Dec 22 2007, 04:18 PM
Here's where we'll handle all of the dice rolls, ooc talking, etc. for the game. At the moment, this thread is open to anyone that's planning on making a character to play in the Dancing within the Void game, which still currently has open recruitment.
Any character that shows up will have been referred by a fixer or business associate.
Tank is recruiting people to put together a team for some steady work. Assume you're all at the office or arriving at the office when you post.
Any reference I make to character skills, etc. is not set in stone before the game actually starts next year. So, if you roll something here for a skill you choose not to take later, don't sweat it. This is mostly just for the roleplaying
Those of you with Fixer or Information Broker contacts with connections 3 or higher will know that the work is for Watanabe Security Consulting, a firm with a solid rep in the shadows for hiring runners for legit work in testing out corporate security setups. You also know that he's offering a pretty hefty finders fee to the fixer that can give him the right group.
Those of you with Fixer or Info Broker contacts with connections above 5 will also know that
Tank is a troll fixer, still small time but looking to break into the big leagues with a good score.
Those of you with Streetwise knowledge skills that might provide information you'd like to have in this situation, go ahead and roll it.
Anyone who wants can make a Judge Intentions roll to get a feel for your 'gut reaction' to
Tank, the gangers outside, or the other runners in the room.
Dec 28 2007, 12:33 PM
Judge Intentions
[2,5,1,5,3,4,5] = (3)
[6,3,5,1,3,4,4] = (2)
[5,4,1,6,5,2,2] = (3)
Dec 28 2007, 07:39 PM
Judge Intentions
Int 2 + Cha 5 + Kinesics 3
4 hits = 2 5 3 5 3 3 2 5 6 4
Gangers (-2 Pool since this will happen outside in ... shudder.. sunlight)
3 hits = 1 3 4 5 6 5 1 3
4 hits = 6 5 1 4 4 4 1 4 6 6
Int 2 + High Society 3 (+2 Seattle)
1 hit = 6 1 2 4 2 1 4
Dec 29 2007, 01:45 PM
(Invisible Castle seems offline this morning so I'll just roll the dice).
Judge Intentions: Chr(5) + Int(4)
Gangers: 3,3,4,5,6,3,3,2,1 = 2 hits
Runners: 3,2,5,6,4,3,5,1,3 = 3 hits
Tank: 5,3,5,6,5,5,4,4,5 = 6 hits
Dec 30 2007, 03:28 AM
Well... Looks like 1/2 the Full Moon team is now here...
Dec 30 2007, 06:39 AM
That works
I'll have the first IC post to kick things off up tomorrow. I'll list those that have sent or posted characters that have been accepted here tomorrow as well. I'll be posting through next week, and people are welcome to post, but I'm not going to start enforcing the posting until Jan 7th, because this week is still a bit of a holiday week.
Dec 31 2007, 06:46 AM
Bleh, my apologies. My day disappeared in a flurry of mass effect fields and plasmids. Broke open the Christmas presents
Mass Effect and
Bioshock to try them out and the day disappeared. Running in fear from Geth or Slicers, no doubt
Anywho, I'll have that first post up tomorrow. Monday's really a better day to start the thread anyway =P
Dec 31 2007, 07:24 AM
Sorry for the delay, I had family in town for almost two weeks and when I say family I mean 25 people at my house for Christmas.
I will be playing
Kukyo - a long time standing temp used by
Watanabe to help work with the more irregular assets they employ. I'll be throwing up an IC post.
Dec 31 2007, 09:51 PM
Judge Intentions: Int (4) + Char (3)
3 HitsTank:
3 HitsRunners:
3 HitsKukyo:
1 Hit--------------------------
Knowledge skill:I don't think the gang is Hispanic but I'll throw this out there.
Fenris: please adjust results as you deem fit or reroll with mods.
2 Hits
Jan 4 2008, 08:31 AM
Judge Intentions
Charisma (2) + Intuition (5) =
Gangers: 1,1,1,3,1,2,4 = 0 Hits
Tank: 3,1,2,3,1,5,1, = 1 Hits
Runners:3,3,5,5,2,6,2 = 3 Hits
Kukyo: 2,2,2,4,6,2,5 = 2 Hits
Jan 6 2008, 09:09 AM
So, apologies again. Holiday's will not stop kicking my ass. But, first post is going up as we speak, and I'll be posting regularly from now on. Which means on Monday I'm starting the standard 3 posts a week requirements. I'd like full character sheets for everyone in the game by Sunday.
