Section 3 (Commander: Captain Vanessa L. Haney [former CASN SEAL/DEVGRU/CAG commander]
Bravo Team Roster:
Team Leader: Lt. Colonel John Singleton Mosby (HUMINT Specialist) [Cthulhudreams]
[ Spoiler ]
Lieutenant Colonel John Singleton Mosby
Race: Human
Age: 41 Born: 2030
Marital Status: Single
Appearance: Mosby is slightly above average height, his gaunt cheeks and lean build belying his tough physique and powerful build. Sandy brown hair is usually kept short over an almost boyish face, but his piecing blue eyes are alive with colour and wit - and the crows feet show his true age. When he was younger he was described as almost sickly, a skinny gangly kid, but 24 years of hard army labour have made him hard, tanned and wiry.
In the field he is belabored with the infantry commanders' lot - armour, ammo, communications gear, maps, more comms gear and weaponry that requires two backs and 4 hands. On duty he is another similar face amongst the horde of US army officers clad in well worn battledress. Mosby almost always chooses to omit all the authorized tags and medals except for his ranger tab and rank insignia. His youthful appearance makes a stark contrast to his Lt Colonel rank.
When on covert operations he is usually tasked with corporate wheeling and dealings due to his academic background and knowledge of finance. As such he does his best to fit in, favoring smartly tailored suits, pocket squares and french cuffs. He regrettably leaves behind his well worn black physical training uniform behind him too.
Personality: Mosby is married to the regiment in every sense of the word – especially if you listen to any of the endless string of ex partners. He lives and breathes the army and the regiment. Smart, intelligent and gifted with a sharp and sarcastic wit, he enjoys the company of other people, particularly orks. A pan humanist, he despises the corporate plague running over the country, and is a strong UCAS/CAS unionist, preferring to see the entire continent united under one government rather than the patchwork of today. He knows that this is a dangerous sentiment post the new revolution, and keeps his mouth shut, except maybe over a few beers in the mess.
Parents: Working class Irish American decent living in the south. Dad, Alfred is a lone star beat cop, mother, Virginia, is a teacher. Has 2 brothers - he is the oldest. Still sees them every Christmas and more often than that if he can manage it, depends on posting. One of his brothers joined lone star and the other became a catholic priest. John is resolutely atheistic and they playfully spar regularly.
It was expected he would become a cop and follow in his fathers footsteps, but John despises the corporately driven world of today and thinks that the country is selling (has sold out?) - he refers to at as the 'land that regulation has forgot' Lacking other choices, and aware that his families finances where unlikely to stretch to putting three kids through college, John applied for and received a full paying scholarship to join the CAS Marine Corps at the Citadel Officer Training School.
John was an exceptional academic student at the Citadel, but was discovered to suffer from seasickness that would not respond to medication and shunned by the marines. As a result he never had a chance to flourish as a leader, only achieving a regimental staff position in his final year. As graduation approached he applied for and was granted the opportunity to graduate into the US Army - his application revised by an aging Orc, Col. Willian J. Robertson. The Colonel recognized the potential in the young man and encouraged him in the meeting to apply for further training at the Airborne school with an eye to being commissioned into the Colonel's beloved rangers down the line. Lacking a clearer direction, John accepted the proffered invitation and never looked back.
Graduation: Age 21. Year 2051
With the colonel's mentoring and tutelage John flowered at the Airborne school, graduating top of his class - then immediately volunteering for and enrolling in the Ranger school. John was one of the few students to pass in a single attempt - with top scores on every piece of assessment. One of the most formidable candidates produced by the schooling, and with Robertson's backing (and behind the screens string pulling!) he was inducted into the advanced electronic warfare college, becoming one of the first people to receive neural bioware in the CAS army, again graduating with flying colours and taking the posting of lieutenant in the 75th Ranger Regiment.
Welcome to the Rangers Son. Rank: Lieutenant. Year: 2052
Given his first commission commanding a platoon of rangers – Second Pltn, 2nd company, 2nd battalion, Mosby is soon in the thick of it. Initially pitted against heavily armed cross border smuggling operations in the south, and then subsequently against Bug hives in universal brotherhood compounds. The laconic Mosby quickly established himself as a quick thinking intelligent commander capable of leading complex operations, distinguishing himself in dozens of small unit actions. Mosby's quick wit, intelligent leadership and can do attitude quickly wins the respect, if not the adoration, of his men. More importantly he established a firm friendship with his dwarven senior Sergent, one Thomas Overby. Mosby is then promoted and assigned to command of the battalion intelligence section, developing and running intel ops, mostly against bug hives. At the end of their tour of duty Thomas and Mosby entered the 'best ranger' contest and won – the first of two victories for the unlikely duo.
Military Intel College Rank: Captain Year: 2055 Posting: US Military Intelligence College
Mosby enters the military intel college, and receiving intensive tuition in HUMINT and ELINT operations, counter intelligence and other skills required to augment his impressive natural technical and personal skill set.
Welcome to Hell! Rank: Captain Year: 2056-2059 Posting: Yucatan Special Assistance Force.
After being posted into the intelligence college and another round of biological augmentation, Mosby is then tagged by the Special Activities Division of the Strategic Intelligence Branch as a highly promising candidate, and assigned to special duties. This gives him first taste of covert action, and blood in his mouth. Mosby is dispatched as part of a team of 'military advisors' to the Yucatan rebels, both in a training and leadership role for the rebels as well as leading small teams of special operations forces against the Azzies. More than enough blood and mosquitoes to last him a lifetime, John was further soured him against the corporate juggernauts that rule today's world in this hellish warzone. After three years in the weeds he is posted back to the 75th regiment and assigned command of his old company. While waiting for the command to be handed over John completes his special forces training and enters the 'Best Ranger' contest with his old friend Overby. Another victory eludes them, but it's a damn close run thing.
Rangers Lead the Way! Rank: Captain Year: 2059, Posting: Commander, 2nd Ranger Company, 2nd Ranger Battalion.
John's command is again marked with bloody violence, but this time against his own citizens. Engaged in SURGE riot suppression in the year of the comet, the situation deteriorates rapidly out of control and John leads his men against zombies, magicians, and leads the way into the Aztlan controlled sector of Denver after the destruction wrought by Ghostwalker.
A New Revolution for a United States of America! Rank: Major Year: 2063-2065
Assigned to the Consular Operations Division, Mosby is assigned to infiltrate the New Revolution movement, posing as a sympathizer who wants to see the UCAS/CAS reunited.
This isn't a particular hard act to carry as he really does want to see the states reunited. Mosby teeters on the brink – with many other ConsOps personnel - and nearly betrays everything he stands for to throw his lot in with the New Revolution – until he discovers the full details of some of the less than savoury people behind it. Mosby was then engaged in the brutal suppression of the movement in a variety of counter insurgency actions including covert assassinations via monowire of key figures and all out open MOUT actions with heavy weaponry.
Remembering this period of his life fills him with sadness and nightmares. He agreed with the goal of the movement and nearly betrayed his country for a pack of anti meta human bastards. On top of that he was strangling his countrymen in the dead of night. Not his finest moment.
Mosby the Scholar Staff College Rank: Major Year: 2065
Mosby tried to put the last engagement with the ConsOps crew behind him, entering the staff college and re kindling his long standing interest in economics, starting his PhD at the same time.
Mosby flies again! Rank: Major Year: 2066-2069
Assigned back to his beloved rangers as the Military intelligence officer of the special troops section, Mosby completes a masters of military studies began at staff college, majoring in network centric warfare. His thesis on the evolution of networked warfare in 2080s is read with interest and added as recommended reading to the staff college curriculum. His PhD thesis on regulation of megacorporate markets garners some interest, drawing favorable comment and a few awards from fringe 'left' groups, but is mostly ignored by the academic community.
On the action front Mosby is involved in convert boarder operations against the Aztlan, short sharp and vicious fighting punctuated by long periods of waiting (or, in his case, feverish writing). As his tour of duty draws to an end he enters the best ranger competition again with now sergeant major companion and mentor Overby. The duo went on to win again – Overby's last entrance before his retirement
Master and Commander Rank: Lt Colonel 2069-June 2071
Mosby achieves the rank of Lt. Colonel, but is displeased when he is posted back to ConsOps for further operations, yearning to be back with the Rangers. However, he throws himself into the work, reveling the variety and close knit command.
Name: John Singleton Mosby
Race: Human
Physical Attributes
Body 4 / 9
Agility 9 / 9 (Muscle and thyroid)
Reaction 9 / 9 (synpatic boosters and thyroid)
Strength 3 / 9
Charisma 9 / 9 (augmented via pheromones, got the bonus here because there is no point in not doing so as I am not awakened)
Intuition 5 / 9
Logic 9 / 9 (augmented via cerebral boosters, got the bonus here because there is no point in not doing so as I am not awakened)
Willpower 3 / 9
Edge 4 / 7
Ninja Skills
Athletics (Group) 5
Outdoors (Group) 4
Cracking (Group) 6
Electronics (Group) 4
Firearms (Group) 5
Influence (Group) 5
Stealth (Group) 5
Parachuting 3
Pilot Aircraft 3
Pilot Ground Craft 3
Gunnery 3
Unarmed Combat 4
Exotic Melee (Monowhip) 6
Biotechnology 4
Perception 4
Throwing 1
Exotic Ranged Weapon (Squirt Gun) 1
Knowledge Skills
AC: Economics 6
AC: Military Intelligence 5
SW:Megacorporate Politics 2
IN:Tir Tairngire Politics 2
IN:CAS Politics 3
IN:UCAS Politics 3
IN:Aztlan Politics 4
IN: Terrorist Organisations 2
IN: Small Unit Tactics 3
English N
Spanish 4
Japanese 3
Type O System
Incompetent (Boats)
Synaptic Booster (1-3) 3
Cerebral Booster (1-3) 3
Skillwire (1-6) 6 Alpha
Muscle Toner (1-4) 4 Delta
Tailored Pheromones (1-3) 3 Delta
Synthacardium (1-3) 3 Delta
Suprathyroid Gland Delta
Orthoskin Tier III Delta
Control Rig Alpha
Datajack Alpha
Alphaware eyes with
Low-Light Vision
Thermographic Vision
Vision Enhancment (1-3) 3
Vision Magnification
Alphaware Ears with
Audio Enhancer (1-3) 3
Spatial Recongnizer
Investigative/Criminal Specialist: Vincent Byrne (Former FBI HRT/Special Agent) [Mr. Juan]
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Vincent Byrne
Vincent was born in 2034, in a comfy and rather quiet Atlanta suburb. There, he had a very happy and decent upbringing, growing up amongst five other brothers, all older than him, under the watchful eyes of their Atlanta PD dad, and loving attention of their mother.
Vicent is from a long line of law enforcement. Everyone is the family is either working, or has worked, in law enforcement, from the beat cop with a nightstick, to the MP, to the private security guard. Sure, some have had less glamorous career, but thats how life goes.
Throughout his childhood, Vincent was always considered to be a very bright kid, yet a bit too goofy for his own good from time to time. Finishing up high school with a perfect GPA, Vincent went off to study abroad, in the UK, at Oxford, where he got, in record time, a Master degree in Experimental Psychology.
Coming back to the CAS, Vincent immediately applied with the FBI and began his training. Showing great promise in criminal profiling, Vincent was attached to the Violent Crime Division when he was still a trainee, and worked on numerous serial killer cases. But serial killers being a slightly rare occurrence, Vincent wasn't quite satisfied with that. He needed more challenge. He wanted to help more. After working Violent Crimes for 2 years, he did a brief stint as part of the FBI's Kidnapping task force, for about 2 years, and was then off to Organized Crime for 5 years. All the while, Vincent had found himself attached to the local field office on-call SWAT team, seeing very little action as the big boys from HRT always got all the glory. At this point, Vincent had been not only been with the FBI for a good 10 years, but had always had a brilliant career and spotless track record. Now pushing 30, Vincent decided to finally make the jump to HRT... where he got laughed at. Sure, being 30 didn't make him old. Not at all. Special Agents, after all, could apply until they were 36. But most of HRT's members were in their mid 20ies. Mostly career SWAT guys or ex-military. Now was coming along this Oxford bred psychologist who wanted to play with the big boys. Well, Vincent showed them. Just like he had in all of his previous assignment, he excelled at his new job.
During his second year working for the Psychological Profiling Unit, Vincent met a rather charming Administrative Assistant named Helen. Although both very dedicated to their respective job and career, they both hit it off quickly, and married only a few months after having met. The next year, Vincent's son, Mathew, was born. At this point, Helen started to look for something stable. Vincent, although a loving father and caring husband, was far from ready to cut down on his work load. As Helen seemed to spend more and more time at home, Vincent spent more and more time at work. By the time he had joined HRT, things had deteriorated to a point where, on an almost monthly basis, Helen threatened to leave him if he didn't start being more than just a stranger. Since then, on the family side of things, all has been going downhill. Helen has simply abandoned trying to reach out to her work obsessed husband, and both kids barely know their own father.
