Feb 27 2008, 05:01 AM
16:09:46 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
Legion, Nevada, Felix
As Nevada stood outside, breathing deeply of the smoggy and polluted air that passed for 'fresh' around here, she gradually felt herself calming down. She could hear Legion talking to Felix inside. Amazingly enough, he almost sounded friendly. Almost.
She took a long drag on her cigarette. His comment about her ass had probably helped chill her out a little too. Sure, she'd heard it plenty of times, but coming from him...a small chill went through her body, similar to what she felt the first time they'd met. There was definitely something irresistible about bad boys, and everyone knew he was one of the baddest boys around. Idly, she wondered if that carried over to his skills in the sack as well.
"Hey babe."
She looked up. When she saw who the speaker was, she went even colder, but for an entirely different reason.
Walking towards her was Cherry, Meltdown's right-hand man, flanked by four members of the Blacklights, the elite of the UV Nights.
Cherry comes to a stop a few feet from Nevada and looks her up and down, openly ogling her. "Damn, you are one fine looking piece sweetie."
He smiles, a predatory smile. "Makes me wish I was down here to talk to you."
Before she can respond, he laughs. "Don't worry though, I'm not here for you. Least not right now. Tell Legion I'm here to see him. We've got some things to discuss. After we're done though..." he winks at her, "I've got time if you do."
Feb 27 2008, 05:27 AM
16:11:03 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
A thousand silent fucks and oh shits ran through her head as Cherry and four of his enforcers strolled up to the stoop interrupting her silence. She knew him more by sheer reputation than by socializing in any form friendly or otherwise. She did her own ogling, more to get a better read on the five of them and anything they were openly carrying than for her enjoyment of the view. She licked her lips slowly, keeping her cool and playing into his little game just a touch before seeming to acquiesce with a nod, her hand slowly hitching itself in her left pants pocket before she pushed off the concrete of the stoop and started up the stairs. She put a little extra sway in her hips as she went along for a little added distraction.
Stepping inside the foyer of the building however her entire countenance changed. Her eyes darted around the room taking stock of what and who was here, paying specific attention to where she had left her shotgun. Felix was still fidgeting in the chair and Legion was still on the steps finishing what was left of a carton of food. She kept her voice low as she approached him on the stairs knowing full well she caught nearly every word of their conversation while sitting outside where Cherry waited.
"Might not have to worry about rolling back up into 'Pack turf before stirring up too much trouble. Cherry's out front. Wants to talk, but if we're the only ones here we're outnumbered and likely outgunned considering the four Blacklights he brought for discussion."
She kept herself standing in front of Legion while she spoke, doing her best to keep Cherry and his boys' vision of him rather obscured. Her eyes scanned Legion's face for any hint of what might come next but he was cold and devoid of any emotion.
Feb 27 2008, 06:23 AM
13:31:43, Saturday, November 1st - Old Hammerpack HQ
"Don't really want to leave this turf until we're sure Legion's not getting back to us, gotta job to do after all."
The four fighters had left the HQ and were threading lazily South through HammerPack turf.
Thumper adjusted his grip on the ashy piece of rebar and stared at it with some consternation. As long as he held on to it, he couldn't keep his hands in his pockets for warmth. He compromised by shoving fingers into the pockets while keeping the bar jammed in place with his thumb.
Remembering yesterday's victory he said "I kind of feel like fucking with the Plague, and there were a couple of squatters right at the South end of our turf who had a pool table. Let us play for protection." He grinned for a moment. " We ought to see if it's still there."
The walk passed in silence. Thumper couldn't place Aziz's accent and skin tone any further than "A sandy country." He kind of wanted to ask, but silence seemed more manly.
Arriving at the dilapidated house at the intersection of 129th Pl NE and 140th street, Thumper knocked on the door with his bat. After a few moments awaiting a response he crawled in through a broken out window. There was a monster of a pool table in the center of the living room. It's weight was probably the only reason it hadn't been carried off, the beefy wooden structure dared any looters to try. Even before the war this wasn't a nice pool table -- the surface had been scarred by a million drunken games and the once fine finish was scuffed and marred.. A looter had made off with one of the legs, the sawdust from his hacksaw floated in the rooms surprisingly warm interior. The table tilted madly.
"Let's find some stuff to prop this thing up. See if there are still any balls around -- bet this'll work."
Feb 27 2008, 07:01 PM
13:04:50 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Pizza Bank
Ink had managed to usher his collection of whores and the kid up to the Pizza Bank with little difficulty. Mostly by staying close together and out of the way of any major threats. Now Luigi was busting his chops because the Italian had three or four gangs coming down on him for protection money. Ink mostly dealt with the tirade by nodding and agreeing with Luigi, till the old cook had produced a small pizza and five sodas. The Cubano ended the converstation by giving Luigi the same speech he had been giving himself for the last thirteen hours.
Deal with it, and see what happens. This is the fucking Gate fer Saint's sake. It'll all get settled eventually.
Ink paid for the pizza and split.
13:04:50 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Intersection of NE 134th St. and 124th Ave, NE.
Walking back to HQ staying close to the old Corsairs turf as a way of staying out of trouble. Ink got slapped in the face. Well not literally mind you, cause anyone who did something like that to him would lose their fucking hand. But seeing the fresh Black Plague tag smeared over the once proud LoCoS tag was bad enough.
He made a noise somewhere in his throat like an animal. This was bad news. In more ways than one.
He made a brief stabbing gesture towards the nearest alley and hunkered down beside a dumpster. He flicked open his comm and started sending out messages.
<<@Legion: Heads up hefe, fresh Plague rat tags at the corner of 134th and 124th. No moves outta the Demons or UVN. Corsairs on the ropes for sure. Do something? Ink.>>
<<@T. Delgado: Papi, Black Plague heading south. Do what you have to, to stay cool. If they ask about me tell them I'm dead. Stay safe, my love to Nona. See you soon. Love, Ray.>>
He sat back and waited for responses to his messages. He hoped that the signal was strong enough to get through.
Feb 27 2008, 08:18 PM
15:55:10 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - Outside old 8-Ball warehouse
Baby wasn't sure how she made it back to Five Corners without incident. Kingsgate had a stillness to it that was unsettling. Like everything was holding its breath. She had risked 142nd going south. It was the most direct route, even if it was Lotus turf. The further south she went the safer she had felt, if safe was really possible. The wreckage along the way was more than enough evidence to what the last couple of nights of gang violence had done to Kingsgate. She had seen a few people along the way, but they either scattered at her approach or she zipped by them before they could make their intensions known.
She had pulled down 122nd South of Corner Pocket Billards. It was one of the 8-Balls favorite hangouts, but she had somewhere else to go first. She pulled off the main road and could see the burned out wreckage that was once the 8-Balls warehouse and lab. There was little left to see, but the charred and skeletal remains of the buildings frame where it hadn't already collapsed.
It was true. They were gone. Baby walked over to where the building had been and sat down on the cold concrete curb, letting her grief overwhelm her.
16:11:05 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - Outside old 8-Ball warehouse
It wasn't safe to be sitting there so exposed. Baby was weak, in pain and very much in need of a street doc, but she couldn't stop crying. They were gone. What made it worse was a part of her was relieved that they would never know what had been done to her and that hurt bad. She was too afraid to go home. Placing the gun to her head and pulling the trigger still sounded like an inviting option and if she found her pad empty she knew it was an option she would likely take. If anyone knew what had happened to the 8-Balls and her sister they would be at Corner Pocket.
When she was done crying herself out she walked over to the wreckage and broke off a piece of charred wood, placing it in her pocket. The same pocket that held a metal tusk cap and what was left of Cram's tooth. The feeling of the metal against her finger was sickening, but deep inside the revulsion was a reason to live, if only for a little while longer. To show herself that she was the strong one. The one who survived.
Baby once again straddled the bike and painfully kicked it into gear before heading towards the Corner Pocket.
Feb 27 2008, 11:53 PM
16:12:11 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
He'd heard Cherry's voice from outside, recognizing it almost instantly. But he used the time in between the UVN's come-on to Nevada and her appearance at the door to set aside his meal and lay his sheathed sword over his right shoulder. He glanced at Felix.
"Stay out of sight, kid, but cover us with that mojo. Things're liable to get ugly. If it comes down to it, give us all you've got, then get the hell out. Find Thumper and tell him what went down."
Legion looked up as Nevada appeared at the doorway.
"I heard," he replied calmly, eyes and face devoid of expression. "Get your shotgun and meet me back out on the porch. Stay frosty, though. It looks bad, but they might be here just to talk."
Sliding aside to let Nevada past, Legion stepped out onto the porch. Calmly he slid a cigarette from the pack in his pocket before lighting it with his off-hand. He blew a stream of smoke out the side of his mouth.
"You're a long way from home, Cherry," was all he said.
Feb 28 2008, 01:25 AM
16:12:30 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
The gray Mirage cruised slowly up 122nd Ln. NE towards Corner Pocket. Looks like most of the locals were keeping their heads down as the streets were still fairly empty. Baby turned off 122nd just before she got to The Corner Pocket’s small parking lot. She wasn’t about to leave this bike out in the open. The engine reverberated off the walls of the nearby apartment building and it’s counterpart, a shell of a place that was likely once some live/work space above a set of shops that were long since gone. It would be the long way around to the pool hall, but Baby still wasn’t sure she wanted to find the answers she was looking for, or face those that might know her ,looking the way she did.
