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00:26:05 Monday, November 3rd - Ravens HQ

"Word. Let's do this shit." To Nevada: "Wanna come?"

Stash the assault rifle deep in the pack, and cover it up right. Want it with me, and don't want to leave it lying around here, but I don't want to attract attention. Leave my drugs in there, might be nice for trading with the kings. Fold my sleeves down over my jewelry and shit. Need to be able to look the gangster, but, again, don't want heat from flossing rags in other peps' hoods.

Nod at Child and wait for him to get ready, wait for some feedback from Nevada.

It's as dead a moon as ever, and there ain't much light around here. All the streetlights are dead, and the ambient light from the houses and things that are around depends as much on how many folks are burning barrels of oil or have a bit of generator nearby. Still sucks, so I light up a cigarett and give one to Child. Wait for enough ambient light, and take the lead, so the normal kids can at least follow me. I have two glowing knives tatooed on the back of my head, for them to follow.

It's nice, because it's a levelling night for both orks and humans.

Hang a right at the treaty bus, which is as lit up as normal. Hang a left and jump through the park, towards the King's turf.
Mister Juan
00:12:42 Monday, November 3rd – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Felix couldn't look up toward Shade... and he was barely able to muster a slow nod at Aziz. He couldn't bear looking at this friends. He couldn't bear what he knew he was becoming. To help Halo, someone would have to forfeit their soul. On the walk back from Crasher turf, after having taken his very first life... Felix had decided he'd be the one to pay. He was gazing into the abyss, and he could tell it had begun to gaze back into him. In Kingsgate, everyone survived by taking something from someone else. The little wiz kid felt his hearth tighten inside his chest. His palms, under his bandages, were burning and itching.
Head and eyes low, avoiding everyone, Felix simply shuffled off the rooftop, ducking back inside and heading downstairs. What drive and energy had been fueling him earlier were now drained. He felt tired all the way to his bones. Inside the large building, he could hear voices bounced of the walls, echoing strangely.

All Felix wanted to do was to crawl back to sleep. To forget everything. But before doing that, he had to find either Baby, Child or Fool. Luckly for him, Felix practically ran into Baby as he got to the second floor.

“Oh.� was all he could think of saying first, caugh slightly off guard.

“I hum... Hi Baby...� he quickly added, pushing his breathing mask off.

“ got a minute?�

Fresno Bob
00:13:23 Monday, November 3rd – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Aziz raises an eyebrow as Felix brushes past him with barely a nod.

What's his deal... ? Kid's changing a lot... must be taking what happened to Halo pretty hard..., he ponders. He glances over at Legion, still on the rooftop, and an idea forms in his mind.

He doesn't look so tough... I bet I'm faster and stronger than him. Baddest dude in Kingsgate... we'll see.

"Hey uh... Boss, I suppose. What's on the agenda today?" he shrugs, dropping his hand to Kalila's hilt. "I just came up here to practice a little, but uh... maybe you want to spar?" he asks, grinning ferally.
00:26:00 Monday, November 3rd - Ravens HQ

Child strapped his vest on, and pulled his flannel on over that. Then came the decision, bring the tools he had in case an opportunity arose, or bring the gun in case trouble arose. He rolled the issue around in his somewhat sleep deprived head. Frag it. He hoisted the plastic carrying case the 109 piece automotive toolkit had come in when it was stolen brand new from Ares Automotive Parts. As an after thought he pulled a leatherette case out of the jacket pocket, carefully removed the dark black frames and tossed the case onto a sweatshirt in the corner.

He followed Bockscar out into the dark, and Bockscar looked like he knew where he was going. It wasn't so much that the light was better, but it was like someone had just turned the contrast up on the world, making defining lines sharper. Plus, they made him look cool. RayBan Scout sunglasses could make anyone look cool. An 86 year old pop song flitted thru his subconscious as he graciously accepted the cigarette.
00:13:49 Monday, November 3rd 2070 – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Shade did his best not to stare in disbelief at Felix as the little ganger calmly and coolly laid out his rationale for assassinating Alexis. Not that Alexis was high on his list of 'People Who Deserve to Live', but still...coming from Felix!?!?!??!

As his friend brushed past Aziz to leave, Shade was about to go after him when he heard the Arabian ganger's not so subtle challenge to Legion.

You've got to be fragging kidding me. Right here? Right now? Under these circumstances? At this time? He wants to challenge the leader? For real?

The memory of the the 'battle' with the Spike Wheels flashed into Shade's mind. Suddenly this didn't seem so out of character for Aziz after all. Unfortunately.

Deciding whatever was going on with Felix could wait, Shade stood silently and waited for Legion's response. If this went really wrong, at least he'd be here and hopefully in position to intervene before things got too out of control. Unlike last time.
00:20:10 Monday, November 3rd, October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd LN
Grack, Thumper & Ink

Getting the keys proved tougher than Thumper had thought. He eventually chased them to Legion, but the top dog was unsurprisingly busy. It gave Thumper time to come up with a pitch: "We need to roll with Ink to his old turf so that he can do some shit he promised to do. I think it gives us a chance to scope out turf with a good guide and it makes Ink owe us one. It's important that this new crew is tight and this will help that."

