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This is the OOC thread for the Earthdawn based game Chamber of the Ages.
Players currently are : Plan B, Doctor Funkenstein, Fortune ,laiced

Game is currently full.

Chamber of the Ages is an Earthdawn game based in the Barsaive region investigating ancient sites, and forgotten threats. As with many Earthdawn campaigns, the game features rediscovery of forgotten places and relics, lost to the ages by the Scourge, and NameGiver's desires to keep secrets.

All PC character sheets will be listed by the GM in the beginning of the OOC thread. All changes will be submitted to the GM.

Doc Funk - Rezarion - Human Swordmaster
Plan B - Shal'hari - Windling Nethermancer
Fortune - Ugfin Darnal - Human Warrior
Step Dice

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Combat Options pg. 200 ED Core 1st edition

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Talent Rank Increase pg 221

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Attribute Increase Table
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Circle advancement
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Reserved for NPC Cast and Places listings
Shal'hari of Clan Lisvara
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Reserved for Doctor Funkenstein's Character
Ugfin Darnal
[ Spoiler ]
Reserved for laecid's Character
Thread is open for OOC posts and general chatter. As a note, NerfHerder will hopefully be joining us with his Troll beastmaster, assuming he can get his computer off the blue screen of death.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
assuming he can get his computer off the blue screen of death.

Lady Door


(Bad karma to those who don't get the reference.)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Thread is open for OOC posts and general chatter.

Ooooo, I can't wait to meet him. Does he have lots of shiny medals? biggrin.gif
OK, now that we have all touched base and have some inkling of what is going on, and who everyone is, here's the next step.

For the sake of moving the game along, and my own sanity (see how selfish I am?) we are goign to start under the assumption that you all know each other, have all worked together, are effectively a working group. It's up to you if you want to make an actual Group.

As in, wether or not you want to bind your patterns together to form a Group bond to boost each other's abilities. IF so, I'll start you off at a Group Rank of 2 for free. If anyone isn't familar with that, the rules are in the Earthdawn Companion, or you can ask me. I'll save my fingers some typing incase everyone does already know how that all works (see how lazy I am?).

You'll have been working together for the last year. You're not all super compatible, but at this point, likely woudl have realized that's where your strength lays. You're all different, and so compliment each other's weak points. That, and the windling has discovered by now that obsidimen are very stable riding platforms.

So everyone read up on your races, so that you have an idea of how our race generally regards the other races represented in your group. Doc Funk is done, Plan B is done, Fortune is polishing off the last little sharp,shiny bits on his character, and laecid and I wll be chatting soon to work out the last little wrinkles. So if anyne has any questions/comments about forming the Group, please voice them.
Ol' Scratch
The idea of a Group sounds great to me, though I was left with a few concerns and questions about all of it after reading the Earthdawn Companion.
  1. What exactly is meant by "leaving the group?" The way it reads, it almost implies that if you just leave the general vicinity of one another or decide to take a bit of a holiday, your threads become unraveled.
  2. I couldn't quite figure out what the actual benefits were beyond the creation of a minor pattern item. How does this bond strengthen us more than any other minor item would? How does it bring and keep us together?
  3. There was a lot of talk about using the Thread Weaving talent, which has a minimum requirement of Thirteenth Circle to learn. Does being in a Group get around this requirement? Can you improve the Group's rating (I guess is what you would call it) without it? EDIT: Duh. Sorry, I got this confused with the Talent Pattern required for weaving talents. <sheepish>
Beyond those questions, I really liked the concept behind Groups. Will be fun trying to get all of us to agree on a Name and symbol for it, too. biggrin.gif
What exactly is meant by "leaving the group?" The way it reads, it almost implies that if you just leave the general vicinity of one another or decide to take a bit of a holiday, your threads become unraveled.

Similar to leaving a Magical Group in Shadowrun. Not being in the vicinity has nothing to do with it, so no worries there. More like, if you decide to no longer be associated with them. Like breaking up the band.

I couldn't quite figure out what the actual benefits were beyond the creation of a minor pattern item. How does this bond strengthen us more than any other minor item would? How does it bring and keep us together?

