the submachine guns at the Raiders end of the alley had fallen suspiciously silent...
00:40:41 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - The Pizza Bank, NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE


Ink mulls over Legion's suggestion for a few seconds before responding.

"Hefe, you got yourself a hermano" He holds his hand out again to cement the bond.

"So, Doc does this mean I get a discount ese?"
00:40:44 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - The Pizza Bank, NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE

At Ink's suggestion of a discount, Doc laughs, immediately bursting out: "No fucking wa..." His mouth shuts abruptly. Appearances, appearances. "Let me put it this way: you ever see me give anyone a discount?" Doc smiles, his ruined face contorting into a grin that was intended to be comforting, but ends up looking nothing of the sort. "I don't have any shit on me, either, but if I can get to my place and then work a bit of magic, I can get you some at a price that's fair."

Doc looked down 124th avenue. "We should get moving."
00:21:11 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - At the intersection of 126th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Second shot, thud, shit going on behind me. Bad case of someone else's problem.

Hear feet, screams. Yell, hopefully just-loud-enough-to-carry, "GET DOWN!"

Glance to the only chica with some sense around here, quick - "Help them. Got the back." Don't even break stride. Still moving forward; reroute towards where the back door should be.

My hand moves onto the slide of the grenade launcher. Gonna give these assholes a fucking present if they try to flank us...
00:42:03 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - The Pizza Bank, NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE

Legion grasped Ink's hand again, formally welcoming him into the gang. A smile ghosted across his lips as he turned to look at his motley crew.

We're going to need a name soon.

He nodded when Doc spoke, though. The day was not over by a long shot.

"Yeah. Grack, Thumper, push on. We've got to make it south of Heartbreaker's territory before we can start to look for a place to crash."
00:33:05 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – NE 124th Ave Headed North

Child rolled his newly camo'd ride out into the street.

"I think you mean Crows Nest. Yeah, I saw Capt Blood too. Good flick."

He cranked the bike over and listened to it idle for a brief second. The unfamiliar weight of his bitch rider taken into account, Child nudged up on the gear shift pedal and took off at a reasonable pace. Last thing he wanted to do was crash and burn.

It felt good to be headed some where, with someone he knew. A few hours ago, the world had ended, and knowing that there where still people he knew alive gave Child a much needed rise in spirits. Riding was his second favorite thing to do, and tonight was just the kind of time it needed to be more then transportation. Tonights ride was a new start, perhaps a start of something better. Either that or the last chance he would get to stretch his wings and fly.
Not that any of that mattered. Dark street, full of junkies, junkers, and the occasional remnant of the months long war had every nerve ending on his body singing a different song.
00:45:00 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - South of NE 137th Pl and 124th Ave NE
Legion, Thumper, Grack, Doc, Ink

Having absorbed another wayward soul, the group of 5 gangers turned to the south again and began walking, who knew how long it would take to clear Kingsgate and make it south of the Heartbreakers turf. Gunshots were still ringing out in the night and then everyhing returned to silence. There were only a handful of lit up windows in the surrounding buildings as most people turned them off so that they could see outside and also eliminate any shadows that could be used to target them from the outside.

The group was brought to a halt again though as the low sounds of a motorcycle engine idling along reached their ears like some enemy gangers on patrol. Legion gave the command to clear the street and take cover. Legion could see Thumper readying the pistol he had pulled from the dwarf and gave him a wait command.....

00:45:12 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – NE 124th Ave Headed North
Fool, Child

It had been slow going for Fool and Child. They slowed down for a number of people who only turned out to be bums who were just unabe to get off the streets even in ti chaos. Once they themselves has to pull the bike over and hdie when they had approached an intersection and heard another bike. The bike blew by quickly like i was either running from something or trying to get someplace quickly, probably both. They had cleared that intersection and were coming up another when Fool's cyber eyes finally caught sight 5 shadows emerge from the darkness. He gave Child a tap on the shoulder to slow down again but he could tell some of the shadows had already heard something.