Alright, so here's the list of people in the game that I've either recieved sheets from, I know, or that have posted in the IC thread:
Redjack - Playing Atreus : Char sheet received
Buddha72 - Playing Kukyo : Char sheet received
Toras - Playing McCoy : Char sheet received
Dashifen - Playing ??? : Char sheet not received
Method - Playing Vertigo : Char sheet not recieved
Bishop - Playing Finn : Char sheet received
Meriss - Playing Dervish : Char sheet not received
DireRadiant - Playing Sweetness : Char sheet received
The following are people that chipped into the recruitment thread, but never sent me characters, concepts, or posted in the IC thread. Unless they post in the IC three times this week and get me a character sheet by Sunday, I'm going to assume they won't be playing.
Karaden - Playing ??? : Char sheet not received
Tarantula - Playing ??? : Char sheet not received
I'll need full character sheets from the remaining people emailed to quantumthoughts at gmail dot com by Sunday the 13th. Remember, .txt or .doc files only.
For the Judge Intentions / Knowledge skill rolls:
McCoy - Judge Intentions
Gangers - probably just your standard bored kids, no threat.
Tank - Smart, a cut above the rest, very professional.
Runners - A mixture of boredom, anxiety, and anticipation.
Kukyo - a blank slate.
Method - Judge Intentions
Gangers - probably just your standard bored kids, no threat.
Tank - Smart, a cut above the rest, very professional.
Runners - A mixture of boredom, anxiety, and anticipation.
Kukyo - a blank slate.
Method - Gangers
Chained souls are a group of gangers that have sprung up on the edge of the Barrens in the last 10 years. They're not huge, but have gained some respect on the streets because the members are fanatically devoted to one another. Because of the small size and aggressive protection, they tend to be better armed then most of the gangs. They're available as professional distractions through a number of local fixers, as long as they think they can do the job without losing members.
Redjack - Judge Intentions
Gangers - probably just your standard bored kids, no threat.
Tank - Smart and anxious, so anxious he's a little shaky sometimes.
Runners - A mixture of boredom, anxiety, and anticipation.
DireRadiant - Judge Intentions
Gangers - probably just your standard bored kids, no threat.
Tank - Smart and anxious, so anxious he's a little shaky sometimes.
Runners - A mixture of boredom, anxiety, and anticipation.
Redjack - High Society
None of the guys here run in those circles, unsurprisingly enough.
Bishop - Judge Intentions
Gangers - probably just your standard bored kids, no threat.
Tank - Smart, a cut above the rest, very professional.
Runners - A mixture of boredom, anxiety, and anticipation.
I think that wraps up everything that's been posted so far. I'll be getting the IC post up soon.
Jan 7 2008, 11:48 PM
Alright boys and girls, welcome to the first week. Don't forget to add your 1st point of karma (characters in the game will get 1 point of karma for each week the game goes on)
Goals - Finish up run introduction, get everyone's buy-in, and be ready to move forward to the first run by Sunday, Jan 13th.
Jan 8 2008, 05:29 AM
Fenris: Do you remember off hand how much karma we had accumulated in the other thread?
Jan 8 2008, 05:39 AM
I'm not Fenris, but I have 19 documented.
Jan 8 2008, 07:53 AM
QUOTE (Redjack @ Jan 7 2008, 10:39 PM) |
I'm not Fenris, but I have 19 documented. |
Thanks, Redjack!!
Jan 10 2008, 05:48 AM
Judge Intentions to get a gut read for "archtype" based on appearance and body language. Obviously it's not the most effective method, but we can try...
2, 4, 6, 3, [1], 4, 2 - 1 hit
[1], [1], 3, 3, 6, 5, 2 - 2 hits
2, 3, 6, 2, 3, 4, 2 - 1 hit
2, [1], 3, 6, 6, 3, 3 - 2 hits
4, 6, 3, 3, 3, 3, [1] - 1 hit
Jan 10 2008, 05:50 AM
Anybody that wants to can oppose his "gut read" with a Will + Cha.