This gets in to the nature of how patterns and pattern items work. I have smoe more time to explain now than before, so I will.

When you have someone's pattern item, you can weave threads to it, and gain power over them. For those that know how, you can use it to do ritual sorcery like in shadowrun. But that's much less common. Recall that most PCs in ED are adepts like in SR, and have found their own ways to use patten items.

And adept can weave a thread to someone else's pattern item to gain strength over them. They can, in game terms make their talents more effective against their opponent, make the opponents talents less effective against the adept, raise their Defense ratings agsint the opponent, or make the Opponents Defense ratings lower against their abilities.

Group Pattersn work of this same sort of magic, but backwards. With a Group Pattern, each member creates a Pattern Item relevant both to themselves, and the group. An archer for example could have his quiver be his pattern item. Relevant because it's an important item for his discipline, and symbolic to holding together the group (group of arrows, group of adetps, blah blah blah).

Once that step is complete, the adepts in the group are able to bind threads to each other's items creatng a weave that forms the group. The Group MUST have a name and a symbol of the group. Once the threads are woven the adepts can each choose to weave threads to:
1 Talent
A Defense rating (Physical, Spell, or Social
Wound Threshold
Mystic Armor

The chioce is permanent as long as the Group Pattern remains. The thread ranks must be paid for with Legend points, up to a maximum of 5 ranks (+5).

Ol' Scratch
That answered my questions, thanks. biggrin.gif

Assuming everyone else agrees with this being a good idea, I had a fun suggestion for a group name based upon a discussion I had with Plan B a few days ago. Just because it sounded kind of cool as much as it would [smurf] with the whole naming tradition in Earthdawn: The Company of the Unnamed. Or something similar, such as the Unnamed Heroes of Barsaive or the Band of the Nameless. You get the idea! rotfl.gif If nothing else, it'll help us start the discussion on something more appropriate, I hope.
Works for me. I have no problems with that kind of thing.
Lady Door
I'm totally for 'The Company of the Unnamed'.... suitably ominous for the Nethermancer. It's not at as cheery as calling us a 'Band'. *shudder* ... or worse. something so filled with sweetness and light as to call us 'Heroes'. Ugh.
Ol' Scratch
Looks like we apparently agreed on that for a name, so I suppose we should start deciding on what our symbol will be as well as working on the pattern item itself, hmm?

A masquerade mask was my first serious idea for a symbol, preceded by a much more silly idea of a giant question mark (you know, Riddler style) as well as a total lack of a symbol. The masquerade mask aside, I couldn't think of anything else that was really suitable. Would love to hear if anyone else has any ideas for a symbol.
Lack of a symbol would not work. And I'd slap someone on the question mark thing. nyahnyah.gif
Wouldn't something simple like a blank shield work?
Lady Door
My vote is for the masks. love.gif It's sooo gothic and Nethermantic... and I'm sure it would look cool on you other guys as well. biggrin.gif
Ol' Scratch
Psh! Doesn't have to be a real mask if we do go that route. A symbolic one would work just as well. A mask, a hat, a bandana, a shield with a mask engraved on it, etc.
Are we not talking about two different things here?

#1 is a Group Symbol (shield / mask / hat / whatever)

#2 is an individual item from everyone, that does not necessarily have to be the group symbol (although it probably should be incorporated somehow) that represent each of us (arrow from an Archer, tether from a beastmaster, wand from a mage, etc).

If not, then I definitely read something the wrong way somewhere.
They are differnet things. THey're looking to combine them to make it more interesting/meaningful.
Ol' Scratch
Yes, two separate things. smile.gif I think Iaecid still had some concern about the Group Name as well; he mentioned he only included it in his original post for flavor purposes and was going to change it if we decided on something else.

Basically, we haven't really settled on anything. From what I understand, we simply have to agree on what our Group Name and our Group Symbol is. The individual item we use is entirely up to each of us as long as it in some way represents both the Group and the Individual and bears the Group Symbol in some fashion.

How about we each just throw down a post right now with some ideas we like. Then, after we've all chimed in, we can vote either publically or privately through PMs/IMs with Fistandantilus. Sound good? If so, I'll go ahead and start.