The 5 shadows froze in their tracks and as Fool and Child got closer Fool was able to make out more and more features. One was obviously a troll. what the hell was orc that had a big hole on each side of his face where his cheeks had been..disgusting. After the initial shock it seemed like he should remember who that was and then it occured to him that the Hammerpack did indeed have a guy who fit that description. As he began to take in the guy who was in the middle who seemed to be leading the others Fool saw him gesturing wit his hands and then they all split and disappeared off the street taking cover whereever they could. Not before Fool had a chance to halfway recognize who the middleman was. He was pretty sure it had been the man they were looking for. Legion. The leader of the hammerpack. A man who had survived many gang destructions and who might be able to sympathize with Fool and Child and take them in.

Fool leaned forward and shouted so that Child could hear him. "I think we found Legion but they scattered." Pointing up ahead, fool continued "Come to a stop up there. Keep the engine going though I could be wrong..."
00:45:24 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - Along 124th Ave NE somewhere between 132nd and 137th.

Fool raised his hands into the air to show they were empty and held them their but stayed on the bike. "Unless im mistaken one of you guys is Legion of the Hammerpack...if Im right or if any of you are Hammerpack we need to talk. If none of you are Legion or Hammerpack just say so and we will be on our way peacefully.."

Fool scanned the area but nobody's face was exposed completely, all he could see were eyes. He was only going to give them a few seconds to respond before he slapped Child on the shoulder to get the hell out of there.
00:47:11 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - Along 124th Ave NE somewhere between 132nd and 137th.

With a hand on Grack's shoulder to keep the young ork from charging into battle, Legion glanced up and down the street. It was unlikely that this was some kind of bait or trap, but it always paid to be careful.

"Stay frosty, boys, keep me covered," he whispered, nodding to Thumper and Doc. He remember that Ink had a weapon as well, and glanced at the young ex-LoCoS ganger, relieved to see it in his hand and his eyes on the targets.

Maybe not so motley after all.

"Keep your hands where I can see 'em. Stay cool and let's talk." Legion pitched his voice to carry over the noise of the idling motorcycle, but not further. He didn't want to attract too much attention still out in the open like this. Stepping out from the shadows of the alleyway, he moved forward until he was within a couple of meters of the motorcycle. He rested his sheathed sword on his right shoulder and settled his face into something a little less threatening and manic.

"I am Legion."
00:48:23 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - Along 124th Ave NE somewhere between 132nd and 137th.

"You have a reputation for surviving gang wars even when your crew gets destroyed... not only that but rebuilding and forming new gangs and coming back bigger and badder than before..." Fool's arms were starting to get tired but he continued to hold them in the air.

"Me and my friend are the only surviving members of the Side Street Rollers and we thought you might take us into the fold since we now have something in common. We are ready to pledge our loyalty and do whatever initiation you guys would have us do. My name's Fool and im farely good with a knife and this here is Child and he is good at fixing anyhting with wheels, mostly bikes. So how about it omae?".

Fool's hand was ready to come down on Child's shoulder at the first sign of trouble..
00:48:57 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - Along 124th Ave NE somewhere between 132nd and 137th.

And then there were seven. Seven's a lucky number.

Legion motioned Fool to put his arms down.

"No real initiation, you've survived the war, that alone means you're tough enough. The last of the Side Street Rollers, huh? Didn't realize that they'd come down and hit you so hard. We're pushing south to Heartbreaker's turf to regroup and rebuild. You're welcome to come if you'd like, I can always use another set of hands to haul the load."

Pausing, Legion rested his sword against his leg while he tapped out and lit up a fresh cigarette. The casual gesture brought the rest of the gang out from the shadows, clustering along the sidewalk in various stages of (dis)interest. He motioned to them as way of introduction.

"The rough looking one over there is Grack, that's Thumper, the tall one's Doc, late of the Eightballs, and Ink is the sole surviving LoCo. So you're in good company."
00:49:11 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - Along 124th Ave NE somewhere between 132nd and 137th.

Fool hopped off the bike and walked over to Legion and gave a warrior handshake, hand to wrist. "Wow I've heard of all you guys. Short on numbers, big on talent eh? Yeah either the Steel Demons or the 405 Hellhounds firebombed our base and fragged everybody. What about you guys? I thought the Hammerpack territory was up north?"