Grack crouching in the trunk had kept lurkers away from the van as Thumper parlayed with higher powers. The Cuban was growing increasingly agitated as the minutes passed -- "We finally going ese?"

Thumper gave Grack a thumbs up as he slammed the back of the van shut. "Yeah man, I got the keys lets roll. You're going to need to tell me what streets are good for driving -- your turf."

00:35:10 Monday, November 3rd, Bodega Gato Afortunato - NE 132nd St & 132nd Ave NE

The trio drove wide east down 144th and turned South on 132nd Ave. NE before finally cutting a ragged zigzag skirting Thumper and Ink's best guess of the bounds of Plague turf. The latter part of the drive was tense, the normally talkative Cuban and gregarious ork swapped quiet sentences as they navigated the barrens particularly hostile urban jungle.

Finally pulling up next to the very closed bodega Thumper eyed the door and asked, "This where we're going? ... Looks closed, man"
00:13:42 Monday, November 3rd – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Felix and Baby

"Shit." She mutters, having almost collided with Felix as she headed for the stairs. Watching the boy stammer out his greeting brings a brief smile of amusement to her battered face. She certainly wasn't used to surprising anyone. Felix and Child had tried to help her get herself better bandaged up the day before, upon their (her and Felix's) return from Plague turf. It hadn't been much as she had done the best she could already and frankly where a lot of the damage was she wasn't going to let them look, but it was more the thought that counted. Luckily she knew nothing about Felix's awakened nature as that would have made any interaction with him difficult.

"Yeah, I got a sec. What'cha need?" The diminutive girl stood with hands resting on her hips and one leg slightly in front of the other. The roomsweeper slung over her shoulder looking decidedly out of place.
00:20:15 Monday, November 3rd, October Ravens HQ - NE 132nd St & 132nd Ave NE
Grack, Thumper & Ink

Get out.


Go to door.

Raise Toy.
Mister Juan
00:13:42 Monday, November 3rd – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Felix and Baby

He gave Baby a quick and shy smile, his eyes sliding slightly down so he didn't have to look straight at her. Felix's voice sounded as timid as he was behaving.
“Actually, I... I need you.�

The little wiz kid quickly looked back up, bringing his hands up and gesturing frantically to Baby that he wasn't saying what she was thinking.

“I mean, I don't need you, I need your help. Well, I do need you, but what I mean is...�

He took a deep breath, sighing heavily at his own ridiculous nervousness. If he was going to roll with the October Raven, Felix was well aware that he had to step it up a bit.

Getting what little courage Legion hadn't sapped out of him, Felix looked straight into Baby's eyes as he spoke, doing his best to sound confident.

“I need someone to come with me tomorrow morning, to the old Splintered Crash turf.�

Naming his old gang made his stomach knot itself.

“We left a lot of things behind that could be quite useful to us all... I've already spoken to Legion, and explained that I couldn't think of anyone else but you to do this. You know the streets like the back of your hand, and from what I've gathered, you're excellent on wheels.�

He took a small pause, surprising himself for not having stuttered anywhere... yet.

“But I know... I mean, I can guess you're probably tired. So I won't force you or anything. I can always ask Child instead.�

00:36:00 Monday, November 3rd, October Ravens HQ - NE 132nd St & 132nd Ave NE
Ink, Thumper & Grack

Ink looks at the darkened bodega "Fuck. I fergot what drekin' time it was." He reaches into his pocket and extracts his 'link. "Well it's worth a shot. If not, guess I'm payin' fer sushi, ese."

The Cubano leans over his 'link. <<<@Papi: Hola Papi, jou awake?>>> "If this don't work, ese. I'm muy triste."
00:35:19 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St
Bockscar and Child

Box's plan was to meander in the general direction of the Asphalt Kings' headquarters until he saw folks wearing colors, then say 'hello.' It didn't take very long.

Approaching The Treaty Bus at the intersection of 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St, he and Child spot a group of about six or seven gangers of various races and genders wearing the Kings' standard uniforms, red shop jumpsuits with those annoying yellowish/green construction windbreakers over them.

Although a respected neutral zone in times of peace, its strategic location made it a hotly contested battleground during Red October. There are a fair amount of vehicles scattered throughout the surrounding area. All are in various states of destruction, testament to the vicious battles that had raged here over the past month.

The Kings are busy scavenging parts and anything else salvageable, but when they spot the approaching October Ravens, they straighten up and spread out. No weapons are visible, except the tools in their hands, but it'd be a fool's mistake to think they were unarmed. One of them, a squat, muscular looking dwarf, nods warily to the pair. "G'd evenin' fellas."
00:35:49 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Bodega Gato Afortunato - NE 132nd St & 132nd Ave NE
Ink, Grack, Thumper

The link is silent for a few moments. The light in the bodega remains off.

A few seconds later, the commlink crackles to life. His grandfather's voice comes through, sleepy as if he's just woken up, and obviously worried, no surprise given the events of the last month. <<<@Raymundo: Raymundo? Que hora es? Donde estas? Estas bien?">>>
00:14:08 Monday, November 3rd – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Legion exhaled a stream of smoke into the night sky, nodding to Felix as the ganger made his exit. Aziz's offer to spar brought a smile to his face, though. He paused, checking to make sure that nothing else on his mental list needed his attention, before nodding.

"Sure, but it's going to be live blade, I don't have bokken. Half speed until we're familiar."

