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QUOTE (Voorhees)
One thing I think might be interesting, is music with a shadowrun feel. I'm not talking like music that would be cool to have a game to, but like, cyberpunk music. Like Billy Idol. He's very cyberpunk. In fact, I'm listening to a song by him called Neuromancer, and one of his tours was the Cyberpunk tour. You know, music like that.

Ey! I was just thinking the same thing, great minds and all wink.gif.
Fear Factory would be pretty self-explanatory, at least the record "Obsolete". Another good 'metal spiced with electronics'-act is Red Harvest (especially "Ad Noctem" or the intro on "The Itching Skull"!), but after that Im out of ideas. If someone knows more of what Im trying to describe, feel free to add please. Especially if it has a sort of 'epic' feel alá FF's "Resurrection".
Good SR music would be some big band jazz or Bebop.
To go off on a slight tangent, what about the unfortunately short-lived TV series Firefly? To me, that always had a bit of the "authoritarians vs. rebels/outsiders" feel of Shadowrun, along with big corps (Blue Sun, anybody?), unusual medical experiments, some references to cyberware and bioware (admittedly in one of the eps that was never broadcast, but got on to the DVD set -- "The Message"), guns, crime, and high-tech all over the place.

Hell, it's even got crime bosses. biggrin.gif
I finally got around to seeing Once Upon a Time in Mexico, and other than being the worst of the movies in that series, it was a 100% pure Shadowrun style movie, especially plot-wise. About the only thing that would need to be changed for 2063 would be the setting, moved out from Mexico and into some other third world unstable nation...
Has anyone seen the promos for 'Paycheck' by John Wu? Looks to be very SR in nature-near future, trid, guns, 'runs for a paycheck...

One of the great things about SR compared to other games is that you can get inspiration from anywhere. Apart from LOTR films there's not a lot that would remind me about traditional fantasy games, whereas just about every film or TV program has something vaguely SR-esque in it.

Thinking from the top of my head - Mission Impossible (the TV series) is a great example of what can be done without drawing a gun. The films have some good aspects as well (until MI2 becomes obviously directed by Woo - slo-mo 2 pistols anyone?).

Another one I like is Buffy (so sue me) - teamwork, horror/fantasy and some nice bits of humour that are missing from too many games.

Even from kids TV there are some nice elements in things like Max Steele (I must remember to check out Cowboy Bebop next time it's on).

There were a few absolutely tremendous Asian films I saw a few months ago on the now defunct UK channel CNX (Toonami just doesn't cut it) that were SR *all* the way (one of which sounds pretty much like one already mentioned - with stolen biotech (a vaccine?), double crossing, guns, chasing and deckers hiding in the van! - I can't recall the name either so I can guarantee that at 3am I will awake and suddenly remember). Generally the better SR material seems to be from HK and Japan - even John Woo's early stuff is good (especially with Chow Yun Fat) - than western.

Thinking of more mainstream films, one that stands out is Black Hawk Down for the sights and sounds of combat. Training Day is a good one for urban scenes and corrupt cops.

There's probably more. Looking at lists of HK/Asian movies I noticed some with obviously SR-like titles - Cyber Ninja anyone? smile.gif
Ya know, with all the hype surrounding "Black Hawk Down", I thought "Saving Private Ryan" to be more intense.

Heh, Cowbooy Bebop isn't what you would call kids TV though...excellent as it is.

The reason we can draw such inference from so many sources is that SR is based in the real world, so obviously things from the real world translate over well.
!!!!Skyline Cruisers!!!!

Knew I'd get it eventually.
Blade Runner, and Johnny Mneumonic are easily the two best films to watch for shadowrun a shadowrun feel, there also great for getting ideas.

Also Akira does well, along with Jin Roh.