Then came the Consular Operations. A new challenge for Vincent.
But now, after only two years, Vincent is starting to wake up. Maybe it's because he's now pushing forty; maybe it's because his kids are all grown up and he barely knows them. Maybe it's because he's starting to feel tired. But one thing is sure, Vincent has now come to realize that no matter how much success he's had in his professional life, his personal one is in ruin. He has a beautiful wife who doesn't even speak to him anymore, and two now almost teenagers who almost never look at him and call him "sir". So, for the first time in his whole life, Vincent feels like he has failed... but that he might still have the time to fix things.
Vincent Byrne now wants out of the most prestigious job he's ever had. He wants out so he can get his life together and not fail his two most important assignments; father and husband.
Now, all he has to do is one last op. Just one last case and he can retire to some cushy desk job back at the FBI. Maybe get a dog for the kids....
Vincent Byrn
DOB: January 17, 2034
2052-2056, Master in Experimental Psychology, Oxford University, UK
2056-2058, Violent Crimes, Psychological Profiling Unit, Houston FBI Field Office, CAS
2058, Meets and marry Helen Cooper
2059, Son, Mathew Byrne, is born
2058-2060, Violent Crimes, Crimes Agaisnt Children, Kidnapping Taskfroce, Houston FBI Field Office, CAS
2062, Daughter, Ariel Byrne, is born
2060-2065, Organized Crime, Atlanta FBI Field Office, CAS
2065-2070, HRT, Atlanta FBI Field Office, CAS
*2065-2066 Assaulter
*2066-2070 Team Leader
2070-2072, Consular Operations
Name: Vincent Byrne
Race: Human
Age: 38
Total BP: 600
Attributes (295 + 20 = 315BP)
Body 1+3 4 30
Agility 1+3 4 (6) 30
Reaction 1+4 5 (7) 40
Strength 1+2 3 (5) 20
Charisma 1+4 5 40
Intuition 1+5 6 (9) 65
Logic 1+4 5 40
Willpower 1+3 4 30
Edge 2+2 20
Magic 0
Essence 2.675
# of IP: 3
Qualities (10 BP)
Photographic Memory 10
Active Skills (188BP+35)
Athletics Skill Group (Climbing, Gymnastics, Running, Swimming) 4 20
Firearms Skill Group (Automatics, Longarms, Pistols) 5 25
Influence Skill Group (Con, Etiquette, Leadership, Negotiation) 5 25
Navigation 3 6
Disguise 3 6
Infiltration (Urban) 4+1 9
Shadowing 5+1 10
Locksmith 2 4
Throwing Weapons (Grenades) 4 9
Dodge 3+1 6
Pilot Ground Craft (car) 3+1 7
Intimidation (Interrogation) 5+1 11
Perception 6+1 12
Armorer 2 4
Computer 2+1 4
Data Search 2+2 4
First Aid 2+1 4
Unarmed Combat (Subduing) 4 9
Clubs (Batons) 4 9
Hardware 2+1 4
Knowledge Skills (33 free bp + 17bp)
Psychology 6+1
Criminal Profiling 5+1
Serial Killers 4+1
Kidnapping Techniques 5
FBI Procedures 5
HRT Tactics 5+1
Crime Scene Investigation 4
Radical Groups 3+1
Mafia Politics 5
Mafia History 4
Underworld Politics 4
Ghost Cartel Politics +4
Languages (11 bp)
English N
Italian 4
Russian 4
Spanish: 4
French: 3
Ressources 59 bp = 413 000
412 500 spent
500 leftover
*Commlink (Fairlight Caliban) Alphaware 0.16 20 000
- Software (Novatech Navi) 1 500
*Datajack (Betaware) 0.07 4000
*Cybereyes Basic System Rating 2 0.24 13 000
-Eye Recording Unit*
-Image link*
-Flare Compensation
-Vision Enhancement 2
-Low Light
*Cyberears Rating 2 0.24 20 000
-Audio Enhancement 3
-Ear Recording Unit
-Sound Link
-Select Sound Filter 4
*Bonelacing (Kevlar) (Alphaware) 0.8 20 000
*Attention Coprocessor Rating 3 (Alphaware) 0.24 18 000
*Muscle Augmentation 2 (Alpha) 0.32 28 000
*Muscle Toner 2 (Alpha) 0.32 32 000
*Synthacardium 2 Reg 0.16 40 000
*Sleep Regulator Reg 0.15 10 000
*Synaptic Booster 2 Reg 1 160 000
*Hyper-Glucagon 0.1 20 000 x2 fatigue
*Qualia 0.4 25 000 +1 Intuition Linked
Total: 3.325
Cybereyes and Cyberears Upgraded
Sleep Regulator
Attention Coprocessor
Muscle Augmentation
Muscle Toner
Synaptic Booster
EW/Remote Ops specialist: Chief Warrant Office Nick Rozhenko (EW/Rigger/Pilot) [Doc Funk]
[ Spoiler ]
Military Tactical and Reconnaissance Rigger
Real Name: CW5 Nikolai "Nick" Rozhenko
Rank/Branch: Chief Warrant Officer, CAS Army (Airborne)
Origins: April 15th, 2033 in Norfolk, VA
Race: Ork, Male, Anglo-Russian bloodline
Stats: 1.9 meters, 128 kilos, 38 years, Black hair, Titanium eyes
Personality Profiles: INTP - The Thinker (Meyer-Briggs Profile); Aries (Western Zodiac); Year
of the Ox (Chinese Zodiac); Willow-Maple - Combative Angel (Druidic Ogham)
Distinguishing Characteristics: Rozhenko is an older ork of Russian descent. His left arm is
obviously cybernetic with a solid matte black finish. His eyes are similarly cybernetic but
instead of being black, the right eye is protected by a titanium cover while the left has a
gold cover engraved with a large ouroboros concealing the docking port for his occular drone.
Additionally, Rozhenko had a tattoo on his right arm bearing the Night Stalker's emblem. This
will likely be removed with the use of temporarily re-programmed nantidotes in preparation for
the undercover mission.
Assignment: Rozhenko is currently assigned to the Night Stalkers, more formally known as the
160th Special Operations Aviation Airborne Regiment, in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. There he
serves as a tactical/reconnaissance rigger, dropping-off black ops teams and supporting them
with intel and back-up firepower as needed. The Night Stalkers have a reputation for their
crazy tactics, and Rozhenko is no exception.
Callsign (Street Name): While cross-training with the Spetsnaz Alfas six years ago, Rozhenko's
team was ambushed by a young dragon laired in the Urals. Just as his team disembarked after
landing, the western dragon appeared out of nowhere and atacked. Piloting an old Skikorsky-Bell
Behemoth cargo helicopter, there was no way Rozhenko could outrace the lithe dragon. Knowing
his team didn't have the firepower to take it on due to it being a survival exercise, Rozhenko
opened fire on the beast and goaded it into chasing him in the hopes that he could buy enough
time for the rest of his team to escape. Rozhenko lead the dragon on a wild ride through the
valleys and treelines of Ural mountain range, using the terrain to make up for his lack of
speed. He didn't get very far, unfortunately, but once the dragon latched on to his bird,
Rozhenko threw the throttle full-on, braced himself, then slammed the propeller straight into
the dragon's spine...
When the rescue teams finally arrived, they found the bloody remains of the dragon as well as
the twisted wreckage of the Behemoth. Inside, an unconscious Rozhenko's broken body was in
wretched condition... but he had survived. His arm had to be amputated which, in recognition of
his sacrifice for saving his team, lead him to being one of the first soldiers outside of the
Russian military to receive the Red Star for valor in combat. His teammates dubbed him Dragos
after a famed Kurgan dragonslayer of Slavic mythology. He's used it as his callsign ever since.
[ Q U A L I T I E S ]
Buggy 'Ware 3: The EverSmooth PiM-3317d Coproccessor Rozhenko was installed with a few years
back was a prototype designed to enhance the effects of a skillwire system. Unfortunately it
was more than a little buggy; while still enhancing his skillsofts, it tends to cause Rozhenko
to twitch in the process. Reduce the number of 1's needed for a glitch by 3 whenever Rozhenko
uses Edge to reroll failures with skillsofts.
Codeslinger: Fire Weapon System: Rozhenko is highly skilled at vehicular and drone combat,
granting him a +2 dice pool bonus whenever he uses the Fire Weapon System command. This is of
particular use when attacking targets via a drone.
Implant-Induced Immune Deficiency: Whether due to his system attempting to purge his extensive
augmentation or as a result of the less-than-optimal procedures he received in Russia,
Rozhenko's body lacks the white cell count needed to keep him as healthy as normal people. As a
result, he suffers a -2 dice pool modifier to Body tests to resist diseases, drugs, toxins, and
other compounds.
Natural Hardening: Years of training combined with in-field experience has made Rozhenko's mind
highly resistant to electronic feedback. Increase his Biofeedback Filter rating by +1.
Silver Allergy (Moderate): According to Paterson's Guide to Metahumanity, one out of every
fifty orks are born with a genetic allergy to silver. Rozhenko appears to be one of that 2% of
the ork population. After coming into contact with silver, Rozhenko suffers a -4 dice pool
modifier on all tests until the silver is removed. Further, any weapons made out of silver have
a +2 Damage Value applied.
[ A T T R I B U T E S ]
Physical: Body 6, Agility 4(6), Reaction 3(
, Strength 3
Mental: Charisma 2(5), Intuition 5, Logic 3(7), Willpower 5
Special: Edge 5, Essence 0.04, Initiative 9(11), Initiative Passes 1(3)
Conditional: Matrix Initiative 11(12 hot), Matrix Initiative Passes 3(4 hot)
Attribute-Only Tests: Composure 10, Judge Intentions 10, Lifting and Carrying 9, Memory 12
Armor Bonuses: Altskin (Bal +3/Imp +1), Cyberarm (Bal +2/Imp +2)
Cyberarm Attributes: Body 6, Agility 6, Strength 6, Armor 2
[ S K I L L S ]
Skills: Aeronautic Mechanics (Rotorcraft) 3(+2), Armorer (Vehicular) 4(+2), Automatics (SMGs)
4(+2), Computers (Commlinks) 6(+2), Con (Impersonation) 3(+2), Dodge (Vehicular) 5(+2),
Electronic Warfare (Jamming) 5(+2), Etiquette (Street) 3(+2), First Aid (Combat Wounds) 4(+2),
Ground Craft Mechanics (Wheeled) 3(+2), Gunnery (Assisted) 7(+2), Hacking (Commlinks) 5(+2),
Hardware (Drones) 6(+2), Infiltration (Urban) 5(+2), Lockpicking (Vehicular) 4(+2), Longarms
(Shotguns) 4(+2), Navigation (Aerial) 4(+2), Parachuting (HALO) 4(+2), Perception (Sensors)
5(+2), Pilot Aircraft (Rotocraft) 6(+2), Pilot Ground Craft (Wheeled) 5(+2), Pistols
(Revolvers) 4(+2), Shadowing (Tail Evasion) 5(+2), Unarmed Combat (Systema) 4(+2)
Skill Groups: Athletics 4, Cracking 5, Electronics 6, Firearms 4, Influence 3, Mechanics 3,
Outdoors 4, Piloting 5, Stealth 5
Knowledge Skills: Border Patrol Tactics (Border Crossings) 6(+2), Engineering (Mechanical)
2(+2), Intelligence Gathering (Electronic) 7(+2), Military Background (Airborne) 6(+2),
Military Tactics (Special Ops) 6(+2), Security Systems (Vehicular) 6(+2), Stunt Maneuvers
(Rotorcraft) 6(+2), Underworld Politics (Vory v Zakone) 2(+2)
Language Skills: English N, Or'zet (Casual) 3(+2), Russian (Southern Russian) 3(+2)
General Modifiers: Logic-Linked Skills (+1 dice from Encephelon); Piloting (+2 dice from
Control Rig, +3 dice from Control Rig Boosters); Ranged Combat (+2 dice from Smartlink)
Specific Modifiers: Armorer (Vehicular) (+2 dice from Microscopic Vision); Cracking Skill Group
(+1 dice from Encephelon); Electronics Skill Group (+1 dice from Encephelon, +2 dice from
Microscopic with Hardware); Electronic Warfare (+1 dice from Encephelon, +2 dice from Math
SPU); Navigation (+2 dice from Orientation System); Perception (+3 dice from Attention
Special Notes: Gremlins 3 with Activesofts when using Edge to reroll failures.
Miscellaneous: Piloting Skill Group consists of Pilot Aircraft, Pilot Anthroform, Pilot Ground
Craft, and Pilot Watercraft.
[ R E S O U R C E S ] (115 BP)
Special Note: All non-essential RFID Tags have been removed and those that are essential have
been replaced with Stealth Tags.