Group Name: The Nameless, the Company of the Unnamed.
Group Symbol: Stylized Masquerade Mask.
Ok, I get it. smile.gif

Group Name: I'm good with either of Doc's, or The Company of Unnamed Namegivers

Group Symbol: Blank white shield
FYi - the reason the Purifier flips out is in fact many.

First, for a group of NameGivers that are not obsidimen to be at a gathering , especiallywith an Elder, is very rare, and a high honor.

Second, the Elders are second only to the liferock. An obsidiman will not tolerate any kind of slight to his liferock. Not even the MOST patient of them.

A Purifier is a zealot obsidiman. More obsidi-man than you-man.

Of course, your PCs don't necessarily know that.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Of course, your PCs don't necessarily know that.

Something they have to find out the hard way. biggrin.gif
Ol' Scratch
All I know is that at times like this, I'm glad Rezarion can turn into a raven. <innocent look in that totally "in no way would I abandon you all to save my own hide" way>
Dramatic pause or what ...
QUOTE (Grinder)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Aug 14 2007, 07:46 AM)
Of course, your PCs don't necessarily know that.

Something they have to find out the hard way. biggrin.gif

Some of the best lessons are learned the hard way. Feel free to keep lurking and playing the peanut gallery. smile.gif
Okay, so I have totally screwed us right out of the bad. I do not, however, feel that it was out of character for Sabatuu though; he will regret but not understand why his actions have ended in such results...not now anyways.

As I said the last time on MSN, I will be gone from tonight until Sunday afternoon, so feel free to post plots on how to ditch/kill/set me up for something nasty and I will post as soon as possible when I get back from camping.
QUOTE (laiced)
Okay, so I have totally screwed us right out of the bad.

Nah, don't sweat it. smile.gif
No the game isn't screwed. Just because things are complicated doesn't mean it's a Bad Thing. I think it's makes it mroe interesting personally.

As for the OathBreaking thing, thats from attacking a member of your Group. It breaks the oath of BloodPeace that's sworn when a group is formed. Look at it this way; you were all trying to figure out how the group dynamic formed in the first place. Now you have another chance to actually do it, and something that adds quite a bit of character to Sabattu. Like a troll Outcast, but not quite as bad.

And I don't think that you played it wrong at all.
I figured I'd leave setting up a campsite in your capable hands, Fisty. After all, you have to actually do something in this game. biggrin.gif wink.gif
Hey Plan B, do you always get let off easy for leaving your sig in Fistmeister's IC threads? wink.gif nyahnyah.gif biggrin.gif
Lady Door
Yep. nyahnyah.gif
Ol' Scratch
Pfft. Fistandantilus does it himself. Hypocrisy in full swing! Down with the man! <pitchforks and torches>
I forget the sig all the time , and really dont' give a crap. I only edit it on other people's games because it apparently bothers others.
Ol' Scratch
Always with the excuses.
That's my line!
Ol' Scratch
Quit trying to steal my thunder.
For those of you familiar enough with the ED setting, these events are taking place before the events of Prelude to a War. The point will make sense eventually. vegm.gif
Will that make any real difference to me?
Oh not right now. There's still a dragon there.
We're all drag'n our heels.
*groans at bad pun*

Then gives Fortune 50 LP for the bad joke
Ol' Scratch
Is Prelude to a War when Vestrivian is alleged to have become horror-tainted, or is that part of the legend before hand?
Bah, Prelude is one of the few supps that I do not have.
Is Prelude to a War when Vestrivian is alleged to have become horror-tainted, or is that part of the legend before hand?

Before. Barsaive at War is more applicable, becuase that's when he flies in to a horror cloud and supposedly dies. But you know what they say about never finding a body ....

I sited Prelude more for Timeline relevence. It kicks off a lot of things in Barsaive, including the reformation of Cara Fahd.

And Laecid, I very much recommend getting it. Awesome book. On top of everything else in it (literally) the cover is done by Brom. I wish they could get him to do another SR cover.

Legend Points to who ever can tell me which SR book Brom did a cover for besides Harlequin's Back.
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