If you want some really great ideas just read a couple William Gibson novels (Neuromancer smokin.gif , Count Zero cyber.gif , and Burning Chrome cool.gif )

and Xirces, You must not have ever seen Cowboy Bebop before if your calling it a kids show. Not all animation is for children, go out and rent Akira sometime.
I didn't for one minute mean to suggest that Cowboy Bebop is a kids show.

I'm a huge fan of animation (including *shock* actually owning Akira) - the only reason that got in there is because Cowboy Bebop is on what I (and Sky TV for that matter) would consider a kids channel (it's either Fox Kids, Cartoon Network or Toonami), whichever my son was watching earlier.

It's not a program he's ever wanted to watch so I've never checked it out - although it has to better than c**p like Totally Spies so I'll suggest it to him and get him watching that instead.

(I'm still happy that he preferred the original Transformers on DVD to the stupid, annoying modern rubbish Armada - at the risk of a mjor thread derailment most modern 'toons are utter rubbish, but the toys are better)

For books, The Iron Dragon's Daughter by Michael Swanwick works amazingly well. It's rather more fantastical than Shadowrun, with less emphasis on tech, but it's much the same sort of gritty, distopian world. Not to mention a really, really good book by itself.

QUOTE (Bearclaw)
Have you seen any of Tarantino's other movies? Kill Bill isn't in any way representative of his work. In comparison, it's a big pile of crap. But, for what it was, I enjoyed it. The commercials told you what to expect, and it delivered exactly that.

Kill Bill is the Sixth film Quentin has directed all or part of (Resevior Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, From Dusk Til Dawn an 4 Rooms are the others).

He also gets writing credits for all those, as well as being the writer for Natural Born Killers, which is a great example of a few degenerate shadowrun games I've seen.

I beleive after oliver stone did natural born killers Tarantino wanted his name out of it, thats what I heard ayway.

most of what I am going to list has a general feal, its no carbon copy, and it mainly has to do with how the people in these movies act like shadowrunners, corpers, and gangers

Take out the space travel and you get COWBOY BEBOP!!!

spike: adept
inceasedstreangth quickness body, improved reflexes, martial arts style at 10, pistols 8,
great fall, magic armour at an undetemened lvl. increase flying skills (jet plane) yadda yadda

Jet: Cyber arm with strength mods, smart link, he is a rigger i guess.

Faye: the face......okay a very bad one, but she has a high charisma

Ed: Decker

Ein: Really good decker (okay so he's a dog biggrin.gif )

great use of contacts and leg work.

Plus spikes nemisis, physad who has all same stats but uses edged weapons instead of unarmed combat.

Other movies
Way of the gun (kidnap and ransom, big showdown with mafia goons a favorite of mine)
Killing Zoe (a little bit like SR)
The Limey (again, great feal for using contacts, fixers, stealth and subtelty)

Salton sea ( a little bit, contact involvment, working for the feds, but not really, ripping of the johnson)

I know its not a movie but
The grand theft auto games (admit it they are, get hired to whack guys steal things and...... whack guys)

If you want elf society watch the velvet goldmine.........NO DONT NEVER DONT DO IT I WAS JOKING!!!! (ex-girlfriend rented it, I almost killed her, nightmares of glitter an gay sex ahhhh must wash brain!!!!)

Trainspotting (low level deals and thugs)
Snatch (see above)
Lock Stock and 2 smoking barrels (also above)

Wild at heart

The long goodbye= detective, mafia, freind is dead, her husband the detectives friend as well is missing, big bag of money is also missing. GREAT MOVIE, main character Phill Marlow is histreical/made in the 70's/

mercuty rising (although it wast very good)
Unbreakable (if you think the guys a physad raise your hands... I only say this one to get the apeal of a physad)