Evo NuFace Cosmetic Enhancement (Cosmetic Surgery 3)
Evo TransTendon Xii Physique Enhancement (Muscle Toner 2) [Standard Grade]
Genetique Chrome-a-Zomes (Adapsin Enhanced Protein Exchange)
Medical Inoculations
---- CS/Tear Gas (Rating 6), Gamma-Scopolamine (Rating 6),
---- Influenza (Rating 6), Laes (Rating 6), Narcojet (Rating 6),
---- Neurostun (Rating 6), Pepper Punch (Rating 6)
Pensodyne L.U.C.I.D. Treatment (PuSHeD Enhanced Protein Exchange)
Universal Omnitech Neo-Coretechs III (Cerebral Booster 3) [Standard Grade]
Ares OpenThrottle! Mark II (Wired Reflexes 2) [Beta Grade]
Ares Safeguard (Cyber Safety)
Cyberdynamics NuRm4U Cyberarm [Alpha Grade]
---- Customizations: Bod 6, Agi 6, Str 6, Armor 2, Bulk 4, Capacity 0
---- Ares Biomedical Inject-o-Matic (Reusable Autoinjector w/ 6 Doses)
---- Ares Biomedical NaniNanny (Nano-Biomonitor)
---- Ares SureSpin (Cyberarm Gyromount)
---- Fairlight Exodus (Commlink [see below])
---- Interneurox FullPicture GX472 (Orientation System)
---- Nightengale Omnisight (Radar Sensor 4)
---- Saeder-Krupp Ramjam XxX (Jammer, Area 10 & Directional 10)
---- Spinrad Industries SableChic (Casemod)
---- Universal Omnitech NanoCocoon (Nanohive 6 [see below])
Evo Clairvoyant Reconnaissance Drone Suite (Basic Military Package)
---- Apple-Omega iVII (Math SPU)
---- Ares Pericles (Smartlink)
---- Cyberdynamics Eternity Seven (Attention Coprocessor 3)
---- Cyberdynamics Prodigy DOC v4.02 (Encephalon 2)
---- Evo Dreamscape (Control Rig)
---- Evo NeoPhantasm (Simsense Booster)
---- SpinX Fastball Pro 3 (Reaction Enhancers 3)
---- Zeiss Exo-Spectra IV (Cybereyes with Spinrad Industries iSpinner)
Evo EverSmooth PiM-3317d Coprocessor (Skillwire Expert System) [Beta Grade]
Evo Poetry-in-Motion PiM-3317d System (Skillwires 6) [Beta Grade]
Interneurox Mind-Lynx (Datajack) [Beta Grade]
Sony VanGoghs (Cyberears 1) [Alpha Grade]
---- Audiotek FocalPoint (Audio Enhancer 3)
---- Sony MDR-NC17 SoundGuard (Sound Damper)
Zeiss Exo-Spectra Accessories (Cybereye Modifications) [Alpha Grade]
---- NeoNET ClearSight (Vision Enhancement 3)
---- NeoNET FarSight (Optical Vision Magnification)
---- NeoNET NearSight (Microscopic Vision)
---- Oakley I-on-Chic (Custom Eyemod Protective Covers)
---- TrumanTech Sunfire A (Flare Compensation)
---- Zeiss Dawn@Dusk (Low Light)
---- Zeiss TransUmbral (Thermographic)
Fairlight Exodus Commlink
---- Heavily Customized Fairlight Caliban with Novatech Navi OS
---- Upgrades: Firewall 6, Response 6, Signal 6 System 6
---- Atmosphere Sensor 3
---- Hardcoded Biofeedback Filter 6
---- Hot Simrig
---- Radio Signal Scanner 6
---- Satellite Link
---- Skinlink
Software (Adaptive, Cracked)
---- Autosoft Programs: Clearsight 4, Defense 4, Electronic Warfare 4,
---- ---- Maneuver Aircraft 4, Maneuver Anthroform 4, Maneuver Ground
---- ---- Craft 4, Targeting Automatics 4, Targeting Heavy Weapons 4,
---- ---- Targeting Longarms 4, Targeting Pistols 4
---- Agents: Agent 6, Pilot 4
---- Common Use Programs: Analzye 6, Browse 6, Command 6, Edit 6,
---- ---- Encrypt 6, Scan 6
---- Hacking Programs: Decrypt 6, ECCM 6, Stealth 6
---- Mapsofts: Amazonia 6, Antarctica 6, Aztlan 6, Australia 6,
---- ---- California Free State 6, Caribbean League 6, Confederate
---- ---- American States 6, Denver 6, European Nations 6, Imperial
---- ---- Japan 6, Kingdom of Hawai'i 6, Middle East 6, Native American
---- ---- Nations 6, North Africa 6, Pueblo Corporate Council 6,
---- ---- Republic of Quebec 6, Russian Territories 6, Seattle 6, Sioux
---- ---- Nation 6, South East Asia 6, Tir Tairngire 6, United Canadian
---- ---- and American States 6, World Map 6, Yukatan 6
Savior Advanced Medkit w/ Skinlink
Universal Omnitech NanoCocoon (Nanohive 6)
---- Ares A.E.G.I.S. Shield (Altskin 9 w/ Armor, Newprint, Sealant, Shade, Shifter)
---- CrashCart Guardian Angel (Savior Medkit Supplies)
---- Evo Dreamscape Augmentation (Control Rig Boosters 3)
---- MetaTribe MedicineMan (Trauma Control System)
---- Transys Neuronet SecondBreath (Oxyrush 5)
---- Universal Omnitech Royal Flush (Universal Nantidotes 9)
[ M I S C E L L A N E O U S ]
Reconnaissance Drone Cyberware Suite
Evo created the Clairvoyant drone reconnaissance package for the ultimate out of body
experience! Originally designed for Knight-Errant remote operations and then for the extreme
hobbiest, the Evo Clairvoyant eventually caught the eye of military bigwigs who wished to have
a model designed for varios special ops teams. The Evo Clairvoyant suite provides a
hyper-realistic remote interface, granting preternatual efficiency whether spying from high
above or moving in for the remote kill.
The military version of the Evo Clairvoyant suite includes a networked smartlink and reaction
Evo Clairvoyant (Reconnaissance Drone Cyberware Suite)
---- Apple-Omega iVII math SPU
---- Cyberdynamics Eternity Seven attention coprocessor 3
---- Cyberdynamics Prodigy DOC v4.02 encephalon 2
---- Evo Dreamscape control rig
---- Evo NeoPhantasm simsense booster
---- Zeiss Exo-Spectra IV cybereyes with occular drone
Military Package adds:
---- Ares Pericles smartlink
---- SpinX Fastball Pro 3 reaction enhancers
Military Tactical and Reconnaissance Rigger
Real Name: CW5 Nikolai "Nick" Rozhenko
Rank/Branch: Chief Warrant Officer, CAS Army (Airborne)
Origins: April 15th, 2033 in Norfolk, VA
Race: Ork, Male, Anglo-Russian bloodline
Stats: 1.9 meters, 128 kilos, 38 years, Black hair, Titanium eyes
Personality Profiles: INTP - The Thinker (Meyer-Briggs Profile); Aries (Western Zodiac); Year
of the Ox (Chinese Zodiac); Willow-Maple - Combative Angel (Druidic Ogham)
Distinguishing Characteristics: Rozhenko is an older ork of Russian descent. His left arm is
obviously cybernetic with a solid matte black finish. His eyes are similarly cybernetic but
instead of being black, the right eye is protected by a titanium cover while the left has a
gold cover engraved with a large ouroboros concealing the docking port for his occular drone.
Additionally, Rozhenko had a tattoo on his right arm bearing the Night Stalker's emblem. This
will likely be removed with the use of temporarily re-programmed nantidotes in preparation for
the undercover mission.
Assignment: Rozhenko is currently assigned to the Night Stalkers, more formally known as the
160th Special Operations Aviation Airborne Regiment, in Fort Campbell, Kentucky. There he
serves as a tactical/reconnaissance rigger, dropping-off black ops teams and supporting them
with intel and back-up firepower as needed. The Night Stalkers have a reputation for their
crazy tactics, and Rozhenko is no exception.
Callsign (Street Name): While cross-training with the Spetsnaz Alfas six years ago, Rozhenko's
team was ambushed by a young dragon laired in the Urals. Just as his team disembarked after
landing, the western dragon appeared out of nowhere and atacked. Piloting an old Skikorsky-Bell
Behemoth cargo helicopter, there was no way Rozhenko could outrace the lithe dragon. Knowing
his team didn't have the firepower to take it on due to it being a survival exercise, Rozhenko
opened fire on the beast and goaded it into chasing him in the hopes that he could buy enough
time for the rest of his team to escape. Rozhenko lead the dragon on a wild ride through the
valleys and treelines of Ural mountain range, using the terrain to make up for his lack of
speed. He didn't get very far, unfortunately, but once the dragon latched on to his bird,
Rozhenko threw the throttle full-on, braced himself, then slammed the propeller straight into
the dragon's spine...
When the rescue teams finally arrived, they found the bloody remains of the dragon as well as
the twisted wreckage of the Behemoth. Inside, an unconscious Rozhenko's broken body was in
wretched condition... but he had survived. His arm had to be amputated which, in recognition of
his sacrifice for saving his team, lead him to being one of the first soldiers outside of the
Russian military to receive the Red Star for valor in combat. His teammates dubbed him Dragos
after a famed Kurgan dragonslayer of Slavic mythology. He's used it as his callsign ever since.
[ Q U A L I T I E S ]
Buggy 'Ware 3: The EverSmooth PiM-3317d Coproccessor Rozhenko was installed with a few years
back was a prototype designed to enhance the effects of a skillwire system. Unfortunately it
was more than a little buggy; while still enhancing his skillsofts, it tends to cause Rozhenko
to twitch in the process. Reduce the number of 1's needed for a glitch by 3 whenever Rozhenko
uses Edge to reroll failures with skillsofts.
Codeslinger: Fire Weapon System: Rozhenko is highly skilled at vehicular and drone combat,
granting him a +2 dice pool bonus whenever he uses the Fire Weapon System command. This is of
particular use when attacking targets via a drone.
Implant-Induced Immune Deficiency: Whether due to his system attempting to purge his extensive
augmentation or as a result of the less-than-optimal procedures he received in Russia,
Rozhenko's body lacks the white cell count needed to keep him as healthy as normal people. As a
result, he suffers a -2 dice pool modifier to Body tests to resist diseases, drugs, toxins, and
other compounds.
Natural Hardening: Years of training combined with in-field experience has made Rozhenko's mind
highly resistant to electronic feedback. Increase his Biofeedback Filter rating by +1.
Silver Allergy (Moderate): According to Paterson's Guide to Metahumanity, one out of every
fifty orks are born with a genetic allergy to silver. Rozhenko appears to be one of that 2% of
the ork population. After coming into contact with silver, Rozhenko suffers a -4 dice pool
modifier on all tests until the silver is removed. Further, any weapons made out of silver have
a +2 Damage Value applied.
[ A T T R I B U T E S ]
Physical: Body 6, Agility 4(6), Reaction 3(

Mental: Charisma 2(5), Intuition 5, Logic 3(7), Willpower 5
Special: Edge 5, Essence 0.04, Initiative 9(11), Initiative Passes 1(3)
Conditional: Matrix Initiative 11(12 hot), Matrix Initiative Passes 3(4 hot)
Attribute-Only Tests: Composure 10, Judge Intentions 10, Lifting and Carrying 9, Memory 12
Armor Bonuses: Altskin (Bal +3/Imp +1), Cyberarm (Bal +2/Imp +2)
Cyberarm Attributes: Body 6, Agility 6, Strength 6, Armor 2
[ S K I L L S ]
Skills: Aeronautic Mechanics (Rotorcraft) 3(+2), Armorer (Vehicular) 4(+2), Automatics (SMGs)
4(+2), Computers (Commlinks) 6(+2), Con (Impersonation) 3(+2), Dodge (Vehicular) 5(+2),
Electronic Warfare (Jamming) 5(+2), Etiquette (Street) 3(+2), First Aid (Combat Wounds) 4(+2),
Ground Craft Mechanics (Wheeled) 3(+2), Gunnery (Assisted) 7(+2), Hacking (Commlinks) 5(+2),
Hardware (Drones) 6(+2), Infiltration (Urban) 5(+2), Lockpicking (Vehicular) 4(+2), Longarms
(Shotguns) 4(+2), Navigation (Aerial) 4(+2), Parachuting (HALO) 4(+2), Perception (Sensors)
5(+2), Pilot Aircraft (Rotocraft) 6(+2), Pilot Ground Craft (Wheeled) 5(+2), Pistols
(Revolvers) 4(+2), Shadowing (Tail Evasion) 5(+2), Unarmed Combat (Systema) 4(+2)
Skill Groups: Athletics 4, Cracking 5, Electronics 6, Firearms 4, Influence 3, Mechanics 3,
Outdoors 4, Piloting 5, Stealth 5
Knowledge Skills: Border Patrol Tactics (Border Crossings) 6(+2), Engineering (Mechanical)
2(+2), Intelligence Gathering (Electronic) 7(+2), Military Background (Airborne) 6(+2),
Military Tactics (Special Ops) 6(+2), Security Systems (Vehicular) 6(+2), Stunt Maneuvers
(Rotorcraft) 6(+2), Underworld Politics (Vory v Zakone) 2(+2)
Language Skills: English N, Or'zet (Casual) 3(+2), Russian (Southern Russian) 3(+2)
General Modifiers: Logic-Linked Skills (+1 dice from Encephelon); Piloting (+2 dice from
Control Rig, +3 dice from Control Rig Boosters); Ranged Combat (+2 dice from Smartlink)
Specific Modifiers: Armorer (Vehicular) (+2 dice from Microscopic Vision); Cracking Skill Group
(+1 dice from Encephelon); Electronics Skill Group (+1 dice from Encephelon, +2 dice from
Microscopic with Hardware); Electronic Warfare (+1 dice from Encephelon, +2 dice from Math
SPU); Navigation (+2 dice from Orientation System); Perception (+3 dice from Attention
Special Notes: Gremlins 3 with Activesofts when using Edge to reroll failures.