Baby’s hair was matted and knotted from Cram’s blood and her flight back to 8-Ball turf. Her mascara was nothing more than streaks down her face, who’s left side was swollen from the beatings she had taken and covered in dried orc blood. If more of her skin had been exposed the true extent of the injures would be obvious and appalling, but her tan cargo pants and leather jacket covered most of her body, except for the blood stained waistband and hole from the slug that killed Jaze. She had seen herself in the side mirror of the bike when she had taken it and tried to clean herself off, but it hadn’t helped much.
Before she went anywhere, she pulled the items she had been storing from the Mirage’s small storage compartment and placed them in the backpack she carried. She kept the Roomsweeper in her hand and transferred the flash bangs from her cargo pants to her jacket pocket. She had no idea who was in control of the area now and wasn’t going to take any chances until she found out what had happened.
Placing the keys to the Mirage in her pocket Baby exited the alley street side, but as she did so she stopped short. Standing on the porch of the apartment building were five UV’ers and some human she didn’t recognize. Baby froze.
Feb 28 2008, 02:55 AM
16:13:15 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
Nodding as she stepped further into the building she brushed past Legion and was keenly aware of his scent. Blood. Sweat. Pheromones. Confidence. Being on the verge of the unknown always seemed to sharpen her senses, she could feel the adrenaline just below the surface, threatening to break through. This, insane as it is, was what she lived for these days.
She didn't quite run across the lobby as much as calmly walked at a brisk pace to where she had stuffed her backpack and shotgun under some debris and general trash that had gathered over time. She moved as quietly as possible, not so much as to be sneaky but more to be able to keep tabs on the conversation happening out on the stoop. Her eyes flicked over towards where Felix was and shot him a look to confirm he was holding his shit together. She couldn't see much of his face behind the mask, but his eyes.. there was something in his eyes that made her a little more confident.
With the switchblade in her front pants pocket and the shotgun barrel resting casually on her shoulder she made her way back up to the front door. She made no sudden moves as she came up beside Legion but her eyes tracked back and forth across the four Blacklights watching them cautiously. Her lips curled into a slight smile at the corners as she waited to see how this little face to face all shook out.
Feb 28 2008, 05:18 AM
16:13:30 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
Legion, Nevada, Felix, Baby
"You're a long way from home, Cherry."
The other ganger laughs in response. "I could say the same thing about you Legion."
He glances around at the surrounding neighborhood, then focuses his gaze over Legion's shoulder, looking into the building the October Ravens were calling home for the moment. "Jesus, how the mighty have fallen. What the hell are you doing in a dump like this?"
He smiles and holds up his hand, warding off a reply. “No, just kidding. I know why you’re here. It’s just weird, that’s all, seeing you in a place like this.�
Abruptly the casual demeanor and good-natured tone disappear. “All right, enough clowning. I’ll cut to the chase. I’m here to make you an offer. Go back to your old turf, rebuild there, and you won’t have to worry about the Ultraviolet Nights. At least, not until you’ve regained enough strength that the Raiders aren’t able to take you without help.�
Feb 28 2008, 06:28 AM
16:13:45 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
She hadn't been seen. That was a fraggin' relief. Baby leaned against the old burned out building quietly. She made no sudden movements to attract any attention to her. Her arm moved to her side to keep the Roomsweeper she held hidden from view. The group of men were on higher ground on the porch, which made them easy to watch and hear without giving herself away. Hiding in plain sight was what Baby did best. Nobody notices the urchin in the alley.
'Just listen and watch.'
It was one of the things she did best. She could sit very still for very long periods of time when she needed to, though in her condition that wasn't going to be easy, if possible at all. Baby needed answers though and she had a feeling she was about to get some. Curiosity quickly changed to surprise when Nevada sauntered out to stand next to the man facing off against the UV's. His demeanor was ice. No emotion shown at all. She may have paid more attention to him if it hadn't been for Nevada's appearance on the porch, shotgun resting on her shoulder. It was quite possibly the first time Baby was actually happy to see the girl. Someone else was alive, but...
'What the frag is going on? What was Nevada doing with this guy? Where was Caine? Why are these fraggers on MY turf?' Baby hadn't always had the highest opinion of Nevada, but she didn't think the girl would have sold the 8-Balls out. Something wasn't sitting right at all, so Baby did what Baby does best. She stayed quiet and watched.
Now that was a name she knew. Whatever was going on was some serious shit. She continued to listen, to remain quiet and calm and push her body to remain standing. The UV'er named Cherry did nothing to increase her already low opinion of the trespasser by baggin' on her turf and briefly...very briefly she entertained the thought of ventilating the unsuspecting bastard, but even in her state she knew that was suicide and potentially a very messy one.
"All right, enough clowning. I'll cut to the chase. I'm here to make you an offer. Go back to your old turf, rebuild there, and you won't have to worry about the Ultraviolet Nights. At least, not until you've regained enough strength that the Raiders aren't able to take you without help."?
'Great idea,' she thought. 'Why don't all ya'all asses get the frag off my turf
Feb 28 2008, 11:48 PM
16:14:19 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
Legion dragged from his cigarette again, finding no solace in the smoke and nicotine that filled his lungs. This was the third gang to offer him peace in exchange for a return to the status quo. He despised being manipulated like this. But with an alliance between the Ravens, the Heartbreakers and Steel Demons, and a non-aggression pact with the UVN, his ragged band of soldiers would be about as safe as they could be. It was, all considered, the last weight that tipped the scales for him. They would not stay here any longer than it took to gather the troops again and move out. He raked his gaze across the gangers in front of him, before focusing once more on Cherry.
"What's prompted this generous offer from Meltdown? Why's he so interested in seeing us rise in our old turf?"
Fresno Bob
Feb 29 2008, 09:07 AM
13:40:33, Saturday, November 1st - Old Hammerpack HQ
Aziz frowned at the state of the table, but nodded. "Sounds like a plan...", he said, and begin sorting through the collected debris in the place. He turned up several minutes later with a cue, one, three, four, five, eight, nine, eleven, fourteen, and fifteen ball.
"Guess the name of the game is nine-ball.", he said, smiling. He drops them down on the table, and arranges them into a tight diamond pattern, and rolls the cue to the other side of the table.
"What are we using as cue sticks?", he asks.
Feb 29 2008, 05:28 PM
13:41:00, Saturday, Nomvember 1st - Pool House at 140th and 129th Pl NE
Thumper alternately eyed the rebar he was holding and the bat in his other hand. After a moment's deliberation he drops the bat and tries sliding the rebar between his fingers.
"Bit short, bit heavy and a bit rough, but I bet it will work." He said as he lined up on the cue ball.
Thumper straightened up and offered the makeshift stick to Aziz. "Your table if you want it."
Fresno Bob
Mar 1 2008, 06:39 AM
13:41:45, Saturday, Nomvember 1st - Pool House at 140th and 129th Pl NE
Taking the piece of rebar, Aziz smiles. "It'll look nice in my living room...", he mutters, and lines up behind the cue ball, and with a sudden crack sends it reeling down the table, scattering the diamond of mis-matched balls every which way, but pocketing none. He frowns and hands the length of rebar back to Thumber.
"Your shot."
Mar 2 2008, 06:56 PM
13:20:00 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - Intersection of NE 134th St. and 124th Ave, NE
Ink's legs give a slight tremble from sitting in one position for so long. The Cubano runs a hand over his brow for the third time in as many minutes. Someone should have answered by now.
"Boring!" sneers the mouthy whore. "Legion is going to be pissed and its all your fault."
Ink rolls his eyes at the woman/girl. What made him the most upset was the fact that she was right, el hefe was going to be steamed that he had not managed to make any money.
He had to think, to figure out something. Anything.
Where was he?
Right, Corsairs turf. The place that had started the down fall of the LoCoS. Was there any dinero to be made here? The Cubano didn't know. He had heard the standard rumors about what kind of biz other gangs had but like so many down here he didn't know or give a crap what other hombres did to make their bank.
Fuck, he had to move. To keep out of other homies way if nothing else. He stood and stretched.
"Let's roll" he said.
"Where to mighty leader?" snapped the mouthy whore again.
He reached back as if to slap her. And then thought better of it.
"Fuck if I know. Kid, jou got jour shit?" snapped the Cubano. Child nodded.
"Good jou see any thing we can sell lemme know." The kid nodded again.
"Jou three, we're back in biz. Anyone asks fer some thing an' the answer is jes"
Mar 3 2008, 05:11 PM
16:15:08 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
Legion, Nevada, Felix, Baby
Cherry smiles. “Someone asked us for a favor. And they asked very nicely.�
He laughs again, as if enjoying some private joke, which he probably was.
“But seriously, I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out yet. It's pretty obvious once you think about it. Oh well. I’m sure you’ll think of it eventually.�
He shrugs. “If you can’t, it doesn’t really matter what Meltdown’s reasons are, now does it? All that matters is the deal’s legit.�
His eyes narrow almost imperceptibly. “So what I need to know is, do we have a deal? Just say the word, and I’ll let the rest of the Nights know we’ve got a ceasefire with you.�
He doesn’t say what will happen if they don’t have a deal. He doesn’t have to.
