All right, as promised, here's the remaining guidelines. As always, if you have any questions or would like clarification for anything, please ask it here so that everyone can jump in to help and/or benefit from the responses.
For purposes of these guidelines Irisa Rosselini's replacement and Vincent Figuroa are considered dedicated magicians, while Gabriel Vaughn and Heather Hutchense-Geldof are secondary magicians. Bill Barnes and John Preston are non-magicians.
Note that when I use the term "unmodified" in regards to an attribute or skill, I'm refering to your base rating before apply any implants, initiation grades, specializations, and so on and so forth. Additionally, Mystic Adepts must split their Magic attribute between their adept and magical abilities as per the normal rules, using them as seperate attributes as appropriate.
And congratulations, Fortune, on your complete and total lack of patience.
[ MAGIC ]If you are playing a non-magician, you can skip this section.
Initiation: Dedicated magicians may start the game with an initiation grade as high as Grade 5, while secondary magicians may begin as high as Grade 3. Each grade grants two abilities, each with two options as seen below.
- One metamagic technique OR a +1 to your maximum Magic rating.
- One metamagic technique OR a +1 to your Magic rating.
You can mix these abilities up however you want for each grade you decide to take. For example, you could gain two metamagic techniques on your first grade, a metamagic technique and +1 to your base Magic rating on your second grade, and then +1 to your base and maximum Magic ratings for your third grade. The choice is yours, just make sure you tell me what you chose to do somewhere on your submission.
Also remember that your maximum initiatory grade is equal to your current Magic attribute. So if you only have a Magic of 2, you'll need to raise it before you can initiate to grade 3.
Ordeals: For each grade of initiation you underwent, you had the option to take an ordeal. Since Karma isn't an issue during character creation, each initiation ordeal instead grants you your choice of either two additional spells (see below) or 0.5 points worth of adept powers. The spells or adept powers you select must be related in some way to the ordeal you undertook, however. If you take this option, be sure to list which ordeal you took and what benefit you gained by doing so. If the ordeal required some sort of price, such as the lowering of an attribute rating, you must pay that price normally.
Magical Groups: You are free to join a magical group of your choosing or even of your own creation. Both the DIMR and MIT&T should have one or two groups that your character would have little problem getting into, though you can just as easily join some other group as you see fit. Just make sure it's either well-referenced or detailed on your character sheet as per the rules in
Street Magic.
If you do decide to create your own magical group, and it's one sponsored by the DIMR or MIT&T, please post it here so that everyone who might be interested in joining it can participate in its creation and/or join themselves.
Note that groups with an Exclusive Membership restriction would probably be frowned upon as they limit your ability to infiltrate other groups. It's not a requirement, of course, but it is something you might want to keep in mind as you look around or create your own group.
Spells: You may begin the game with a number of spells equal to twice your unmodified (Spellcasting + Magic) ratings. If you chose to take an ordeal as part of your initiations (see above), you receive two additional spells per ordeal. Additional spells cost 30,000Â¥ from your personal savings account (see Equipment below).
Adept Powers: Follow the normal rules for determining how many adept powers you have and their maximum ratings. If you chose to take an ordeal as part of your initiations (see above), you gain an addition 0.5 Power Points to spend per ordeal.
Ally Spirits: If you are capable of conjuring an ally spirit, you may begin the game with one... at a cost. You must purchase the Ally Conjuration metamagic
and sacrifice one additional metamagic technique in order to do so (two metamagic techniques total). See the Equipment section below for more limitations. You will also need to have the Binding and Arcana active skills in addition to everything else.
The maximum Force of the ally spirit is limited by your unmodified Magic attribute. You will then receive the equivalence of four times your unmodified Binding + Arcana skills in virtual Karma with which you may purchase any additional forms, attributes, skills, spells, or powers for your ally spirit. If any of the forms you give your ally spirit are unusual (such as a motorcycle or katana), your ally spirit will take up both of your signature items instead of just one. See Equipment below for more information.