many more i cant think of at the moment.
Moonstone Spider
From Cartoons Gargoyles is fairly close to Shadowrun. You'd have to assume a non-canon metatype for the gargoyles but it's got all the elements, massive prejudice against metatypes, the Quarrymen match Humanis, between Xanatech, Cyberbiotics, and Nightstone Enterprises you've got all the evil megacorps you could want. Heck, Xanatos justified his use of military gear in the first episode by saying his corporation was already larger than most countries and thus deserved to defend itself. Then you've got heavy use of Cyberware ranging from Coldstone to Jackal and Hyena, the heros routinely getting screwed by their "Johnson," genetech floating around, and multiple forms of magic including both shamanic and hermetic traditions.
QUOTE (BumsofTacoma @ Dec 6 2003, 03:46 PM)
The long goodbye= detective, mafia, freind is dead, her husband the detectives friend as well is missing, big bag of money is also missing. GREAT MOVIE, main character Phill Marlow is histreical/made in the 70's/

Gould made a fantastic, albeit unusual Marlowe. The movie went kind of limp at times, though, including some plot holes and over-the-top acting.

It's worth seeing just for Elliot Goulds great performance, though. smile.gif
so many great lines in that movie.

almost forgot arnold swartze swartzen........ The terminator is in it as a mafia body guard. he doesnt talk, just sits there and flex's.

silly Governor Arnold.
in one of the sites posted earlier was this movie with this line to tie it in to SR...

Deep Rising *
Year: 1998
Director: Stephen Sommers
Stars: Treat Williams, Famke Janssen
- Perhaps a beta version of an early VCR?

beta? vcr? eh? wouldn't that be early 80s, no 1998? okay, so I have a poor sense of humor...
I'm also a fan of Payback, with Mel Gibson. Definately has the "screwed runner seeking revenge" vibe.
Barb Wire?
Dim Sum
True Romance
Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette

... Can't remember the year it came out ... quite old. Good closing three-way gunfight scene in the hotel room! biggrin.gif
mattness pl
Very old topic - but good one. It's time to shake it a bit smile.gif
Some old movies:
- Assault on precinct 13 - lousy precinct in LA is under the siege. Policemen and arrested people fight side by side to survive. John Carpenter rules!
- "The Channel"/"Sewer"? by Andrzej Wajda - This is polish(as I am smile.gif ). Be warned: It's W&B movie! Great, claustrophobical one. Uprising in Poland during WWII. Almost whole movie is taken in sewers. Germans drops grenades, young polish soldiers try to escape...
- The warriors(?) - gangers in the trouble. Small gang far from their turf get in trouble and is chased by all (New York) gangs. DJ acts as a spotter - he tell through radio location of unfortunate gangers. I'm almost sure that one of D12 video clips was inspired by this movie
- Mark 13 - very cyberpunkish forgotten b-class movie:) with Iggy Pop as Angry Bob DJ. The idea is rather lame, but(robot try to kill a girl. She's pure mechanic archetype, by the way:) ) the scenography and few quotes makes this movie real cult one:-)

- Liberator 2 - bad guys are shadowrunners.

Check also ucas-online for 100 shadowrun-style movies(I forgot the link, but it's somewhere here, on Dumpshock). Shame I can't submit my favorite ones frown.gif

too many 13s rotfl.gif
It's a shame Heat only got a brief mention here. It wasn't flawless, but it was very good, and outside of film critique, it's a pretty solid model for shadow running. But since i don't give a damn about that, just see it anyway and appreciate it as a great movie.

On similar lines, the recent Collateral didn't get the recognition it deserved. That movie was just fucking wonderful, and while I have my issues with it (mostly the ending), I highly recommend it.

Also, check out Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. Buy the dvds (released up to the third, now, I believe) or just download the first season (secon'd half released under the title 2nd Gig). It's ridiculously good.

Speaking of Ghost in the Shell, check out the sequel to the movie, Innoncence. Some people really hated it, but they're all wrong in every important way.
I loved the fact that the world of Innocence was altogether dirtier and more polluted. It had a kind of despairing feel that the first didn't.

Yeah, the second really played up the noir angle.
Well, not so much the femme fatale bit of the noir angle.