He took one last drag from his cigarette before flicking it over the edge of the roof. Pushing forward on the tsuba with his thumb, he drew in a single smooth motion. The blade came free of its sheath with a whisper of steel, and he rested the reverse edge against his right shoulder, waiting. His body was bladed with the right shoulder and right foot advanced, but sixty percent of his weight rested on his left foot.
Fresno Bob
00:14:35 Monday, November 3rd – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Aziz grinned.

"Wouldn't have it another way."

He pulled Kalila free, letting the now empty wooden sheath clatter onto the rooftop. He took one last drag from his cigarette, dropping it and then crushing it out under his boot. He walked towards Legion, absently slapping the flat of his blade against his open palm, stopping just outside of striking distance.

He settled into his familiar stance, knees bent and sword held out in front of him, left side of his body presented to his opponent. He assessed Legion briefly, locking eyes with him in the dark.

It wasn't often Aziz crossed swords with someone. Mostly it was clubs, pipes, knives, chains, bottles, sometimes guns, but it was somewhat rare to find another ganger out here who swung a sword, and even rarer that they knew what the hell they were doing. But Legion was reputed to be among the, if not the, best.

Alright Legion... Let's see what you're made of.

Aziz sucked in a breath and popped his neck, then took a quick step forward, lashing out to strike.
00:14:49 Monday, November 3rd – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

It wasn't often that Legion found someone to go toe to toe with in blades. His reputation preceded him into most encounters, and most would only face him at two to one or three to one odds. It was nice to find someone willing to fence with in order to hone his skills.

He watched Aziz slide forward in his fighting stance, leading with his left, sword held out en garde. This was the first time he'd seen the Arab fight, but he looked like he knew what he was doing. Legion waited. The strike, when it came, was quick, a simple lunging stab. Legion led with his sword, stepping to the right as he blocked with a flick of his wrist. The flat of his sword rang against Aziz's, and instead of following through, or sliding down to lock blades, he let the impact bounce his blade free so he cut finish the second half of the V-cut. It was simple, standard and direct, which is why Legion chose it. Aziz read the attack correctly, blocking to the left as he slid back to the right on his back leg. Steel rang on steel again, and the two fighters separated.

Legion didn't stop his circular move, though, continuing around to his right, closing once more into lethal range. His blade feinted neck high before he rolled his wrist over, cutting for Aziz's leading leg. The Arab swordsman bit on the feint, but chopped his blade down quick enough to protect his leg. The two locked swords, steel rasping against steel as the blades slid together to their hilt. Aziz grunted as Legion dropped his shoulder in and shoved him, before shoving back.

The two fighters slid apart, sword's singing from the disengage. Both were breathing hard, pulling air into their lungs, and the rooftop was electric with tension. A part of Legion screamed a warning, knowing that both were pushing, pushing close to danger. Live blades should only have been crossed between long time partners, fighters who could control themselves with lethal steel. But the rest of him was alive with adrenaline and bloodlust, dark energies surging through his veins, the fury of an Alpha Male challenged for control of the pack.
00:35:49 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Bodega Gato Afortunato - NE 132nd St & 132nd Ave NE
Ink, Grack, Thumper

Thumper leaned back into his chair as Ink started his phone conversation. Things were going fairly smoothly ... they hadn't ruffled any gangers feathers on the trip so far which meant that the boss wouldn't have to know about this little side trip.

He glanced past Ink out the driver's side window and his eyes widened.

Fuck, Forgot about Grack, double fuck, fu..

The big ork wheeled with such speed that he slammed into the driver's side door in his hasted to exit the cabin. Regaining his composure, Thumper threw open the door and vaulted the engine block, sliding ass first towards Grack. He hit the ground sprinting fractions of a second after panic had first set in and tapped his friend on the shoulder as the sewer dweller's axe reached its zenith ...
00:35:19 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St

Hmm... Kings are close... fun. Rack my brain to see if I remember any of these kids from back in the day - names, old beefs, family ties, drug habits that might be used to establish rapport.

Smile as they pull the old sidle, the instinctive reaction of a group of dudes who doesn't know if this is gonna turn ugly or not. I perform the cigarette salute - grab a smoke from my pocket and a lighter from the other, and caricature the motion of lighting it, replace the lighter in the pocket and pull the hand out. Shows them that I don't have a weapon in hand, without the desperate theatrics of some expansive palms-out gesture.

Talk through the first puff - "What's up, gents. Yall finding anything good? Didn't fancy seeing yall so far from home tonight. Cool with me, I was out to see if we could ask yall a favor."

Note where they're moving with the sidle. This could turn... awkward... if they try to enforce some claim to the vehicle's they're scrapping on common ground. Hopefully they'll appreciate that nuance, but you never know with some of these hotheaded dumbass illiterate mother fuckers we get around here.

[ Spoiler ]
00:35:19 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St
Bockscar and Child

The Kings have fanned out in a rough semi-circle facing the two Ravens, but stop there. A fairly standard formation for a wary but not intrinsically hostile face off.