For example, if you a Magic of 4, Binding 5, and Arcana 5, you could begin with game with up to a Force 4 ally spirit that has 40 Karma worth of additional abilities.
Formulas: It is assumed you own all the associated formulae for any spells, ally spirits, and foci you begin the game with. These can be in any format you like, but are typically digital.
Tweaking the Rules: The following optional rules found in
Street Magic (p. 31) will be used in this game: Arcana, Adepts and Geasa, Magic Loss, and Ritual Magic.
[ IMPLANTS ]Dedicated Magicians: Dedicated magicians may begin with the game with only Alpha or Standard grade implants as appropriate. More than one or two points of implants will be frowned upon, but this is not an actual restriction.
Secondary Magicians: Secondary magicians may begin with up to two Beta grade implants whose total value do not exceed 400,000 nuyen each (which includes any accessories or upgrades the implant may have). Any other implants must be of Alpha or Standard grade as appropriate.
Non-Magicians: Non-magicians may begin with up to four Delta grade implants whose total value do not exceed 1,000,000 nuyen each and up to four Beta grade implants up to 600,000 nuyen each. These values include any accessories or upgrades the implant may have. All other implants are limited to Alpha or Standard grade as appropriate.
If you are having trouble rationalizing how or why your character might have such valuable or high-grade implants, assume they were special rewards and/or compensations granted to you by the DIMR for exemplary service in the past.
Brand Names: Recently, I've found myself thoroughly enjoying the act of giving my implants a unique brand name. It's an easy way to add a lot of color and style to a character, and it's something I'd like to see everyone do for this game as well. This isn't to say that you have to cook up a name for every little accessory, but I would like to see one for any major implants you have. Some examples follow.
- Ares OpenThrottle II (Move-By-Wire 2) [Delta; 1.50c]
- Evo Mind Lynx (Datajack) [Delta; 0.05c]
- Genetique Chrome-a-Zomes (Adapsin Enhanced Protein) [Genetech; 0.20b]
- Spinrad Industries Clearview v.306 (Image Link) [Beta; 0.07c]
Please note that you do
not have to list any financial costs on your character sheet, only the grade and total Essence cost for the implant and its accessories. Regarding notation, append a lowercase "b" to the end of the Essence cost of bioware/genetech implants and a lowercase "c" to end of the Essence cost of cyberware/nanocybernetic implants. See above for examples of how I'd like to see them noted. Additionally, round all Essence costs up to the nearest two decimal places (a modified implant costing 0.125 Essence would instead cost 0.13 Essence).
Tweaking the Rules: The following options rules found in
Augmentation (pp. 22-23) will be used in this game: Second-Hand Implants, Limiting Nanoware, Limiting Nanocybernetics, Symbionts for Everyone (one only), and Injecting Enhanced Proteins. Note that the optional rule for Cosmetic Surgery found here is
not an option.
[ CONTACTS ]The DIMR will often have you traveling abroad and, as such, will often supply you with a name or two of local contacts who will assist you in your missions. These contacts typically assist you by putting you in touch with "friends of a friend" type contacts with whom you can choose to foster a closer relationship with as time goes on or forget about them as soon as the job is complete. In other words, like most important aspects of your job, the DIMR will be taking care of all the little details for you.
However, there will be times in which having your own network of contacts will be invaluable.
Personal Contacts: Everyone may begin the game with up to five free contacts of choice ("up to" not "must have"). These contacts should include immediate family, spouses, children, or partners with which you've had a very close and intimate relationship with over the years. They should be in the Loyalty 4-6 range, though their Connections rating will probably be low if not non-existant altogether. If you have an ally spirit and/or magical group, they count as one of these contacts (give them a Loyalty of 4-6 and Connection rating equal to their Force or Resources as appropriate).
