Sep 25 2007, 04:36 AM
Sounds good to me.
Upon re-reading my posts, I think I'm going to pull back on the more obvious drawl aspects of Ash's dialog. It's starting to piss me off, so I can just imagine how it's affecting other people. Suffice to say that he's from the South.

Now I gotta go figure out what vehicles are left.
Sep 25 2007, 05:40 AM
Subtle hints are good
Sep 25 2007, 05:51 AM
Ash don't do subtle!
Sep 25 2007, 01:30 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
Sounds good to me.
Upon re-reading my posts, I think I'm going to pull back on the more obvious drawl aspects of Ash's dialog. It's starting to piss me off, so I can just imagine how it's affecting other people. Suffice to say that he's from the South. 
Now I gotta go figure out what vehicles are left. | are ALL from the south. All 6 characters have been born and raised south of the mason-dixon line. The game is set in the CAS.

Just don want you-all furgettin dat.
Sep 25 2007, 01:32 PM
There's the south, and then there's The South. Ain't no mistaking the two once you've experienced them.
Sep 25 2007, 01:47 PM THERE is a man who know what he is talking about. To someone like me born and raised along the Gulf Coast, the REAL mason-dixon line runs through Alexandria, LA.

There is certainly a cultural divide between the northern south, and the "deep" south.
FYI, the Eurocar Blackwind is something I patterned after the BMW HP2, which is actually an off-road/on-road motorcycle. But seeing as how it really won't hurt the game any, I'll go ahead and let it be a car. Just use the stats for the Westwind in the BBB.
It will probably look something like this:
Sep 25 2007, 11:06 PM
Ok, let's have a roll call on vehicles. To recap, we have ...
63 Ford Americar (Dodge Intrepid) '66 Ares Denali (GMC Yukon) {w/ trailer} '58 Ares Courier (GMC Savannah cargo Van) '59 Toyota Monolith (Ford F-350 Super Duty) {w/ trailer} '63 Ares Spartan (Honda Evo motorcycle) '67 Yamaha Ballistic (Suzuki Hayabusa riceburner) '70 Eurocar Blackwind (BMW HP2) |
Ash took the Blackwing (which I assume is a sports car).
Ivan has an as-yet-to-be-named bike.
Mosby wants the Toyota Monolith.
Vincent desires the Ford Americar.
The rest, from what I can see are unclaimed. So Doc, there is still a bike available if you would rather edit and take that.

We might have a small problem, in that there are seven vehicles and I only count six of us. Might want to throw a bike into a trailer or the back of the van or something.
Ol' Scratch
Sep 25 2007, 11:09 PM
The Blackwing is an
off-road bike. (No sports car for j0o!) I missed Mosby taking the truck; I'll edit my post for the SUV in that case.
Extra vehicles shouldn't be a problem as I'm assuming they're all rigger-enabled and come with a pilot.
Sep 25 2007, 11:15 PM
Ah ... I guess the Eurocar part threw me. I'll edit my post as well then, being that using that bike would be stupid. Technically Ash should take the (one and only) car but since that is spoken for (at least in the OOC), he'll have to take the other useful bike. He can't really be expected to go and do forward scouting in a moving van.
Ol' Scratch
Sep 25 2007, 11:18 PM
Fine, take the damn SUV then.

I'll take the van and then show you clowns how it's all about the skillz if something comes up. Aww yeah.
<flexes>Too bad we don't have a Mini though. Gotta love car chases involving Minis.
Sep 25 2007, 11:19 PM
I read it as the Eurocar Blackwind being strapped to the back of the SUV on a bike rack per Doc's request.
so while there are 7 vehicles only 6 actually need to be 'driven'.\
Edit: And to my mind, 'Eurocar' is BMW + licensing issues
Sep 25 2007, 11:56 PM
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein) |
Fine, take the damn SUV then. I'll take the van and then show you clowns how it's all about the skillz if something comes up. |
Nope ... already edited to take the bike, and I ain't editing again!

Yeah, once I remembered (forcibly) that the dumb bike was an off-road thing, it started to make more sense.
Sep 26 2007, 01:08 AM
With hindsight I should have let Doc take the truck, I got muddled up between the model differences. Not used to American cars/model names. Bah! We'll work it out later:)
Sep 26 2007, 03:09 AM
QUOTE (Galedeep from the IC thread) |
"I see you reserved yourself the good gun," |
I figured this is a good time to bring this up. I was actually expecting TOR to say something by now.
There was (and still is) some confusion during the IC/OOC transition from one week to six hours prep time. In the meantime, I had put Ashley in the armory working on the weaponry. Obviously the actual gear came from some other armory, so unless I rewrite a lot of my scenes, the guns that Ashley is providing are only the Glock 34's that he had modified before the call (I randomly rolled 9 ... and Ash has 2

). These are the only guns he brought with him (ie no
modifed revolvers as of yet Doc