Mar 4 2008, 12:06 AM
16:15:41 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
Legion smiles without humor, his eyes cold and dead.
"You know me, Cherry, I never was good at that thinking drek. But you can tell Meltdown that I'll take his deal. Ceasefire between us."
The Ravens leader doesn't move from his position by the doorway, though, unwilling to turn his back on gangers so recently his bitter enemies and now uneasy allies.
Mar 4 2008, 12:31 AM
16:16:11 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
Legion, Nevada, Felix, Baby
Cherry grins, the triumphant grin of someone who’s just gotten exactly what he wanted, and didn’t even have to work very hard for it. In fact, it’s almost as if he got something to do what he’d do anyway…
“That’s what I like to hear. I’ll tell Meltdown and the troops right away.�
Without the slightest trace of concern (undoubtedly helped by the vastly superior firepower on his side), he turns and starts walking away. The Blacklights back off several steps, putting some distance between them and the pair by the doorway before turning around themselves. Regardless, they’re still careful to keep an eye on the Ravens until they’re a good distance away.
As the UV Nights group disappears out of sight, the tension of the brief meeting slowly diffuses, leaving Legion and Nevada wondering what the hell Meltdown was up to, Felix relieved they didn’t have to fight, and Baby trying to figure out what she should do next.
Mister Juan
Mar 4 2008, 02:02 AM
16:16:40 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
Legion, Nevada, Felix, Baby
Felix exhaled heavily. He hadn't even noticed he was holding his breath. Odds were, he had probably started to turn some shade of blue or purple right about when Cherry decided to take his leave. From the little dark nook he had been hiding in, the little mage had heard every single word, although he hadn't seen a single thing...
Letting a few seconds pass, making sure the UV Nights were gone for good and for sure, Felix silently slipped out of his hiding spot and crept within a few feet f Legion and Nevada. His eyes seemed distant, as he still looked toward where the gangers had turned the corner. He had this look... this almost thousand mile look.... like he was looking well beyond what other could and would ever see.
His eyes still unfocused on the horizon, his soft voice rose from behind his breathing mask, sounding a little distant... each words coming out slower, yet with more confidence than usual.
“I don't trust them.� he started, his voice betraying no hate at all.
His eyes shifted toward the grayed out sky. He blinked a few times, keeping his head tilted far backward... almost as if he was expecting the sky to suddenly open and sweet rain to trickle down.
“I don't think we should go back Legion. Three people want you out of here. Who says the others will take you back up north?�
He closed his eyes, his cheeks rising slightly as he apparently smiled behind his filter mask.
“And by tonight, all of Kingsgate will know we're moving out and up. If anyone wants to wait for us, they'll be more than able.�
Slowly, his green eyes came back from behind his eyelids. He gently lower his head, cocking it a little to the side to look directly at Legion. Contrary to all other times, Felix's gaze didn't waver this time. He didn't seem shy, or hesitant. But something was different. The way he was looking at the world around him felt different. It was tangible in the air around him.
“Tommie and Frosty are no good to us back North, and they know it. They don't owe us a thing.�
His eyes drifted off Legion's face and went back to the sky.
“We need to pull the 162s out into the neighborhood... Or at least make it look like they're pushing. Meltdown will go after them. Hopefully, they'll over react and use too much firepower. Tommy and Frosty won't like any collateral. Especially Tommy. Nothing will bring him out more than a crisp corpse on his turf.�
He took a big breath in, letting it slowly out in a sigh.
“Then again, the ghouls don't actually have to be doing anything...� he peered from over his glasses toward Legion again “People just have to be thinking it's them.�
Blinking a few times, Felix's gaze seemed to change a bit. He stood there, looking at Legion for a brief moment, before apparently realizing what he had just done. Immediately, his eyes went to the floor.
Mar 4 2008, 02:21 AM
16:15:10 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
"I'm kinda with the kid here. I don't like this."
So much for having the time...
Her eyes kept watching the point where the Blacklights and Cherry had rounded the corner headed back towards their turf as a smirk pulled at her mouth. She lowered the shotgun from her shoulder and traded her clove cigarettes for a piece of cherry bubblegum. She was oblivious to what had transpired between the kid and their leader and as such felt it necessary to continue to speak her mind.
"Everyone seems far too eager for you... well us that is, to plug the hole up in the central 'Gate. I don't trust Cherry and his boys farther than I can spit. Besides like the kid said anyone could lie in wait up in old 'Pack turf if Cherry goes and yells from the rooftops we're coming. Who has the deepest pockets so to speak and who has the most to gain if you're no longer in the picture?"
Her gaze peeled away from the streets out before them and up to Legion's face.
"It sure ain't Cherry."
Mar 4 2008, 04:20 AM
16:16:00, Saturday, November 1st - My World, under Hammerpack turf
Exhausted from his carefree frolics with his new boon companions, Our Hero reclined on a comfortably cold slab of slimy cement, heart exulting in newfound feelings of acceptance, affection, unconditional love. Truly, he reflected, these transcendent feelings, too, must be part of the mind of a god.
But his friends had gone now - it took him such effort to grant them life! - and the sweet siren song of sleep summoned him to a peaceful world of well-earned slumbers. A few more hours here in His World would not hurt.
Mar 4 2008, 03:34 PM
16:15:15 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
She listened closely, or as closely as she could given the circumstances. Baby’s legs were unsteady and if not for the wall she was using for support she wasn’t sure how much longer she could have stayed standing. From the sounds of it Legion’s Hammerpack was broken and Meltdown wanted him to rebuild on his old turf again. Baby could only think of a couple of reasons the UV’s would want a ceasefire. One, it was a trap to lure Legion out or two, it was a trap to keep Al Davis’s attention on Legion and not on the UV’s. It was pretty well known that Al and Legion hated each other and what better way to distract the Raider Nation than to wave Legion in front of them. But this was all just guess work. Baby still didn’t know what had happened the past couple of days and by the looks of things on her ride back to 8-Ball turf all hell had broken loose.
She still needed answers.
She waited quietly and watched Cherry and his Blacklights as they walked away. She kept her eyes on them till they were far enough down the street to no longer be a threat and turned her attention back to Legion and Nevada. They were joined by another ganger. He looked to be about Baby’s age, but she didn’t recognize him either. She watched and listened to them for a few moments. They seemed as confused and worried about the UV’s motives as she would be, if she cared…at the moment she didn’t.
Baby gently shoved herself away from the wall and took a moment to steady herself, before she limped away from her hiding place and towards the porch. She still held her side and kept her breath shallow to keep her ribs from causing too much pain. The Roomsweeper she kept to her side, but in plain view. Dried blood had matted her sandy blonde hair and still covered some of her face which was puffy and bruised on the left side.
“Nevada. What’s going on?�
Mar 4 2008, 05:34 PM
16:16:41 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
The barrel of the shotgun came up before her head had turned at the mention of her name. Looking down the barrel of her shotgun there was a moment of confusion that showed on her face as she tried to place the familiar bruised and bloodied girl at the bottom of the stairs.
"Baby Doll?"
Confusion gave way to genuine concern as she lowered the shotgun. Legion's gang or not, Baby was still family from the 8-Balls, and unless she had jumped ship to run with someone else she was still worthy of her concern. Cautiously she left Legion's side and took the steps two at a time before standing in front of her old gangmate.
"Looks like you rolled out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. How you holding up?"
She offered the girl her left hand, waiting to see how she accepted it before welcoming her back with fully open arms. She hadn't seen Baby since before the warehouse blew. That was a long time for someone to "disappear" without a logical explanation. She just wanted to hear it, for all she knew the curb-stomping Baby received was from getting jumped in by someone else. Cautiousness and restraint would have to rule the situation.
Mar 4 2008, 08:00 PM
16:18:32 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner
Baby’s eyes widened when Nevada wheeled on her with the shotgun. She briefly wondered if speaking up had been a terrible mistake, but when she heard the girl say her name questioningly she couldn’t help but feel relieved. Baby answered by nodding, not completely trusting her voice yet. Nevada and her had never been close, but for all she knew the dark haired girl was all the family she had left.
"Looks like you rolled out of the wrong side of the bed this morning. How you holding up?"
The sound that came from Baby was somewhere between a laugh and a sob. The girl had no idea how appropriate that statement was. The mundanity of it was sickeningly amusing.
“Not so good.� She said with a slight smile at the obviousness of her reply. “What happened ‘vada?� Baby had a habit of shortening names of the people she knew. Her question held so much meaning.
She took Nevada’s hand when it was offered, her own hand had begun to tremble slightly and let the Roomsweeper fall to the ground. It was such a small courtesy, but one that threatened to break down the wall Baby had been building around her emotions. She wasn’t a whiny or overly dramatic girl. She had grown up in one of the worst places imaginable and seen enough violence to thicken her skin, but Baby found it almost impossible to keep any kind of center. Tears slid down her cheeks as she tried to regain her composure. She didn’t bawl or crumble, but she couldn’t stop the tears.