The dwarf nods his head in acknowledgment of Box's greeting. He cautiously answers, "That might be dependin' on what kinda favor it is yeh be talkin' about there. Whaddya got in mind?"
00:14:23 Monday, November 3rd – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128thAve NE and NE 142nd Ln

Felix and Baby

Baby wasn't sure whether to be offended or amused when Felix tripped over his own tongue, so instead she raised an eyebrow inquisitively and waited for him to get to his point, which thankfully wasn't long in coming.

She would have loved the opportunity to roll out in the morning on most days, but this was not one of them.

She waited till Felix finished before answering. "Well that is true." She agreed about his assessment of her riding skills. "But it ain't about be'in tired. It's about be'in able ta ride, which I can't" She didn't like turning down a fellow Raven, but the truth was, if anything...anything went sideway, she was going to be a liability and would likely get herself killed trying to pull stunts on her bike. " Ask me again tomorrow. If I feel like I can ride I'll go, but no promises. Cool?"
00:35:20 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St

Bockscar had mentioned that he though that area around the treaty bus might have some either junked, or unclaimed cars, so prime area for parts. But it seemed that there where other scavengers here picking threw carcasses for left over scraps.
Child hadn't really gotten too nervous seeing the Kings recovery group. Really it only made sense to be here scaving for parts, as unlike theRavens they had cars that those parts might fit into.

What got his hackles up was when they started to surround them. Child knew that no matter how unarmed they looked, no one was ever unarmed here, plus they where hugely out numbered.

"G'd evenin' fellas."

Child turned his head up and watched for reactions from Bockscar. Normally, this would be where he could step in and turn a bad situation into at least a passable one, possibly a mutually beneficial one. The slightly exaggerated lighting of the cigarette showed that he didn't want any trouble either. Child wasn't quite so subtle, as he carefully bent at the knees to put down the plastic case containing his tools, and slowly stood back up holding his hands palm open.
"What's up, gents. Y'all finding anything good? Didn't fancy seeing y'all so far from home tonight. Cool with me, I was out to see if we could ask y'all a favor."

He wondered what Azi was getting at. As far as negotiating, they didn't have a strong enough position to be asking much in the way of favors. Child surveyed the area, trying to pick up something technical he could start up a side conversation with if dialog continued. He knew the best way to defuse a conflict between like minded people was to talk shop, and as this was an AK recovery team, they knew their way around an engine.

"That might be dependin' on what kinda favor it is yeh be talkin' about there. Whaddya got in mind?"

Child took half a step back and away from Bock, giving a physical distance to the big conversation, and gently turned to a King at his end of the semi circle. "If you pull the valve springs from that Americar you where picking at, they fit perfect in a Harley Panhead, and they are made from better metal, don't have to worry about them loosing tension under high speed use, can tune for a few more RPM that way..." he slightly inclined his head off to the stripped hulk that used to be a Ford.
00:35:20 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St

"Nuthin' fancy. Me and my boy here are out lookin' for some tools. Wanna see if we can borrow some from yall. Figger we can probably deal. Nice stash of junk they left sittin' around here."

Gotta move the conversation around. He's asking the questions and I'm giving the info, which is not how I like it.

I can see Child engage the corner of the semicircle around us, which is also normal and sensible. Hell, when it comes down to it, there might be a couple hundred nuyen in crap sitting around here.
00:35:49 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St
Child and Bockscar

The ganger Child was talking to raised an eyebrow in response to the attempt at conversation. "Yeah, that's what I was thinking." The ganger shrugs. "But it ain't like we got an assembly line of drek, ya know? Gotta grab what looks like it could work, then find a way to make it work, know what I'm sayin'?"

Meanwhile, Box must have made a good opening impression, because the Kings didn't laugh in his face at his request. At least not yet. The dwarf, who seems to be speaking for the group, answers carefully, "Might be that we can deal. Don't look like you boys need tools though."

He gestures to Child's tool box by way of explanation. "Looks like ya got plenty. But keep talking. Kinda tools ya need, and what are ya offerin' in return?"
00:15:00 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Evergreen Heights Apartments - NE 142nd Ln
Iceberg Slim

A knock on the door.


The door swings open, illuminating a previously dark room where a slim, African-American Ork lounges in a tattered beanbag chair. Dressed in a flashy suit that may as well scream the word 'PIMP', his hair is straight and long, and his hands nicely manicured. Bobbing his head soundlessly to an internal beat, he looks up as Tricia, his asian hooker, walks in.

"Hey baby, sup?" he addresses her.

"Slim, word around this place is there was another pimp here not too long ago. They say he was part of a new gang running the show around here. Call themselves the October Ravens. Thought you might want to know."

She pauses, as if uncertain if she should say anything more. Finally, she adds, "They say Legion is calling the shots."
00:35:49 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St

"Lookin' to fix some big ass valves. 'bout yea big, probably need a mig welder to fix some pipes going to 'em. Somehow I doubt you brought 'em with you, unless yall're plannin' on camping around here for a bit longer than I'd think the raiders would appreciate."

"As for what I got, well, you tell me, what yall lookin' for?"
Mister Juan
00:14:23 Monday, November 3rd – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128thAve NE and NE 142nd Ln
Felix and Baby

Part of Felix felt stupid for even thinking Baby would be able to ride a bike... After all, he had seen the extent of “damage� that had been done to her... Yet, he couldn't help but feel disappointed. Sure, she hadn't said flat out no, and hadn't told him to go frag himself. But Felix hadn't actually pushed his plan any further. He hadn't considered Baby wouldn't come along. What hopes he had left to scavenge something out of Crasher turf would be to get a hold of Child.