Miscellaneous: Piloting Skill Group consists of Pilot Aircraft, Pilot Anthroform, Pilot Ground
Craft, and Pilot Watercraft.
[ R E S O U R C E S ] (115 BP)
Special Note: All non-essential RFID Tags have been removed and those that are essential have
been replaced with Stealth Tags.
Evo NuFace Cosmetic Enhancement (Cosmetic Surgery 3)
Evo TransTendon Xii Physique Enhancement (Muscle Toner 2) [Standard Grade]
Genetique Chrome-a-Zomes (Adapsin Enhanced Protein Exchange)
Medical Inoculations
---- CS/Tear Gas (Rating 6), Gamma-Scopolamine (Rating 6),
---- Influenza (Rating 6), Laes (Rating 6), Narcojet (Rating 6),
---- Neurostun (Rating 6), Pepper Punch (Rating 6)
Pensodyne L.U.C.I.D. Treatment (PuSHeD Enhanced Protein Exchange)
Universal Omnitech Neo-Coretechs III (Cerebral Booster 3) [Standard Grade]
Ares OpenThrottle! Mark II (Wired Reflexes 2) [Beta Grade]
Ares Safeguard (Cyber Safety)
Cyberdynamics NuRm4U Cyberarm [Alpha Grade]
---- Customizations: Bod 6, Agi 6, Str 6, Armor 2, Bulk 4, Capacity 0
---- Ares Biomedical Inject-o-Matic (Reusable Autoinjector w/ 6 Doses)
---- Ares Biomedical NaniNanny (Nano-Biomonitor)
---- Ares SureSpin (Cyberarm Gyromount)
---- Fairlight Exodus (Commlink [see below])
---- Interneurox FullPicture GX472 (Orientation System)
---- Nightengale Omnisight (Radar Sensor 4)
---- Saeder-Krupp Ramjam XxX (Jammer, Area 10 & Directional 10)
---- Spinrad Industries SableChic (Casemod)
---- Universal Omnitech NanoCocoon (Nanohive 6 [see below])
Evo Clairvoyant Reconnaissance Drone Suite (Basic Military Package)
---- Apple-Omega iVII (Math SPU)
---- Ares Pericles (Smartlink)
---- Cyberdynamics Eternity Seven (Attention Coprocessor 3)
---- Cyberdynamics Prodigy DOC v4.02 (Encephalon 2)
---- Evo Dreamscape (Control Rig)
---- Evo NeoPhantasm (Simsense Booster)
---- SpinX Fastball Pro 3 (Reaction Enhancers 3)
---- Zeiss Exo-Spectra IV (Cybereyes with Spinrad Industries iSpinner)
Evo EverSmooth PiM-3317d Coprocessor (Skillwire Expert System) [Beta Grade]
Evo Poetry-in-Motion PiM-3317d System (Skillwires 6) [Beta Grade]
Interneurox Mind-Lynx (Datajack) [Beta Grade]
Sony VanGoghs (Cyberears 1) [Alpha Grade]
---- Audiotek FocalPoint (Audio Enhancer 3)
---- Sony MDR-NC17 SoundGuard (Sound Damper)
Zeiss Exo-Spectra Accessories (Cybereye Modifications) [Alpha Grade]
---- NeoNET ClearSight (Vision Enhancement 3)
---- NeoNET FarSight (Optical Vision Magnification)
---- NeoNET NearSight (Microscopic Vision)
---- Oakley I-on-Chic (Custom Eyemod Protective Covers)
---- TrumanTech Sunfire A (Flare Compensation)
---- Zeiss Dawn@Dusk (Low Light)
---- Zeiss TransUmbral (Thermographic)
Fairlight Exodus Commlink
---- Heavily Customized Fairlight Caliban with Novatech Navi OS
---- Upgrades: Firewall 6, Response 6, Signal 6 System 6
---- Atmosphere Sensor 3
---- Hardcoded Biofeedback Filter 6
---- Hot Simrig
---- Radio Signal Scanner 6
---- Satellite Link
---- Skinlink
Software (Adaptive, Cracked)
---- Autosoft Programs: Clearsight 4, Defense 4, Electronic Warfare 4,
---- ---- Maneuver Aircraft 4, Maneuver Anthroform 4, Maneuver Ground
---- ---- Craft 4, Targeting Automatics 4, Targeting Heavy Weapons 4,
---- ---- Targeting Longarms 4, Targeting Pistols 4
---- Agents: Agent 6, Pilot 4
---- Common Use Programs: Analzye 6, Browse 6, Command 6, Edit 6,
---- ---- Encrypt 6, Scan 6
---- Hacking Programs: Decrypt 6, ECCM 6, Stealth 6
---- Mapsofts: Amazonia 6, Antarctica 6, Aztlan 6, Australia 6,
---- ---- California Free State 6, Caribbean League 6, Confederate
---- ---- American States 6, Denver 6, European Nations 6, Imperial
---- ---- Japan 6, Kingdom of Hawai'i 6, Middle East 6, Native American
---- ---- Nations 6, North Africa 6, Pueblo Corporate Council 6,
---- ---- Republic of Quebec 6, Russian Territories 6, Seattle 6, Sioux
---- ---- Nation 6, South East Asia 6, Tir Tairngire 6, United Canadian
---- ---- and American States 6, World Map 6, Yukatan 6
Savior Advanced Medkit w/ Skinlink
Universal Omnitech NanoCocoon (Nanohive 6)
---- Ares A.E.G.I.S. Shield (Altskin 9 w/ Armor, Newprint, Sealant, Shade, Shifter)
---- CrashCart Guardian Angel (Savior Medkit Supplies)
---- Evo Dreamscape Augmentation (Control Rig Boosters 3)
---- MetaTribe MedicineMan (Trauma Control System)
---- Transys Neuronet SecondBreath (Oxyrush 5)
---- Universal Omnitech Royal Flush (Universal Nantidotes 9)
[ M I S C E L L A N E O U S ]
Reconnaissance Drone Cyberware Suite
Evo created the Clairvoyant drone reconnaissance package for the ultimate out of body
experience! Originally designed for Knight-Errant remote operations and then for the extreme
hobbiest, the Evo Clairvoyant eventually caught the eye of military bigwigs who wished to have
a model designed for varios special ops teams. The Evo Clairvoyant suite provides a
hyper-realistic remote interface, granting preternatual efficiency whether spying from high
above or moving in for the remote kill.
The military version of the Evo Clairvoyant suite includes a networked smartlink and reaction
Evo Clairvoyant (Reconnaissance Drone Cyberware Suite)
---- Apple-Omega iVII math SPU
---- Cyberdynamics Eternity Seven attention coprocessor 3
---- Cyberdynamics Prodigy DOC v4.02 encephalon 2
---- Evo Dreamscape control rig
---- Evo NeoPhantasm simsense booster
---- Zeiss Exo-Spectra IV cybereyes with occular drone
Military Package adds:
---- Ares Pericles smartlink
---- SpinX Fastball Pro 3 reaction enhancers
Weapons/Infiltration Expert: Sgt. First Class Ashley Fairchild (SF Scout/Sniper) [Fortune]
[ Spoiler ]
Ashley Byron Fairchild
Male Elf
Ashley Byron Fairchild was born in Texas on February 7th, 2039, a date infamous the world over as the Night of Rage. His mother Natasha died during childbirth, and he grew up with Billy Ray, his human father on a small ranch about 100km or so outside of Austin, very close to the Aztlan border.
Like most Texans, Ashley grew to adulthood with a deep-seated hatred of Aztlan and their aggressive and seemingly inhumane tactics. Also like most Texans, Ash learned to shoot almost before he could walk, and with threats posed by the formidable wildlife and fairly regular clashes with the Aztlan border patrols, it seemed that he was never lacking for target practice.
As his teen years rolled around, Ashley started to take an active interest in sports and physical fitness. When the boy was deemed an underachiever by his coaches and peers, his father was so concerned that he responded by taking out a mortgage on the ranch to finance the cost of Ashley's first augmentation.
Enlisting in the CAS military at 17, Ashley breezed though basic, and was among the first to volunteer for any and all optional training. He graduated at the pinnacle of his class at Infantry School, following it up quick order with training at the Airborne, Air Assault, and Pathfinder schools, before finally reaching his true objective, Army Sniper School. He then reported to a high-speed unit in the 101st Airborne Division. After 8 years of distictive service, Ash then tried out and was selected for Special Forces, and was placed with the 7th Special Operations Group as a Jr. Weapons Sgt. Later chosen to attend the ultra-exclusive Marine Corps Scout Sniper School, Ashley is subsequently considered "Scout Sniper Qualified". Ultimately he was assigned to ConsOps two and a half years ago.
Although Ashley's primary MOS is that of marksman and scout, he is also exceptionally qualified in all types of demolitions and heavy weaponry, with varying levels of cross-training in most other non-matrix areas.
While Ashley has had his fair share of injuries, his worst moment came while on assignment in the Caribbean, when he lost his eyes and both arms, along with his hearing due to a booby-trapped smuggler's boat, resulting in more, this time quite drastic augmentation surgery.
Ashley is slightly short for an elf, just topping 1.8 meters but weighing in at around 84kg. His black hair is perpetually messy, its length typically pushing the bounds of military protocol. His pale blue cybereyes look quite natural, their occasional feral glint contrasting sharply with his otherwise warm, finely shaped features.
When not on assignment, or when the opportunity arises, he tunes his altskin to cover his arms with a wide and varying array of tattoos, culled from a large selection of firearms scans that Ashley has amassed over the years.
Ashley loves guns!
While he does enjoy the other manly pursuits in life, he doesn't seem to find the intimacy with women that he does with a finely-crafted firearm. When it comes to shooting though, Ash can be quite particular. He doesn't ascribe to the spray-and-pray philosophy whatsoever, and as such disdains using submachine guns and machine pistols as personal weapons.
Mission selection holds very little importance to Ashley, as long as he is on one, and he will gladly go wherever he is assigned. Of course, if preferences are given, Ash would prefer a climate on the warmer side, and it goes without saying that the less underwater work he has to do, the better he likes it. Truth be known though, he is happiest when on assignments that are at odds with Aztlan interests.