Jan 10 2008, 03:08 PM
Willpower(4) + Charisma(5):
[5,1,3,4,5,1,6,6,4] = 4 hits
Jan 10 2008, 09:33 PM
@Fenris: whooooopsies
I utterly fergot my char sheet sorry. It's 450 BP now yes? I'll try and have it done soon.
@Bishop: No resistance. Dervish is his standard self. Patient and ready for action.
Jan 11 2008, 04:53 AM
Fenris: oh yeah... sheets. Updating Vertigo is rapidly approaching the top of my list. You will have it before the Sunday cut off.
Bishop: no resistance. You can tell from her very small stature and movements that she is definitely NOT the combat type.
DireRadiant: just to clarify (since we haven't really given in depth descriptions) Vertigo is not an elf; she is human.
[ Spoiler ]
Vertigo is an atractive human female of hispanic descent in her mid-20s. She is small (5' 2'' 110) in stature with an athletic build. She usually has brown skin and eyes and shoulder length black hair, although her appearance can change drastically when need be. She wears a trendy top and tight leather pants, both black, that aren't at all unusual in urban settings. She also wears a slate grey leather racing jacket and antique-looking silver broach.
Jan 11 2008, 05:29 AM
Willpower (3) + Charisma (2) = 2,4,1,3,3 = 0 hits. So yeah, basic read.
Jan 12 2008, 08:30 PM
Fenris- sent a tweaked version of Vertigo to your email. Let me know what you think.
Jan 14 2008, 03:59 PM
QUOTE (Method) |
DireRadiant: just to clarify (since we haven't really given in depth descriptions) Vertigo is not an elf; she is human. |
Sorry, fixed my post.
Jan 15 2008, 05:56 AM
No problem.
So we should have a finalized group this week right? I only count 6 of us being official, which is dangerously close to the critical mass
Fenris wants to keep the game going.
Meriss got a sheet done in time...
Jan 15 2008, 07:09 PM
Welcome to the 2nd week. Usually I'll post on Monday's, I'm doing it Tuesday this week because I wanted the extra day to get character stuff sorted out.
Redjack - Playing Atreus : Char sheet received
Buddha72 - Playing Widget : Char sheet received
Toras - Playing McCoy : Char sheet received
Method - Playing Vertigo : Char sheet not recieved
Bishop - Playing Finn : Char sheet received
? - Playing ?: Char sheet received
DireRadiant - Playing Sweetness : Char sheet received
? - Playing ? is a char sheet I got in a weird format that doesn't display correctly, so I'll be fixing that and getting the character up and rolling.
Buddha has changed characters, so Kukyo is now an NPC.
Don't forget your one point of karma.
Meriss - I don't have a character sheet for Dervish, so if I don't see anything within the next 24 hours, I'm going to bump you from the game. Same for Dashifen.
New week: I'd like to get through this encounter this week. Just as a note, everyone will have one combat phase from the time Kukyo stops speaking till the time he steps outside. Please post initiative rolls, along with whatever action you're taking before Kukyo steps outside, as well as your first action in the combat round.
Jan 15 2008, 09:10 PM
[4,5,3,4,5,3,4,3] = 2 hits = Initiative 10 (2 passes)
1st PassMove to the door, stepping through and holding it open for
Johnson. (If someone beats him to the door, he will pass though ahead of the
Johnson stepping to the side so that he is between
Johnson and the gangers.) In either case, his eyes will be on the gangers observing in detail and he will be boosting his agility.
Observe in Detail (free action due to multi-tasking adept ability):
[2,1,1,1,1,4,5,1,5,6,6,5,5,1] = 6 hits (Wow!! .... and just missed glitching.)
Boost Agility (Adept Ability - simple action):
[4,3,4,6,1,2,6,5] = 3 hits (Last 6 combat turns; Agility effectively a 9)
2nd PassBoost Strength (Adept Ability - simple action):
[6,5,2,6,1,6,1,3] = 4 hits (Lasts 8 combat turns; Strength effectively a 9)
Observe surroundings in detail (snipers, hidden/obscure threats):
[4,4,1,3,5,4,4,4,6,4,1,6,2,2] = 3 hits
Hold second free action (from multitasking)
Hold second simple action.