Unless TOR corrects me on this, these pistols should be (a) over and above the ones on the requisition list, and (b) fully modified as I listed.
The rest of the weapons in the truck and trailers, as TOR (Do you actually mind us using that short form?) stated, are all unmodified from their standard configuration (

work for Ashley, and whoever he can con into helping ... at least we have the parts.). Few have smartlinks, laser sights or any of the additional accessories I listed. They
do all have skinlinks though (

Just a couple of things to keep in mind.
Sep 26 2007, 03:25 AM
Figured I would update the vehicle list properly.
Ford Americar (Vincent)
Ares Denali {w/ trailer} (Nick)
Ares Courier (Sam)
Toyota Monolith {w/ trailer} (Mosby)
Ares Spartan (Ashley)
Yamaha Ballistic (Ivan)
Mister Juan
Sep 26 2007, 03:52 AM
So, just so I don't look like a total idiot while writing IC: we've got all the requested gear?
Sep 26 2007, 03:54 AM
Pretty much, yep.
Sep 26 2007, 03:57 AM
Plus a late request for some IIA vests so you can go for something concealable with your securetech too
Sep 26 2007, 04:02 AM
As far as I know, the vests I asked for are concealable.
Sep 26 2007, 04:07 AM
Ohh, I read the armoury rules as IIA is concealable from anyone without a physical inspection, while IIIA will be noticed by a trained observer watching you closely.
Hence my desire to have both.
Will facepalm if wrong.
Vests can be concealed by clothing, however all but the lowest rating vest can be noticed by anyone who knows what he/she is looking for.
So I thought both was probably a good addition.
in my mental scale of 'when on jobs, sociability requirement of High/Med/Low means'
High: Securetech
Medium: Securetech + IIA
Low: Securetech + IIIA
Edit: Of course, clothing is more protective than an IIA vest so I am possibly an idiot. Note to self, read all rules before jumping in!
Sep 26 2007, 04:31 AM
It's cool to have both.
Ash is wearing a
real vest.
Mister Juan
Sep 26 2007, 04:43 AM
On another topic:
I think our priority #1, after the meet itself, is going to be "finding a place to stay".
I was looking over our gear listing.... and we just can't keep all that in a couple of trailers. Someone stumbles on it? We get it stolen? Etc...
As for how many places we need, I think that can vary a lot.
I remember Cthulhudreams suggesting we might want to divide the them in two smaller teams of 3 (or in duos). I think that would be a pretty good idea... since 6 people, living in the same exact space might be a little "weird". So, we'd need at least two houses/appartment/living space.
It would also be nice to have a place where we can conduct some more... nefarious business. Interrogations. Detaining people. Things like that.
We might also want to stuff a bunch of our firepowers in dufflebags and stash them in various places around the city.
Anything else?
Sep 26 2007, 05:10 AM
QUOTE (TheOneRonin) |
Yeah...same here. I know several of you have been plotting my demise since it's been almost a week without me posting anything. I blame work...and the lemmings. |
"Ugh...yes, umm, right.... yeah, Lemmings...those evil rodents are absolutely responsible for my recent lack of posting as well...sure thing, that.
...sly little buggers..."
Alright, catching up on stuff now:
-Meeting with Phillip Bourgeois
It seems to be settled already, but I'll voice my opinion anyway:
Having Ivan and Ashley check out the place beforehand sounds reasonable (standard procedure, I'd say), we should all appear in front of Bourgeois though, got to demonstrate confidence after all, so no manifesting or hanging out at our vans.
Nothing against carrying the occasional sidearm to the meet neither, but at this point we should be safe enough even if we leave the tac-nukes undeployed in our trunk.
By the way, even if we're already uncovered through the mole, it wouldn't make any sense to have us butchered right there - as qualified as we are, he'd be wise to let us do lots of dirty, difficult&dangerous jobs first and dispose of us via suicide mission afterwards.
-Fake identities
I don't see why we need to decide on anything there:
Our Johnson(s) won't quiz us about that, because it just doesn't matter at all to them
and when some 'valids' (police, civilians etc.) want to know about it, I hope no one mentions the 'shadowrunner' part anyway.
What reason could we have to talk about this to anyone? And if we do: I can't image that 'not going into detail about your past' would be a breach of shadowrunner etiquette neither.
So let's just keep it ambiguous.
Style-wise a sports car (or a Mini - good idea, Doc

) would be the way to go for Sam, but as we have neither it doesn't really matter for her at this point (it's "just work" then).
Anyway, with AutoNav and stuff, we don't need to split our team anyway, we can just hang around in one of the vans and have a tea-party or whatever (at least until Ash and Ivan leave).
Another thing to keep in mind (I originally planned to put it IC first, but decided that it might be better to discuss it OOC before): Spirit Movement Power is single target only, meaning we can only magiboost 3 units (if I remember Ivan having 1 bound spirit correctly, Sam didn't have the time, so only 1 unbound from her available), though bikes strapped onto vans should count as 1 unit as well and we can just have the slower cars follow with AutoNav if we all want to arrive as fast as possible.
I'm all for a hit location system and I'd prefer to dissect it OOC first.
Sep 26 2007, 05:17 AM
Tangential note: I thought I was the paranoid one, and now you guys are running around with vests and big guns galore. Sheesh.