Body: 5 {6}
Agility: 5 {10}
Reaction: 2 {9}
Strength: 2 {5}
Charisma: 4 {7}
Intuition: 5
Logic: 5
Willpower: 5
Edge: 4
Essence: 0.025
Initiative: 14 / Passes: 4
Composure: 9
Judge intentions: 9
Lifting / carrying: 11
Memory: 10
Ballistic armor total:
Impact armor total:
Physical damage track: 13
Stun damage track: 11
- no penalties until box 10
Active Skills
Athletics group: 5
- climbing {balance augmenter +1, synthacardium +3, altskin +1}
- gymnastics {balance augmenter +1, synthacardium +3}
- running {synthacardium +3}
- swimming {synthacardium +3}
Biotech group: 2
- cybertechnology {neocortical nanites +3}
- first aid {combat wounds +2, neocortical nanites +3}
- medicine {neocortical nanites +3}
Close combat group: 4
- blades
- clubs
- unarmed combat {krav maga (offensive) +2}
Electronics group: 1
- computer {neocortical nanites +3}
- data search {neocortical nanites +3}
- hardware {neocortical nanites +3}
- software {neocortical nanites +3}
Firearms group: 5
- automatics {assault rifles +2, reflex recorder +1, smartlink +2}
- long arms: 7 {sniper rifles +2, cyberarm +1, reflex recorder +1, smartlink +2}
- pistols {heavy pistols +2, smartlink +2, reflex recorder +1, left cyberarm +1}
Influence group: 3
- con {fast talk +2}
- etiquette {military +2}
- leadership
- negotiation {sense motive +2}
Mechanic group: 1
- aeronautics {neocortical nanites +3}
- automotive {neocortical nanites +3}
- industrial {neocortical nanites +3}
- nautical {neocortical nanites +3}
Outdoors group: 4
- navigation {limbic nanites +3}
- survival
- tracking {limbic nanites +3}
Stealth group: 5
- disguise {camouflage +2, limbic nanites +3, altskin +8}
- infiltration: 6 {urban +2, reflex recorder +1}
- palming
- shadowing {limbic nanites +3}
Armorer: 3 {firearms +2, neocortical nanites +3}
Demolitions: 5 {neocortical nanites +3}
Diving: 2
Escape artist: 1
Gunnery: 2
Heavy weapons: 5
Intimidation: 4
Parachuting: 3 {balance augmenter +1}
Perception: 6 {visual +5, audio +3, directional +2, coprocessor +3, limbic nanites +3, observe in detail +3}
Pilot aircraft: 1 {rotor craft +2}
Pilot ground craft: 1 {wheeled +2}
Throwing weapons: 1 {lobbed +2}
Knowledge Skills
Arms dealers: 2 {north america +2, limbic nanites +3}
Combat Augmentation: 1 {neocortical nanites +3}
Chemistry: 1 {explosives +2, neocortical nanites +3}
Desert wars: 3 {limbic nanites +3}
Engineering: 1 {structural +2, neocortical nanites +3}
Firearms trivia: 5 {limbic nanites +3}
Gunsmithing: 3 {neocortical nanites +3}
Military background: 4 {neocortical nanites +3}
Physics: 1 {ballistics +2, neocortical nanites +3}
Smuggling routes: 1 {cas-aztlan +2, limbic nanites +3}
Language Skills
English: native
Creole: 3 {limbic nanites +3}
Portuguese: 1 {limbic nanites +3}
Sioux: 2 {limbic nanites +3}
Spanish: 4 {limbic nanites +3}
Biocompatability {bioware}
Quick healer
Allergy {gold - mild}
Incompetent {pilot watercraft}
Phobia {underwater environments - mild}
Sensitive neural structure
Weak immune system
- bioware essence loss: 4.005
- cyberware essence loss: 1.97 (3.94 / 2)
- total: 5.975
Spinrad Industries Spin Shop - biosculpting {3}
Ares PainAway-Pro7 - damage compensators {7}
Universal Omnitech BioRoids-2-se - muscle augmentation {2}
Shiawase NytroDex 4.0 - muscle toner {4}
Evo BluddBuffer - platelet factories
Ares Primal Hunter - reflex recorder {firearms}
Saeder Krupp Silent Partner - reflex recorder {infiltration}
Shiawase Time OptimizR - sleep regulator
Evo BetterBody - suprathyroid gland
Universal Omnitech Hyperflex Xtrme - synaptic boosters {3}
Shiawase CardiOlympian Vx-3 - synthacardium {3}
Shiawase XtrAlert - attention coprocessor {3}
Horizon Aurexec Deluxe - cyberears {3} - {alpha}
-- Ares N-R-Ear - balance augmenter [4]
-- Evo MaxiMute - damper [1]
-- Horizon Private Hollywood-A - ear recording unit [-]
-- Evo SoundSift-2 - select sound filter {2} [2]
-- Renraku ExtrAudio-hd-3.04-c - sound enhancement {3} [3]
-- Horizon SymphonyLink - sound link [-]
-- Ares InTraject - spacial recognizer [2]
Zeiss Zeta-82-9 - cybereyes {4} - {beta}
-- Horizon Private Hollywood-V - eye recording unit [-]
-- Zeiss CrystalLink - image link [-]
-- Evo FlashFoe - flare compensation [1]
-- Zeiss NeverDim - low light vision [2]
-- NeoNET NearSight - microscopic vision [3]
-- Horizon TrendLens - protective covers [-]
-- Saeder Krupp BattlePro - smartlink [3]
-- Horizon HotSpot - thermographic vision [2]
-- Horizon Picture Purfect Elite - vision enhancement {3} [3]
-- Zeiss CrystalZoom - vision magnification [2]
NeoNET UltraJack - datajack {beta}
Ares WhisperChrome- s-327-R - synthetic right cyberarm - customization {agility +7, body +3, strength +2}
-- Ares Sharpshooter - optimization {long arms} [2]
-- Crash Cart SixPak - auto-injector {6} [-]
-- Ares SureSpin - gyromount [4]
-- Evo NanoNanny6 - nanohive {6} [2]
Ares WhisperChrome- s-327-L - synthetic left cyberarm - customization {agility +7, body +3, strength +2}
-- Ares Desperado - optimization {pistols} [2]
-- Crash Cart SixPak - auto-injector {6} [-]
-- Evo BodyBuddy - biomonitor [1]
-- Saeder Krupp Infinivision 2-76-4 - radar sensor {4} [2]
-- Evo NanoNanny6 - nanohive {6} [2]
-- Horizon Nu-Pioneer - orientation system [1]
Ares QuikStep III - reaction enhancers {3}
Horizon DynoDerm - altskin - armor: 3 / 1, sealer, newprint, shade, shifter {6}
NeoNET Sixth Sense XT - limbic neural amplifier{3}
Horizon Nan-Q-6.3 - neocortical neiral amplifier{3}
Genesis Corporation MedBugs gc-nsm-3 - nanosymbiotes {3}
Universal Omnitech Hyperlung-o2x-5 - oxyrush {5}
Zeta-ImpChem NooBlooGoo - universal nanite hunters {6}
Universal Omnitech Cybershield - implant medics {6} - right cyberarm
Universal Omnitech Cybershield - implant medics {6} - left cyberarm
Shiawase BioDocs - implant medics {6} - synaptic boosters
Crash Cart Guardian Angel - medkit supplies
Shiawase O-Shield Plus - o-cells {9}
Universal Omnitech Royal Flush - universal nantidotes {9}
Saeder Krupp Radamantium - anti-rad {6}
All nanites are 'soft' except hunters and anti-rad
Botulism, croisade, CS / tear gas, ebola plus, gamma-anthrax, gamma-scopolamine, HMHVV, hsv-5, influenza, laes, laesel, malaria, narcoject, nausea gas, neuro-stun, pepper punch, tuberculosis, vitas-3 {all at 6}
PAN - 'Private'
Mode: 'Hidden'
Icon: dark silver cloud lit with random flashes of blue, yellow or pink lightning.
Operating system:
2039: Born on February 7th, outside of Austin, TX
2043: Starts Kindergarten in August
2056: Graduates HS at age 17 (May)
2056: Joins CAS Army (June)
2056: Completes Basic and Infantry School (October)
2057: Completes Airborne/Air Assault/Pathfinder/Sniper School (February)
2057: Assigned to HQ Pltn, A Company, 3rd Brigade (Iron Rakkasans), 101st Airborne
2058: Promoted from Private 1st Class to Specialist (E-4)
2060: Attends PLDC, promoted to Sgt. (E-5)
2062: Attends BNOC, promoted to Staff Sgt. (E-6)
2064: Attends SF Selection, Q-course, and Language School
2064: Assigned to 7th SOG, operating out Ft. Bragg, NC
2066: Attends USMC Scout/Sniper school
2069: Assigned to ConsOps
2071: Operation Dissonant Cadence
Male Elf
Ashley Byron Fairchild was born in Texas on February 7th, 2039, a date infamous the world over as the Night of Rage. His mother Natasha died during childbirth, and he grew up with Billy Ray, his human father on a small ranch about 100km or so outside of Austin, very close to the Aztlan border.
Like most Texans, Ashley grew to adulthood with a deep-seated hatred of Aztlan and their aggressive and seemingly inhumane tactics. Also like most Texans, Ash learned to shoot almost before he could walk, and with threats posed by the formidable wildlife and fairly regular clashes with the Aztlan border patrols, it seemed that he was never lacking for target practice.
As his teen years rolled around, Ashley started to take an active interest in sports and physical fitness. When the boy was deemed an underachiever by his coaches and peers, his father was so concerned that he responded by taking out a mortgage on the ranch to finance the cost of Ashley's first augmentation.
Enlisting in the CAS military at 17, Ashley breezed though basic, and was among the first to volunteer for any and all optional training. He graduated at the pinnacle of his class at Infantry School, following it up quick order with training at the Airborne, Air Assault, and Pathfinder schools, before finally reaching his true objective, Army Sniper School. He then reported to a high-speed unit in the 101st Airborne Division. After 8 years of distictive service, Ash then tried out and was selected for Special Forces, and was placed with the 7th Special Operations Group as a Jr. Weapons Sgt. Later chosen to attend the ultra-exclusive Marine Corps Scout Sniper School, Ashley is subsequently considered "Scout Sniper Qualified". Ultimately he was assigned to ConsOps two and a half years ago.
Although Ashley's primary MOS is that of marksman and scout, he is also exceptionally qualified in all types of demolitions and heavy weaponry, with varying levels of cross-training in most other non-matrix areas.
While Ashley has had his fair share of injuries, his worst moment came while on assignment in the Caribbean, when he lost his eyes and both arms, along with his hearing due to a booby-trapped smuggler's boat, resulting in more, this time quite drastic augmentation surgery.
Ashley is slightly short for an elf, just topping 1.8 meters but weighing in at around 84kg. His black hair is perpetually messy, its length typically pushing the bounds of military protocol. His pale blue cybereyes look quite natural, their occasional feral glint contrasting sharply with his otherwise warm, finely shaped features.
When not on assignment, or when the opportunity arises, he tunes his altskin to cover his arms with a wide and varying array of tattoos, culled from a large selection of firearms scans that Ashley has amassed over the years.
Ashley loves guns!
While he does enjoy the other manly pursuits in life, he doesn't seem to find the intimacy with women that he does with a finely-crafted firearm. When it comes to shooting though, Ash can be quite particular. He doesn't ascribe to the spray-and-pray philosophy whatsoever, and as such disdains using submachine guns and machine pistols as personal weapons.
Mission selection holds very little importance to Ashley, as long as he is on one, and he will gladly go wherever he is assigned. Of course, if preferences are given, Ash would prefer a climate on the warmer side, and it goes without saying that the less underwater work he has to do, the better he likes it. Truth be known though, he is happiest when on assignments that are at odds with Aztlan interests.