Fool fell in step with the rest of the crew deciding to walk with them now that he was one of them. He returned handshakes when they were offered and gave head nods to those who made eye contact. Fool tried not to show it but a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He had felt so exposed being in Kingsgate with nobody else to lean on except Child. It looked like if wanted it to stay like this he was going to have fight for it, more than he did in the SSR. Fool reached down and ran his hand over the handle of his blade vowing to do just that.
00:49:19 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - Along 124th Ave NE somewhere between 132nd and 137th.


Ink replaces the pistol in the waistband of his faded denims after Legion confirms these go boys were a part of the newly forming gang.

"So SSR, huh homes? Heard you guys took a patch of the 405, ese. Sweet, 'mano."

He falls back into his usual pattern of conversation. Comparing body mods. No one could normally match his own collection of ink. But that was part of how he got his handle.
00:49:22 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - Along 124th Ave NE somewhere between 132nd and 137th.

"If we did it sure didnt last very long" heh. "So your Ink huh? I usually blow all my money on other things but I've always wanted some tat's. In some of the movies I watch the heroes sometimes have these hella wicked neon color changing tatoo's. Can you do shit like that or ones that are animated? If you can you just may get to pop my cherry and do my first tatoo." hehehe.
01:31:09 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

Listening to Ink, Doc and Fool talk about tats and body-mods formed the backdrop of a ten block trudge southward. Legion pushed away the pain of the wound in his side, but the diamond like focus of his mind was too precise a force to deal with the amorphous discomfort of hiking several kilometers through the broken urban terrain of Kingsgate. He sucked in air deeply, four counting his breaths in order to keep a clear mind. He could read the signs on the west side of the street, the multiple tags of Steel Demon territory. Fool's revelation about the destruction of the Side Street Rollers didn't jive what what Legion knew about the Steel Demons, but the winds of war have a way of overblowing the reasonable mind. Kingsgate had been like a sharktank during feeding time.

The crew skirted the edge of Heartbreaker's territory as well. The whores had kept their neutrality during the feuding, but Legion knew through bitter experience that they were more than capable of defending themselves if the need arose. He fully planned on approaching Frosty when the time came. He figured that one or more of the surviving gangs would get the idea that having a harem at their beck and call would be a good deal and come rolling in towards Heartbreaker territory. When that happened, he was betting that Frosty wouldn't mind a couple of extra guns on her side of the equation.

Legion was still running the possible combinations through his mind when they turned the corner onto 136th Lane NE and the lights of the Evergreen Hospital Medical center rose up from the smoke-shot darkness. Grack grunted to Thumper, who turned to Legion, who shook his head.

"No way we can sweat Slippy like we are. Push west and find us a place to squat. This is where we're calling home, brothers."

Pressing his hand against the wound to his side, Legion turns to Ink.

"I don't suppose you've got anything you can tag with on you?"
01:31:09 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

As the group wandered near Evergreen Hospital Medical Center, Doc briefly pondered splitting off from the group to go rest there, as he'd already paid Slippy for at least a week's worth of subpar living. He had some drugs stashed there, and his bike, but he didn't really feel as though it was worth it at this point. He'd slept on concrete floors before, hell, he'd slept on a concrete floor earlier this evening.

Doc considered it vitally important to stay near Legion during these crucial moments of what looked to be a new gang's forming. Time would come that Legion would have to pick some lieutenants, and while Thumper was an obivous choice, Grack was probably too unreliable, and he'd joined ahead of Ink and the SSR boys. Doc sighed, sure that he was overthinking things. Roll with the punches...
01:31:11 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE


"I ain't no tagger hefe, but lemme see what I got"

Ink sets his pack on the ground and rummages through it for a few moments, trying to keep his new found wealth a secret for now.

He comes up with three pots of black tattoo ink and a machete.

