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QUOTE (Galedeep)

That'd be what Nick just burst in on. wink.gif

Just noticed your IC post. Nick had to time-warp a bit to get there, so we have progressed to the afformentioned Pizza party ... 45 minutes late, in fact.
Yeah, I told him to go ahead and bend the space/time continuum so he could actually get a chance to contribute.

My assumption is that you guys will be spending the interim time doing your research, making gear lists, etc.

BTW, work is pretty killer today, and I'm leaving for TN right after work, so I'm not expecting to be able to do another IC post until Monday.

I should have time to answer any OOC posted questions you guys might have, though.

Hello ZenZen?
QUOTE (Fortune)
Hello ZenZen?

Hello Fortune.

Sorry for the delay everyone, I know we're supposed to post at least once every day, but sometimes RL doesn't want me to...
As the discussion in the bunker was already over, I did a little reversed time-warp myself, so Sam didn't have to be silent all the time (she's supposed to be more vocal than that usually) - hope no one wants to answer to/comment on my 'motivational speech' IC, as this would bend the posting-time-space-continuum even more. If necessary, I can of course make some edits, otherwise consider it to be half a day later in the TTR (again).

Time to catch up on things then:

QUOTE (TheOneRonin IC)
Your friendly dialogue is interrupted by the hiss of briefing room door.

Since the early days of Star Trek it is generally accepted common knowledge that the existence of hissing doors is the most reliable indicator for a technologically advanced society.
biggrin.gif Three cheers for retro futurism!

Regarding medical equipment:
I never stated it explicitally yet (as TOR said we'll be properly equipped before we go off to our mission), but I consider Sam's basic equipment to consist of a Saviour Medkit with lots of refills (if this should be considered too expensive/high-tech and thus suspicious for Runners, then a max rating Medkit with tons of refills will have to do), a toolkit for cyberware repair (I guess a normal hardware kit would work here as well - GM call) and a good assortment of all the usual slap patches (antidote, trauma, stim and tranq), add to that all the sensible toxins&drugs (which is basically Gamma-Scopolamine, Narcoject, Long Haul and Psyche at this point, as Arsenal isn't out yet) with a handful of disposable syringes/poppers/'empty' slap patches.
Carrying shouldn't be a big issue, as the patches&drugs won't take much room/weight and most of the refills will be stashed away at our hideout(s).
Not sure yet if we should get 1 biomonitor for each one in the team (apart from those with an implanted, of course), for remote medical overwatch or something.

Regarding military equipment:
Sam prefers H&K and FN weaponry (too bad there are no Walther's in the list) and always carries a pistol or two, add an AR for combat missions, SMG when stealth or other restrictions don't allow ARs.
-HK USP10 Tactical
-FN Five-seveN Smart
(getting both pistols would be best)
-HK 227
-FN P95 Smart
-HK G12 A4
If those aren't available, then anything with a smartlink preferred.
Then a good armored vest and some shock gloves should do the trick for her.

QUOTE (Galedeep)
Oh, as Ivan lacks any telepathic spells, he may have a habit of using Alter Memory to implant memories of him speaking to you, in the exact same setting as you currently are, at the same or a similar time. That'll be private communication, trying to make the most of my spells, so if he gives you a significant look followed by me typing up "He implants a memory", should we roll with it or roll for it? Not sure what the protocol on that one is. He's essentially making the spell work double duty as a limited one-way communication spell.

You try that with Sam and you got to beat her Counterspelling first and her righteous fury afterwards.
sarcastic.gif Evil mindraping bastard.

conspiracy spoiler - Warning! Metagaming Content -
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Y'all do know that none of you are getting those exact weapons in those exact configurations, right? biggrin.gif
I'm just going to go with the old timeline long enough to talk to Byrne, then I'll fold back into the new one - arriving late.
Ol' Scratch
I've put together my first draft for the gear requests that Rozhenko will be responsible for (communications, vehicles, drones, and communications). I tried to fit in most of the requests I received in PMs, but I had certain limitations I had to adhere to, too. Please let me know what you all think and whether or not you see room for improvement.

[ Spoiler ]
You suck! biggrin.gif

I was going to post my list, but I am waiting for TheOneRonin to comment. nyahnyah.gif
Ol' Scratch
QUOTE (Fortune)
You suck! biggrin.gif

As I've told you many, many times: Only after dinner and a movie first. GOD.
And I told you before that McDonald's counts! biggrin.gif
Ol' Scratch
The hell it does! I demand something classy like Taco Bell.
Mister Juan
On a side note: Vincent has a headware commlink.
QUOTE (Mister Juan)
On a side note: Vincent has a headware commlink.