"Oh....� he said in a obviously disappointed tone.

“Thats quite alright.� he added quickly, forcing a smile on his face as if the matter was trivial.

He was about to shuffle quietly away when something crossed his mind.

“You.... Is the kid with your sister and the others?�

00:36:23 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St
Child and Bockscar

The dwarf strokes his chin thoughtfully. "Yeah, yeah we might be able to help you with that. But first, how do we know you're actually gonna return our stuff when you're done with it? Gonna need some collateral, case you decide to skip out on your obligations. And second, who you two roll with? That might influence what you have to offer us, and what we want."
Fresno Bob
00:15:03 Monday, November 3rd – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Aziz's back foot scraped against the cement of the roof as he recoiled from Legion's shove. He exhaled hard, his breath smoking in the cold night air.

So the stories aren't total bullshit. Aziz thought. He reflected briefly on his last 'swordfight'. Some drekhead jumped up on who knew what, swinging around a stamped metal katana like a glowstick at a rave. Aziz had both cut the blade and the top of the guy's head in one swipe. That was ages ago.

He surged forward again, determined to press the attack on Legion. Aziz figured he could outlast him, maybe even overpower him. His first slash was a lateral cut powered by the shoulders, parried easily with a clang. He shifted his left hand to the bottom of the grip, quickly powering the blade back and over, using the momentum to produce a diagonal slash aimed at where Legion's neck met his shoulder. Kalila's deadly steel scythed through nothing but air, Legion having sidestepped it, his own sword coming down. Aziz snapped his body up and met the blade with his own just above his head. He grinned in spite of himself. Every slash raised more hairs on the back of his neck, tingled his senses with the primal excitement of combat. Matched combat, at that.

He forced his arms upwards and threw Legion's sword back, making the leader of the pack take a step backwards. Aziz immediately closed in again, seeming to forget that it was just a practice sparring session.
00:15:16 Monday, November 3rd – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Shade watched the two swordsmen with growing trepidation. Aziz wasn't known for calm restraint in the best of times, and Legion...well he probably hadn't gotten his rep from being overly nice either. Their intricate dance of steel and flesh was speeding up, the intensity growing and death drawing ever closer.

His fingers twitched. Despite their speed and precision he saw every move in slow motion, as the moonlight squeezing through the polluted clouds cast its pale light on their ghostly ballet. He couldn't help it. The machine in his soul wouldn't let him see it any other way. Or maybe he just didn't want to.
00:36:30 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St

"Roll with the October Ravens. Mostly some old Hammerpack kids. Some new name Legion pulled out of his ass. You tell me what you're looking for. Maybe I could roll some girls down there for a nice party, bring along some party favors. Who knows."
00:16:11 Monday, November 3rd - October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Legion's blade flashed upwards, driven by recoil from the block against the slim Arab's sword. Immediately, Aziz lunged forward, his blade spearing out. It was a masterful stroke, a killing blow against any other opponent. The blade slid past Legion as he pivoted in place, the tip scoring a bloody furrow along the muscles of his abdomen. Legion's sword, though, described a glittering arc, it's blade a guillotine descending on the exposed flesh of Aziz's neck. Desperately, the Arab threw himself forward in a tuck and roll, slashing behind him when he regained his feet. Kneeling as he was, the cut would have taken Legion's feet off at the ankles had he hesitated at all. But his pursuit put him inside Aziz's reach, the cut blocked at the wrist by the heavy combat boots Legion wore. Legion bore down with his shin, seeking to lock Aziz sword arm to the ground. Instead, Aziz swapped hands, cutting upwards with his blade towards the vulnerable femoral arteries. Legion blocked vertically, driving his sword almost a handsbreadth into the rooftop tar before rolling over Aziz's back. Both fighters pivoted, swords slicing through the air in complementary arcs to meet with the resounding ring of steel on steel. The blades rebounded from each other and both cut again, Aziz regaining his feet with momentum, while Legion used the whiplike torque of his hips and shoulders to power his cut. The swords rang again, a chilling note. Aziz kicked Legion's hip out, pushing him back a full two steps at the same time that Legion's blade scored a long, shallow cut across the Arab's bicep. The two fighters shifted momentum again, balance coming forward onto the balls of their feet in preparation for another series of strikes.

"HOLD!" shouted Shade from where he stood on the sidelines. The interruption paused both Legion and Aziz, the wing of violence slowly lifting from the rooftop. Legion saluted with his sword.

"We should probably stop now before someone really gets hurt, omae."
00:37:30 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Bodega Gato Afortunato - NE 132nd St & 132nd Ave NE

Ink silently pumps his fist in the air as his grandfather answers the 'link. The old man had made it. Against the odds Theodoro Delgado lived. and if Theo was alive Nona was always going to be alright. A silent prayer departs the Cubano's lips as he gratefully fingers the 'links side. *Gracias Santa Maria.*

<<<@Papi: Ci Papi! Is me, esta bien, I'm outside and...>>> Ink notices the sudden movement and scrape of the trucks hood as Thumper runs towards the bodega. The Cubano spots Grack as he raises his glittering axe. <<<STAY AWAY FROM LA PUERTA!>>>

He jumps out of the truck, running headlong to prevent the sudden death of his familia. He doesn't get five steps before Thumper is besides Grack catching the axe on its upswing and starting to explain to el loco that they would not need to fight for their food tonight.