Body: 5 {6}
Agility: 5 {10}
Reaction: 2 {9}
Strength: 2 {5}
Charisma: 4 {7}
Intuition: 5
Logic: 5
Willpower: 5
Edge: 4
Essence: 0.025
Initiative: 14 / Passes: 4
Composure: 9
Judge intentions: 9
Lifting / carrying: 11
Memory: 10
Ballistic armor total:
Impact armor total:
Physical damage track: 13
Stun damage track: 11
- no penalties until box 10
Active Skills
Athletics group: 5
- climbing {balance augmenter +1, synthacardium +3, altskin +1}
- gymnastics {balance augmenter +1, synthacardium +3}
- running {synthacardium +3}
- swimming {synthacardium +3}
Biotech group: 2
- cybertechnology {neocortical nanites +3}
- first aid {combat wounds +2, neocortical nanites +3}
- medicine {neocortical nanites +3}
Close combat group: 4
- blades
- clubs
- unarmed combat {krav maga (offensive) +2}
Electronics group: 1
- computer {neocortical nanites +3}
- data search {neocortical nanites +3}
- hardware {neocortical nanites +3}
- software {neocortical nanites +3}
Firearms group: 5
- automatics {assault rifles +2, reflex recorder +1, smartlink +2}
- long arms: 7 {sniper rifles +2, cyberarm +1, reflex recorder +1, smartlink +2}
- pistols {heavy pistols +2, smartlink +2, reflex recorder +1, left cyberarm +1}
Influence group: 3
- con {fast talk +2}
- etiquette {military +2}
- leadership
- negotiation {sense motive +2}
Mechanic group: 1
- aeronautics {neocortical nanites +3}
- automotive {neocortical nanites +3}
- industrial {neocortical nanites +3}
- nautical {neocortical nanites +3}
Outdoors group: 4
- navigation {limbic nanites +3}
- survival
- tracking {limbic nanites +3}
Stealth group: 5
- disguise {camouflage +2, limbic nanites +3, altskin +8}
- infiltration: 6 {urban +2, reflex recorder +1}
- palming
- shadowing {limbic nanites +3}
Armorer: 3 {firearms +2, neocortical nanites +3}
Demolitions: 5 {neocortical nanites +3}
Diving: 2
Escape artist: 1
Gunnery: 2
Heavy weapons: 5
Intimidation: 4
Parachuting: 3 {balance augmenter +1}
Perception: 6 {visual +5, audio +3, directional +2, coprocessor +3, limbic nanites +3, observe in detail +3}
Pilot aircraft: 1 {rotor craft +2}
Pilot ground craft: 1 {wheeled +2}
Throwing weapons: 1 {lobbed +2}
Knowledge Skills
Arms dealers: 2 {north america +2, limbic nanites +3}
Combat Augmentation: 1 {neocortical nanites +3}
Chemistry: 1 {explosives +2, neocortical nanites +3}
Desert wars: 3 {limbic nanites +3}
Engineering: 1 {structural +2, neocortical nanites +3}
Firearms trivia: 5 {limbic nanites +3}
Gunsmithing: 3 {neocortical nanites +3}
Military background: 4 {neocortical nanites +3}
Physics: 1 {ballistics +2, neocortical nanites +3}
Smuggling routes: 1 {cas-aztlan +2, limbic nanites +3}
Language Skills
English: native
Creole: 3 {limbic nanites +3}
Portuguese: 1 {limbic nanites +3}
Sioux: 2 {limbic nanites +3}
Spanish: 4 {limbic nanites +3}
Biocompatability {bioware}
Quick healer
Allergy {gold - mild}
Incompetent {pilot watercraft}
Phobia {underwater environments - mild}
Sensitive neural structure
Weak immune system
- bioware essence loss: 4.005
- cyberware essence loss: 1.97 (3.94 / 2)
- total: 5.975
Spinrad Industries Spin Shop - biosculpting {3}
Ares PainAway-Pro7 - damage compensators {7}
Universal Omnitech BioRoids-2-se - muscle augmentation {2}
Shiawase NytroDex 4.0 - muscle toner {4}
Evo BluddBuffer - platelet factories
Ares Primal Hunter - reflex recorder {firearms}
Saeder Krupp Silent Partner - reflex recorder {infiltration}
Shiawase Time OptimizR - sleep regulator
Evo BetterBody - suprathyroid gland
Universal Omnitech Hyperflex Xtrme - synaptic boosters {3}
Shiawase CardiOlympian Vx-3 - synthacardium {3}
Shiawase XtrAlert - attention coprocessor {3}
Horizon Aurexec Deluxe - cyberears {3} - {alpha}
-- Ares N-R-Ear - balance augmenter [4]
-- Evo MaxiMute - damper [1]
-- Horizon Private Hollywood-A - ear recording unit [-]
-- Evo SoundSift-2 - select sound filter {2} [2]
-- Renraku ExtrAudio-hd-3.04-c - sound enhancement {3} [3]
-- Horizon SymphonyLink - sound link [-]
-- Ares InTraject - spacial recognizer [2]
Zeiss Zeta-82-9 - cybereyes {4} - {beta}
-- Horizon Private Hollywood-V - eye recording unit [-]
-- Zeiss CrystalLink - image link [-]
-- Evo FlashFoe - flare compensation [1]
-- Zeiss NeverDim - low light vision [2]
-- NeoNET NearSight - microscopic vision [3]
-- Horizon TrendLens - protective covers [-]
-- Saeder Krupp BattlePro - smartlink [3]
-- Horizon HotSpot - thermographic vision [2]
-- Horizon Picture Purfect Elite - vision enhancement {3} [3]
-- Zeiss CrystalZoom - vision magnification [2]
NeoNET UltraJack - datajack {beta}
Ares WhisperChrome- s-327-R - synthetic right cyberarm - customization {agility +7, body +3, strength +2}
-- Ares Sharpshooter - optimization {long arms} [2]
-- Crash Cart SixPak - auto-injector {6} [-]
-- Ares SureSpin - gyromount [4]
-- Evo NanoNanny6 - nanohive {6} [2]
Ares WhisperChrome- s-327-L - synthetic left cyberarm - customization {agility +7, body +3, strength +2}
-- Ares Desperado - optimization {pistols} [2]
-- Crash Cart SixPak - auto-injector {6} [-]
-- Evo BodyBuddy - biomonitor [1]
-- Saeder Krupp Infinivision 2-76-4 - radar sensor {4} [2]
-- Evo NanoNanny6 - nanohive {6} [2]
-- Horizon Nu-Pioneer - orientation system [1]
Ares QuikStep III - reaction enhancers {3}
Horizon DynoDerm - altskin - armor: 3 / 1, sealer, newprint, shade, shifter {6}
NeoNET Sixth Sense XT - limbic neural amplifier{3}
Horizon Nan-Q-6.3 - neocortical neiral amplifier{3}
Genesis Corporation MedBugs gc-nsm-3 - nanosymbiotes {3}
Universal Omnitech Hyperlung-o2x-5 - oxyrush {5}
Zeta-ImpChem NooBlooGoo - universal nanite hunters {6}
Universal Omnitech Cybershield - implant medics {6} - right cyberarm
Universal Omnitech Cybershield - implant medics {6} - left cyberarm
Shiawase BioDocs - implant medics {6} - synaptic boosters
Crash Cart Guardian Angel - medkit supplies
Shiawase O-Shield Plus - o-cells {9}
Universal Omnitech Royal Flush - universal nantidotes {9}
Saeder Krupp Radamantium - anti-rad {6}
All nanites are 'soft' except hunters and anti-rad
Botulism, croisade, CS / tear gas, ebola plus, gamma-anthrax, gamma-scopolamine, HMHVV, hsv-5, influenza, laes, laesel, malaria, narcoject, nausea gas, neuro-stun, pepper punch, tuberculosis, vitas-3 {all at 6}
PAN - 'Private'
Mode: 'Hidden'
Icon: dark silver cloud lit with random flashes of blue, yellow or pink lightning.
Operating system:
2039: Born on February 7th, outside of Austin, TX
2043: Starts Kindergarten in August
2056: Graduates HS at age 17 (May)
2056: Joins CAS Army (June)
2056: Completes Basic and Infantry School (October)
2057: Completes Airborne/Air Assault/Pathfinder/Sniper School (February)
2057: Assigned to HQ Pltn, A Company, 3rd Brigade (Iron Rakkasans), 101st Airborne
2058: Promoted from Private 1st Class to Specialist (E-4)
2060: Attends PLDC, promoted to Sgt. (E-5)
2062: Attends BNOC, promoted to Staff Sgt. (E-6)
2064: Attends SF Selection, Q-course, and Language School
2064: Assigned to 7th SOG, operating out Ft. Bragg, NC
2066: Attends USMC Scout/Sniper school
2069: Assigned to ConsOps
2071: Operation Dissonant Cadence
Arcane Ops specialist: Chief Petty Officer Ivan Beckett (General Arcanist/CASN SEAL) [Galedeep]
[ Spoiler ]
Ivan Beckett
Physical Description:
Ivan Beckett is a tall, relatively thin, wiry man (6’5�, 185 lbs). He looks human, having had his elven ears blunted and his features changed somewhat cosmetically in order to appear less distinct., along with giving him the ability to grow thick, relatively course facial hair. He wears his hair long, and a thick, but well maintained beard. He is less strenuous about his physicality than most SEAL’s, focusing instead on unique tactics and his magical capabilities, though he keeps himself trim and constantly works on his agility and aim.
Ivan is well known amongst his peers for his religious and magical leanings, as he follows the Norse pantheon half-heartedly as a religion, and obsessively as a tradition of spellcasting. He relates especially well with Odin, and often consults his god in times of trouble. However, when it is required, he removes all trappings of his faith and tradition, masquerading as mundanes or other types of magicians as needed.
Ivan Beckett was born on June 18, 2020, to Pamela and Avery Beckett. Unusual amongst elven families, he was a third child, with two older siblings, a sister, Angela Beckett, who died in a car accident when he was still young, and a brother, Ronald Beckett, who was killed in combat before Ivans birth, working as an Army Ranger.
Ivan found himself running rather wild as a youngster, in a predominantly human area, as his parents had little money, and after two of their children had been killed, little motivation to push themselves for something better. This led Ivan to do a few stupid things, followed by a few more; the surgery that left him much more human looking happened during this phase, using stolen money. Throughout his escapades, unlike most of his ganger friends, he kept up with his schoolwork, acting more on the model of what he thought his brother would have been like than his father, who spent the majority of his time drinking.
As Ivan came closer to graduation, he became disenchanted with the lawlessness and idiocy of his former friends, distancing himself from them as he managed to graduate first in his class. He earned a few minor scholarships, one of moderate worth, but it wasn’t enough to take care of room and board. So, Ivan followed his brothers path, to little objection from his parents, who at that point, were hardly living any more. Four months later, they were both dead, and he was in the Navy.
He found the disciplined lifestyle difficult, when it was thrust upon him, but soon adapted to it, coming to enjoy the feeling of control it gave him over his own actions. After having felt nearly a passenger on some of the wild events of his youth, he relished the sensation of being in command of himself. He excelled at his training, and was given one other surprising boost as basic training came to an end; unknown power welled up in him, seemingly triggered by his new outlook and control, and he realized he had magical potential.
Al of this seemed almost too much, but true to his new self, he worked harder than he ever had, focusing on becoming the best sailor and soldier that he could be. He volunteered for training in the Thaumaturgical School, learning most of his spells there, spells that were mission-oriented, that would aid in stealth, combat, and counterterrorism. He didn’t know it, but he was being groomed to enter the SEALs.
Upon graduation, he was offered the chance to go through the SEALs training, and he accepted it without blinking. He was by far one of the weakest, physically, to go through the training that iteration; he met the minimums required, and a little more besides, but his totals were never nearly as impressive as some of the others. Still, he qualified, and brought a considerable talent into play that was needed on a force such as this; magical capabilities. He was forbidden from using his magic to get him through the course, but one thing did give him an edge; a glowing, warm sense of accomplishment, of honor, and of pride seemed to take form, warming him in the icy water, comforting him as he collapsed on the beach, weeping from exhaustion. It took form, a large man, wearing thick robes and a wide-brimmed hat, smiling kindly and urging his young warrior on, from a scarred, one-eyed visage. The figure seemed kind, but it was most certainly not gentle; it was power, personified, and it wished for Ivan to keep going. So, he did.
He graduated training, and was presented with his trident. From there, he focused his specialization on Counterterrorism, and Thaumaturgical studies, learning by doing what he needed to cover his team. He focused heavily on spellcasting, though he didn’t shirk on conjuring the spirits of his tradition, which he grew to understand was defined by his experience during Hell Week. He felt a kinship with the Norse Pantheon, which manifested in his Mentor Spirit, the fiery visage of Odin, his power revealed. As a fellow warrior, he encouraged bravery and strength, and as the wisest among the Aesir, he encouraged tactical movement, preparation, and defense. Countering the spells aimed at his companions was important, as was astral surveillance, so he didn’t skimp in the fields.
Some of his spells made traditional training obsolete, though he managed to learn the basics anyway. Other tasks he learned spells specifically for, in order to make up for weaknesses in himself. Focusing so intently on his missions and his magic, however, left little time for anything else, and Ivan is known as being somewhat quiet, something of a loner when not in combat or on a mission.
Recently, upon joining Consular Operations, he’s come into his own. Developing his power took a backseat to operating at peak efficiency, and he had some bits of ‘ware installed to improve his overall performance, and reduce the draining effects of his spells. It reduced his considerable power somewhat, but he knew that he could regain it, given time. Knowing his unit needs him to cover them, he was more than performed his duties, and as he grows in faith and talent, he finds comfort in knowing that his soul, and that of his companions, will rest in Valhalla, should they fall.