The reunion between Batou and Kusanagi was just beautiful. When he put his jacket on her, I was struck by what a great touch that was. You get the feel for how much history they share. When I saw it in the theatre, the host asked if anyone hadn't seen the first one. I felt really sorry for the people who hadn't.
I don't like the fact that they left out the scene from the Manga where Kusanagi and Batou chew out the girl at the end for causing the deaths she did, and Koil Krasnov deserved a bit more show IMO, but overall awesome. Batou is my example of choice for why legit doesn't necessarily mean not needing safehouses out the Wazoo.

Crimsondude 2.0
The thing about Heat (and to a lesser extent, Ronin), there's really not much to say.

If you've seen it, you know it's a great SR movie,

If you haven't, and you're reading a thread like this it's always in the list of Must-see movies.

Then, presuming you haven't, have read this thread, and aren't too broke to rent it, you see it and move up to the first category.

I mean, there's plenty of things in the movie to talk about, and about why it's so badass. Weapons use, planning, combat modifiers, working with contacts, fences, fixers, J's, corp bad guys, and why runners probably don't (or ought not) have families, and various other aspects. I also think it's a great movie on its face, regardless of its relevance to SR. Of course, I'm also one of the people who's never suggested the plot with Natalie Portman's character should have been ditched, so... make of that what you will.
I'm a huge fan of animation (including *shock* actually owning Akira) - the only reason that got in there is because Cowboy Bebop is on what I (and Sky TV for that matter) would consider a kids channel (it's either Fox Kids, Cartoon Network or Toonami), whichever my son was watching earlier.
Just as a note, this is a horrible assumption. Cartoon Network/Toonami's average viewership is about 30, and that's their target demopgraphic. Not a kid's channel at all. smile.gif

On similar lines, the recent Collateral didn't get the recognition it deserved. That movie was just fucking wonderful, and while I have my issues with it (mostly the ending), I highly recommend it.
I completely agree. The original ending tested badly with screeners so the ending was changed to what was released in theatres. And yes, the original ending was pretty close to what was hinted at nby the detective in the movie. I can only hope a director's cut of that comes out.


Dawn of the Dead (remake)
Blade Runner

Rory Blackhand
I find it impossible that nobody mentioned Blade! Unless I just missed it.

Not mentioned:

The Crow
Resident Evil


Blade Runner
Mortal Combat
Ocean 's 11? Amatures! Heat? Ha! Ronin? Double HA!!

Thief. James Cann. Denis Farina. Wille Nelson. Directed by Michael Mann. You want SR. This is it. Also the original Thomas Crown Affair. An old tv series with Robert Wagner, It Takes a Thief. Let's dig deep people. Why are we recycling only movies made in the last 20-30 years. Surly there must be more....

QUOTE (mattness pl)
Very old topic - but good one. It's time to shake it a bit smile.gif
Some old movies:
- Mark 13 - very cyberpunkish forgotten b-class movie:) with Iggy Pop as Angry Bob DJ. The idea is rather lame, but(robot try to kill a girl. She's pure mechanic archetype, by the way:) ) the scenography and few quotes makes this movie real cult one:-)

I believe it was actually Hardware. The robot's designation or modle number was MARK 13. Its been brought up around here before, IIRC. Anywho, it also starred Dillon McDurmont as chrome handed merc, there was also a [quasi] adept, a [sorta] dwarf techie, and I think there was a fixer in there somewhere.

All in all, a very underrated movie. smile.gif

Other non-mentions:
And that one with Ray Liota as a corrupt cop...can't believe I can't think of it right now. Name of state or city or something like that...

I just bought the Director's Cut version of Blade Runner. New ending, apparently. I'm contemplating buying the regular version to see the normal ending.

Yes, tonight was my first time seeing it ever. Harrison Ford does a surprisingly good job in a Cyberpunk movie.