He throws the ork a thumbs up and mentally promises the big guy an extra cervesa.

<<<@Papi: Triste, I'm here with some new hermanos. One got a bit jumpy. I hate to ask so late but jou got any food to spare? I'm trying to get jou two some protecsion, but its gonna take a bit of work.>>>
Warning: parts have explicit language

Iceberg gives Tricia a glance up from his seat; it’s more than he would for any of the other girls in his stable. Iceberg glances back down to his well manicured nails “This gorilla gots a name? Is he even a playa, or just playin’ at it?� Iceberg holds up his right hand daintily until Tricia comes over and grasps his upheld hand to help him up. Iceberg doesn’t offer a thanks or even acknowledges the help, only straightens his sleeves and flattens the wrinkles from the front of his suit.

Iceberg squares himself in front of Tricia and fixes a few strands of her hair that gone astray before tracing his finger along her exquisitely sculpted cheekbones and jaw line. “You look after grand-dad and them bitches if they gets to slacking. I gots to speak to da man. Legion you said this cat’s name was?� Iceberg’s finger traces her pouty lips and then both hands find their way to her breasts, where he checks the form and firmness. “Wizzer of a job.�

A gruff voice calls out “Look after who?� Grand-dad, an older black male with white hair shuffles out from a door way, still in his pajamas. Grand-dad wags his finger in Icebergs direction “I been pimpin’ since pimpin’ was real, I don’t need no-one looking after me.� As grand-dad spies Tricia he smiles. “I’ll take some of that� he says which causes Iceberg to remove his hands from Tricia’s chest. “Don’t stop on my account, maybe I’ll shout out some pointers.� Grand-dad begins to laugh and then cough, before sitting down. Iceberg begins to stammer “Grand-dad what I meant was look after you like feeding you…�

“Grand-dad! Grand-dad!� he bellows out “I told you, I was grand-playa or grand-pimp. And who the hell knows if you from my line no-ways? Just cause some ho says your daddy was the poppa don’t mean it so.� Tricia who had the good sense to disappear for a few moments reappears with a steaming cup of soycaf. She bends over as she hands it to grand-dad, who smiles at the cleavage shot. Completely appeased by the offering grand-dad continues on “How bout you show me them girl?� His eyes wide and face beaming as he asks. Tricia smiles as she shimmies out of her halter top. “Nice. Them nice and perky.� Grand-dad offers.

“Tell you what, why don’t you get some of dem girls and you can mesh all them titties against each other? We can get some baby lotion or somethin’ too.� Grand-dad blurts out. Iceberg interjects “why don’t you just turn on channel 759, they play that kind of…� Grand-dad interrupts with a stern loud voice “Now that’s the kind of attitude that almost killed the business. People jackin’ in instead of jackin’ off, and then it became easier than getting’ a 30 dollar ho. Used to be a man could stroll along easy street in the business, since it was paved with pootan-nannie.�

Iceberg pleads his anger down with his hands motioning down and calming “grand-playa, grand-playa.� Its a few moments before grand-dad stops his rant and Iceberg begins talking. “I need to go out and speak with this Legion.� Grand-dad perks up “Don’t you go down there actin’ to fool. Legion don’t play an’ your daddy an’ I taught you better than that.� Iceberg coldly replies back “I know how to play this. Besides, I thought you said there was no way to prove he was my daddy?� Grand-dad smiles “Boy, that’s how it works. When you do something good I claim you, when you fuck up I don’t.� Iceberg eyes him “You say it all the time.� Laughing grand-dad replies “that’s cause you always fuckin’ up. Now get boy, and please please don’t fuck this up too.�

00:37:31 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Bodega Gato Afortunato - NE 132nd St & 132nd Ave NE
Ink, Grack, Thumper

The Duke's hand.

Ink's voice.

Stomach growling.

Soon it will be loudest.

Not yet.

But soon.
00:36:58 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St
Bockscar and Child

The dwarf nods thoughtfully. "Might be we could work somethin' out. But we don't want girls or stuff to party. We want salvage, parts, vehicles. Lotta drek got busted up in the war. Good biz bein' able to put it back together. 'Sides, all that drek that went down, now ain't exactly the time to party. Gotta survive to see tomorra' first, ya dig? So since we're gettin' down to brass tacks, you still ain't told me what's our guarantee we'll get our stuff back."
00:37:46 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Bodega Gato Afortunato - NE 132nd St & 132nd Ave NE
Grack, Thumper, Ink

<<<@Raymundo: Por supuesto! Por supuesto que puede alimentar tu y tus amigos. Déjese de hacer y en su casa! Voy a bajar y ver qué puedo scrounge arriba.>>>

A light upstairs flickers on. Apparently Theodoro was already on his way downstairs.
00:36:58 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St

phase 1 - complement, put down like I'm doin' em a favor. "Course I ain't put nothin' down yet. Trynn'a figger out if yall was chumps. Yall passed that test. Keepin' with yall's rep down here."