As for priorities, my thoughts exactly. I suspect moving as pairs might be a good idea, it maximizes the spread. However I can also see it being hard to find places to rent for 'fake people'
I'd suggest we get at least one houses with garages - it means that we have lots of room for the vast assortment of crap, and if we get something 'expensive' in a gated community we can probably count on our stuff being pretty safe. While I doubt this would ever come up, I can just imagine some punk kid breaking into our garage(s) and going 'Woah' as his eyes alight on a variety of ordnance.
The other option -> apartments means we are entirely too close to other people for my taste.
I do agree that stashing some gear around the place is a good idea - and I think it's a good idea not to just limit ourselves to this city. I think having 'go bags' in some U-Stowits around the country/near by towns with say a SIN, a couple of weeks of ration packs, a pistol, a long arm, cash and some clothes and maybe an armored vest is probably a good idea. Distributes the gear and gives us a fall back if we get sprung by the cops.
As we don't have a day job (hurhur) the commute into town isn't even an issue, so we might even be able to get something with a reasonably sized garden - and thus a reasonable distance between you and the neighbors.
As a tangential note, We actually have 105 guns of various types which is enough for an pltn(+)/insurgent action.
As for advancing the game, can I suggest we all start using our agents to find us a place to stay and implement that part of the plan and fast forward to the meet? i'm not sure what else there is to do?
Sep 26 2007, 05:34 AM
Hey, can I just clarify some stuff about our comms.
I totally get the first two options (the secure military grade stuff) but I'm not sure about the third one.
How does a comm link even work without wireless capability (Doesn't it need that to connect to the matrix)?
I assume your trying to get at one that doesn't have any ability to set up a PAN but can still do a matrix connection.
Ol' Scratch
Sep 26 2007, 06:06 AM
Basically. It can't be controlled wirelessly (by you or anyone else); it's just a baseline commlink set up to transmit and receive standard information as found on the SIN module. All input has to be done manually and it has no connection at all to your PAN.
Sep 26 2007, 06:10 AM
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein) |
Basically. It can't be controlled wirelessly (by you or anyone else); it's just a baseline commlink set up to transmit and receive standard information as found on the SIN module. All input has to be done manually and it has no connection at all to your PAN. |
Okay, gotcha.
Sep 26 2007, 08:43 AM
QUOTE (ZenZen) |
Anyway, with AutoNav and stuff, we don't need to split our team anyway, we can just hang around in one of the vans and have a tea-party or whatever |
I thought about that, but with the cargo involved, I figured it would be better to have a live body in each vehicle ... just in case.
Spirit Movement Power is single target only |
Um ... no. One use of the Power would cover everyone/thing. At most, you might need two Spirits for the two separate groups (scouts and main party).
Sep 26 2007, 08:46 AM
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams) |
Tangential note: I thought I was the paranoid one, and now you guys are running around with vests and big guns galore. |
I took a vest (why not), but note that Ash did not take any big guns whatsoever. There's no point, and would just attract unwanted attention. That is why Ash suggested stashing that type of thing in the car if Ivan wanted it for the meet.
Sep 26 2007, 09:36 AM
QUOTE (Fortune @ Sep 26 2007, 03:46 AM) |
QUOTE (Cthulhudreams @ Sep 26 2007, 03:17 PM) | Tangential note: I thought I was the paranoid one, and now you guys are running around with vests and big guns galore. |
I took a vest (why not), but note that Ash did not take any big guns whatsoever. There's no point, and would just attract unwanted attention. That is why Ash suggested stashing that type of thing in the car if Ivan wanted it for the meet.
hehe - that was addressed to the guy with the shottie

