Ok, this is Ashley's current gear list. Keep in mind that it is still very much a work in progress, and that he (read I) has covered a couple of areas that are not technically his specialty, but he figured since he was there ...
FirearmsPistolsGlock 34 x 12
- 9mm [17c]
- tactical
- integral smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- skinlink
- normal ammo - DV: 3P / AP: -
- SLAP ammo - DV: 1P / AP: -8
HK USP9C x 12
- 9mm [15c]
- compact
- integral smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- skinlink
- normal ammo - DV: 3P / AP: -
- SLAP ammo - DV: 1P / AP: -8
HK P2000SK9 x 6
- 9mm [10c]
- subcompact
- integral smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- skinlink
- normal ammo - DV: 3P / AP: -
- SLAP ammo - DV: 1P / AP: -8
HK P2000SK9 x 6
- 9mm [10c]
- subcompact
- laser sight
- normal ammo - DV: 3P / AP: -
- SLAP ammo - DV: 1P / AP: -8
Beretta 9000S x 6
- 9mm [12c]
- subcompact
- integral smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- skinlink
- normal ammo - DV: 3P / AP: -
- SLAP ammo - DV: 1P / AP: -8
Beretta 9000S x 6
- 9mm [12c]
- subcompact
- laser sight
- normal ammo - DV: 3P / AP: -
- SLAP ammo - DV: 1P / AP: -8
RevolversSmith & Wesson 500 x 1 {this is Nick's personal piece

- .500 magnum [5cy]
- integral smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- skinlink
- cybersafety
- normal ammo - DV: 6P / AP: -3
Ruger Super Warhawk x 4
- .454 casull [6cy]
- integral smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- skinlink
- normal ammo - DV: 6P / AP: -1
Ruger Super Warhawk x 2
- .454 casull [6cy]
- laser sight
- normal ammo - DV: 6P / AP: -1
SMGsKBP PP2000 x 10
- 9x19mm [30c]
- spare clip used as stock
- integral smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- skinlink
- detachable sound suppressor
- normal ammo - DV: 3P / AP: -
- SLAP ammo - DV: 1P / AP: -8
KBP PP90M1 x 6
- 9x19mm [64d]
- external smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- detachable sound suppressor
- normal ammo - DV: 3P / AP: -
- SLAP ammo - DV: 1P / AP: -8
KBP PP90M1 x 6
- 9x19mm [64d]
- external smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- gas vent III
- normal ammo - DV: 3P / AP: -
- SLAP ammo - DV: 1P / AP: -8
KBP PP90M1 x 8
- 9x19mm [64d]
- laser sight
- detachable sound suppressor
- normal ammo - DV: 3P / AP: -
- SLAP ammo - DV: 1P / AP: -8
Assault RiflesAK-103 x 6
- 7.62x39mm [30c]
- integral smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- skinlink
- folding stock
- shock pad
- gas vent III
- normal ammo - DV: 4P / AP: -5
- match ammo - as normal but reduce range threshold by 1
AK-103 x 6
- 7.62x39mm [30c]
- external smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- folding stock
- shock pad
- gas vent III
- normal ammo - DV: 4P / AP: -5
- match ammo - as normal but reduce range threshold by 1
AK-103 x 2
- 7.62x39mm [30c]
- laser sight
- folding stock
- shock pad
- gas vent III
- normal ammo - DV: 4P / AP: -5
- match ammo - as normal but reduce range threshold by 1
AK-103 x 6
- 7.62x39mm [30c]
- integral smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- skinlink
- folding stock
- shock pad
- gas vent III
- scope {low light / thermo / ultrasound / vision magnification}
- normal ammo - DV: 4P / AP: -5
- match ammo - as normal but reduce range threshold by 1
ShotgunsFranchi SPAS x 3
- Flechette or Slug [7m]
- integral smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- skinlink
- folding stock
- shock pad
- normal ammo - DV: 8P / AP: -
- flechette - Dv: 7P / AP: -3
Remington M1370 MPSS x 3
- Flechette or Slug [9m]
- integral smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- skinlink
- folding stock
- shock pad
- normal ammo - DV: 8P / AP: -
- flechette - Dv: 7P / AP: -3
Remington M1370 MPSS x 2
- Flechette or Slug [9m]
