Jul 11 2007, 06:37 PM
Jul 11 2007, 07:19 PM
Ok, let's see:
CyberpunkBooks- Most of Pat Cadigan's books
- Dr Adder and Noir by K. W. Jeter
- Most of Jean-Marc Ligny's books (French author, might not have been translated)
Video Games- BloodNet : Cyberpunk + Vampires, maybe influenced by Shadowrun
- Blade Runner : adaptation from the movie
- Bureau 13
- Circuit's Edge : adaptation from Georges Alec Effinger's books
- Dreamweb : a very gritty game with an excellent mood. The book that came with the game is quite a good introduction to the game (and has some clues and explanations too)
- Johnny Mnemonic : A FMV. The story is quite similar to the movie adaptation, and the quality is about the same (with even less budget).
- Rise of the Dragon
- Shadowrun (MegaCD) : For japanese speakers only, with SR rules down to the dice rolls shown on screen.
InfluentialMoviesBooks- Raymond Chandler's books
- James Ellroy's books
- ... and Noir books in general, mix perfectly with Shadowrun.
- John Brunner's book. A bit too old to be considered Cyberpunk... Pre-cyberpunk, maybe ?
Jul 11 2007, 07:39 PM
Updated again! We have quite the list going!
Jul 11 2007, 08:10 PM
"The Stars, My Destination" by Alfred Bester. Rather like The Count of Monte Cristo in space.
Ignoring the teleporting, it's about a dystopian future ruled by corrupt governments and corporations, and a man who's sworn revenge upon them. He uses the technologies they use to oppress to fight against them.
Following that mold, I believe it's the first 'cyberpunk' novel ever written. 1954.
Jul 11 2007, 08:34 PM
Added! Thanks!
Jul 11 2007, 09:30 PM
I thought this was an interesting "the future is now" moment: William Gibson is promoting his latest book in cyberspace. He's going to be answering questions and reading from Spook Country in Second Life.
Jul 11 2007, 09:31 PM
QUOTE (TheMadDutchman) |
Check out Burn Notice. It's a new detective show on usa. It's about a freelance spy who gets cut off from the espionage game and has to find a way to make money while trying to find out what caused him to get burned.
I liked it. It's not exceptionally gritty but it was really nice for all the spy stuff in it. |
Plus, it has Bruce Campbell.
Jul 12 2007, 12:20 AM
Books by Richard Morgan |
The Takishi Kovacs series is pretty good cyberpunk (if not using exactly run of the mill tropes).
Jul 13 2007, 03:13 AM
Added Due South, Monk, and Psych - all detective TV shows. Very light hearted, but they all have an element of mystery and finding clues and that kind of thing.
Jul 13 2007, 11:25 PM
I feel kind of stupid for not having mentioned these before but John Ringo's Kildar books
Choosers of the Slain
Unto the Breach
They're pretty cool military action stories w/ a just a little sci-fi (it's more "high tech" than sci-fi)
Jul 14 2007, 01:09 AM
Lessee, looking over my netflix list, and ignoring the obvious...
Long Kiss Goodnight
Mad Max
The Jackal (gag)
The Usual Suspects
Streets of Fire (awesome movie, loved it)
Night Watch
Strange Days (another instant classic)
Dark Days
Jul 14 2007, 01:43 AM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
Streets of Fire (awesome movie, loved it) |
Everybody should be required to watch this movie!
Jul 14 2007, 01:56 AM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
Night Watch |
So, would that be
this film?
this one?
Or maybe this one
Or could it be
this one?
Or, although unlikely, might
this movie be the one to which you are referring?
Jul 14 2007, 03:03 AM
What about that tv series based off of bill's books, Tek War?
Jul 14 2007, 03:12 AM
Ooh... All the Night Watches look so good... Except for "Õudne öö ristlejal Lafayette". I think I can pass on that one.
(But I meant the first, and you know it!)
Jul 14 2007, 03:55 AM
There's a
sequel, as I'm sure you know ...
... and a
video game as well.
Jul 14 2007, 01:50 PM
I didn't see Wild Palms added. It even has Gibson in it.
Jul 14 2007, 05:44 PM
I'll dig up my list of books after some coffee, but I do have one submission off the top of my coffee-free brain...
Battle Angel Alita
Its a manga that actually picked up production again a few years ago. VERY CP, very gritty. It has its silly "anime" moments, but is a great comic otherwise.
Jul 18 2007, 08:23 AM
Live Free or Die Hard isn't a perfect fit, but it does have hackers, ineffective encryption, a Johnson who knocks off his freelancers to tie up loose ends, and most aptly of all, it has Mr. Lucky! (It is also a comedy of errors as the protagonist charges in with no plan, but the GM keeps fudging things in his favor anyway.) Edge is king!
Jul 19 2007, 05:19 AM
Anybody remember Freejack? I really don't see it on any Cyberpunk lists anywhere (Not even wikipedia), but I always thought it painted a pretty good CP Picture. ... Aside from the time travel bit lol
And it had BA Nuns too, which every SR game should have.
Oct 9 2007, 01:53 AM
You have the Blade Runner video game but not the Movie or the book it is based upon. Have you ever heard of Phillip K. Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.
Oct 9 2007, 01:55 AM
Ah, good point. I had completely forgotten that.
Oct 9 2007, 01:59 AM
QUOTE (Eleazar) |
You have the Blade Runner video game but not the Movie or the book it is based upon. |
The movie is second on the OP's list. The book he missed though.
Mr. Croup
Oct 9 2007, 08:24 AM
How about this bit of text:
The Cyborg HandbookGot a copy a year or two ago - it pretty much looks at every instance of anything analgous to cybertechnology in fiction and otherwise.
I can also suggest
Nemesis, not the most fantastic film in the world but it's pretty fun and has the first movie instance, i believe, of a skull gun.
Also, as an aside, hit The Register and search for Captain Cyborg for a laugh.
Zhan Shi
Oct 9 2007, 08:50 AM
Did'nt read the whole thread, so this may have been pointed out already. If you're a Bladerunner fan, prepare to be happy. On Dec. 18, a 25th Anniversary Edition of the movie is being released in several different formats, ranging in price from $80 to $20. As I understand it, all versions will have Ridley's "final" version, plus a "Making of" retrospective/documentary.
Oct 9 2007, 03:22 PM
I own Bladerunner. Honestly, I don't so much like it.
Also, adding The Cyborg Handbook and Nemesis
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