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You've used Tiger Spring and Airdance, along with Melee Weapons, so you've done all of your actions. At this point, you just take the damage like the hearty warrior you are and roll initiative. smile.gif

You could roll Aoid Blow vs an attack in the next combat round if you decided not to use TigerSpring or AirDance. Since they're not using BattleShout you don't have the -6 to your steps, so there's less need for Tiger Spring.
So Doc should not be subtracting that -5 for the Battle Shout then, right?
Oh, and Fisty ... it is that whole 'take the damage like a hearty warrior' part that I need help with. I thought I had made that clear. biggrin.gif
Edited my spoiler in the IC. smile.gif
Ol' Scratch
Oh, it doesn't carry over from round to round? ROCK ON. My guy's toast. Ungh ungh.
Add up the damage that youve taken:
Any armor defeating hits do the full damage listed
Any that DO NOT lsit as being Armor Defeating, subtract your armor from the dealt damage.

All the applied damage is subtracted from you Unconcious Rating

Any damage inflicted in ONE hit that is above your Wound Threshold inflicts a Wound.

Any Wounds inflicted also require a KnockDown Test as explained above

Tally up total damage sustained as well as and Wounds inflicted
Dude! I did all that like 3 days ago, and put it in the IC thread. I even mentioned my updated spoiler in this thread. biggrin.gif

Any damage inflicted in ONE hit that is above your Wound Threshold inflicts a Wound.

Above, or just equal?
Above or equal. It's a threashold.

Sorry, I'm trying to cahtch up after three days. I apparently hadn't been able to answer your questions with the short answers I gave before so I decided to answer at great length.
I sucked it up and actually read the damn book. biggrin.gif

Upshot is that Ugfin has 1 Wound (total), and lost 25 whatever points. So he doesn't yet have any penalties (assuming penalties only kick in after the next Wound, as you mentioned earlier).
Correct on Wounds.

25 off of his unconcious rating
So, is it clobberin' time yet? biggrin.gif
Well Plan B hasn't rolled her init, but you're certainly beaten the trolls, so go ahead and take your action
Ol' Scratch
Ha-ha, the big warrior got hit. <dances around with Shal'hari doing the "completely unscathed" dance; it's all the rage in Bartertown>
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Well Plan B hasn't rolled her init, but you're certainly beaten the trolls, so go ahead and take your action

Two attacks this time? How does the timing work on this?
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein)
Ha-ha, the big warrior got hit. <dances around with Shal'hari doing the "completely unscathed" dance; it's all the rage in Bartertown>

That's because the big warrior was actually doing somewhat more than just dancing around with Shal'hari doing the "completely unscathed" dance. biggrin.gif
Ol' Scratch
I don't think you can use Melee Weapons twice in one round. If an action has "Y" under "Action," like Melee Weapons does, that's the only one like that you can use during a round. Anything else you do, up to a grand total of three talents per round, has to have an "Action: N" indicator.

That's what I was told at any rate.
Ol' Scratch
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein @ Sep 27 2007, 11:10 AM)
Ha-ha, the big warrior got hit.  <dances around with Shal'hari doing the "completely unscathed" dance; it's all the rage in Bartertown>

That's because the big warrior was actually doing somewhat more than just dancing around with Shal'hari doing the "completely unscathed" dance. biggrin.gif

How much damage did you do again? Some people are just sexy enough to do BOTH, thank you very much. <glances at the nails on his left hand as he lazily parries his troll>
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein)
I don't think you can use Melee Weapons twice in one round.

If you more than double your opponent's initiative, you get a 'free' attack ... or at least that's what I read.
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein)
How much damage did you do again? Some people are just sexy enough to do BOTH, thank you very much.

More than you. I guess some people can't do either. biggrin.gif
Ol' Scratch
Oh ho. I see how you is. Keep that up and I think a duel'll be in order! En garde!
A duel? A dance-off would be more fitting, in your case. biggrin.gif
Ol' Scratch
Where's the sporting challenge in that? Honestly.
That's the point. At least in a dance-off you'd have a really good chance of being effective. wink.gif
Ol' Scratch
<stabs you in the face> <claims victory>
Is that how Taunt is supposed to work? If that's the case, I wouldn't be using it in a critical situation if I were you. wink.gif
Ol' Scratch
Shut up, you're dead. La la la.
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein @ Sep 27 2007, 11:15 AM)
I don't think you can use Melee Weapons twice in one round.

If you more than double your opponent's initiative, you get a 'free' attack ... or at least that's what I read.

Correct , you get two Melee Weapons attacks because you doubled his INitiative using the Air Dance Talent
Bonus! biggrin.gif
ALright Fortune, since I've already been discussing this with Plan B, I should let you in on it. I'm going to bring in soe folks from the other ED game that I've had going for a while now. THe players are Alex and Grinder. Some die hards with soem consitency, which is what we need. You good to pick this back and up and run with it?
But ... I just deleted all my Earthdawn stuff ... again! eek.gif
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