phase 2 - bargaining. The next are political calculations, and political caculations are fun. "Tell you what. I can put down this here cyberscanner and chemsniffer. It's a nice one. I'll put it down as collateral against a loan. You want something nice - in return for salvage from two of these hulks and a day with a 15-ton forklift to move some shit, I'll even turn it on for you. Should help finding valuable stuff while you got it."

phase 3 - admonition, contract enforcement clause. "Course, I kinda like thing. You hold on to it after I try to return your shit, well, then we got beef, which none of us want. Be a pity after all this shit to be beefin' over pipe wrenches and gizmos."

phase 4 - transfer. "That work for you? Wanna do this?"
00:15:01 Monday, November 3rd – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128thAve NE and NE 142nd Ln
Felix and Baby

"Kid? Don't know who you're talkin' about, sorry." The child who had shown up late yesterday had been holed up somewhere before Baby had arrived back with Legion and after the furniture moving Baby had prompty crashed in the room her and Rags had taken over. After she had woken up this morning she had gotten some help moving an old hide-a-bed into the office, which Rags was now asleep on.

"Rag's and I kinda claimed a spot of our own in the back office over there." She pointed out the darkened room off in the corner, "So I haven't seen a kid, but you're right, the other girl's might have."
Fresno Bob
00:17:08 Monday, November 3rd - October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Aziz pants softly, dimly aware of the pain in his arm, and slowly relaxes his muscles.

"Yeah, might be a good idea.", he says finally, raising his own sword in a rough approximation of the salute. "We'll have to do it again sometime."

He retrieved his sheath and slid Kalila into it, and lit another cigarette, smiling into Shade's almost-horrified expression.

Legion's supposed to be the big badass of Kingsgate, and I nearly gutted him... He'd better have enough respect for me than to send me off with the whores again... he thinks to himself, satisfied.

"So..." he says casually as he inspects the slice on his arm, clamping his hand down on it to stop the bleeding. "Any jobs today?"
00:36:00 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St

Somehow Bockscars gambit had paid off, and the Asphalt Kings boys where talking business. Now to see if they where going to bite on the loan of equipment.
00:17:51 Monday, November 3rd - October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Legion nodded, it would be good to have someone who approximated his skill level to practice against. Aziz was an aggressive swordsman, with a greater degree of skill than Legion had first assessed. He smiled, wiping the blade of his katana clean before resheathing it.

"I'm impressed, you're very good," he allowed. "I lost some talent in this war, most of my lieutenants have fallen. Grack and Thumper are with me, but although Grack is a wonderful instrument of violence, he'll never be more than a blunt instrument. I can depend on Thumper, but I'll need more than just him to coordinate the operations of this gang. The job's yours if you want it."

Ghost, my brother, if you're still out there, I hope to find you soon. If not, peace unto you. I have raised another in your place.
Fresno Bob
00:18:23 Monday, November 3rd - October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Aziz almost dropped Kalila at Legion's offer.

Did that really just happen? he thought, trying to suppress the surprise he was feeling. He smiled back to Legion

"Thought you'd never ask." he says, slipping back into his cool facade. "I'll take the job." he nods, stepping forward and sticking out his right hand for Legion to shake.
00:38:00 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Bodega Gato Afortunato - NE 132nd St & 132nd Ave NE
Ink, Grack, Thumper

Thumper barged into the bodega while Ink and his relative exchanged their greetings. The place was dingy and crowded, but what wasn't in the barrens? He clomped loudly around the aisles as Theodoro worried over Ink with an almost embarrassing relief evident on his face ...

Guess I understand, war's tough if you've got people. Fuck, I lost a lot of friends...

The thought hadn't dawned on the ork until this moment. There were a lot of faces he'd never see again whether he missed them or not. One day he might be one of those.

Even kind of miss Ghost and Marsh ... someone really needs to step up and run day-to-day sort of shit.

Thumper was distracted by a metallic clink. His wires were still on and his head snapped into position to register the relatively faint danger of Grack's axe dragging on the floor.
00:38:00 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Bodega Gato Afortunato - NE 132nd St & 132nd Ave NE
Ink, Grack, Thumper


Bite food package.

Suck out food.

Find hurlg.
00:38:00 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Bodega Gato Afortunato - NE 132nd St & 132nd Ave NE
Ink, Grack, Thumper

Ink was totally enjoying himself, it was nice to see and talk to Papi, despite all the craziness going on right now. Nona sounded like she was freaking out but all in all Ink's familia had made it through the war intact.

He watched Thumper and Grack look around the bodega carefully. He had gotten used to the insane shelving method years ago. All you had to remember was that the newest stuff got put closer to the door and then everything got replaced whenever the wire or plastic bin was empty. The labels were in English and Spanish and Papi and Nona took trade as well as nu and scrip.

He pointed down the second row of shelves and spoke "The booze should be right next to the music chips."

He turned back to his grandfather and shrugged, "Whatchu gonna do?" He was actually impressed that Theo hadn't freaked over Grack more. The old man was tougher than he recalled.

"So Papi jou seen el coyote around, lately?" Asking after the man the hood and LoCoS often depended on to make important and potentially dangerous runs.
00:38:10 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Bodega Gato Afortunato - NE 132nd St & 132nd Ave NE
Ink, Grack, Thumper



Music on.


Need to shit.

Look around.