Jan 15 2008, 09:48 PM
@Fenris: While I would love to stay it just looks like I've spread myself too thin with my PbPs. Go ahead and boot me thanks for your time and patience all. Peace out.
I will however remain an interested lurker.
Jan 16 2008, 02:42 AM
[5,2,2,6,3,5,2] = 3 Hits = Initiative 10 (1 pass)
1st Pass:
- Moving toward the storefront to maintain LOS on
Kukyo through the window.
- Free Action: Observe in Detail (Multitasking) =
[5,3,2,1,5,3,6,5,4] = 4 Hits = gangers positions and demeanor.
- Complex Action: Casting Imp. Invisibility (4) on
[4,2,6,4,4,5,2] = 2 Hits
- Resisting Drain:
[4,5,5,4,2,1] = 2 Hits = 1 box
- Hold second Free action.
Fenris: You didn't get the sheet I emailed? Sent to quantumthoughts (at) gmail (dot) com, right?
Jan 16 2008, 03:43 PM
IP 1
Init 7 + 1 = 8
1 hit = 1 4 5 3 4 4 1
First, and only pass
Summoning a Spirit of Man Force 3
Magic 3 + Summoning 3 + Spirits of Man 2 = 8
4 hits 1 5 5 4 4 4 5 5
Optional Power Fear
Resisting Drain
Wil 3 + Charisma 5 = 8
1 hit 4 1 2 4 5 4 4 4
Probably going to take stun here!
Jan 16 2008, 08:05 PM
Initiative 12
Free action-Speak
Simple Action Draw Pistol
Simple Action aim at the biggest ganger's kneecaps
Jan 16 2008, 08:37 PM
If I was a really evil GM.... I'd have the test team made out of the "shadowrunners" who didn't make the cut.
Jan 16 2008, 09:10 PM
That's why I'm looking around. I don't trust that they are the only opposition..
Jan 17 2008, 05:39 AM
Thats a good point... hope I didn't waste 4 hits observing the gangers....
Jan 18 2008, 05:03 PM
Initiative Order:
Finn - 12
Ganger 4 - 11[2]
Atreus - 10[2]
Vertigo - 10[2]
Ganger 1-3 9[1]
Sweetness - 8[1]
Ganger 5 - 6[1]
McCoy - ??(1[1])
McCoy - Didn't see a rolled initiative, so I'm going to assume you're last at the moment. Also, I need rolls for your scans: (Electronic Warfar + Scan (1, 1 Combat Turn)) will locate nearby nodes in Active or Passive modes. EW + Scan (15, 1 Combat Turn) to search for hidden nodes.
Jan 18 2008, 06:10 PM
Can I presume that their forward movement is obivous, and make my post?
Jan 18 2008, 06:12 PM
I assume there will be results of the perception tests?
Jan 18 2008, 07:05 PM
First Pass:
Finn - Aiming
Ganger 4 is running towards the group, and is now within 8 meters.
Atreus - There are 5 gangers moving towards the door and the Johnson. Ganger 4 gave some sort of quick orders before he sprinted towards the group, and he is an orc with obvious cyberspurs. Gangers 1 and 2 are carrying SMG's, Ganger 3 is a troll with a shotgun, and Ganger 5 is a heavily muscled human carrying some sort of reinforced baseball bat. All are wearing armored clothing, except Ganger 4 who is wearing an armored vest.
Vertigo - All of the gangers seem to perk up and become alert as the front door opens, and several of them draw weapons and immediately begin moving towards the office door as Kukyo steps out. They seem anxious, eager, and of hostile intent.
Ganger 1 - Appears to be drawing an SMG from under a tattered jacket.
Ganger 2 - Same
Ganger 3 - Swinging a shotgun off of a chain over his shoulder and leveling it at the group.
Sweetness - [3] successes from the spirit, so DV 3, so it looks like 2 boxes of stun.
Ganger 5 is walking towards the group at a slower pace.
McCoy - waiting on rolls.
I need 2nd Pass actions from Finn and Vertigo.
Bishop - Please assume forward movement is obvious.