Shrugging he hands Legion the machete. "Sorry, homes told you I ain't no tagger. Hey hombres, got any tagging shit?"
01:13:13 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

Thumper had been uncharacteristically silent when meeting the last LoCo and the remnants of the SSR. He'd been jarred by Grack[b]'s response to [b]Doc's poorly thought out joke. He knew comparing his behavior to Grack's standards was never a great idea, but was he being disloyal here? He couldn't deny the fact that he had, when discarding the Hammerpack's sash, his national flag and family crest for the past third of his life, he had felt like a traitor. Legion had given it up so easily, would he someday give Thumper up too?

It was at about this point in his musings when he decided they were far too deep and decided instead to dwell on the creeping hangover he'd started to feel. A stiff drink would go a long way towards clearing up deep thoughts. Thinking was overrated anyway; slowed you the fuck down, made it harder to fight.

He'd sized up his new companions. They didn't look like fighters, not like the pack, At least they were leaving him alone. He couldn't remember their names and instead thought of them as the little quiet one, the little loud one and the little Azzie with a gun and some tats. He hadn't said this out loud hoping that someone would drop their names in a conversation.

Arriving at Evergreen Heights, Thumper had the gun out before Legion's orders to tag the place. He was ready to take on the world with his new weapon. He idolized it, picturing himself diving through the air and mowing down armies of Raiders to reclaim the streets. He'd need to learn to shoot it someday.

It was time to contribute to the conversation.

"We don't got nothing but someone here does. Let's find shake this place down."

He cracked his neck and popped the index knuckle on either hand as a faint, tusky grin spread across his face. It might be time to get to work.
01:13:14 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

Legion had set Child awestruck. Theres having a rep on the streets, and then there is meeting the man covered in what hopefully was someone else's blood on the side of the road. So Child did what he did best, and that was shut up and listen. Find out the dynamics and let someone else be the screwup. But things all went like butter, nice and smooth, if a little greasy.
Child shut the bike down and pushed it along, trying his best to keep up.

"Sorry, homes told you I ain't no tagger. Hey hombres, got any tagging shit?" was finally what brought on a reaction.
Child stopped pushing and set the kickstand before rummaging around in a saddle bag to retrieve a small blue Miller Welder.

"We don't got nothing but someone here does. Let's find shake this place down."

Child shook his head in the direction of Thumper.
"This should work. Leave a good mark that will last longer then the paint would have, and we wont have to extend ourselves to do it."

Child pulled his goggles from the bag as well.
"The big question, is what is our tag going to be?"
01:13:14 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE


Vendetta never dies!
Not till you're dead!
Vendetta never dies!
Not till I've got your head!
Vendetta forever!
Vendetta forever!
Vendetta for <click>

Talking. Weaklings.

New song. Need Riot Squad. "Honor Killing."

Find chip.

Boy speaks. He is weak.

I answer him.

"Eight-ball Killers. Use troll heads for tags."
01:13:14 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

Oooh, looks like I cut him deeper than I thought. Either that or he thinks he's a comedian.

"Nah, that one's no good. No one would believe that you'd be capable of killing a troll. Just not feasible."

He said the word feasible slowly, assuming that Grack wouldn't even know what it meant. Doc was actually somewhat worried at this arrangement. He was used to people hating him, but it wasn't usually people that were this close to him.
01:13:16 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE


Don't move.

Don't turgma.

Just sit on curb.

Stare it in its eyes.

"Easy words. Hiding behind my old boss."
01:13:16 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE


"The big question, is what is our tag going to be?"

Ink answers Child over the growing arguement between the two metas.

"You got me, ese. LoCoS was made from the letters of the cousins first names. Luis, Carlos and Santorio. They used the old Colombia flag for colors."

He shifts his weight a little. "Someting tells me we got too many 'manos to do that, hombre. We need some shit to scare the crap outta the Gate."

"Doc I don' know bout you ese, but if Grack was telling me to shut up, I would."

He motions for Child to move away from the potential brawl.
Fresno Bob
01:50:16 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – 1035 116th Avenue NE - Overlake Medical Research Center

The door swung open to Aziz's room and he tensed up, relaxing when he saw it was Shade and Felix walking in.

"Hey guys, good to see you... Whats the story on Halo?"
01:13:16 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

Doc shrugged at both Ink and Grack.

"Fuck man, I ain't hiding behind anyone. I just can't have this fragger thinking that I'm a pushover, you know?"