I was being tongue in cheek as well, that remark was not intended to be taken seriously.
Sep 26 2007, 10:05 AM
none of my comments are meant to be taken seriously.
Sep 26 2007, 02:25 PM
It looks like you guys are ready to go.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
1.) You probably finished up the briefing with Cmdr. Haney and the vehicle/gear prep somewhere around 0530 hours (Eastern). The drive from Atlanta to Baton Rouge is in the neighborhood of 8 hours. The meet is schedule for 1800 hours (Central). That means, even if everyone stops for breakfast before getting on the road around 0600 hours (Eastern), you'll be getting to Baton Rouge somewhere in the neighborhood of 1300 hours (Central). That gives you 3 hours, give or take, to get ready for the meet.It also puts you getting BR well ahead of rush hour traffic. Using Spirit Movement shouldn't be necessary unless you guys get held up in traffic or something while on the way.
2.) Bourgeois is looking to meet you guys tonight (Wednesday), and pull off a job tomorrow night (Thursday). While finding places to stash your vehicles and rack out are good secondary plans, there is no guarantee you will be in Baton Rouge any longer than it takes to do the job. If you pull the job off like the pros you are, he might have more work for you. If you fuck it up, it will probably be a while before he calls on you again. Either way, I wouldn't be signing any apartment leases, at least not until after the job is done.
3.) On the topic of the "Morphing Eurocar Blackwind"...
A.)From what I've read in the fluff, Eurocar is a consortium composed of companies like BMW, Audi, Mercedes, etc. And yes, BMW makes Motorcycles.
B.)My original intent was to have the BMW HP2 fill the slot for the requested off-road bike. However, when Fortune mistook it for an auto, I happily retconned it to be another car.
C.)And my retcon was summarily ignored. Which is fine. I'm okay with it being a bike like I intended, and I don't want to ask Fortune to re-write his post again. However, I'd really like for you guys to do a better job of reading my posts before progressing on. Attention to detail is going to be very necessary if we are going to do this right, and while I don't mind a retcon here and there, it gets very frustrating for everyone if we have to keep going back and re-editing posts because of stuff we missed. And likewise, if you aren't sure about something I've posted, PM me or ask in the OOC thread. I'll answer it as swiftly as possible.
4.) Fortune's post about the weapons loaded into the vehicles and trailers + the ones he has modified is spot on. I'm sorry about all the confusion. The effect I was trying to achieve was one of having to react to the unforeseen. The life of SpecOps is full of crap like that...sometimes they tell you have a week to prepare, but then it's boots on the ground in 12 hours. Other times they tell you that you will be deploying in 12 hours, and you sit around for a week waiting. The point was, you thought you had prep time, but you ended up not getting it. It sucks, but that is the sort of shit that is going to be happening throughout this campaign. You need to be ready for major upsets to your plans. And I apologize if it pissed off those of you that put a lot of work into what your characters would be doing during that week of planning. But I will say, this isn't the last time this sort of thing will happen in my game. Be ready for it.
5.) Armored vests. Basically, my description of them is fluff. I have not statted out the mechanics on protective vests being spotted, but a good rule of thumb is what Cthulhudreams mentioned. Level II and Level IIIA vests are concealable, and won't normally draw attention. However, a trained observer (one who wears such a vest regularly, or knows how to spot one) will have a chance to notice that you are wearing a vest when not actively looking for one. A Level IIA vest, however, is the most concealable, and a trained spotter is not very likely to notice it by casual inspection, and still isn't very likely to notice it when checking for it. Of course a pat-down will reveal all three types of vest to anyone who isn't a total moron.
6.) The actual meet. I don't know if anyone has checked it, but I posted satellite photos of the parking lot where the meet is supposed to take place. You can see streets, surrounding buildings, other parking lots, and other shopping centers. Please, if you can, take a look at the images so you have a feel for what the terrain looks like, and can plan your side of the meet accordingly.
7.) Hit Location system. I'm still ironing out the major kinks. I won't use it until I've posted it for review, and I won't post it until I'm satisfied with it.
If you guys are all set, I'll plan on posting the scouts arrival to the parking lot in the IC thread sometime tomorrow morning.
Ol' Scratch
Sep 26 2007, 02:51 PM
QUOTE (TheOneRonin) |
3.) On the topic of the "Morphing Eurocar Blackwind"... [...] B.)My original intent was to have the BMW HP2 fill the slot for the requested off-road bike. However, when Fortune mistook it for an auto, I happily retconned it to be another car. C.)And my retcon was summarily ignored. Which is fine. I'm okay with it being a bike like I intended, and I don't want to ask Fortune to re-write his post again. However, I'd really like for you guys to do a better job of reading my posts before progressing on. |
It's hard to know which "fact" we're supposed to know is the actual fact if you're giving two completely different ones.
Sep 26 2007, 03:31 PM
QUOTE (TheOneRonin) |
3.) On the topic of the "Morphing Eurocar Blackwind"... A.)From what I've read in the fluff, Eurocar is a consortium composed of companies like BMW, Audi, Mercedes, etc. And yes, BMW makes Motorcycles. |
It was just a poor assumption on my part. I read Eurocar Blackwind, and associated it with the Eurocar Westwind, only a different model, so I didn't bother googling it like I did the others.
B.)My original intent was to have the BMW HP2 fill the slot for the requested off-road bike. However, when Fortune mistook it for an auto, I happily retconned it to be another car. C.)And my retcon was summarily ignored. Which is fine. I'm okay with it being a bike like I intended, and I don't want to ask Fortune to re-write his post again. However, I'd really like for you guys to do a better job of reading my posts before progressing on. Attention to detail is going to be very necessary if we are going to do this right, and while I don't mind a retcon here and there, it gets very frustrating for everyone if we have to keep going back and re-editing posts because of stuff we missed. And likewise, if you aren't sure about something I've posted, PM me or ask in the OOC thread. I'll answer it as swiftly as possible. |
I failed to see any retcon. You didn't bother to correct me on the matter in either thread or via PM (which would have been a simple matter), nor did you mention your retcon at any time in the OOC (which also would have been a simple matter).
I think it is quite unfair to single me out about not paying attention, when if you read back over the thread you will clearly find that I am one of the few people that actually is reading what you write.
I have no problem making edits ... I have nothing better to do. If you see a mistake being made next time (and I am sure you will see some), a simple mention in the thread would probably work wonders in alleviating the confusion such a mistake can cause if left unchecked.
And I apologize if it pissed off those of you that put a lot of work into what your characters would be doing during that week of planning. But I will say, this isn't the last time this sort of thing will happen in my game. Be ready for it. |
I think 'pissed off' is the wrong phrase. Confused is more like it? I put in quite a few hours work on the list that you demanded that I submit, as did Doc I am sure, only to have that 'homework' summarily dismissed out of hand. I don't understand the whole rationale behind assigning 'homework' in the first place (especially to only two of us), instead of just making an equipment list yourself and saying 'here is your stuff'.
You seem to think I am always bitching in some way about your GMing style (you have mentioned it several times now). This was not true in my case, at least until now anyway. You have been somewhat hostile in response to quite a few questions, even innocuous ones concerning your posts, which can tend to make people not want to ask questions. Then when they do (or at least when I do), I get labeled as being 'pissed off' or 'bitching'.
If you are not happy with my presence in this game, I will withdraw so that no further conflict will arise.
Sep 26 2007, 03:34 PM
Okay, let's see if I can clear this up.
1.) When I changed the vehicle names so I could give you all pics of what the vehicles generally looked like, I picked the BMW HP2 to represent the offroad bike, and labeled it a Eurocar Blackwind. Unfortunately, I didn't specify in my list exactly what type of vehicle it was. And without doing some google searching like Doc did, I can see how it was easy to mistake it for a car.
2.) And Fortune did just that in his IC post. He figured that it was a car, since the only other vehicle with the "Eurocar" tag in the BBB is a sports car.
3.) After reading Fortune's IC post, I figured it wouldn't hurt to retcon the Blackwind to actually be a sportscar. I preferred to do that than make him edit his post. At 8:47AM yesterday, I posted my retcon and turned the the Blackwind into an Audi sports car.
4.) Several hours after that, Fortune posted an OOC vehicle recap, commenting that he thought the Blackwind was a sportscar. That was fine since I used my magic GM wand to change it from a bike to car. My guess is, however, he missed my post right above him that explained what I did, and even had a link to the photo of the Audi.
5.) Minutes after Fortunes post, Doc pointed out that the BMW HP2 (and thus, the Blackwind) is indeed a motorcycle, and not a sports car. So while Doc was spot on with my original intent, he too missed my post where I magically changed the bike into a car.
6.) Minutes after THAT, Fortune edited his post to reflect that the Blackwind is, once again, a motorcycle. I didn't check the boards at all last night, so when I came in this morning, I noticed the confusion and all the posts that followed it. So this morning, I decided that everyone was on the track I originally intended (Blackwind = Bike), I waved my magic wand and turned the Blackwind back to a bike.
So the Blackwind is now, will forever be, a motorcycle. I am aware that posting a description as well as pics (working on that part) would have mitigated all of the confusion. Yes, the Blackwind started as a bike. Yes, I changed it to a car to fit Fortune's IC post, but everyone seemed to ignore that. And Yes, I changed it back into a bike because I didn't want everyone to have to retcon their own posts again.
Most likely, next time I will leave things as is and not make changes to fit peoples IC posts. It just seems to create a lot of confusion.
Sep 26 2007, 04:01 PM
Yeah, I explained my mistake a couple of times above, but I have to admit that I somehow totally missed this post until now.
QUOTE (TheOneRonin) | THERE is a man who know what he is talking about. To someone like me born and raised along the Gulf Coast, the REAL mason-dixon line runs through Alexandria, LA. 
There is certainly a cultural divide between the northern south, and the "deep" south.
FYI, the Eurocar Blackwind is something I patterned after the BMW HP2, which is actually an off-road/on-road motorcycle. But seeing as how it really won't hurt the game any, I'll go ahead and let it be a car. Just use the stats for the Westwind in the BBB.
It will probably look something like this: |
Sep 26 2007, 04:03 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (TheOneRonin @ Sep 27 2007, 12:25 AM) | 3.) On the topic of the "Morphing Eurocar Blackwind"... A.)From what I've read in the fluff, Eurocar is a consortium composed of companies like BMW, Audi, Mercedes, etc. And yes, BMW makes Motorcycles. |
It was just a poor assumption on my part. I read Eurocar Blackwind, and associated it with the Eurocar Westwind, only a different model, so I didn't bother googling it like I did the others.
I figured that the name was really misleading well after I came up with it. And like I said, it was my fault for not being more specific and putting up pictures in the first place. I haven't run a ton of online games, so I'm still learning about the best and most accurate ways to present my ideas.
[Edit: I took out the part where I reposted my retcon since it is no longer necessary]
I think it is quite unfair to single me out about not paying attention, when if you read back over the thread you will clearly find that I am one of the few people that actually is reading what you write. |
You are right, it is. Singling you out was never my intention. I just wanted to address my concern for what I thought was people getting too excited and missing what I posted. You have my apologies if you feel as though I'm pointing a finger at you.
I have no problem making edits ... I have nothing better to do. If you see a mistake being made next time (and I am sure you will see some), a simple mention in the thread would probably work wonders in alleviating the confusion such a mistake can cause if left unchecked. |
Exactly. And that's what I thought I did with my post changing the bike into a sports car. But the thread continued like no one read it. Which quite literally might must have been the case. But I can roll with that. I'll probably get better mileage out of letting people know stuff like that via PM.
QUOTE | And I apologize if it pissed off those of you that put a lot of work into what your characters would be doing during that week of planning. But I will say, this isn't the last time this sort of thing will happen in my game. Be ready for it. |
I think 'pissed off' is the wrong phrase. Confused is more like it? I put in quite a few hours work on the list that you demanded that I submit, as did Doc I am sure, only to have that 'homework' summarily dismissed out of hand. I don't understand the whole rationale behind assigning 'homework' in the first place (especially to only two of us), instead of just making an equipment list yourself and saying 'here is your stuff'.
I can see now how the homework may have been a poor decision on my part. I did want you guys to have some influence on equipment, which you did have. The vehicles that Doc picked out are the same (stat-wise) as he requested, but there wasn't time for all the modifications. The same goes for the weapons Ashley picked out. They are all there, but there just wasn't time for mods. I don't feel like I dismissed the work you guys did out of hand, I just didn't give you time to complete it. My tabletop players are accustomed to me doing things like that as a GM, so I apologize if I assumed that you guys would handle it like they do. I'll try not to make you guys to a lot of work for nothing. I want this game to be fun for everyone, not just me.

