Kyoto Kid
Oct 18 2007, 12:16 AM
QUOTE (Emperor Tippy) |
I downloaded SR4 and found that I liked it so I went and bought a print copy because I don't really like reading on a computer screen. FanPro made money from me downloading illegally that they wouldn't have made otherwise. |
...I did the opposite (in away) in that I first bought the dead tree version, but then got the PDF because I tend to use my Notebook computer as both an electronic character sheet for my PCs and as a screen when I am the GM.
Actually have quite a library now in PDF format including character/GM utility sheets and quick reference table files.
Lugging 20+ kilos of books to every game meet gets a bit tiring after a while especially when you get on in years.
Emperor Tippy
Oct 18 2007, 12:31 AM
I still use the PDF version fairly often but when just reading the book to learn the rules or browsing I prefer the book.
Oct 18 2007, 12:45 AM
No idea how we got OT, but:
For hard rules lawyering & brushing up on whatever in my free time/before a game, I NEED the book in my hands. If it's not available (loaned it to a friend etc), I just take the page number down and read it when it's appropriate mid-game, which is less ideal. For some reason I despise reading online if I can avoid it; distractions, maybe? Or it just doesn't sink in as well.
Also, my laptop is rather sluggish (Response: 2) and such, and PDFs I find notoriously slow even using, say Foxit PDF Reader. So: book, but I keep the PDF open as a 'mobile' GM screen, not to mention 99% of my game notes are HTML-rendered (even made myself an HTML/CSS 'GM & Campaign Module').
Edit: See Fortune's post.
Oct 18 2007, 12:46 AM
I think people might want to clearly distinguish between pirated and legal versions of any and all downloaded Shadowrun PDFs. Dumpshock does not, and never has endorsed piracy (especially of Shadowrun material), and the Administration tends to take a dim view of those posts that advocate it.
Oct 18 2007, 03:32 PM
QUOTE (Emperor Tippy) |
Yes the people loose money but it isn't a 1 for 1 loss, like a CD is. If I steal a CD I am removing any possibility of someone paying money for that CD and am costing the company the cost of physically creating the CD. If I download an mp3 file with the CD's content I am not removing someones elses ability to purchase the data or costing the author any money. |
Actually this is false thinking. The recording industry still makes money off of someone stealing the CD out of a store. It is the retailer that loses the money.
Here in Canada the Recording/Movie Studios have been able to push through legislation that put a tax on all recordable media (CD-R, DVD-R) and are trying to make it even higher.
Here's the reason I download music (I never download movies except Anime): I used to buy a CD if there were 2 singles I liked. Problem was that except for those 2 singles most CDs were total crap. So I just paid $20 for 2 songs.
Oct 18 2007, 11:43 PM
I, for one, have NEVER engaged in piracy. I have, however, shared files with other people.
All right, there was this one time I hijacked a ship at sea, but I gave it back later.
Kyoto Kid
Oct 19 2007, 12:18 AM
...the 4th ed books are legit PDFs. The pre 4th ed books were scanned from the hardcopy editions already bought & paid for (as I mentioned above) to "lighten the load" and make them a more useful resource when I GM and set up missions.
Oct 19 2007, 12:21 AM
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid @ Oct 19 2007, 10:18 AM) |
...the 4th ed books are legit PDFs. |
I figured that (because you'd have Emergence if that wasn't the case
), and wasn't pointing fingers. I was just trying to avoid any possible misconceptions that may (or may not) arise.
Kyoto Kid
Oct 19 2007, 12:38 AM harm done.
PDF or Hard Copy,
Emergence really didn't interest me since it (from what I heard at the time) appeared to deal mainly with Technomancers which I considered had too much of a "Magic Meets the Matrix" feel for me.
I still do not have the book & probably won't pick it up unless I find a used copy at Powell's (our local "big" independent bookseller)
QUOTE (Yoan) |
No idea how we got OT, but: |
...I think it was Emperor Tippy responding to something Jaid had mentioned about the music industry & pirating songs.
...oh, BTW [/derail]
Oct 19 2007, 04:29 AM
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid) |
PDF or Hard Copy, Emergence really didn't interest me since it (from what I heard at the time) appeared to deal mainly with Technomancers which I considered had too much of a "Magic Meets the Matrix" feel for me. |
It is mostly about technomancers, on which I agree with you, KK, but it's also an amusing read with lots of IC interaction. That's why I ended up grabbing it. If you like those books, it's worth a look.
Kyoto Kid
Oct 19 2007, 02:52 PM
...I'll check Powell's this weekend.
Mainly for my GM who needs to bone up on IC so that my Matrix Specialist has even more of a challenge.
...OK, now: [/derail]
Oct 19 2007, 03:20 PM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
I think people might want to clearly distinguish between pirated and legal versions of any and all downloaded Shadowrun PDFs. Dumpshock does not, and never has endorsed piracy (especially of Shadowrun material), and the Administration tends to take a dim view of those posts that advocate it. |
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