Doc stared at Grack.

"Some people only respond to violence. But fuck it, now's not the time. 'sides, he's just mad at me for telling the truth. To be honest, I'm already over it."
01:13:16 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

Sensing an impending showdown, and not wanting to loose one of 'The big guys to hide behind' at the hands of Grack , Child decided its time to play to one of his strengths, and as an added bonus possibly impress the new boss at the same time.

Child fiddled with a protruding bit on his hand and took a deep breath to center himself.

"Doc, Cerri, chill the frag out. We all saw the world end tonight, and if we expect to survive this post-apocalyptic hole, we gotta pull in. Doc, we know your not a pushover, you took on 2 of the UV at the same time and brushed it off like it was nothing. Grack, Im glad your on this side of Legion's fence, cause you scare the shit out of me omee', and I assure you that there are a lot of other people who ar'nt, so find them on the other side of the battle field, and Rorrt' until their world crashes down around them. But save it until then, focus."

He turned slightly away from the pair and looked off to the south to let the burst of panic cross his features.
01:13:35 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

"Ahhh let em go at Child, this is like their mating dance or some shit. They dont really mean what they are saying they are just trying to turn each other on. Reminds me of this tridshow on channel 341 about this ghoul and this elf guy who are constantly fighting with each other but are the best of friends. Its called like Odd Couple of something."

Fool gives Child a light punch to the shoulder. Fool looks directly at Child, "Oh Grack you are the ugliest, smelliest bastard I have ever seen." Fool dramatically bats his eyes at child.
01:13:45 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE


Weakling funny.

But troll must die.

See it.

See its soft places...

Use speed.

I have the Power.

I am fast...

Legion is fast.

See Thumper.


See the future. See my Legend.

Laugh again.

"Bra-hah-hah. You have hez. No drundeah."

Greeah coming.

Push button.

Riot Squad.

01:13:45 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE


Ink rolls his eyes at Fool's attempt at humour. The SSR kid had more than likely signed his own death warrent with Grack. The louder strains of the Ork's music revealed that. Well hombre, I think you just pissed off the wrong 'mano. Gonzo lives again!

The smaller kid was a possible hermano though. Also an excellent canvas. Ink smiled at the new kid. "So go boy, what's yer handle?"

"So hombres any ideas other than ripping each other to pieces and lettting the 162's clean up the mess? How bout October something, since that's when the drek hit the fan?"
01:13:51 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

Doc leaned in close to Fool's face, his eyes fixed on the small human's in an angry stare. He leaned in until they were just inches apart.

"I should fucking kill you for that."

Doc was silent for a full second, and another. Then a huge grin spread across his face. He clapped fool on the back, hard, almost bowling him over. It was slowly becoming clear that once again, this was Doc's poorly thought out idea of a joke.

"But I won't. I like you, kid."

It slowly dawned on Doc that Grack was talking to him when he said "No drundeah."

Looks like he's trying to get back into legion's good books. I still don't trust the creepy fucker, but for now, I'm alright with an uneasy truce.

He turned to look at Grack.

"Hey man, don't worry about me. I'm just an asshole. Always have been."
01:14:00 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

The conversation had unfolded faster than he could process a response. He wished people had started swinging; Thumper found it much easier.

It was good to hear Grack laughing though, even if it probably sounded like a fucking Rottweiler to everyone else. It reminded him of older times, before this goddamn month. Thump tensed momentarily, worried that he'd have to jump in to slow Doc down, but he didn't.

At a loss for what to do he folded his arms impassively and looked as tough as he could. He wished that he hadn't lost his shades in the recent blast.

"We got shit to get done so let's settle this quick. I think our tag should be a big fucking fist, show the world what we're going to hit 'em with, but other people probably got other ideas. Don't fucking matter if we don't have someplace to sleep and eat, I'd rather settle that than paint shit."
01:18:27 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE


Legion looks at Thumper then at Ink.


His gaze travelled across the remaining core members of his new gang. They stared back in a mixture of anticipation, confusion, fatigue, and rage. He gestured towards the rooftops and the powerlines in the area, the sweep of his hand encompassing the dozen or so black feathered scavengers gathered overhead.