You seem to think I am always bitching in some way about your GMing style (you have mentioned it several times now). This was not true in my case, at least until now anyway. You have been somewhat hostile in response to quite a few questions, even innocuous ones concerning your posts, which can tend to make people not want to ask questions. Then when they do (or at least when I do), I get labeled as being 'pissed off' or 'bitching'. |
Wow...hostile? Man...I have SOOOO not meant to be the slightest bit hostile to any of you. And again, you all have my sincerest apologies if I have come across that. way. I guarantee you that none of you would have thought that if you were sitting across the table from me. I blame my dry typing style (all those years of IT work) for it. The last thing I want to do is discourage questions. Of course, I'd rather not have to repeat myself if I've already answered your question, but I by no means wish to be hostile, or considered hostile by anyone in this game. I have some really neat plans for you guys, I want to see you take this campaign all the way to it's end. And I don't want for any of you to feel like I'm being hostile. If I say anything like that from now on, please let me know (I.E.: TOR...chill, you are being hostile again). Trust me, I am thick-skinned enough to take that.
If you are not happy with my presence in this game, I will withdraw so that no further conflict will arise. |
Absolutely not. I am not the least bit unhappy with your presence in this game, nor do I desire you or anyone else to back out. If any of you aren't having fun or aren't happy with the way this game is going, please let me know. This should be a mutually fun experience, and I would rather build the world together with the rest of you than be a tyrant for the campaign.
I really feel like we've gotten off on the wrong foot, and I'd like to rectify that. I'll do my best to remove any perceived hostility from my posts. And I apologize to anyone who may have taken offense at anything I've posted so far.
[Edit: yeah, it looks like you end up replying before my long-winded ass finishes a post. I'll just be quiet for now.