Anybody find it odd that Ice Cube manages to find a way into every new Cyberpunk movie there is?
Patrick Goodman
One I haven't seen mentioned, but only because I'm just skimming this one sometimes: The Score. Robert De Niro, Edward Norton, and Marlon Brando star in this one, about a heist that shouldn't be possible, and the professional who makes it happen, and the amateur who gets greedy.

Good stuff, Thanos007's disdain of recent films notwithstanding.
Anyone know of good black-and-white Shadowrun films other than the Keystone Kops?

QUOTE (tanka)
I just bought the Director's Cut version of Blade Runner. New ending, apparently. I'm contemplating buying the regular version to see the normal ending.

The Director's Cut blows chunks when compared to the original! This is one of the only movies I know of where this is the case.
Ol' Scratch
QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Anyone know of good black-and-white Shadowrun films other than the Keystone Kops?

Does Metropolis count? At least as far as Megacorporations and Dystopian settings go?
I considered Metropolis. I think the protagonists are too heroic, though.

Ol' Scratch
How about Alphaville then? It's a little more space fantasy than normal (much like my favorite "Shadowrun movie," The Fifth Element), but still pretty close all things considered.
QUOTE (Kagetenshi @ Nov 18 2004, 09:19 PM)
Anyone know of good black-and-white Shadowrun films other than the Keystone Kops?


Um, "Cassablanca," and/or "The Maltese Flacon," maybe an old Frankenstien? smile.gif

edit: and almost any old "gumshoe" detective flick.

What about old westerns? Do you guys think some of them count?

Depending on your game, The Godfather movies (or the Sopranos) could count. Also, "King of New York"

I could go on and on if I thought about it. Once you remove the Sci-fi of SR, almost any movie with con men/faces ("Mathcstick Men") or guns, violence, car chases and/or smart talking underdog protagonists might count. smile.gif

I'll go there: "Kangaro Jack" Hey--its got guns, the mob, hitmen, bumbling lowlifes, and an Awakened Kagaroo!! C'mon! biggrin.gif
I still need to see Alphaville, but from what I've heard of it, I'd say that works. Thanks.

Tarzan versus IBM would have been an interesting title.

Kevyn668, also good suggestions. My memory is clearly working poorly these days.

QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (tanka @ Nov 19 2004, 12:58 PM)
I just bought the Director's Cut version of Blade Runner.  New ending, apparently.  I'm contemplating buying the regular version to see the normal ending.

The Director's Cut blows chunks when compared to the original! This is one of the only movies I know of where this is the case.

If I can find a copy of the original for rent, I'll take a look.

However, personally, I don't want to spend another $15 on a movie I'll watch occasionally. (No, not even $10 or $5. I'm just that cheap.)
Keep your eyes out for it ... it is definitely worth the rental fee. smile.gif
QUOTE (tanka)
QUOTE (Fortune @ Nov 18 2004, 09:49 PM)
QUOTE (tanka @ Nov 19 2004, 12:58 PM)
I just bought the Director's Cut version of Blade Runner.  New ending, apparently.  I'm contemplating buying the regular version to see the normal ending.

The Director's Cut blows chunks when compared to the original! This is one of the only movies I know of where this is the case.

If I can find a copy of the original for rent, I'll take a look.

However, personally, I don't want to spend another $15 on a movie I'll watch occasionally. (No, not even $10 or $5. I'm just that cheap.)

I like the original better, too.

[ Spoiler ]
Two good heist movies that came out in the past few years were Heist and The Good Thief. Both had excellent casts. Miller's Crossing is older, but still a very good mobwar scenario.

The Blade series gets a personal nod from me, since I use a lot of vampire type stuff in my games. I also enjoyed Reign of Fire; you have to take your modern technology vs dragons where you find them. Things to do in Denver When You're Dead springs to mind. As Stumps pointed out in the other thread, Flatliners was very good, and I'm going to toss The Lost Boys in on that with Dark City for the Kiefer Sutherland trifecta. I would have also accepted Truth or Consequences, NM.