Freezer case.
Mister Juan
00:15:47 Monday, November 3rd – October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128thAve NE and NE 142nd Ln
Felix and Baby

Felix nodded to Baby a few times, his mouth smiling shyly, and his eyes looking at the floor.

“Ok............ I..... I'll see you tomorrow.�

He started to drag his feet away from the girl, realizing how tired he still was. He made a few steps towards the room where their call girls had taken up residence, but he stopped. With his hands shoved deep inside his pockets, he turned, and this time around, didn't shy away from looking straight at Baby.

“I.... Listen... I know you've had a rough time. I don't know what your went through, but...�

He blinked rapidly a few times, as if taken by some sudden nervous tick. His head twisted to the side, as if he was listening to some distant sound.

“But... I....� he said very softly “I can guess. You need the rest. You proved today that you're a really tough cookie.� he continued, smiling at her.

Felix shook his head from side to side, as if he was trying to shake something out. He wasn't quite sure what the hell he was trying to say, or even if there was a point to him saying anything. But he couldn't help it. He knew how Baby felt. Not because he had experienced it himself. But he knew it. He had seen the black ripples in her mind. Felix felt like reaching over to her. He felt like putting soothing thoughts into her mind; to ease her pain.

“You should rest as much as you can. I.... I can make sure that Legion leaves you alone for some time, if you want....�
00:18:55 Monday, November 3rd - October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Legion grips Aziz's offered hand wrist to wrist, the handshake of a swordsman.

"Bring me weapons," he instructs. "Take two or three, I don't care who, and sweep the area. We need weapons. If you find any stragglers out there from the war, bring them in if you think they're worthwhile."
00:18:55 Monday, November 3rd - October Ravens HQ - Just south of Kirkland City Park, between 128th Ave NE and NE 142nd Ln

Legion grips Aziz's offered hand wrist to wrist, the handshake of a swordsman.

"Bring me weapons," he instructs. "Take two or three, I don't care who, and sweep the area. We need weapons. If you find any stragglers out there from the war, bring them in if you think they're worthwhile."

Stepping back, he watches the slim Arab head downstairs before walking over to the edge of the roof next to Shade.

"What do you think?" asked Legion after a minute, "did I play it right? Did I show him just enough to bring him on board as one of my trusted lieutenants? Or did I give him too much hope that someday in the future he might be successful in bringing me down? Have I created an asset or a future liability?"

Shade smiled grimly.

"You know as well as I do that they're one in the same. You can't run a gang without strong lieutenants to help, and anyone strong enough to help ride shotgun on soldier's like these is strong enough to make a play for the brass ring."

Legion nodded, staring out over darkened expanse of the park. Inspiration struck suddenly, his subconscious rearing up and stabbing him between the eyes with the obvious course of action adrenaline and fatigue had concealed. He laughed.

"What do you know about agriculture, Shade?"

Not waiting for an answer he gestured out at the expanse of the park.

"It's been staring us in the face the entire time. We have land here to grow a garden. Find one of the hardware stores in the area, something that can get a hold of those seeds designed to grow in polluted soil. You know, the ones that corporate media whore is always singing about on the trideo, Universal Omnitech or whoever. Tell 'em that they get us the seeds and we'll give 'em back a tenth of what we grow. Barter: they give us the supplies, we'll provide the labor and they can share in the fruits."

Legion chuckled at his unintended pun.

"The park belongs to us now. We're going to keep it clean, and provide safe haven for anyone staying in it. In the future, it will be a place where people can come to barter for food and supplies, a farmer's market. We'll let people stay in the park if they have no where else to go under our protection. For too long Kingsgate has suffered from a bad case of parasites. We need to evolve into symbionts. I told Father Ron that we were going to protect the people and this is how we're going to do it."

Legion smiled, dark and intense, feeling the first stirrings of purpose inside him. All that had come before had been driven by simple survival, the stubborn refusal of the organism to lay down and die, even in the face of overwhelming odds. This, though, was something wholly different. This was a vision he could use to inspire men, to weld them into a fighting force that would sweep away all that stood before it. This was the beginning.
00:36:58 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St
Bockscar and Child

The dwarf rubs his hands together. "Aight, here's the deal. We'll get you your welder, you give us the chemsniffer and cyberscanner as collateral. As far as what we want, we want salvage rights to the stuff around here and security provided by the October Ravens while we scavenge. To up our side of the bargain, we'll loan you the forklift for a day and give you one of the hulks around here. Whaddya say?"
00:36:58 Monday, November 3rd 2070 - Treaty Bus - 124th Ave NE and NE 144th St

My brain does a little jump for joy as this kid admits such a smidgen of need that I hadn't even brought up. Long as my face don't show it, this'll be a good night.

"Damn, bucky, we're talking about a little loan for some shit, not a fucking five star megacorp merger. You loan me the tools, I loan you the scanner and I'll turn it on."

"We'll talk about salvage shit and our cut from security assistance tomorrow afternoon. You ain't getting any more tonight than what you're scrapping right now, and I wouldn't be hanging around here gankin' shit come tomorrow morning when the Raiders wake up. Here's my commcode (give him Leon's). I'll hit you up if I find peeps snoopin' around."

"There's money for both of is in that shit, but let's not talk about dating before we've even fucked."
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