Sep 26 2007, 04:10 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
Yeah, I explained my mistake a couple of times above, but I have to admit that I somehow totally missed this post until now.
QUOTE (TheOneRonin) | THERE is a man who know what he is talking about. To someone like me born and raised along the Gulf Coast, the REAL mason-dixon line runs through Alexandria, LA. 
There is certainly a cultural divide between the northern south, and the "deep" south.
FYI, the Eurocar Blackwind is something I patterned after the BMW HP2, which is actually an off-road/on-road motorcycle. But seeing as how it really won't hurt the game any, I'll go ahead and let it be a car. Just use the stats for the Westwind in the BBB.
It will probably look something like this: |
Haha...yeah it's complete bizarre! EVERYONE missed it. I don't know...maybe I was using an invisible keyboard or something.
Sep 26 2007, 05:17 PM
Freewebs is a BITCH.
Finally got the auto pics up.
Sep 26 2007, 06:08 PM
I think the 'missed post' thing was a freak incident of the board, since it seemed to happen to Doc as well, so I wouldn't be worried about posting corrections here in the future.
As to the rest, well this is the most important part ...
I don't feel like I dismissed the work you guys did out of hand, I just didn't give you time to complete it. My tabletop players are accustomed to me doing things like that as a GM, so I apologize if I assumed that you guys would handle it like they do. I'll try not to make you guys to a lot of work for nothing. I want this game to be fun for everyone, not just me. |
I am not at all complaining about surprises and changes in plan. In fact I expect that kind of thing, and usually take it in stride. I just felt that if you had planned that all along, you made Doc and I spend time jumping through hoops for no reason. I understand the idea of getting us involved, and even think it was a cool idea in a way, but I guess I just took it badly knowing that you knew before assigning the 'homework' (which in itself is cool) that most of the real nuts and bolts (read hours of page turning and calculations) would all be for nothing, or almost nothing (at least for now anyway).
I dunno. Maybe you are right and I am bitching for no reason.