Character Name: Ivan Beckett
Profession: Special Ops Arcanist, Counterterrorism Specialist
Sex: Male
Build Points Max: 635
Build Points Used: 635
Build points spent on Nuyen(50)
Nuyen: 350,000
Build points spent on Race (25)
Race Notes:
Elf: Natural Low Light Vision
Initiation Grade 3 (30)
Centering, Shielding, Absorption
Build points spent on Attributes (285)
Attributes: (min/current/max)
Agility 2 / 3 (7) / 7
Body 1 / 3 (5) / 6
Reaction 1 / 3 / 6
Strength 1 / 3 / 6
Charisma 3 / 7 / 8
Intuition 1 / 3 / 6
Logic 1 / 3 / 6
Willpower 1 / 4 / 6
Essence 1 / 5 / 6
Magic 1 / 7 / 8
Edge 1 / 2 / 6
Derived Attributes:
Initiative 6
Memory 8
Composure 12
Judge Intentions 10
Lift/Carry 7
Walking Rate (m/turn): 10
Running Rate (m/turn): 25
Swim Rate (m/turn): 6
Lift w/out test (kg/lbs): 30/66
Overhead Lift w/out test (kg/lbs): 15/33
Condition Monitors:
Physical Track: 10
Stun Track: 11
Active SKILLS:
Build points spent on Active Skills: (207)
Ex-Group: Con (Cha) RANK 4 Specialization: Fast Talk
Ex-Group: Leadership (Cha) RANK 3
Ex-Group: Negotiation (Cha) RANK 3
Ex-Group: Ettiquette (Cha) RANK 3 Specialization: Street
Group: Outdoors (Int) RANK 3 3 in group, Navigation, Survival, Tracking
Ex-Group: Running (Str) RANK 3
Ex-Group: Swimming (Str) RANK 3 Specialization: Long Distance
Ex-Group: Gymnastics (Str) RANK 3
Ex-Group: Climbing (Str) RANK 3
Spellcasting (Mag) RANK 7 Specialization: Illusion Spells
Counterspelling (Mag) RANK 6 Specialization: Manipulation Spells
Assensing (Int) RANK 6 Specialization: Metahuman Aura Reading
Ritual Spellcasting (Mag) RANK 3 Specialization: Combat Spells
Astral Combat (Wil) RANK 5 Specialization: Magicians
Ex Group: Banishing (Mag) RANK 4 Specialization: Task Spirits
Ex Group: Binding (Mag) RANK 5 Specialization: Guardian Spirits
Ex Group: Summoning (Mag) RANK 5 Specialization: Guardian Spirits
Ex Group: Longarms (Agi) RANK 4 Specialization: Rifles
Ex Group: Pistols (Agi) RANK 4 Specialization: Semi-Automatics
Ex Group: Automatics (Agi) RANK 4 Specialization: Assault Rifles
Unarmed Combat (Agi) RANK 4 Specialization: Martial Arts
Infiltration (Agi) RANK 5 Specialization: Urban
Perception (Int) RANK 5 Specialization: Visual
Dodge (Rea) RANK 4 Specialization: Melee
Intimidation (Cha) RANK 3
Pilot: Watercraft (Rea) RANK 2 Specialization: Motor Boat
Knowledge SKILLS:
Build points spent on Knowledge Skills:(4)
academic Military Theory & Tactics by SEALS RANK:3 Specialization: Infiltration
academic Military Theory & Tactics by SEALS RANK:3 Specialization: Surveillance/Counter Surveillance
language Spanish Speak/Read/Write RANK:4
language Sperethiel Speak/Read/Write RANK:3
language Portuguese Speak/Read/Write RANK:3
language French Speak/Read/Write RANK:3
Native Language: (free)
Positive Qualities:
Magician Special Quality (15 points)
Mentor Spirit (Sky Father (Odin)) +2 to manipulation spells, +2 to detection spells, willpower threshold 3 to retaliate against insult, -1 to resist con (flattery) (5 points)
Negative Qualities:
Sensitive System (15) Rank 1
Spirit Bane – Task Spirits (10) Rank 1
Geasa (Talisman) (10) Rank 1
Build Points spent on Spells (63)
Number of Spells Purchased: 21 (21)
Combat: Stunball, Stunbolt, Shatter
Illusion: Trid Phantasm, Improved Invisibility, Stealth, Physical Mask
Health: Heal, Oxygenate
Manipulation: Levitate, Influence, Alter Memory, Mob Control, Control Thoughts, Magic Fingers, Shape Metal
Detection: Mind Probe, Spatial Sense extended, Detect Life extended, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance
Build Points spent on Foci (10)
Power Focus rating 5 125,000
Centering Focus rating 5 75,000
Alphaware Muscle Toner rating 4 0.32 42,000
Alphaware Platelet Factories 0.2 50,000
Trauma Damper 0.2 40,000
Aluminum Bone Lacing 0.5 10,000
Deltaware Datajack 0.05 5,000
Tradition details: Norse
Combat: Guardian
Detection: Water
Health: Fire
Illusion: Air
Manipulation: Beast
Drain: Willpower + Charisma
Physical Description:
Ivan Beckett is a tall, relatively thin, wiry man (6’5�, 185 lbs). He looks human, having had his elven ears blunted and his features changed somewhat cosmetically in order to appear less distinct., along with giving him the ability to grow thick, relatively course facial hair. He wears his hair long, and a thick, but well maintained beard. He is less strenuous about his physicality than most SEAL’s, focusing instead on unique tactics and his magical capabilities, though he keeps himself trim and constantly works on his agility and aim.
Ivan is well known amongst his peers for his religious and magical leanings, as he follows the Norse pantheon half-heartedly as a religion, and obsessively as a tradition of spellcasting. He relates especially well with Odin, and often consults his god in times of trouble. However, when it is required, he removes all trappings of his faith and tradition, masquerading as mundanes or other types of magicians as needed.
Ivan Beckett was born on June 18, 2020, to Pamela and Avery Beckett. Unusual amongst elven families, he was a third child, with two older siblings, a sister, Angela Beckett, who died in a car accident when he was still young, and a brother, Ronald Beckett, who was killed in combat before Ivans birth, working as an Army Ranger.
Ivan found himself running rather wild as a youngster, in a predominantly human area, as his parents had little money, and after two of their children had been killed, little motivation to push themselves for something better. This led Ivan to do a few stupid things, followed by a few more; the surgery that left him much more human looking happened during this phase, using stolen money. Throughout his escapades, unlike most of his ganger friends, he kept up with his schoolwork, acting more on the model of what he thought his brother would have been like than his father, who spent the majority of his time drinking.
As Ivan came closer to graduation, he became disenchanted with the lawlessness and idiocy of his former friends, distancing himself from them as he managed to graduate first in his class. He earned a few minor scholarships, one of moderate worth, but it wasn’t enough to take care of room and board. So, Ivan followed his brothers path, to little objection from his parents, who at that point, were hardly living any more. Four months later, they were both dead, and he was in the Navy.
He found the disciplined lifestyle difficult, when it was thrust upon him, but soon adapted to it, coming to enjoy the feeling of control it gave him over his own actions. After having felt nearly a passenger on some of the wild events of his youth, he relished the sensation of being in command of himself. He excelled at his training, and was given one other surprising boost as basic training came to an end; unknown power welled up in him, seemingly triggered by his new outlook and control, and he realized he had magical potential.
Al of this seemed almost too much, but true to his new self, he worked harder than he ever had, focusing on becoming the best sailor and soldier that he could be. He volunteered for training in the Thaumaturgical School, learning most of his spells there, spells that were mission-oriented, that would aid in stealth, combat, and counterterrorism. He didn’t know it, but he was being groomed to enter the SEALs.
Upon graduation, he was offered the chance to go through the SEALs training, and he accepted it without blinking. He was by far one of the weakest, physically, to go through the training that iteration; he met the minimums required, and a little more besides, but his totals were never nearly as impressive as some of the others. Still, he qualified, and brought a considerable talent into play that was needed on a force such as this; magical capabilities. He was forbidden from using his magic to get him through the course, but one thing did give him an edge; a glowing, warm sense of accomplishment, of honor, and of pride seemed to take form, warming him in the icy water, comforting him as he collapsed on the beach, weeping from exhaustion. It took form, a large man, wearing thick robes and a wide-brimmed hat, smiling kindly and urging his young warrior on, from a scarred, one-eyed visage. The figure seemed kind, but it was most certainly not gentle; it was power, personified, and it wished for Ivan to keep going. So, he did.
He graduated training, and was presented with his trident. From there, he focused his specialization on Counterterrorism, and Thaumaturgical studies, learning by doing what he needed to cover his team. He focused heavily on spellcasting, though he didn’t shirk on conjuring the spirits of his tradition, which he grew to understand was defined by his experience during Hell Week. He felt a kinship with the Norse Pantheon, which manifested in his Mentor Spirit, the fiery visage of Odin, his power revealed. As a fellow warrior, he encouraged bravery and strength, and as the wisest among the Aesir, he encouraged tactical movement, preparation, and defense. Countering the spells aimed at his companions was important, as was astral surveillance, so he didn’t skimp in the fields.
Some of his spells made traditional training obsolete, though he managed to learn the basics anyway. Other tasks he learned spells specifically for, in order to make up for weaknesses in himself. Focusing so intently on his missions and his magic, however, left little time for anything else, and Ivan is known as being somewhat quiet, something of a loner when not in combat or on a mission.
Recently, upon joining Consular Operations, he’s come into his own. Developing his power took a backseat to operating at peak efficiency, and he had some bits of ‘ware installed to improve his overall performance, and reduce the draining effects of his spells. It reduced his considerable power somewhat, but he knew that he could regain it, given time. Knowing his unit needs him to cover them, he was more than performed his duties, and as he grows in faith and talent, he finds comfort in knowing that his soul, and that of his companions, will rest in Valhalla, should they fall.
Character Name: Ivan Beckett
Profession: Special Ops Arcanist, Counterterrorism Specialist
Sex: Male
Build Points Max: 635
Build Points Used: 635
Build points spent on Nuyen(50)
Nuyen: 350,000
Build points spent on Race (25)
Race Notes:
Elf: Natural Low Light Vision
Initiation Grade 3 (30)
Centering, Shielding, Absorption
Build points spent on Attributes (285)
Attributes: (min/current/max)
Agility 2 / 3 (7) / 7
Body 1 / 3 (5) / 6
Reaction 1 / 3 / 6
Strength 1 / 3 / 6
Charisma 3 / 7 / 8
Intuition 1 / 3 / 6
Logic 1 / 3 / 6
Willpower 1 / 4 / 6
Essence 1 / 5 / 6
Magic 1 / 7 / 8
Edge 1 / 2 / 6
Derived Attributes:
Initiative 6
Memory 8
Composure 12
Judge Intentions 10
Lift/Carry 7
Walking Rate (m/turn): 10
Running Rate (m/turn): 25
Swim Rate (m/turn): 6
Lift w/out test (kg/lbs): 30/66
Overhead Lift w/out test (kg/lbs): 15/33
Condition Monitors:
Physical Track: 10
Stun Track: 11
Active SKILLS:
Build points spent on Active Skills: (207)
Ex-Group: Con (Cha) RANK 4 Specialization: Fast Talk
Ex-Group: Leadership (Cha) RANK 3
Ex-Group: Negotiation (Cha) RANK 3
Ex-Group: Ettiquette (Cha) RANK 3 Specialization: Street
Group: Outdoors (Int) RANK 3 3 in group, Navigation, Survival, Tracking
Ex-Group: Running (Str) RANK 3
Ex-Group: Swimming (Str) RANK 3 Specialization: Long Distance
Ex-Group: Gymnastics (Str) RANK 3
Ex-Group: Climbing (Str) RANK 3
Spellcasting (Mag) RANK 7 Specialization: Illusion Spells
Counterspelling (Mag) RANK 6 Specialization: Manipulation Spells
Assensing (Int) RANK 6 Specialization: Metahuman Aura Reading
Ritual Spellcasting (Mag) RANK 3 Specialization: Combat Spells
Astral Combat (Wil) RANK 5 Specialization: Magicians
Ex Group: Banishing (Mag) RANK 4 Specialization: Task Spirits
Ex Group: Binding (Mag) RANK 5 Specialization: Guardian Spirits
Ex Group: Summoning (Mag) RANK 5 Specialization: Guardian Spirits
Ex Group: Longarms (Agi) RANK 4 Specialization: Rifles
Ex Group: Pistols (Agi) RANK 4 Specialization: Semi-Automatics
Ex Group: Automatics (Agi) RANK 4 Specialization: Assault Rifles
Unarmed Combat (Agi) RANK 4 Specialization: Martial Arts
Infiltration (Agi) RANK 5 Specialization: Urban
Perception (Int) RANK 5 Specialization: Visual
Dodge (Rea) RANK 4 Specialization: Melee
Intimidation (Cha) RANK 3
Pilot: Watercraft (Rea) RANK 2 Specialization: Motor Boat
Knowledge SKILLS:
Build points spent on Knowledge Skills:(4)
academic Military Theory & Tactics by SEALS RANK:3 Specialization: Infiltration
academic Military Theory & Tactics by SEALS RANK:3 Specialization: Surveillance/Counter Surveillance
language Spanish Speak/Read/Write RANK:4
language Sperethiel Speak/Read/Write RANK:3
language Portuguese Speak/Read/Write RANK:3
language French Speak/Read/Write RANK:3
Native Language: (free)
Positive Qualities:
Magician Special Quality (15 points)
Mentor Spirit (Sky Father (Odin)) +2 to manipulation spells, +2 to detection spells, willpower threshold 3 to retaliate against insult, -1 to resist con (flattery) (5 points)
Negative Qualities:
Sensitive System (15) Rank 1
Spirit Bane – Task Spirits (10) Rank 1
Geasa (Talisman) (10) Rank 1
Build Points spent on Spells (63)
Number of Spells Purchased: 21 (21)
Combat: Stunball, Stunbolt, Shatter
Illusion: Trid Phantasm, Improved Invisibility, Stealth, Physical Mask
Health: Heal, Oxygenate
Manipulation: Levitate, Influence, Alter Memory, Mob Control, Control Thoughts, Magic Fingers, Shape Metal
Detection: Mind Probe, Spatial Sense extended, Detect Life extended, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance
Build Points spent on Foci (10)
Power Focus rating 5 125,000
Centering Focus rating 5 75,000
Alphaware Muscle Toner rating 4 0.32 42,000
Alphaware Platelet Factories 0.2 50,000
Trauma Damper 0.2 40,000
Aluminum Bone Lacing 0.5 10,000
Deltaware Datajack 0.05 5,000
Tradition details: Norse
Combat: Guardian
Detection: Water
Health: Fire
Illusion: Air
Manipulation: Beast
Drain: Willpower + Charisma
Medical Officer and Arcane Support: Major Samantha O'Kerrigan (SF medic/Thaumaturgy)[ZenZen]
[ Spoiler ]
Note: Character sheet not 100% complete/approved yet. Final build will be posted soon.
