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Full Version: looking to play/willing to run..
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I gotta apologize for not making it yesterday either. I had a busy weekend, and came home to my wife at her wits end over our 19 month old. So I spent the evening with the kid while my wife got a much needed escape.

The game sort of completely left my mind until today. Sorry.
not a problem next week is in question as well. might be working on getting a date sunday evening... if so, sorry, but woman>gaming
I think I'm gonna have to duck out of this game because Research Methods 1 is apparently going to eat up damn near all of my time. I'd rather be a jerk and get out early on than try and play and be forced to withdraw later. It sucks. I was anticipating a lot of work but not A LOT of work. The kind of work that means I'll be marrying the library and cheating on it with online resources and basically having to eat, breathe, and sleep next to my group members. This in addition to text-heavy sociological theory. Yay for double suckage.
What's the word on tomorrow night's game?
the word is the gm cant get any tail, so unless the steelers game is on, and its a late game, we should be good to go
sorry i couldn't make it tonight.

but as you said, women>gaming
I'm going to be going to that XKCD meeting this weekend in Boston, but would you be terribly against having people eavesdrop on your game when it's running?
no i wouldnt, but im not honestly very sure how healthy of a game it is at this point biggrin.gif

im sorry guys, it seems like due to my lack of dedication and instistance of running this game i've let things go to the point that it seems like no one is really interested or has the time to run, so i think this one is dead as well..
I'm still interested in playing, and I'll be dedicated and reliable, once others are as well.

That's why I wasn't around tonight.
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