Mar 4 2008, 11:49 PM
16:20:38 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner
Legion watched the Blacklights disappear up the street, finally letting a slight frown crease his face. It had been much too easy, much too tidy. First Tommy and Frosty, now Meltdown. More was going on that met the eye, and he was glad to see that both Felix and Nevada were aware of the political undercurrent that charged the shadows of Kingsgate. That made his job much easier.
The approach of the woman interrupted his thoughts, only long enough for him to realize that it was someone else that Nevada knew, although she looked to be in pretty bad shape. He'd have to wait a little while to figure out what she was good at, and how best to employ her.
He sat down on the steps of the porch. Hopefully Grack and Thumper would return soon. If there was a trap being set for them in the Pack's old turf, they would have caught wind of something in time to warn the Ravens. If not, then why the sudden concern? It would be par for Tommy and his crew to try and muscle the Ravens out, but Frosty was a creature of some subtlety. Perhaps she had offered Meltdown some pleasurable company for the night, or a monthly discount in exchange for a ceasefire that would draw the Ravens out to central Kingsgate.
Again, Legion shook his head. Too many variables, not enough equations. They needed to quit wandering around and set up shop, start to lay the foundations of the Ravens. They would need food and water, and for that they would need money. He had the whores, and some muscle, at least they weren't short on that. Grack and Thumper and Aziz were all capable of doing hefty amounts of damage. But they had no long term business interests. Sure he might be able to finance setting up Ink with a tattoo shop, but that wouldn't pull in nearly enough cash. He needed a drug lab. Or at least a pipeline. If he could set up the Ravens as middlemen capable of supplying drugs or weapons or anything, really, that would be an important step.
Frag it. He should just start the war up again. Give it a week to rest his warriors then start a guerrilla campaign. Arson in the night, hunter/killer squads slipping around, smash and grab raids before disappearing into the urban jungle. Keep everyone dispersed, rotate meeting locations, fence the loot grabbed through third parties, everything on the downlow.
He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head again. No, that wouldn't work either.
"Hey, Felix?" he called over his shoulder. "Any chance your mojo could make us some money? You think anyone would be interested in paying for your services?"
Mar 5 2008, 01:56 AM
16:21:31 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
She was hardly a softy in any way shape or form but the tears, along with the look in Baby's eyes struck a chord somewhere deep inside her. The girl had seen and experienced something no one should endure and Nevada could only guess just what had happened. Carefully she slipped her arm around the slightly smaller girl's shoulder and turned the pair to look back up the steps towards Legion.
"So we're really headed back up north? Only reason I ask is she's obviously in shit shape and I'm going on four days without sleep and crashing." The lack of sleepwas starting to show more in her eyes and on her face as the Long Haul started to fully exit her system.
"If we head back up that direction, we can take the girls back to the apartment in The Heights all of us can rest up and get cleaned up enough to turn the girls back out up in the building if nothing else, generate some more money."
She absentmindedly blew a small bubble in her gum before popping it and shaking her head.
"Where the fuck are my manners. Legion this is Baby Doll, one of the sneakiest slitches in the 'Gate and a former 8-Ball. Baby, this is Legion. Don't think he needs much more of an introduction."
She smiled slyly and looked towards Felix who was still lurking in the shadows of the porch.
"Don't suppose you know your way around a medkit, or do any of that cool healing drek with your skills? She needs help."
Mar 5 2008, 08:18 PM
16:23:58 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
Baby wiped the tears from her face, taking comfort in the arm Nevada placed around her shoulders. She was grateful the girl hadn’t pressed her about what happened. She was barely holding it together as it was. Nevada’s mention of moving north surprised her. She was still in the dark about everything that had happened the past couple of days, but it the 8-Ball’s were gone what other choice did she have? The other gangs would be moving in soon if they hadn’t already and it wouldn’t be safe here for her or Rags anymore. The thought of her sister helped put Baby’s head back in order. She needed to find out if her sister was ok.
Baby frowned a bit at Nevada’s introduction. She didn’t like being called a slitch, even if Nevada wasn’t being serious, but the sneaky part didn’t bother her at all. When something’s true, it’s true and she was proud of her skillz.
“Hey.� She said nodding to Legion and to Felix. She knew Legion only be reputation, but it was some reputation and she didn’t want to show any more signs of weakness than she already had.
“Thanks Nevada, I’ll be ok.� Her voice was steady now, though it was obvious that the girl badly needed rest and a doctor. “If we are going anywhere I need to find Rags and go pick up my shit.� She knew that Rags was likely at there doss, if she was still alive and Baby had gear that she didn’t want to leave behind. “Rags’s my sister. She’s a whore and a good one from what I’ve been told.� She said as an explanation.
She didn’t like speaking of her sister like she was a commodity, but she didn’t want her left behind either.
“If we need some people to travel quick, I lifted a bike this morning. It’s in the alley.� She added.
Mar 6 2008, 12:02 AM
16:24:37 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
Legion gestured with his left hand, smoke drifting lazily from the cigarette held carelessly between thumb and forefinger.
"Welcome to the family."
He glanced over at Nevada.
"I want to get things moving quickly. Take Baby to find her sister then hook up with the rest of the whores and bed them down for the night. Roll 'em over to Slippy's one last time tomorrow, drop me a line when you're done. I'll have our new address for you. Send Ink back this way when you find him. Felix and I will wait here and police up any stragglers before heading back north. Stay frosty and alert, someone's pulling strings here and you can bet that it's not for our benefit."
Taking a drag from his cigarette, he flipped open his commlink.
<<@Grack: Find us a new place to roost in our old turf. We're coming home. Ceasefire flag with the UVN, Steel Demons and Heartbreakers. Everyone else is fair game.>>
<<@Thumper: Link up with Grack, find the Ravens a place to roost. Ceasefire flag with the UVN, Steel Demons and Heartbreakers. Everyone else is fair game.>>
Mar 6 2008, 02:49 PM
16:25:00, Saturday, November 1st - My World, under Hammerpack turf
Seemingly no sooner had the lad laid low his head than the insistent chime of an incoming text message broke the rythm of the goblin rock beat, stirring him from his stunted slumber.
The message filled him with mixed feelings. He was slightly annoyed to be awakened by orders from the Usurper, but pleased that the new gang was moving back to the old turf. Not only was he intimately familiar with all its nooks and crannies and secret places, but it meant he wouldn't have to carry his things back to last night's squat. Most dismaying, however, was the news that he must not bring holy vengeance down upon the heads of any UV Nights he found. Not a full day earlier they had been locked in mortal combat, and now they were to abandon honor and the memory of fahd-filled cerri with the wave of a hand? That was not djoto. Magic could not fight hez, as everyone knew. So if Legion was so quickly allying with last night's foes, the only possible explanation was that he had no hez.
Indeed, this was something the fledgling deity had been suspecting since the incident with It outside the Palace of Sushi.
For now, however, he would play along. Now was not the time for his true Magnificence to be revealed.
He called The Duke. <<Dark soon. Work to do. Meet at old clubhouse.>> After speaking into the microphone, he ended the call. There was no need to await a reply...there was still one cerri in Kingsgate on whom he could rely!
Mar 8 2008, 12:59 AM
15:25:30:50, Saturday, November 1st - Makeshift Pool Hall at the intersection of 129th Pl NE and 140th St
The pool hall was grating on Thumper. Not only was he being roundly stomped by Aziz, but he was reasonably certain that he was in a wireless dead zone. Normally, not having to hear from his superiors was a welcome thing, but he was a little more nervous about picking fights after the gang war. Whatever, he could take them.
The hours of being beaten at pool were tolerable. Thumper hated losing, but Aziz, though far from personable, had his head on straight. Conversation never strayed far from the game.
Aziz sank the 8-ball again and lightly tossed the piece of rebar. He said "You want to rack 'em again? Or are you getting as bored as I am?" Thumper suppressed a snarl. He didn't like being upstaged, but he didn't have a problem with Aziz outside of the pool hall. He fumbled for a witty retort when he was saved by Grack's incoming message. His cerri had an uncanny way of getting wireless messages to and from places they shouldn't be, the sewer being first and foremost in Thumper's mind.
"No man, we've gotta roll," he said as he hefted his bat. "Just got a message to meet up back at the old 'Pack HQ."
He composed a text message to Grack <<@Grack: Skraacha, Headed there now from border with Plague turf.>>
Mar 8 2008, 01:51 AM
16:27:07 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
She waited and tried to get the attention of the spellslinger, but the kid and his thoughts were a million miles away from the 'Gate at that very moment. With a shake of her head she turned her attention towards the tasks Legion had given out.
"No problem, we'll manage and keep our eyes and ears open. I'll call you tomorrow."
She gave Baby's shoulder a little squeeze before letting go.
"Let me run inside and grab my shit, then we'll go find Rags ok?" She managed a slight smile before she sprinted up the steps, casting the slightest look of distain towards Felix as she passed for his unwillingness to help Baby out. She snatched up her bag from the floor of the lobby and made her way back outside and down the steps. She tossed one last nod in Legion's direction before she started to lead Baby away from the stoop.
"You wanna grab the bike, or take a walk over to the apartment girl?"