I am otherwise enjoying the game very much ... despite your weird rules.

Oh, and nice pics (and I had previously checked out the sat photos before you mentioned them again

Sep 26 2007, 07:48 PM
First of all, glad to see all the effort in reducing tension, keep up the good work.
I'll abstain from adding my 0.02

, gladly doing the 'innocent bystander' routine (including the 'I didn't see anything, officer' innocent whistle) instead.
On the matter of settling down:
I think TOR has a point there, might be too early to argue the interior decoration of our comfy suburban house with big garden in Baton Rouge, parking lot for the vans should do the trick until we learn more at the meet.
QUOTE (DocFunk) |
Basically. It can't be controlled wirelessly (by you or anyone else); it's just a baseline commlink set up to transmit and receive standard information as found on the SIN module. All input has to be done manually and it has no connection at all to your PAN. |
Don't want to start an argument here, just want to make sure I get that right.
You've basically modded them in a way that RAW (as much as I hate the word, as it ignores all the ambiguity present in the rules) doesn't allow, as you seperate between 'wireless for outside connection' and 'wireless for PAN connection', right?
Otherwise it'd be 'Commlink (without skinlink maybe, as that would be absolutely useless in this case, although not any more dangerous) featuring a big "DO NOT SUBSCRIBE !" sticker'.
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (ZenZen) | Anyway, with AutoNav and stuff, we don't need to split our team anyway, we can just hang around in one of the vans and have a tea-party or whatever |
I thought about that, but with the cargo involved, I figured it would be better to have a live body in each vehicle ... just in case.
True that. Nothing stops us from riding with the illegal stuff in our trailer-equipped vans though, we can let the smaller cars follow AutoNavically (not loaded with the MilStuff, of course).
Not that I mind the 'live body in each vehicle' route, just wanted to point out (as no one did until then) that just because we have enough vehicles for each char to ride his/her own, we don't need them to.
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (ZenZen) | Spirit Movement Power is single target only |
Um ... no. One use of the Power would cover everyone/thing. At most, you might need two Spirits for the two separate groups (scouts and main party).
Um ... yes. While an incredible Power otherwise, that's its main limitation.
I'll quote the relevant part of the general rules (emphasis mine):
QUOTE (BBB p.286 "POWERS") |
Range: Powers may have a range of Line of Sight (LOS), Touch, or Self (indicating the power affects only the critter itself ). The Line-of-Sight rules for spellcasting also apply for critter powers. Unless otherwise noted, a power may only be used on one target at a time. |
Now the full text for Movement:
QUOTE (BBB p.289) |
Movement Type: P • Action: Complex • Range: LOS • Duration: Sustained The critter may increase or decrease the subject’s movement rate within the terrain it controls. Multiply or divide the target’s movement rate by the critter’s Magic. |
Note the absence of the "[Power] can be used on a number of
targets simultaneously equal to the critter’s Magic." or similar quip.
Barring any kind of mental lapse (commonly known as "brain fart") on my part, that makes Movement 'single target only' like I stated.
Although 'target' is admittedly a vague concept rules-wise, I'd say 'van' or 'van with various stuff strapped to it and pulling a trailer' would be an appropriate entity, as opposed to 'group of vehicles'.
I noticed that while it works using the
direct link to your vehicles subpage, the corresponding 'VEHICLES' link in the navigation bar of your side seems not to exist on other subpages. You might want to fix that.
Ol' Scratch
Sep 26 2007, 08:07 PM
QUOTE (ZenZen) |
You've basically modded them in a way that RAW (as much as I hate the word, as it ignores all the ambiguity present in the rules) doesn't allow, as you seperate between 'wireless for outside connection' and 'wireless for PAN connection', right? Otherwise it'd be 'Commlink (without skinlink maybe, as that would be absolutely useless in this case, although not any more dangerous) featuring a big "DO NOT SUBSCRIBE !" sticker'. |
It's modified to transmit data (phone calls, SINs, bank transactions), but not to accept any commands wirelessly. It could still potentially be hacked, but it's not going to grant anyone access to your PAN or anything else as it's a completely separate and individual device.
The hardcore commlink is the one that's the hub for your actual PAN, and it's likewise the one that's being secured and used for encrypted communications for the team.
Sep 26 2007, 08:30 PM
QUOTE (ZenZen) |
QUOTE (Fortune) | QUOTE (ZenZen) | Anyway, with AutoNav and stuff, we don't need to split our team anyway, we can just hang around in one of the vans and have a tea-party or whatever |
I thought about that, but with the cargo involved, I figured it would be better to have a live body in each vehicle ... just in case.
True that. Nothing stops us from riding with the illegal stuff in our trailer-equipped vans though, we can let the smaller cars follow AutoNavically (not loaded with the MilStuff, of course). Not that I mind the 'live body in each vehicle' route, just wanted to point out (as no one did until then) that just because we have enough vehicles for each char to ride his/her own, we don't need them to.
Just a tidbit of information here. The most common route from Atlanta to Baton Rouge is I-85 to I-65 to I-10/I-12. All interstate highway, and all major travel routes. It's June...summertime...there are going to be LOTS of people on the road, and a good bit of traffic. Not enough to cause serious delays, but more than enough to mask the movement of a vehicle caravan. You guys shouldn't have to do anything special to hide your travel and subsequent arrival in Baton Rouge.
Though, I will say that the guys on bikes are gonna hate it.