Then you don't need the Hardware, and just take the Software. smile.gif
Gear looks sweet though, I cannot think of anything to add.

Edit: Oh wait, yes I can - can we get some hand held or better yet goggle mounted sensor packages too? ie MAD, millimeter wave radar.
Ol' Scratch
That's not really my area...
Who's area is it then?
Ol' Scratch
Mosby (traditional intelligence) or Byrne's (invesgitation) I imagine.
Sounds like a plan. Ashley's swamped.
I'll prep it.


Ash doesn't do goggles though. Hand held stuff is fine. smile.gif
I figured contacts with skin links are entirely more meaningful, but yeah, I'll mix it up with a range of options - just waiting for zee ronin to give me the heeads up - and get back to the rulebooks nyahnyah.gif
Just go ahead and put some packages together. Don't wait for him, as he is away for a couple of days. This way when he gets back we can be closer to being ready.

And yes, variety is good. But keep in mind that glasses and contacts are already being used to provide visual augmentation and image linking (to those without implants). Any kind of actual eye wear would kind of suck for sensors, and is really not necessary anyway, as anything can link to your image link. bracelets, belts, watches, and even little boxes are all good for sensors. smile.gif
Mhm, I got the impression he was back tommorrow - I'll just charge in, just looking for the heads up on any houserules out of left field wink.gif
Read my edit. biggrin.gif
Yurp. Valid point wink.gif

I suspect the main point is going to be squeezing it into something you can smuggle through a security checkpoint, so civilian street casings are obviously the go - thats why I jumped to contacts and similar, because they are completely civilian justifiable "It my image link sir! just ignore the MAD scanner and millimeter wave radar in there too". (not that you can fit those in, but you get the idea)

I've actually always wondered though, does anyone actually wear a watch in 2070? Usage is already going down with the advent of mobile phones - I imagine in 2070 they will be an extreme rarity.
Sorry for the delay, guys. Yes, I was out of town all weekend and didn't even have internet access until I got back in late last night. And of course, like usual, Monday morning work kicked me square in the balls, but I will try to get some decent stuff posted.

I have gotten some gear requests and have posted some replies, so you guys are making progress. Also, I want to post a tidbit about how I'm going to handle your fake identities.

I will be posting the basic, public, ID info on this thread, but all of the rest of the details, I'm going to keep off the boards. You, as players, will not know all the details of your fake background, but your characters will know a good bit. And since you have to memorize the data and won't be able to take any of it with you, I'll be using memory checks for you guys to recall bits and pieces of any details that you may need to recall.

As soon as I have a chance to finish the idents, I'll throw them up here. Please let me know if you have any questions about this (it's something new I'm trying).
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams)
I've actually always wondered though, does anyone actually wear a watch in 2070?

My typical commlink is a NeoNET Watchman. biggrin.gif

It is because people don't have the need to wear a timepiece that they can replace it (and all kinds of things like earrings and such) with other assorted electronics.
Ya'll just gave me a neat idea for Ivan.

He carries a pocketwatch! Bwahaha, I have used a quirk and am therefore SUPERIOR roleplayer! BOW TO ME!

Okay, general Fake ID info is available. Here is what we have:

Frank Carden (John Mosby)
Birthplace: Savannah, GA
Former CAS Marine Corps NCO, dishonorably discharged, 2057
Spent 3 years in Ft. Leavenworth, KS, '57-'60
Worked with Triple Canopy (Merc Corp) in the Balkins, '60-'67
Construction site security manager, Beals Construction, '67-present

Andrew "Drew" Rabin (Vincent Byrne)
Birthplace: Columbia, SC
Bachelors in Business Admin from University of South Carolina, 2056
Worked for Milton Staffing '56-'59
HR and Personnel manager, Sinestar Communications, '59-'61
Arrested and imprisoned for embezzlement, '61-'68
Recruiter for Beals Construction, '69-present

Dean Keaton (Ivan Beckett)
Birthplace: Mobile, AL
Assistant dive trainer, Gulf Coast Excursions, 2037-'41
Rig Diver, Lamar Drilling, '41-'51
Imprisoned for negligent manslaughter, '51-'66
Spot welder, Beals Construction, '66-present