Mar 8 2008, 05:05 PM
16:30:47 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
Baby watched the young ganger, but he was apparently off in his own thoughts. <i>'Fine, fuck you very much.'</i> she though.
Nice intro to this new gang. Send the girl's off with the whores and don't get patched up when you need it. Same macho shit boyz club. If Baby wasn't so drained she might have mustered up some kind of anger about it, but she couldn't. As usual she would have to fight for every ounce of respect she could get, such was life in the 'Gate for a ganger girl. You either fight for it or fuck your way to the top.
The thought brought her attention back to what Nevada was saying. She had always thought of Nevada as the latter of the two and frankly she still did, but she was also the only person that seemed to give a damn about Baby at the moment and that was something you don't forget. Nevada was still a sister, even if not by blood.
Baby nodded slightly to Nevada when she mentioned finding Rags. She wasn't one of those people that were innate followers, but what Nevada suggested was exactly what she wanted to do anyway so why posture.
Baby waited at the bottom of the steps for the other girl to get her stuff, standing as straight as she could, doing her best not to show pain or weakness. When the dark haired girl returned she gave her a small thankful smile.
"The bike. I'm not leaving that thing around for someone to snake. I took it, I'm gonna keep it." Her voice was adamant. Not that she thought Vegas would disagree, it was a way of telling herself that she had beaten the BF'ers. She knew that was completely true. They were dead and she was alive, but being alive didn't seem like so much of a win right now. She needed her victory and the bike was a symbol of that.
"It's around the corner in the alley. You wanna drive?" She gingerly reached into her pocket and took out the key. Normally she wouldn't have let anyone else drive it, but she wasn't in much shape to. It was a miracle she had gotten so far on it today. "Oh and do you mind picking that up?" She motioned towards the Roomsweeper that she had dropped earlier. "I don't think bending over like that would be a good thing for me right now." She added quietly.
Mar 9 2008, 01:46 AM
16:37:34 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – 8-Balls turf, down NE 130th LN
She had slightly raised a brow over Baby's offer to drive the bike, but taking a second glance at the girl and the distant look that was in her eyes she decided not to press the offer. In one fell swoop she palmed the key she was offered and grabbed the Roomsweeper from the ground. She slung her bag over her shoulder and across her chest, securing her own shotgun beneath the flap as she walked towards the alley Baby had pointed her towards.
"I'm guessing you want to start back at your place, go from there if we can't find your sister?"
It took her a second to realize just how fast she had been walking while her attention was on anything out of the ordinary instead of the wounded girl now a number of paces behind her. She slowed to an almost stop until Baby caught back up with her. Her voice dropped in volume and even softened a bit from her usual gruff and non-shittaking attitude.
"Look, if you ever want to talk about... well any of it.. anything really, you know I've got your back ok?"
She didn't really expect the girl to spill her guts out then and there, or even accept her offer to listen, but she felt the need to put it out there in case no one else would.
As they made it into the alley Nevada eyed the bike trying to place it, looking for tags or any other features that might cause trouble down the line. Down in their old turf it was unlikely anyone would start trouble, but tomorrow's move back up to old Pack turf and the heart of the 'Gate would be a different story all together. Without wasting more time and with Baby looking like she could fall over any minute, she kicked a leg over the bike and got settled behind the controls before she felt the girl climb on behind her. With a turn of the key and a choke on the throttle the bike roared to life in the confines of the alley and with a tight u-turn, the pair was off, headed down 130th Ln.
Mister Juan
Mar 9 2008, 06:50 PM
16:24:37 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
Felix hadn't even registered Baby's presence until Nevada had swung her shotgun around. So caught by surprise, all he could do for a few seconds was to stand next to legion, his mouth half open and the rest of his body frozen. He had been pondering how exactly to bring it up to Legion that he didn't “really� do magic... at least not in his own opinion... and that he specially didn't see what he could do that people would be ready to pay for. Sure, he knew how to read and write very well, and could discuss at length topics of biology, philosophy and advanced mathematics... but it was nothing anyone would ever pay good money for in this forgotten part of the world.
But now, all that internal dilemma had evaporated far in the back of his mind.
As Nevada introduced the beaten up girl, the little wizkid did what he did best: he stood half behind Legion, trying his hardest to be ignored. His eyes kept drifting from the tips of his shoes to the bruised body and face of Baby. He wasn't quire sure what she had just been through... but it looked fresh and bad.
“Don't suppose you know your way around a medkit, or do any of that cool healing drek with your skills? She needs help."
Feeling Nevada's eyes on him made him slightly unfreeze from his torpor. Timidly, Felix started to open his mouth but shut it straight again as Legion took charge of the situation. He would have been more than glad to help out Baby with her injury... but apparently, the Raven's leader had other plans. Not the sort to stand up for himself, the young ganger kept his mouth shut and his head stuck low between his shoulders.
Felix was about to lift his eyes up to watch the two girls walking away when a cold breeze blew right into his face. Reflexively, shut his eyes tight, feeling his body shiver for an instant. But it didn't stop. The breeze became a cold gust of wind, until it grew strong enough that he almost felt himself being pushed back. Then, all of a sudden, it stopped. Every stopped. And eerie calm surrounded Felix.
Slowly, the young mentat opened his eyes, but rapidly got them shut again. Smoke burned at his eye lids, filling his vision with water. He could smell it in the air. Smoke. Gasoline fires. The sickening smell of flesh burning. Forcing his eyes opened, Felix realized that things weren't as they were meant anymore. Still standing on the porch, under a black blanketed sky filled with dark clouds, nothing around him was the same. The street was a thousand times dirtier, with the buildings around him burning away. Like snow, gray ashes slowly fell from the sky. Here and there, on the side walk and amongst the wreck filled street, bodies in various state of decomposition simply laid down. Some were curled up, some lying on their back, other on their stomach.
The wind picked up a bit, bringing more smell and bile into Felix's throat. Covering his mouth with both hands, trying not to throw up, Felix saw that he was standing into a pile a bones. Letting out a cry of fear, he doubled back, slipping on various body parts until he had fallen on his back into the street. The apartment building was gone, replaced by a very tall and sinister looking tower. Dark red paint was rapidly peeling off the structure, and with each gust of wind, little bits and pieces of the tower were being blown away like dust and sand.
A boot hit the pavement next to him.
Slowly, he followed it up to a leg, to a body and to a face.
Legion stood next to him, his hair covered in sweat and blood sticky to his face. His exposed chest showing deep dark red gashes. In his hand, Felix saw a large knife carved out of bone. Legion looked toward the tower, toward it's door shrouded in darkness.
“The higher they are, the harder they fall.� he said in a mere whisper.
Turning to face Felix, he reached down.
When his hand touched his shoulder, Felix took a deep breath in.
Blinking once, the young wizkid was back on the porch, with Nevada and Baby walking off in the distance. Legion had his hand on his shoulder, and was looking at him with a sort of annoyed expression.
“What did you just say?� he added, with a voice that went with his face.
“I....� started Felix “Nothing.... Nevermind...�
Mister Juan
Mar 9 2008, 07:52 PM
16:25:30 Saturday, 01 November 2070 – Temporary Gang HQ: Apartment Building behind The Corner Pocket
Still rather puzzled by the experience he just had, Felix simply told Legion that he would “be inside� as he jerked his head toward the door. It wasn't that he minded being outside. Far from that. And it wasn't even the constant uneasiness he felt around Legion that pushed him back inside. It was what he had just seen. It had felt so real... so tangible. He could swear he still smelled the acrid smoke sticking to his clothes. He could still taste his own vomit in the back of his throat. He could still feel the cold hard bones against his ankles.
Getting back to the now empty lobby, Felix slowly walked in and out of darkness as he slowly made his way to the nearest stairs. His own body had begun to tremble sometime ago, and he now could hear his own teeth grinding against each other in his mouth. Slowly, one step at a time, almost painfully, Felix went up further and further into the deserted building.
As he rounded the corner to start ascending the next flight, a spray painted grafiti caught his eye.
Written in large blood red letter, it seemed still fresh... the pain still rolling down the cracked plaster and dripping to the floor where it had formed a small pool
All hope abandon, ye who enter here.
Guided by something else than his own will, Felix slowly raised his hand forth, reaching for the letter with the soft tips of his fingers. Slowly, fueled by a mix of curiosity and fear, he dragged his fingers across the word abandon, smudging it slightly. As he brought his hand back toward his face, he noticed that the paint had come off cleanly off the wall to clutched itself to his fingers. It was still wet... but not cold like he would have expected. It was hot. Burning hot. Taking his breathing mask off, he brought his now red fingers to his nose, sniffing them. He had smelled it so often in the air. The telltale smell of iron. Realizing what it was, his eyes went wide with surprise and fear. With a cry, he took a step back lifting his eyes back up toward the scribbled sentence.
But it wasn't there anymore.
Hyperventilating, Felix simply stood there for a few seconds, contemplating the bare wall in front of him. He looked back down at his hand... The breaths that had rapidly been coming in and out of his lungs stopped. His hearth froze in his chest. Both index and middle finger on his right hand glistened with dark red blood. With a shaky hand, he whipped the blood on his tight and started up the stairs again... but he wasn't taking his time anymore. Something was pushing him forward. Fear was giving him wings. After the third flight of stairs, Felix was literally running for his life.