When I was at LSU, my roommate was from Atlanta, and would go home to visit his folks a few times a semester...on his Kawasaki Ninja. 8 hours on a bike sucks. And it's much worse if you are on a rice rocket than on a touring bike.
@TOR I noticed that while it works using the direct link to your vehicles subpage, the corresponding 'VEHICLES' link in the navigation bar of your side seems not to exist on other subpages. You might want to fix that. |
I fucking hate freewebs. It's supposed to show up on the link sidebar, but it doesn't, and nothing I do can fix it. Ah's free.
If I add any more pages, I'll make sure to give you guys the proper links.
Sep 26 2007, 11:30 PM
As to the movement power: Err...I blame Ashley.
Seriously, I completely invented and included that "Targets equal to force" clause. I swear it was in there last time I read it! D'oh!

My bad.
Sep 26 2007, 11:37 PM
On of my mates nearly had a really nasty accident doing that - he was coming home from visiting his folks on a 600RR in winter late at night (who live wayyyy out in the boonies), and he went to brake as he came up to a roundabout, but his leg started to cramp so badly due to the cold that he couldn't move it. Was lucky not to splatter himself - managed to avoid any accident at all.
Anyway, my lack fof a real grasp on american geography is showing - if they want a lift most/part of the way, lets do that.
Or just handwave it
Sep 27 2007, 12:37 AM
QUOTE (ZenZen @ Sep 27 2007, 05:48 AM) |
Um ... yes. While an incredible Power otherwise, that's its main limitation. |
Fair enough. Incidentally, almost everyone I know plays Movement wrong (I blame the older older editions, which contained a specific example of a Spirit using Movement on more than one subject

). Thanks for pointing that out, as it'll make a difference in future games.

While you are right though, it is really a moot point, as ..
QUOTE (Sr4 pg 286) |
Critters may sustain a number of powers equal to their Magic at one time. |
So we could just use more than one Service (which technically I suggested when mentioning using more than one Spirit earlier

Sep 27 2007, 01:50 AM
As for riding the bike ... I have personally done quite a few cross-country trips on a motorcycle (in Canada and the States). Eight hours isn't too bad (much worse in winter

), but there is
definitely a reason that Ash picked the Ares over the riceburner.
Ol' Scratch
Sep 27 2007, 02:03 AM
You may also be using a bastardization of the Great Form rules, where LOS powers like Movement become an area-effect power (with the spirit determining who within that area is affected). It's in the side bar next to Invoking in Street Magic I believe.
Sep 27 2007, 02:08 AM
It might be that, or maybe I'm just slack and didn't read the damn Power properly and just made a bad assumption.
Sep 27 2007, 02:13 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
Thanks for pointing that out, as it'll make a difference in future games. 
While you are right though, it is really a moot point, as ..
QUOTE (SR4 just a couple of sentences later...) | Critters may sustain a number of powers equal to their Magic at one time. |
Sure thing.
Always glad to help with incomplete rules clarifications.
(Should teach me to at least finish reading the section that I quote...)
So what's left is the limitation in time-critical situations, as it takes a Complex Action each to get everyone up to speed, except you are an initiate with Invoking metamagic who had the time for some extra draining binding rituals before the run (as the Doc pointed out). And the Force thing of course.
Just a tidbit of information here. The most common route from Atlanta to Baton Rouge is I-85 to I-65 to I-10/I-12. All interstate highway, and all major travel routes. It's June...summertime...there are going to be LOTS of people on the road, and a good bit of traffic. Not enough to cause serious delays, but more than enough to mask the movement of a vehicle caravan. |
This kind of information is very much appreciated, I'd have to spend quite some time and effort to look up the relevant data otherwise (with a high chance of missing important details), or ignore it and hope my numerous assumptions don't come back to kick me in unpleasant areas.
I guess the 'good bit of traffic' sounds like a strong argument against using our spiritual afterburners (should draw some attention at least, might even create some traffic in-or-ac-cidents), what do you all think?