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Full Version: Needed Revision to the Horrors
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
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Zhan Shi
Aha! This explains why casting raw magic in ED is so dangerous. Because when you do it, you are quite literaly "full of shit". Brilliant theory! <claps>
Actually, that is exactly what is theorized in Horrors (regarding gnashers, that they crap astral pollution) IIRC.
QUOTE (NightmareX)
Actually, that is exactly what is theorized in Horrors (regarding gnashers, that they crap astral pollution) IIRC.

..I'd have thought a Horror's pollution of the Astral plane would be more in line with that of a CyberZombie - a 'wrongness' that goes against 'nature'.

Well, considering that the main comment is that Horrors eat and eat..
..What do they do in Horror-space ??

From our point of view, aren't Horrors similar to manifested spirits as they are other-planar beings ??
QUOTE (Synner667)
..I'd have thought a Horror's pollution of the Astral plane would be more in line with that of a CyberZombie - a 'wrongness' that goes against 'nature'.

Some no doubt do create background count in this manner. Some create it by their actions, and some create it as a method of hunting (Taint IIRC). Some create background count because in a way they are background count (Ristul). The comment above was specifically about gnashers.

Regarding whether they are like manifest spirits and what they eat - that depends entirely on the horror in question.
The big-ass Horrors who make Great Dragons soil themselves in fear can usually keep the mindless eating machines in check and are usually smart enough to to do so.
Since the most powerful and most malevolent of Horrors tend to pick no more than a dozen or so sentient victims at a time and milk them for all that they are worth, they don't pose an exceptional threat to life as we know it. Even the onces who take down entire villages at a time (Giftbringer, Joie) aren't terribly dangerous in the grand scheme of things and the real Big Bads are those who thrive in metahuman society, manipulating it to suit their needs (Bone Crown, Nemesis, and even Verjigorm to a lesser extent with his Cult of the Hunter). The only real exception is Ristul, which itself is more of a sentient concept than an actual entity.
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