Redjack - Yes, sorry, meant to post this second post immediately afterwards but had to run off to deal with some RL in between.
Jan 18 2008, 07:17 PM
[Edit]Forgot to post rolls of spellcasting resists:
Vertigo and Atreus - Gangers 1 and 2 seem to see through the illusion, while 3, 4, and 5 are fooled and cannot see the Johnson.
Jan 18 2008, 08:35 PM
QUOTE (Fenris) |
Just as a note, everyone will have one combat phase from the time Kukyo stops speaking till the time he steps outside. Please post initiative rolls, along with whatever action you're taking before Kukyo steps outside, as well as your first action in the combat round. |
I assumed Kukyo wasn't potentially visible to the gangers until the start (or his action) of combat round #2. Is the ganger's position now such that they see Kukyo?
Jan 18 2008, 09:30 PM
Correct. Those gangers that didn't fail their resistance test can now see Kukyo. However, the observant runner will note (Atreus and Vertigo, atm) that the gangers almost seemed primed to start moving as soon as the door to MJM opened.
Jan 18 2008, 09:51 PM
First Shot
4 hits at ganger #1
Second Shot
8 hits at ganger #2
Jan 18 2008, 09:57 PM
Cool. So my above actions are combat round #1 (before Kukyo exits the offices).
Combat round #2 - The closest ganger is 8m and closing? Atreus moves to intercept, placing the ganger between himself and the other gangers for some cover.
Jan 19 2008, 04:04 AM
[2,2,2,4,6,4,2,4,2,2,2,1,6] = 2 hits
Melee Attack:
[3,3,2,3,2,5,4,6,5,4,5,5,3,1,6,4] = 6 hits
Base Damage = (Str(9)/2) = 5 + Critical Strike(3) = dv8 stun
Jan 19 2008, 05:25 AM
Fenris: Vertigo only has one initiative pass, so maybe I'm confused, but here you go (I'll wait to post IC until I'm sure you want a second pass...):
2nd Pass:
- Complex Action: Casting Trid Phantasm (3) =
[4,4,6,2,2] = 1 Hit
Kyuko running in a direction opposite the gangers and not toward the Westwind)
- Drain =
[3,6,5,2,3,5] = 3 Hits = 2 Boxes Stun
Well that didn't go so great....
Jan 22 2008, 09:28 AM
Initiative 11 [3 passes in AR I believe, 2 normal + 1 from simsense booster]
First Scan: Scan [5] + EW [4] = 1,1,5,1,3,2,3,5,6, = 3 hits
Second Scan: 4,6,3,4,5,5,3,3,5 = 4 hits
My apologies for the late reply. Trying to find my sheet was more difficult than expected.
Jan 23 2008, 01:51 AM
Alright, since I've finally got all the rolls, I'll be bumping tonight. In the future, I probably won't wait.
Don't forget your point of karma for this week.
Jan 23 2008, 02:36 AM
If you bump through the combat, Atreus' actions will be to continue towards the gangers (assuming no other threats appear) and begin disarming attacks. Once everyone is disarmed, he will be moving on to knocking them out... Assuming any of them are still standing following the efforts of his team mates.
Jan 24 2008, 02:48 AM
I fear I was a little ambitious with wanting the combat to end in a week. I always underestimate the necessary time, my apologies.
McCoy, I believe you only get the extra initiative passes in VR.
If it's okay with everyone, I'll just keep initiative rolls through this second round.
Since there were lots of aims and observe in detail, we should be in the first pass of the second combat round
Finn - 12
McCoy - 11[1]
Ganger 4 - 11[2]
Atreus - 10[2]
Vertigo - 10[2]
Ganger 1-3 9[1]
Sweetness - 8[1]
Ganger 5 - 6[1]
So, I know Atreus is attacking Ganger 4 (orc rushing Johnson) in this round, what is everyone else doing?
Jan 24 2008, 07:02 AM
More kneecaps.
RollsI put up 6 sets of rolls, so that combat can keep flowing through the 3 passes I'm taking.
4 hits
6 hits
5 hits
5 hits
3 hits
8 hits
Jan 24 2008, 06:56 PM
Free Action - Move to doorway
Simple Action - View scene
Simple Action - Command spirit to Fear nearest uninjured available threatening target.