When he stopped to catch his breath, leaning and peering down the stairs, Felix couldn't see anything anymore. Everything below him was darker than night itself. It was as if the entire world beneath him had vanished in the blink of an eye. Running down into the hallway that was next to him, Felix reached for the very first window he could find. Although boarded up, Felix started hitting it with his two fists, trying to dislodged the planks to see outside. As it finally cracked a bit, Felix huged his cheek on the rough wood, trying to peak outside. Nothing. It was like looking straight into the abyss.
Pushing himself off the wall, Felix tumbled backwards until he painfully hit the opposite wall. Looking left and right, it was as if the hallway around him had begun to stretch. The door he had just walked through seemed hundred of meters away. And on the other side, a few feet away stood a large figure, clothed in rags from head to toe.
"Who........ who are you....." was all Felix could muster, his voice trembling in his throat.
It didn't say anything. Slowly, it raised a bony finger toward him, as if accusing him of something.
His entire body shaking with fear, Felix tried to push himself back unto his feet... but his legs had gone apparently numb.
"Waaa.... Whhh.....What do you want?"
Mister Juan
Mar 9 2008, 11:36 PM
It approached, closer and closer, its outstretched skinless hand creeping ever so closer to him. It didn't answer any question... it just dragged its feet ever so closer. When some sort of pained moan finally came to Felix's ears, it unfroze him like a bucket of water thrown in his face. Scurrying on hands and knees for a few feet, the young wizkids shoes finally planted themselves on the worn out carpeted floor, kicking him up as he half ran half stumbled down the hallway.
Over the door leading to the stairs, a large sign, flickering on and off, spelled out EXIT in glowing letter. Heaving and puffing his lungs out, Felix threw a quick glance over his shoulder..... but saw nothing. Breaking as best as he could, his shoes sliding along the carpet, Felix loss what little balance he had and fell straight unto his back, almost knocking himself cold out.
As he laid there on the floor, moaning in pain as his vision blurred, and hearing nothing but his hearth beating in his head, Felix noticed that it was suddenly very cold, and windy. Painfully rubbing the back of his head, the frail street kid did his best to get back up. He stopped doing so when he noticed that he was pushing himself off sythcarpet anymore. It was gravel. The sort of little black tar thing you found on roofs.
Felix stopped breathing.
He looked up.
He saw Kingsgate around him. He saw most of the old 8 balls turf. Right next to him, a few stories down, he saw the street he had been standing in a few minutes.
And Felix simply sat there, looking around him slowly and in a bit of confusion... not quite sure how or when he had made his way up to the building's roof.
Next to him sat and old, worn out and apparently discarded paper back book... it's pages dirtied out and yellowed so bad most of the text had disappeared. Its pages turned back and forth with the wind, flipping through entire chapters and backtracking until everything stopped.
But I, being poor, have only my dreams. I have spread my dreams under your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams
Fresno Bob
Mar 10 2008, 09:06 AM
15:25:50, Saturday, November 1st - Makeshift Pool Hall at the intersection of 129th Pl NE and 140th St
The pool game was more than just a pool game for Aziz. He spent more time watching Thumper shoot than actually looking at the shots he was taking. Aziz firmly believed that one played pool the same way they fight. The ork had some finesse, he lined up his shots correctly, but put too much power behind them, bouncing them off rails instead of gently rolling them into the intended pocket. The call came to head to the old Hammerpack HQ, and he nodded.
"Alright... where exactly is that?"
Mar 11 2008, 06:56 PM
16:45:14 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – 8-Balls turf, Baby's Doss
The bike had a couple of obvious tags, Emerald Lotus, but nothing a little paint couldn’t cover up. It was farely new thought it looked like it had recently been laid down. There were scratches down the left side and the left foot peg was scuffed and slightly bent.
When Baby caught up to Nevada she answered the girl’s question with a nod. “Yah, lets get to my place. We can come back for the girls when we know everything is cool. It ain’t far.�
Baby really appreciated Nevada’s offer to talk, but the dark-haired girl was right, Baby didn’t want to talk, not now, everything was still too fresh. She was embarrassed and angry and hurt and wasn’t ready to trust, but the genuine offer went a long way in raising Baby’s opinion of the girl.
“Thanks.� She said, acknowledging the girl’s offer without committing to anything. She eased herself onto the back of her bike. Now that the adrenaline of her escape had worn off, the pain and stiffness had returned with a vengeance. Getting as comfortable as she could, Baby slid her arms around Nevada’s waist and placed her chest against the girl’s back. She hoped Nevada didn’t mind, it would be an easier ride in her condition than trying to hold onto the seat for balance.
“Just off of 130th going west. First left.� She said incase Nevada didn’t know.
Her grip tightened as Nevada kicked the bike into gear and whipped out her u-turn. It had been a good thing she was seated like she was or she may have pitched right off.
The ride wasn’t long, which was nice. Baby was still exhausted and Nevada didn’t appear to be in the greatest shape either. A mile or so down 130th was a small side street. Old worn down homes, little more than shacks really, lined the cluttered way.
Baby tapped Nevada on the shoulder and pointed at one of the hovels near the end. The dilapidated building was small. If it had been in a nice part of town it may have been called a cottage. The windows were boarded and a myriad of tags covered the outside walls where Baby had used them for practice. “Around back is best.� She raised her voice to be heard over the engine.
A small muddy path leads between the two “homes� at the end of the street. The backyard, if you could call it that is an empty mud and weed filled lot. The back of Baby’s doss was a sunroom at some point in it’s past. All that remained of it was the metal framing, where Baby and Rags had hung pieces of fabric and tarp to cover the holes. It’s an odd, patchwork quilt that keeps the worst of the weather out in most cases and gives her and Rags a place to stash stuff out of the public eye if they needed to.
Mar 14 2008, 01:21 AM
16:49:34 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – 8-Balls turf, Baby's Doss
Nevada had steered the bike according to the directions she was given having a pretty good idea of where Baby's place was to begin with. She slowed the bike down to a crawl just fast enough to keep the girls from tipping over as she navigated the tight path along side the broken down structure. Once she hit the "backyard" she powered the bike down and steadied it so that Baby could get off before she dismounted and pushed the bike across the mud and weeds into the back of the building when Baby pulled the pieces of tarp back to reveal a makeshift storage space behind it.
She took up the back after handing the Roomsweeper back to Baby and the girls entered what constituted the girl's place. She kept her attention sharp as Baby started to see if her sister was around and began to gather up what little gear she owned as she moved through the place.
Mar 14 2008, 10:01 PM
15:40:50, Saturday, November 1st - Makeshift Pool Hall at the intersection of 129th Pl NE and 140th St
"Back where we came from man. Let's roll"
They headed up to the burned out house they'd just left on 142nd street. Grack was skulking around the perimeter in the lengthening shadows. Thumper walked up to him, exchanged handclasps and said "Didn't get Legion's message. What's up cerri?"
Mar 15 2008, 12:07 AM
16:41:10, Saturday, November 1st Outside old Hammerpack clubhouse
The young lord lowered the volume of his music at the approach of The Duke - he was always pleased to speak with his one remaining cerri. Theirs was a true bond between warriors.
Still, he wondered if even Duke Thumper could ever offer him the sort of pure, unconditional love and validation that Modesty and Chastity did. That sort of transcendent affection would, sadly, be hard for mere mortals to evince. Of course he knew that Nevada had those sorts of affections for him (and other, more intimate feelings as well). He hoped, for The Duke's sake, that he would also be able to reach that emotional pinnacle.
It was at that moment that Our Hero realized that it might indeed be incumbent upon him to reach out, to help those few worthy enough along the path to the spiritual state where they might tolerate some sort of communion with himself. Indeed, who could ever reach such an exalted status without such condescension?
Indeed, he would have to save at least a few souls - even a god didn't want to rule a world where everyone was dead.
But for now, however, it was good to greet his cerri in the manner of true orks, in the manner that had ruled before The Greatest Gang War of All Time.
"Skraa back at'cha, cerri."
Narrowly surveying the three pathetic hangers-on that were still straggling along in The Duke's royal wake, Young Grack thumbed his commlink and forwarded The Usurper's message - ONLY to the other ork.
<<@Grack: Find us a new place to roost in our old turf. We're coming home. Ceasefire flag with the UVN, Steel Demons and Heartbreakers. Everyone else is fair game.>>
"Don't know what's wrong with here.
"Few cinders.
"Find place with bottom door.
"I'll watch your back."
And with that, the Noble Warrior melted into the surrounding shadows, his new senses keen for any approaching foes.
Mar 16 2008, 12:51 AM
16:51:31 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – 8-Balls turf, Baby's Doss
Baby pulled the tarp aside and stepped through, leaving Nevada to follow on her own if she wanted.
The interior of Baby’s home was in much better shape than the exterior. Baby and Rags had done what they could to fix it up. It helped that Rags’s pimp had given her something to help out since Rags occasionally entertained johns here if they were regulars. Baby figured it let Rags feel like they were boyfriends and not business.