"Call us the October Ravens."

He completed his turn, facing south into Kingsgate where the Ravens' new home would be.

"For thousands of years men have held the Raven up as a power equal to the Gods. It is a symbol of time, of relentless hunger, of predatory fury, of despair, of unity. From this day forward, we will be the October Ravens, the hunters of Kingsgate. Born from war, bred in the fires of October."

He turned to Thumper.

"We will march beneath a winged banner, vertical wings, similar to the Roman Eagle standard. You and Grack need to put our soldiers back together again. Find us a headquarters. Prepare the defenses. Start recruiting."

Legion turns to Ink.

"The raven standard. That's your responsibility. You've got skills with a needle; put 'em to use. We're going to need resources to run this thing, you're going to be one of our breadwinners. Find what you need and setup shop. If someone says no, get Grack to break some heads."

A wry smile crosses his face.

"Doc, I know you're still a little crisp around the edges, but I need a lab up and running. From what I hear, supply lines have been disrupted which means the first people to bring any of the juice back in can make a killing. Start cooking again, when you have stuff ready I'll have runners ready to get it out on the streets."

The smile turns crafty.

"Child, you're a mechanic, right? Run with Fool, find yourself tools and whatever else you need to setup a shop close to where Thumper puts down our flag. The Ravens are going to need rides and we're going to be fixing things for others in our neighborhood. For a fee of course."

Legion sat with a tired sigh.

"I told Badmarsh to meet me here with the girls. I'll camp out here, you've got your orders. Thumper, let me know when you've found a place. Let's get to work, gentlemen."
01:18:30 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE


"Si, hefe. Jou can count on me." Ink turns to the smaller of the SSR boys.

"Better leave that torch with me ese, I'll let the peoples know who we are."

He sits a respectful distance away from Legion and begins flipping through his demo book. "I've got my shit with me hefe, once Grack and Thumper come back I'll set up out front okay?"

He scans his new allies. "Anyone needs stiches say so soon. Less bleed out means more time to party."
01:18:33 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

"Fuck, yeah!"

Thumper clapped his hands and talked over Ink "I'm rolling the fuck out."

He popped his knuckles tossing the bat from hand to hand as he went through the motions.

He punched his comm. a few times as he walked off playing music quietly and counting on his audio enhancement to keep him from getting jumped. He was glad to be away from the rest of the gang, this music could get him shivved:

<<Blazing a trail.mp8, Song: Blazing a trail, Artist: Indie Elves -
Riding in the night and we're having a blast,
Don't know where we're going but we're going there fast.

He had forgotten his hangover and killed his music as his eyes jumped out of his head. He needed a fucking drink, this was the time to find it. He ambled purposefully and directionlessly toward his future, ready to start swinging.
01:18:33 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

It speaks.

Riot Squad protects me.

Happy for peace.


But it is smart. Makes friends.

Watch it.

Close eyes. See it in color world.

The blind see. None shall know.

Legion's mouth moving.

His color growing.

Used to care.

Anything important, find out later.

Thumper leaves.

He is last of the Pack.

The last cerri.

Get up. Open eyes.

Follow him.

01:19:02 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

"Actually, I could use some sewing."

Legion pulled his hand away from his side, examining the angry, puckered lips of the wound.
01:19:05 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of 124th Ave NE and 136 Lane NE

Legion spoke, Child heard. A lot to take in, but the October Ravens had something scary, yet regal to it.

"Better leave that torch with me ese, I'll let the peoples know who we are"

Child pulled his welding goggles from the messenger bag and handed them, as well as the micro welder to Ink.

"People call me Child. I respond to it, so must be my name. But then its better then Shrimp, so I don't bitch much."

A rare smile crossed the face of the young man, having finally found some fleeting sense of security and comrodery.

Watching his new crew stand there Child realized something. He needed a cig and needed it bad. But apparently there was one more pressing matter, one that might further endear himself to the new chief.

"Actually, I could use some sewing."

"More then a little sewing from the looks of that. Much deeper it might have had something serious. But unless your planning on dieing on me right away, can I bum a cig offa someone?"
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