But what I am really saying is (because of how adaptable the system is and because how much source material the world can draw upon), Every Movie is a Shadowrun Movie.

And lastly, I'll toss this link up one last time since this post is about movies specifically: Cyber Cinema Classics
Yeah, that was the bit I read. It's even on the back of the Director's Cut case.

[ Spoiler ]

Anybody seen Lord Foreshadow? biggrin.gif
Err...what's it called when an old post is dragged up from the graveyard of elderly postings? Just wondering.

Ya know, I actually have each and every new player I've ever had watch The Way of the Gun before I let 'em in the game. That movie, of all that have been listed and mentioned, is the one that I can point to and tell people, "This is what happens when a milk run turns sour; this is what most Shadowruns devolve into; and yes, they do probably die at the end. Life of crime is a bitch."

Plus, it does have the classic line that made tears stream down my face the first time I heard it: "Shut that bitches mouth before I come over there and fuck-start her skull"!

I've been waiting for someone to say that to Sarrah Silverman for a long time. love.gif
Plus, it does have the classic line that made tears stream down my face the first time I heard it: "Shut that bitches mouth before I come over there and fuck-start her skull"!

Heh. Free advice, never assume a woman (or her steroid monster boyfriend) has seen that movie and thus would know that you were just quoting a line from a movie when engaged in a heated game of "caps" with said women. wink.gif
QUOTE (spotlite)
This is probably useless to you all since I can't remember the name of the movie (gawddammit!), but there's a live action manga film where a bunch of eco-terrorists break in to a big corporate skyscraper to graffit an office and expose the nasty toxic chemical practices of the corp. Unfortunately, inside this high security tower is, in the basement, a 15 year old techno wiz who only wants to make drones, so the corp keep him down there and let him cos he comes up with totally wiz stuff. The terrorists get trapped in the building and the tech releases his latest killemallandletgodsortitout drone.

Its a very kewl film, and with a little tweaking can be stolen almost wholesale for a shadowrun. If anyone can remember the name of it I'd appreciate it cos I'd love to try getting hold of it!

Yes I realize the post is almost a year late but I hadn't seen the movie yet and didn't read the original thread either. SHUT UP!!! wink.gif

The name of the film in question is called Death Machine and I personally thought it was terrible.

As far as the whole Blade Runner debate goes, I liked the original version for the narrative. It gave the movie more of that noir feel.
On the other hand the director cut makes more sense from the characters point of view as to why they make the decisions they do. Look for the subtle points and think deep. All things considered my vote is for the Directors Cut.
And no, I'm not going to recomend a movie. nyahnyah.gif
Crimsondude 2.0
QUOTE (Thanos007)
Why are we recycling only movies made in the last 20-30 years.

Well, if you did a survey of the ages of the users here, you'd probably be answering your own question.

QUOTE (kevyn668)
And that one with Ray Liota as a corrupt cop...can't believe I can't think of it right now. Name of state or city or something like that...

Narc? Great ending, btw.

Joe Carnahan's first movie, Blood, Guts, Bullets and Octane was also great.


Chekcing this IMDb, you're probably either referring to Phoenix, or Cop Land. My money's on the former of the two.

Also, another great Liotta movie to mention just because I know a SR player who's obsessed with it...



QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Anyone know of good black-and-white Shadowrun films other than the Keystone Kops?

The Third Man

BFI's "the best British films ever," and the film with one of the greatest scenes ever filmed. Period.
QUOTE (The Third Man (1949))
Look down there. Would you really feel any pity if one of those dots stopped moving - forever? If I said you could have twenty thousand pounds for every dot that stops, would you really, old man, tell me to keep my money--without hesitation? Or would you calculate how many dots you could afford to spare? Free of income tax, old man. Free of income tax. It's the only way to save nowadays.

QUOTE (The Third Man (1949))
In Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.
Another awesome movie. Another embarrassing moment as I realize that it's another movie that I've seen and should have thought of.

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