The front room was small, little surprise there. A couple of faux rice paper lanterns with flash lights in them lit the interior of the house. There were no pieces of thin red fabric over them to signal that Rags was “busy.� Her mattress rested in the corner its patchwork blanket, a mishmash of sewn together old clothes, lay in a disheveled mess. There was a small flower print sofa along the right wall and interesting bits of flotsom and jetsam that Baby and her sister used as art hanging from the ceiling. It made for a slightly homey and slightly tragic feel for what Kingsgate could do to a couple of girls on there own,
“Rags?!?� Baby called out, worry staining her already strained voice. She stepped into the room proper, looking towards the doorway that lead to her room, since she hadn’t seen her sister yet.
“Emmy?� She heard a questioning and hopeful voice from through the doorway. She would have known that voice anywhere.
A girl appeared in the doorway. She is taller than Baby, though still slight of build. Her hair is bleached platinum blond and is very long, but the family resemblance is obvious. The girl’s blue eyes matched Baby’s perfectly. Her nose and heart shaped face mirror her shorter sister. Put about five years, a dye job and years of whoring on Baby and it would be like looking in a mirror.
“Emmy!� Rag’s cried out. Her trembling hands dropped the stun gun she had been holding incase it had been anyone other than her sister. Rags looked horrible, like she had been alternating between crying and using for days and she probably had since her sister didn’t come back and the gangs warehouse went up in flames. She wasn’t in “work� clothes. She was in a pair of faded purple sweats and a moth eaten, formally white knit sweater that she uses to keep off the chill. Her makeup wasn’t done and her hair looked ratty. The older girl flew across the room, almost bowling Baby over in a hug.
“AaaaaA!� Baby yelped in pain when Rags ran into her, but hugged her sister just as tight, not letting the girl pull away even though she tried at Baby‘s cry.
“Emmy, what happened?� The concern in her sisters voice and the relief of finding her alive was all Baby could take. She tucked her head into her sister’s shoulder and began to cry uncontrollably. Her sister held her head, as relieved as she was to her ,the concern had worked its way through the haze of Bliss that still course through the older girl’s veins. Rags glanced towards Nevada for some kind of explanation, but seeing none coming returned her attention back towards her distraught little sister.
Baby cried until it felt like there were no more tears left I her to cry. She didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t SAY anything. The shame she felt was to great. She pulled her head back slowly, her sisters sweater was wet from tears and snot, where her face had been. “Oh, sorry Rags.� She said, her voice still shaky, when she saw the mess she had made.
Her sister laughed. It was a sound Baby hadn’t heard in a while. “Don’t be silly Emmy.� She said, not pushing her earlier question. She likely figured Baby didn’t want to talk in front of Nevada. “Lets get you cleaned up, OK?� Concern still shown in Rag’s face and giving Baby time to clean up would give her time to sober up.
Baby nodded, she knew the sacrifice they were making, using some of their extra water for her to clean up, but she was a dirty, soiled, bloody mess and she wanted to wash away more that just the physical grime that clung to her. Before she could do that she needed her sister to know what their current situation was.
“Rags, we are moving. I know, I know, lets talk about it later.� She said trying to forestall the inevitable resistance Rags would put up. “The 8-Balls are gone and we ain’t safe here no more. We gotta split. I can hook us up with another gang, but tomorrow we are leaving.�
Her sister didn’t say anything. She wasn’t happy, but she was far more concerned for Baby than anything else at the moment. The Bliss wasn’t helping much either. “I’ll get the bath ready.� Was all her sister said, when she left for the other room.
Baby watched her sister go, then turned to look at Nevada. Her eyes were still bloodshot from the tears, but her voice had steadied.
“So what do you think we should do about getting the other girl’s here so we can get some rest?�
Mar 16 2008, 10:28 PM
16:55:29 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – 8-Balls turf, Baby's Doss
"Don't worry about that, I'll get that squared away. Go get cleaned up, convince your sister to come with us tomorrow, I'll worry about the girls."
She smiled a sort of sad half-smile in Baby's direction, a nod of her head a silent urging for the girl to go be with her sister. The emotional reunion between the sisters left a strange taste in her mouth. Jealousy was it? Not quite jealousy, but it did trigger questions in her mind over what it would be like to have someone related to her by blood and not by an oath or a promise or some whisper in the dark after sex...
It'd be a fragging nightmare, Jesus. One more liability, only person you can trust to have your back is you...
She shook her head as she watched the girl disappear into the bathroom and she watched the empty hallway for a moment before turning on her heel and heading back outside to attempt to get a better signal. She ducked out from underneath the tarps and remnants of fabric into the muddy courtyard as she pulled her commlink from her pocket and flipped it open, her fingers expertly firing off a text message.
<@Ink Hey pendejo... you got ears? New orders from the boss, double back to HQ with the doves and hand them over to me for the night. Give me a heads up when you're headed that way and we'll meet you there.>
She sent the message on a wing and a prayer. If she didn't hear back from Ink within the hour she'd try him again. She stayed out back of the doss as the fading sunlight gave way to the darker shadows of the night. The slight breeze brought a chill to her skin that worked its way to the bone that caused her to shiver visibly. She hoped Legion knew what he was doing bringing them back up into 'Pack turf and wondered how far the news had traveled already. She could almost see Tommie and Frosty doing a dance of joy once they found out... almost.
Mar 19 2008, 02:38 AM
16:41:10, Saturday, November 1st Outside old Hammerpack clubhouse
Thumper nodded his assent. Like so many times before he would announce his gang's presence while Grack reinforced it silently. He knew that no matter how smelly, how strange or how revolting Grack seemed, Grack was still his gangmate, his partner-in-crime and his brother. Grack took care of his own and Thumper was calmed by the fact that one of the things which went bump in the night was on his side.
He set off onto his turf watching with an experienced eye for a building that he could defend well. Something that had survived the war enough to be the Raven's new seat of power. Wandering through the eerily empty streets he was reminded of something he'd forgotten to tell Legion earlier. It gave him a faint chill that he had to say it so close to sunset.
<<@Legion: Didn't get you message earlier, but Grack and I are on it now. Be careful, I think the 162's have been scavenging our turf pretty heavily.
He continued wandering in force and looking for a new home.
Mar 20 2008, 12:47 AM
17:10:28 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – 8-Balls turf, Baby's Doss
Baby wasn’t one to take orders. When you were in a gang it was a constant push and shove of egos and posturing. Accepting an order from someone was putting yourself lower in the pecking order than they were and when you were a girl it was doubly tough to move up, but she didn’t get the idea that Nevada was posturing. Caring was too strong of a word. Maybe concern was what rang truest. Nevada seemed concerned for her. So instead of frontin’ Baby nodded.
“Thanks ‘vada.� She paused to take a deep breath. It hurt.
Baby walked through the open doorway to what was her room. It also served as the bathing room, wash room and kitchen. It was set up that way for convenience. Baby could get something to eat, when food was available, or wash clothes or whatever when Rags had a john or a jane over and not disturb them. A hole in the floor, in the corner of the room gave her a way in and out of the house without having to use the door. It also served as an emergency exit that thankfully the had never had to use.
Baby’s bed sat opposite the tub. It was a single mattress that sat on the floor. A couple of wooden boxes that held her clothes and possessions were stacked up to form some makeshift shelving. On top of the shelve was a plastic soda bottle with a long dead and very brittle rose sticking out of it. A number of pictures were stuck to the wall with nails and pins and whatever else she could find. They were faded and torn posters of bands and trid stars that Baby had collected. There was even a concert poster of Maria Mercurial that Rags had gotten her when she was nine.
Her sister was at the tub. It was old and rust stained in places, but it held water. Rags’s back was turned towards her as she emptied a plastic jug into the tub. Baby walked up to her and reached out to take her sister’s free hand. Once again they turned to hold each other tight.
“ I am sooo glad see you.� Baby said still elated to find Rags alive. “I didn’t know if you were at the warehouse when…� she couldn’t even say it. The thought that her sister could have been caught in the explosion chocked her up.
“I thought you were dead too.� Her sister replied. “I didn’t want to, but I knew that you wouldn’t leave me here alone unless you were gone.� She stroked Baby’s matted hair in an almost motherly way.
“Emmy, I don’t want to go. I don’t want you to get sent out again and never come back. I can’t loose my baby sister again. I’ll work more. It’ll be tight, but we can get by.�
Baby understood how she felt. She had felt the same way for so many years, watching her sister sell herself so they could survive. Never knowing if the next trick was going to beat her up so bad she would never recover. She wanted so much more for Rags, but it wasn’t ‘til she joined the 8-Balls that she ever dreamed she could do something about their situation.
She shook her head. “Even if you could, I couldn’t let you. Rags, I am a dead girl if I stay. Some gang is gonna make a move soon. They are going to want to erase anything that’s left of the 8-Balls, including me and probably you too. We don’t have a choice. Getting back here and finding you alive is gonna be a big fraggin’ waste if we get popped by some Heartbreaker looking’ to make an example outta someone. “ Baby sighed. “ I don’t wanna go either, but I don’t see that we really gotta choice Rags. Please come with me?�
Baby’s argument rang true and Rags knew it. Baby’s older sister wasn’t always the brightest girl, but she wasn’t the dumbest either. The writing was on the wall.