Samantha 'Sam' O'Kerrigan is a second generation Irish (now Tir na n'Og) immigrant (being born in the CAS, so she's a full citizen), and something of a prodigy, able to absorb vast amounts of information with little effort and a dedication to match, thus she breezed through school with top grades. Add to that the fact that she awakened and proved to be a very capable spellcaster.
Always interested in medicine, she manages to get a ROTC scholarship for the prestigious UTMC [I'm very flexible with that one, I just picked the first large university in CAS territory with medical spec I found on the net, so feel free to point me to other/obvious options.], specialization in thaumaturgical medicine.
Handling her officer training courses with ease while graduating in record time (she got her first initiate grade by now), Sam gets recruited immediately afterwards and is looking forward to the opportunity to put her abilities to use, challenge and prove herself and getting around at the same time.
After a year of CAS Army Thaumaturgical School where she starts to expand her ever growing arsenal of spells with those helping her identifying and even neutralizing threats in the field, she is commissioned as a 2nd Lt. and assigned to the 7496th Thaumaturgical Brigade.
She then spends several years of being attached to various units, gaining valuable "hands on" field experience and a pair of shiny new cybereyes.
Although only average in athletic and combat performance, she shows considerable adaptability and a penchant for detection spells in addition to her excellent medic qualities, earning her the spotter role alongside a sniper, where she also proves her camouflaging abilities as well.
Furthermore her superiors regularly note Samantha's creative (if often rules-bending till -breaking) use of magic when not on a mission, even creating new spells in her spare time, usually to the astonishment of her peers. One remarkable stunt had Samantha convincingly impersonate a Brigadier General, using a Mask spell she couldn't have learned at school, to order her unit several barrels of beer for a St.Patrick's Day celebration after 2 weeks of numbing down-time.
As they were never during critical times and ultimately harmless, Sam never received punishment for her tricks (and because of the fact that she made sure that while everyone knew it was her doing, no one was ever able to prove it), instead rising through the ranks because of her spotless performance both theoretical and practical.
After the promotion to Captain's rank, matters became serious as she was selected for Special Forces training, ending her pranks and showing her dedicated and strictly goal-oriented side.
After SF graduation and assignment to the 7th Special Operations groups Captain Samantha O'Kerrigan spends several years on various missions, honing her skills, initiating and further studying the arts to tap her magical potential and enhance her abilities, while receiving cultured bioware to help with the increasingly long and dangerous missions and an implanted radar system for tactical assessment and navigation.
After many successful missions and saved limbs&lives, Captain O'Kerrigan becomes Major and an invitation to ConsOps follows, which is gladly accepted. There she soon receives a valuable gift: paid by the agency a skilled enchanter works orichalcum inlays into her small golden amulet, formed like a stylized sun, turning it into a powerful focus for her magical abilities, feeding her with enough power to reliably cast even the most difficult spells in her arsenal and shaping stronger and longer-lasting elementals to aid her.
Name: Samantha O'Kerrigan
Handle: 'Sam'
Player: ZenZen
Human [0 BP]
Magician (Chaos) [15 BP]
Mentor Spirit (Sun) [5BP]
Astral Chameleon [5 BP]
First Impression [5 BP]
Allergy (Silver) (Uncommon/Moderate) [-10 BP]
Spirit Bane (Guidance) [-10 BP]
Spirit Bane (Harrow) [-10 BP]
Incompetent (Escape Artist) [-5 BP]
>>BP (Race&Qualities): -5
Body 3 [20 BP]
Agility 2 [10 BP]
Reaction 3 [20 BP]
Strength 3 [20 BP]
Charisma 3 [20 BP]
Intuition 4 [30 BP]
Logic 5 (8 ) [40 BP]
Willpower 3 [20 BP]
>>BP (Attributes): 180
Magic 6 [50 BP]
Edge 4 [20 BP]
Resources: 294.000 Y [42 BP]
Grade 4 Initiate: Centering (gestures), Shielding, Masking, Extended Masking [40 BP]
Focus Binding: Power Focus R6 [6 BP]
>>BP (Special): 158
Athletics Group {Str} 3 [15 BP]
Gymnastics {Agi}
Running (Sprinting) (+2) [1 BP*]
Outdoors Group {Int} 3 [15 BP]
Survival {Wil}
Stealth Group {Int} 3 [15 BP]
Disguise (Camouflage) (+2) [1 BP*]
Infiltration {Agi} (Urban) (+2) [1 BP*]
Palming {Agi}
Firearms Group {Agi} 4 [20 BP]
Automatics (SMGs/Assault Rifles) (+2) [1 BP*]
Longarms (Sniper Rifles/Shotguns) [1 BP*]
Pistols (Semi-Automatics) (+2) [1 BP*]
Influence Group {Cha} 5 [25 BP]
Con (Impersonation) (+2) [1 BP*]
Leadership (Morale) (+2) [1 BP*]
Negotiation (Diplomacy) (+2) [1 BP*]
Biotech Group {Log} 4 [20 BP]
First Aid (Combat Wounds) 6 (+2) [5 BP*]
Medicine (Magical Health) 5 (+2) [3 BP*]
Spellcasting (Detection Spells) 7 (+2) [12 BP + 3 BP*]
Summoning (Spirits of Air/Man) 6 (+2) [11 BP + 2 BP*]
Counterspelling (Detection Spells) 5 (+2) [10 BP + 1 BP*]
Binding (Spirits of Air/Man) 5 (+2) [11 BP]
Assensing {Int} (Metahumans) 4 (+2) [9 BP]
Perception {Int} (Visual) 4 (+2) [9 BP]
Dodge {Rea} (Ranged Combat) 5 (+2) [11 BP]
Unarmed Combat (Subdual Combat) 4 (+2) [9 BP]
Diving {Bod} (Military) 1 (+2) [3 BP*]
Parachuting {Bod} 2 [4 BP*]
Intimidation {Cha} (Mental) 1 (+2) [3 BP*]
Arcana {Log} 1 [2 BP*]
>>BP (Skills): 192
>>BP* (Additional Skills): 35
Powerbolt D+1
Slaughter [Spirit]* D+1
Sound Wave* 'Howl of Pain' D+5
Stunbolt D-1
Analyze Device D+0
Combat Sense D+2
Detect Enemies, Extended D+3
Detect [Sensors], Extended D+1
Diagnose* D+0
Mana Window, Extended* D+2
Mindnet* D+3, Extended
Samantha 'Sam' O'Kerrigan is a second generation Irish (now Tir na n'Og) immigrant (being born in the CAS, so she's a full citizen), and something of a prodigy, able to absorb vast amounts of information with little effort and a dedication to match, thus she breezed through school with top grades. Add to that the fact that she awakened and proved to be a very capable spellcaster.
Always interested in medicine, she manages to get a ROTC scholarship for the prestigious UTMC [I'm very flexible with that one, I just picked the first large university in CAS territory with medical spec I found on the net, so feel free to point me to other/obvious options.], specialization in thaumaturgical medicine.
Handling her officer training courses with ease while graduating in record time (she got her first initiate grade by now), Sam gets recruited immediately afterwards and is looking forward to the opportunity to put her abilities to use, challenge and prove herself and getting around at the same time.
After a year of CAS Army Thaumaturgical School where she starts to expand her ever growing arsenal of spells with those helping her identifying and even neutralizing threats in the field, she is commissioned as a 2nd Lt. and assigned to the 7496th Thaumaturgical Brigade.
She then spends several years of being attached to various units, gaining valuable "hands on" field experience and a pair of shiny new cybereyes.
Although only average in athletic and combat performance, she shows considerable adaptability and a penchant for detection spells in addition to her excellent medic qualities, earning her the spotter role alongside a sniper, where she also proves her camouflaging abilities as well.
Furthermore her superiors regularly note Samantha's creative (if often rules-bending till -breaking) use of magic when not on a mission, even creating new spells in her spare time, usually to the astonishment of her peers. One remarkable stunt had Samantha convincingly impersonate a Brigadier General, using a Mask spell she couldn't have learned at school, to order her unit several barrels of beer for a St.Patrick's Day celebration after 2 weeks of numbing down-time.
As they were never during critical times and ultimately harmless, Sam never received punishment for her tricks (and because of the fact that she made sure that while everyone knew it was her doing, no one was ever able to prove it), instead rising through the ranks because of her spotless performance both theoretical and practical.
After the promotion to Captain's rank, matters became serious as she was selected for Special Forces training, ending her pranks and showing her dedicated and strictly goal-oriented side.
After SF graduation and assignment to the 7th Special Operations groups Captain Samantha O'Kerrigan spends several years on various missions, honing her skills, initiating and further studying the arts to tap her magical potential and enhance her abilities, while receiving cultured bioware to help with the increasingly long and dangerous missions and an implanted radar system for tactical assessment and navigation.
After many successful missions and saved limbs&lives, Captain O'Kerrigan becomes Major and an invitation to ConsOps follows, which is gladly accepted. There she soon receives a valuable gift: paid by the agency a skilled enchanter works orichalcum inlays into her small golden amulet, formed like a stylized sun, turning it into a powerful focus for her magical abilities, feeding her with enough power to reliably cast even the most difficult spells in her arsenal and shaping stronger and longer-lasting elementals to aid her.
Name: Samantha O'Kerrigan
Handle: 'Sam'
Player: ZenZen
Human [0 BP]
Magician (Chaos) [15 BP]
Mentor Spirit (Sun) [5BP]
Astral Chameleon [5 BP]
First Impression [5 BP]
Allergy (Silver) (Uncommon/Moderate) [-10 BP]
Spirit Bane (Guidance) [-10 BP]
Spirit Bane (Harrow) [-10 BP]
Incompetent (Escape Artist) [-5 BP]
>>BP (Race&Qualities): -5
Body 3 [20 BP]
Agility 2 [10 BP]
Reaction 3 [20 BP]
Strength 3 [20 BP]
Charisma 3 [20 BP]
Intuition 4 [30 BP]
Logic 5 (8 ) [40 BP]
Willpower 3 [20 BP]
>>BP (Attributes): 180
Magic 6 [50 BP]
Edge 4 [20 BP]
Resources: 294.000 Y [42 BP]
Grade 4 Initiate: Centering (gestures), Shielding, Masking, Extended Masking [40 BP]
Focus Binding: Power Focus R6 [6 BP]
>>BP (Special): 158
Athletics Group {Str} 3 [15 BP]
Gymnastics {Agi}
Running (Sprinting) (+2) [1 BP*]
Outdoors Group {Int} 3 [15 BP]
Survival {Wil}
Stealth Group {Int} 3 [15 BP]
Disguise (Camouflage) (+2) [1 BP*]
Infiltration {Agi} (Urban) (+2) [1 BP*]
Palming {Agi}
Firearms Group {Agi} 4 [20 BP]
Automatics (SMGs/Assault Rifles) (+2) [1 BP*]
Longarms (Sniper Rifles/Shotguns) [1 BP*]
Pistols (Semi-Automatics) (+2) [1 BP*]
Influence Group {Cha} 5 [25 BP]
Con (Impersonation) (+2) [1 BP*]
Leadership (Morale) (+2) [1 BP*]
Negotiation (Diplomacy) (+2) [1 BP*]
Biotech Group {Log} 4 [20 BP]
First Aid (Combat Wounds) 6 (+2) [5 BP*]
Medicine (Magical Health) 5 (+2) [3 BP*]
Spellcasting (Detection Spells) 7 (+2) [12 BP + 3 BP*]
Summoning (Spirits of Air/Man) 6 (+2) [11 BP + 2 BP*]
Counterspelling (Detection Spells) 5 (+2) [10 BP + 1 BP*]
Binding (Spirits of Air/Man) 5 (+2) [11 BP]
Assensing {Int} (Metahumans) 4 (+2) [9 BP]
Perception {Int} (Visual) 4 (+2) [9 BP]
Dodge {Rea} (Ranged Combat) 5 (+2) [11 BP]
Unarmed Combat (Subdual Combat) 4 (+2) [9 BP]
Diving {Bod} (Military) 1 (+2) [3 BP*]
Parachuting {Bod} 2 [4 BP*]
Intimidation {Cha} (Mental) 1 (+2) [3 BP*]
Arcana {Log} 1 [2 BP*]
>>BP (Skills): 192
>>BP* (Additional Skills): 35
Powerbolt D+1
Slaughter [Spirit]* D+1
Sound Wave* 'Howl of Pain' D+5
Stunbolt D-1
Analyze Device D+0
Combat Sense D+2
Detect Enemies, Extended D+3
Detect [Sensors], Extended D+1
Diagnose* D+0
Mana Window, Extended* D+2
Mindnet* D+3, Extended