- external smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- folding stock
- shock pad
- normal ammo - DV: 8P / AP: -
- flechette - Dv: 7P / AP: -3
Remington M1370 MPSS x 2
- Flechette or Slug [9m]
- laser sight
- folding stock
- shock pad
- normal ammo - DV: 8P / AP: -
- flechette - Dv: 7P / AP: -3
Sniper RiflesIzhmash Dragunov SVD x 4
- 7.62x54mm [10c]
- integral smartlink {camera - low light / thermo / vision magnification}
- skinlink
- shock pad
- bipod
- scope {low light / thermo / ultrasound / vision magnification}
- normal ammo - DV: 6P / AP: -9
- match ammo - as normal but reduce range threshold by 1
Non-Lethal & Melee WeaponsCombat Axes x 3
Extendable Batons x 12
Hardliner gloves / brass knuckles x 12
Monowhips x 6
Shock Gloves x 4
Stun batons x 10
Survival knives x 12
Throwing knives x 18
Ares S-III Super Squirt x 4
Defiance EX Shocker x 4
Yamaha Pulsar x 4
Ares S-III Super Squirt x 4
Fichetti Pain Inducer x 2
Heavy Weapons & Artillery????????? -
Need input here!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ammunition9mm x 4,000
9mm SLAP x 8,000
.500 Magnum x 50
.454 Casull x 2,000
9x19mm x 4,000
9x9mm SLAP x 8,000
7.62x39mm x 2,000
7.62x39mm Match x 10,000
12 gauge slugs x 2,000
12 gauge flechettes x 2,000
7.62x54mm Match x 1,000
Defiance darts x 400
Pulsar darts x 400
Squirt capsules x 400 -
drug choices?Info needed about ammunition for drones-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Firearm AccessoriesAssorted holsters x 48
Hidden arm slides x 12
Flash-Paks x 30
Speedloaders x 20 {2 for S&W}
Silencers x 24
Sound suppressors x 24
SMG clips x 180
AK clips x 120
Glock clips x 72
HK USP9C clips x 72
HK P2000SK9 clips x 72
Beretta clips x 72
Dragunov clips x 24
ToolsArmorer tool kit
Basic tool kit
Automotive mechanics tool kit
Electronics tool kits x 3
Duct tape {50m roll} x 12
Leatherman multi-tools x 6
Monofiliment chain saw
Tag erasers x 3
Wire clippers x 6
GearClimbing gear x 6
- rappelling gloves x 6
- grapple guns x 3
- stealth rope {200} x 12
- stealth rope {500} x 12
- catalyst sticks x 12
Diving gear x 6
Endoscopes x 3
Latex gloves {box of 20} x 6
Plastic restraints x 40
Smart corrosive spray {metal} x 12
Smart corrosive spray {plasteel} x 12
Smart corrosive spray {plasticrete} x 12
Universal sealant spray x 12
White noise generators {6} x 3
Survival kits x 6
- spare ration bars x 120
Gas masks x 6
Respirators {6} x 12
GPS x 6
Light sticks x 36
Micro-flare launchers x 6
- assorted colored flares x 36
Mini flashlights x 6
Mini flashlights {infrared} x 6
Mini flashlights {low light} x 6
Large nanopaste disguise kits x 12
Autopickers {6} x 3
Lockpick sets x 3
Maglock passkeys {6} x 3
Sequencers {6} x 3
Microtranceivers {6} x 12
Subvocal microphones x 12
Armor & ClothingLevel IIIA vests x 12
Chemsuits x 12
Assorted Securetech-style clothing from various makers x 60
Helmets of several different types x 18
Visual & Audio EnhancementAssorted contact lenses and glasses {in various configurations of the following} x 30
- image link
- visual enhancement {3}
- smartlink
- flare compensation
- low light
- thermo
- vision magnification
- skinlink
Ear buds x 12
- damper
- audio Enhancement {3}
- select sound filter {3}
- sound link
- skinlink
DemolitionsFlash bang grenades x 48
Fragmentation grenades x 48
High explosive grenades x 48
Smoke grenades x 96
Thermal smoke grenades x 48
Plastic explosives {15} x
as much as possibleFoam explosives {15} x
whatever I can getDetonator caps x 30
MedicalSavior medkits x 6
- medkit suppies x 18
Biomonitors x 6
Trauma patches x 12
Stim patches {6} x 36
Antidote patches {6} x 18
Antibac x 6
Zeta-Interferon x 6
Anti-rad {6} x 6
PeripheralsAssorted non-armored clothing, boots, shoes, socks, undergarments, toiletries, and other types of personal effects from appropriate locales
Backpacks, gym bags, and suitcases of various types