“Ok, Emmy…ok.� The older girl didn’t want to fight. She was too relieved to have her sister back. “Ok, we’ll go. Now I want you in that tub. Got it?�
Baby pulled away from her sister reluctantly and nodded her head, smiling her thanks to the girl. She reached her hands up to unzip her leather jacket, but when her hands touched the cold metal of the zipper she hesitated. Nudity had never been an issue before between her and her sister. They had been forced to bath together since…well since always, to conserve the precious little amount of water they had. That and quite frankly spending half of your life with your lone family member who’s occupation was whore, you get to know more about each other than you probably ever should.
They girl waited until her sister had turned to finish dumping the canister of water before she unzipped the jacket and dropped it onto her bed. Cram’s blood still stained her upper body and the numerous bite marks and abrasions had turned red and puffy. Some of them were showing signs of infection and would need to be cleaned and dressed. Baby unbuttoned her cargo pants and slipped out of the rough fabric. She nudged them out of the way with her left foot after kicking out of her sneakers.
A gasp and the rattle of a plastic jug hitting the floor startled her and she looked up at her sister to see what was the matter.
Rags was staring at Baby in shock and horror.
“Oh God Emmy,� She gasped at the sight of Baby’s bruised and battered body. It was more than obvious what had happened to Baby now. For the first time Baby felt the need to cover up in front of her sister and drew her arms up around herself as if it would somehow help. Her head dropped with her eyes, not wanting to see her sister look at her like that.
“Oh Emmy, I am so sorry. I didn’t understand.�
Mar 20 2008, 11:56 PM
17:40:28 Saturday, November 1, 2070 - 8-Balls turf, Baby's Doss
Baby sat on the edge of her bed, coming through her hair with one of her sister's combs. She had tossed her cargos in the tub after she was done and tried to clean them as well as she could. The blood had already set around the waistband and wasn't going to come out, but she had done her best. Now they were hanging up to dry. Baby had done what she could to clean the worst of her wounds, but doing so brought up memories of what had been done to her the past few days. They were vivid enough to make her sick to her stomach, so her dressings were loose and shoddy. Baby had put on a pair of Rags sweats. All of her clothes were hand me downs which ment she had a lot of halter tops, miniskirts and other "working" gear, mostly from her sister so when she wanted comfort she usually had to raid her sister's closet. Her shirt was her favorite: ribbed, pink, and maybe even cotton. It was low cut, like everything else that her sister handed down to her, but it looked more cute than slutty and that made her feel better. All she wanted to do was lay back, drop some Bliss and check out, but there was still things to be done and she wasn't the only one that looked like she was gonna drop. Nevada had looked like she hadn't slept for days. There was so much that had happened in just the two days Baby had been gone. Maybe Nevada had some answers.
She put Rags's comb back where she had found it and gingerly stood up to go find Nevada.
The girl was still outside. Baby pulled the tarp aside and leaned against the metal frame that made up the entry way.
"You look like shit. We don't you come inside and sit down." She said with a smile that was still slightly deformed from the swelling on her face and very bruised. "We can figure some of this shit out or just get tanked or somethin' while we wait."
Mar 21 2008, 04:25 AM
17:41:00 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – 8-Balls turf, Baby's Doss
"Aren't ya at least gonna buy me dinner first, before insulting me like that?"
The voice had startled her from her thoughts, but she didn't show any signs of jumpiness or unease. She carelessly flicked the cherry red ember attached to what was left of a cigarette into the dirt lot behind Baby's doss before she turned around and set her gaze on the girl beneath the tarps. Flicking open her commlink one last time she checked for any word from Ink before she went back beneath the tarps into the only slightly warmer recesses of the apartment.
"You clean up good kid. A little rest and you'll be as good as gold I'm sure. Besides, anything rest can't cure, the drugs certainly step up to the plate and fix."
She smiled that sly little half-smile as she followed Baby into what made up some kind of living area/lounge space inside their apartment. A sigh of frustration escapes her lips as she collapses into what used to pass for a recliner at some point and time.
"Still haven't heard from Ink, and it's getting late. Almost wondering if we shouldn't head back to the apartments or something. I'm sure as hell not going looking for his Cubano ass now, I don't have a fragging death wish tonight."
Mar 21 2008, 06:25 PM
17:41:00 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – Old Corsairs Turf
Ink stared at Nevada's message again. The chica pissed him off, alot. First she had buzzed him in the middle of what for him was flawless pistola whipping. Which made him lose focus for a second, which let the tweaker haul off and get his damn razors into Ink's side. Which now meant he was bleeding.
But back to the beginning.
The Cubano's initial plan to scout the old Corsairs turf had seemed like a good idea at the time. But then again so did building a subdivision near a nuclear reactor.
The Corsairs were not in evidence as Ink and Child cruised around their old turf. The whores had managed a few customers. The mouthy one had given a Blissful a quick alley fuck. But then the pinto had passed out and Ink had to dig through what seemed like a solid layer of grime to find even a small roll of scrip. Then the quiet one had managed to deep throat some ork, but then she got sick on the meta's jiz. The whiny one had gotten a solid doggy style fuck in and even managed to walk away from the pendejo. But then the asshole wanted another one and Ink had to smack the guy around to get him to go away.
Then came the fun part.
The mouthy whore had attracted some freaked out razor boi who had either twitchy wires or was on enough 'Kaze to buffalo a troll. But Ink had not wanted to go back on his orders that any biz was good biz.
The first part of the transaction seemed to go well but then the razor boy had started freaking out and wailling on the mouthy whore. Ink had to wade into the fray swinging his pistola. Which meant that the chica's commcall disturbed his rythm. Which was when the freak had caught him with those damn razors. So Ink had lashed out and doubled his efforts and the razor freak went down in a heap. When the scrap was over the mouthy whore had a busted lip and her back was torn up pretty bad.
Then Child had gotten a good look at Ink's side and the mouthy whore's back and the razor freak's head. And now the kid was puking his guts out.
The Cubano waited for the kid to finish.
"El Hefe says get home, so lets book."
He started shuffling his way home. Well at least he had made some dinero.
Mar 23 2008, 05:56 AM
17:42:05 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – 8-Balls turf, Baby's Doss
Baby returned Nevada's half smile with one of her own.
"Other than some Mr. Squidy's Krill o' Flakes and some soy bars tonight's dinner's a little light, but I got some Bliss and a couple of bottles of somethin' that resembles alcohol inside. We can kick some back and insult each other all night long if yah want."
The younger girl smiled an infectious almost kid-like smile when Nevada complimented her. She knew the 'Vada was just being nice, but every girl liked to think they were pretty. Baby flopped down on the couch opposite Nevada sat with a wince and pulled her legs up lotus style under her, with her hands in her lap. She frowned slightly at Nevada's news that she had yet to hear from Ink. She too didn't like the idea of searching for some ganger she didn't even know, out somewhere in Kingsgate after dark. Honestly she didn't want to go back to the apartments even, but she wasn't going to let Nevada go it alone.
"If you wanna go back, I'll get changed and grab my shit, but I'd much rather sit tight honestly."
Honestly she'd rather drop some Bliss and feel goooooooood for a while, but she figured that wasn't gonna happen 'til they got everyone back here safe.
'This just fraggin' sucks.'
Baby fidgeted a little. One of her dressings itched and she reached up subconciously to itch at her right side near her chest.
A question still nagged at her and she wanted to hear what Nevada's answer would be.
She hesitated. She knew she wanted to know, but hearing an answer would also make it more real.
"What happened to the rest of us?"
Mar 24 2008, 02:55 AM
17:43:27 Saturday, November 1, 2070 – 8-Balls turf, Baby's Doss
She had been ready to discuss their options about going to pick up the girls but it was like a bomb had been dropped in the small room of the apartment. All traces of a smile as well as what little colour on her cheeks disappeared the moment the question left Baby's lips.
She doesn't know?
It was one of those moments of uncomfortable silence that seemed to drag out forever, only this was made more uncomfortable because it was rare that Nevada didn't have a quick, sharp-tongued response for whatever was thrown on the table. She chewed on her lip as she had the unpleasant experience of reliving that night in shocking gory detail. She closed her eyes but the images didn't disappear and she could still see Caine's face in was had been left of the doorway. Opening her eyes she looked into Baby's and decided the girl had already delt with enough and didn't need the specifics played out in detail, straight forward answers were better than beating around the bush. Her voice was cold as she tried to divest herself of any emotions as she did her best to explain.
"The warehouse exploded."
She took a long pause and began to pat down her jacket for either her smokes or her gum, which ever she found first. It almost seemed that the three words were going to be her entire explanation, but once she popped a fresh piece of gum into her mouth and started to chew it persistently like a nun worked a rosary, she opened up a bit more.
"At first I thought it was Doc's fault, some kind of screw up in the lab but when I saw him with Legion, I figured that couldn't have been what happened. You know everyone else was in there right? I went out for food, you were on a run, and I guess Doc was out having a smoke. Everyone else...they didn't make it."
She ran her hand through her long raven hair and sighed heavily. She wasn't looking forward to sleeping already and the dreams it would likely bring, now she was dreading it even more. She would give nearly anything to be able to forget that night, almost anything at all.
"That answer your question for you?"