Professional Contacts: Beyond that, you will have also likely fostered more professional relationships over the years. These contacts will be purchased using a point-based system. You have two pools of points; your Loyalty Pool is equal to your unmodified (Charisma + Etiquette) x 3 and your Connections Pool is equal to your unmodified (Charisma + Negotiations) x 3. For example, if you have a Charisma of 4, an Etiquette of 3, and a Negotiations of 4 you will have a Loyalty Pool of 21 and a Connection Pool of 24 with which to purchase these contacts. Any unspent points are lost. You can buy additional points on a 1:5,000Â¥ ratio from your personal savings account (see Equipment below for details).
Who's the Boss?: Additionally, everyone receives a free contact named Antonio Roccamora at Connections 5 and Loyalty 5. I'll be writing more up on him eventually, but for the most part he's your main boss at the DIMR and middleman to the council. He's a half-black and half-Samoan troll, rumor has it he was a drek-hot decker back in the day, and he is pretty much the "real life" representation of every police chief you've ever seen in an action movie as far as his modern personality goes.
Reputation: The rules for Street Cred, Infamy, and Publicity all revolve around SINless criminals and thus will not be used in this game. I considered creating my own house rules for non-Shadowrunner use, but it was too much work for too little gain. Thus I'm simply not going to use them at all, even for any shadowrunners you may come across.
[ EQUIPMENT ]Free Shit: As previously mentioned, your monthly salary with the DIMR includes a free High Lifestyle. This lifestyle includes up to two luxury vehicles of choice (up to a sports car or motorboat), a gold Nightingale (DocWagon) contract, plus an expense account for entertainment, food, clothing, and things of that nature. In addition, you also receive 5,000Â¥ per month to do with as you see fit and also have a personal savings account valued at 250,000Â¥.
Most of your standard work gear will be supplied to you on an as-needed basis and will almost always be top-of-the-line. This includes such things as communications, fake SINs and licenses, standard firearms and armor, transportation, surveillance gear, medical gear, and consumables (such as ammunition and binding materials). Basically if it's not vital to your character, don't worry about listing it on your sheet. You'll be well taken care of.
Signature Items: Each character begins play with two (2) signature items of choice. These can be nearly anything you desire as long as it's appropriate to your character's theme. A stacked focus, a custom spell, a sniper rifle, a biodrone, or even something as expensive as a thunderbird are all within your grasp. If the item has a rating limit, your maximum limit for that item is equal to your unmodified attribute rating that most closely matches it (foci, for instance, are limited by your Magic rating).
Ally Spirits: If you begin the game with an ally spirit, your spirit counts as one of your signature items. If they can assume one or more inanimate objects such as a motorcycle or sword, the spirit counts as
both of your signature items.
Commlinks: Everyone also begins the game with a tricked-out commlink (Firewall 6/Response 6/Signal 6/System 6). This commlink comes with every Common Use program, one Agent and one IC, and up to three Hacking programs of choice all at a rating of 6 for free. If you are a professional Hacker or Technomancer you receive all of the Hacking programs at the same rating as well. Be sure to give the commlink and its operating system a brand name of your choosing and describe it however you wish.
PANs: I really hate how the Matrix rules work in SR4. For all intents and purposes, ignore the various loopholes that exist in the rules regarding them. Your commlink is -the- central hub for your PAN and anyone who wants to affect your equipment via hacking will have to punch past your commlink first. To combat them, all you have to do is turn the wireless connectivity off. No worries, no hassles, no fuss. Also, assume all electronic gear comes with a Skinlink by default.
Additional Gear: If there's any other special equipment or gear you'd be interested in, you need to spend the nuyen in your personal savings account to buy it. Ignore Availabilities if you have the appropriate contact for the item (they should have Connection 3 for Restricted or Beta-grade gear and Connection 5 for Forbidden or Delta-grade gear). If you don't, you are limited to an Availability of 12 and it cannot be Restricted or Forbidden. If the item requires Karma to bind with it, you must "spend" the equivalence of 10,000Â¥ per Karma on top of the normal cost.
Licenses: If any of your items or implants require a license, assume you have one associated with your legal SIN. If you'd like to have any personal fake SINs that are separate from the DIMR, you'll need to purchase them as well as any fake licenses for it.