Neal McCauley (Ashley Fairchild)
Birthplace: Carthage, MS
Guide, Tupelo Hunting Lodge, 2052-'56
Assistant Manager, McComb Hunting and Outdoor Supply, '56-'59
Imprisoned for Aggravated Battery, '59-'64
Heavy Equipment Operator, Beals Construction, '65-present

Alex Conklin (Nick Rozhenko)
Birthplace: Tampa, FL
Radio Broadcasting Tech, ClearChannel, 2051-'53
Avionics Mechanic Assistant, Tampa Tilt-rotor Tours, '53-'57
Copilot/Nav Officer, Tampa Tilt-rotor Tours, '57-'62
Imprisoned for Aggravated Sexual Battery, '62-'69
Const. Drone operation and maintenance, Beals Construction, '70-present

Andrea Matheson (Samantha O'Kerrigan)
Birthplace: Knoxville, TN
Ski Patrol Medic, Gatlinburg Skiing, 2053-'56
CrashCart emergency responder, '56-'62
Arrested for:
Possession of Narcotics w/intent to distribute
Felony Larceny (theft of medical equipment/supplies in excess of 100,000 nuyen)
Unauthorized use of movable (theft of CrashCart ambulance)
Imprisoned for 6 years, '62-'68
Drug Testing/Safety Officer, Beals Construction, '69-present

There you go. If you have any questions about these idents, please post them in this thread.
I'm good with that. smile.gif

I figure I should point out once again that you still have old versions of my (and Doc's) character sheets posted. If you need another copy of the final draft, just let me know.
You all also notice that, as part of the ident info, you'll each be getting some operational funds, with the following breakdown:

Fake ID account balance: 30,000 nuyen
Fake ID AzteCard balance: 5,000 nuyen credit (can be used at basically any fast food/grocery store)
Certified Credsticks: 15,000 nuyen
-x1 5000 nuyen stick
-x2 2500 nuyen sticks
-x10 500 nuyen sticks
CAS Notes ($6 = 1 nuyen): 50,000 nuyen [$300,000 CAS Notes]

The AzteCard credits are an inside joke in the CAS Intel community. Supposedly setup by a CAS Intel agent decades ago, the community often assigns credits to agents operating in the field as a way of giving the finger to Aztechnology, and by proxy, Aztlan.
BTW, Fortune made a good point to me in a PM. I really need you guys to pay close attention to the time/date stamps I put in my posts. I won't always put them, but when I do, they are pretty important.

Also, there are going to be some time-sensitive events that take place, and you'll need to have a good idea of not only the time, but the day of the week and the month of the year.

If you guys are ever lost about any of that info, just ask and I'll be glad to provide it.
Ok, this is Ashley's current gear list. Keep in mind that it is still very much a work in progress, and that he (read I) has covered a couple of areas that are not technically his specialty, but he figured since he was there ... smile.gif

[ Spoiler ]

Anyone got anything to add? smile.gif
I'd have given every item a specific brand name, but that would only serve to confuse things at this point. biggrin.gif
Woah.. comprehensive! biggrin.gif

Just throwing some fairly ill considered ideas down:

A fistful of warheads and a few unguided rocket launchers is a possible addition. Ideally something older and more.. soviet for that authentic black market look.

Drugs.. aside from the obvious stun stuff.. do we want nerve gas or something pretty lethal?
Jus' doin' mah job, sir. wink.gif
I'm sure most of you have figured out part of the IC post already, but here's the scoop.

That particular message is a priority one alert from Cmdr. Haney telling you to grab your shit and report immediately to an old abandoned Casino north of Atlanta (Roswell, GA). You all have used that place as a staging area for other operations, and probably would have used it for this one too, but not for another 5 or 6 days.
Mister Juan
Dean Keaton = One of the guys in The Usual Suspects
Neal McCauley = The "Bad guy" in Heat
Alex Conklin = A CIA Agent in Ludlum's book (in the Bourne Trilogy)
Andrea Matheson = some unknown Canadian actress
Frank Carden = A "famous" engineer in RL
Andrew "Drew" Rabin = ..... the only guy who doesn't seem to exist for "real" anywhere else frown.gif

TheOneRonin I'm REALLY horrible at coming up with names, so I often pimp IMDB.

TheOneRonin = BUSTED! frown.gif

That's what I get for letting you play a cop....
Mister Juan
Well, I'll admit I recognized Dean Keaton and Neal McCauley right off the bat (I'm a big movie buff) so it wasn't THAT hard.
LOL @ Doc Funk....I love it! Way to take the ball and run with it! wink.gif

One question about my alternate identity: it doesn't acknowledge that Ivan is awakened, and as he lacks masking due to cost constraints of initiating, how is that going to mesh?

Dice rolls below for summoning a Force 7 Air Spirit
[ Spoiler ]
QUOTE (TheOneRonin)
Andrea Matheson (Samantha O'Kerrigan)

QUOTE (Mister Juan)
Andrea Matheson = some unknown Canadian actress

QUOTE (TheOneRonin) I'm REALLY horrible at coming up with names, so I often pimp IMDB.

Alright. Checking IMDb gives me 3 hits (and no photos frown.gif ):

Andrea 1, apparently only played in "The Wizard of Loneliness" back in 1988, tagline: 'Sometimes needing someone is the bravest thing you can do.', memorable quote from a happy reviewer: "I remember young Lucas Haas and his horror at discovering his beloved pet rabbit has eaten her young...".

Andrea 2, only listed for "Recovery Room" from 2000 as 'Nurse' (that's right, not even a name), and obviously no one could be bothered to rate or comment on this movie.

Finally Andrea 3, having worked in several TV productions (that I never heard about) as a stand-by art director or art director.


Really, man. Nothing wrong with stealing names for RP, but seriously:
What's with this remarkably lame choice?
What did Sam do to you to deserve that?

On the other hand:
QUOTE (TheOneRonin)
Drug Testing/Safety Officer

"Ya want me ta do what?"
"Chill, man. *inhales deeply, speaks with held breath* Got sum serious testin' ta do." *exhales, coughing*
"Wanna assist?" *hands one of her 'test subjects' over*

Regarding equipment (again):
I realized that a high rating DNA and nano scanner might be appropriate for the medical officer.

Finally, before I write something IC:
It seems that the pizza party was a pretty silent one and we all arrived at the next morning now, correct?
Ol' Scratch
Really, man. Nothing wrong with stealing names for RP, but seriously:
What's with this remarkably lame choice?
What did Sam do to you to deserve that?

Until you get labeled as a serial rapist, you have no room to complain. <angry curmudgeon fist shaking>

It seems that the pizza party was a pretty silent one and we all arrived at the next morning now, correct?

Yeah, the pizza party went by a little fast but I'm cool with it. Though I thought we had a week before we were heading out... unless this is something else entirely.
7 days prep time was the initial plan. Check the time/date stamps at the beginning of the IC thread, and the stamp on my last IC post.
Ol' Scratch
Am I missing something? It's only been about 15 hours between the two. 1325 June 9th vs. 0417 June 10th.
Edit: Owned by spoiler tags.
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein)
Am I missing something? It's only been about 13 hours between the two. 1325 June 9th vs. 0417 June 10th.

That's why I haven't posted yet. I'm confused.
Sensor List: Two sets up

Casual: For those lazy days on the street, when you are an undercover special forces operative pretending to be a criminal who specalises in high risk activities anyway.

[ Spoiler ]

Basically ever sensor in the book in two clip on packages. If we are 'going hot' with big guns, or even an SMG under your jacket, there is absolutely no reason in the world not to tag these along. Not meaningfully concealable against a search, but hell neither is an SMG under the coat.


The rest of the gear and the package Ashley has outlined covers every sensor imaginable except audio - and it covers regular mics, just leaving directional and laser as a personal package.

Audio: Traditionally I'd go for a tie pin or clip.. but we are construction workers which mitigates that effectiveness of plan somewhat. So I'd suggest everyone goes for one (or half a dozen!) of the following forms:

Sports Team Pin
Ear Jewelery, such as a stud, bar, or whatever (A stud might be too small)

Each being a micro sensor containing a:

Directional Microphone - Rating: - Range: 100m
Laser Microphone - Rating: 6 Range: 100m

Edit: I noticed that I'd cunning left Mosby's speel regulator off the plain text character sheet but it's on the excel sheet frown.gif
Sorry about it being confusing.

Basically, at 4:15 am, on the morning after your briefing, you get that emergency commlink message. Something isn't guys were supposed to have 6 more days to plan and execute before going active. It's possible that something has happened to bump up your timeline. It's also possible that the emergency is of some other nature. All you know for sure is that it's for real, and you have to get your asses onsite ASAP.

I hope that clears some stuff up. I wasn't trying to silently advance the timeline a whole week. The time/date stamps are accurate.

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