Feb 28 2008, 10:18 PM
Dodge=4D 15 that seems okay.Rand laughs out load as the Punch swings towards him, looking to roll out of the way to set up his own return. He has no real technique but he's quick and this sort of thing seems natural to him.
Feb 29 2008, 03:16 AM
Daylin grumbles to himself. So much for low profile...
Feb 29 2008, 02:51 PM
Jeryk replies in a low tone. And here I thought my inexpeirence was going to be a problem...
Feb 29 2008, 04:56 PM
Rand dodges but can't quite get out of the way. The giant and his oversized fist connects.
Mar 3 2008, 07:23 PM
Jannel, who has been uncharacteristicly quiet during the fight, lets out a small sigh as the alien's mighty punch connects with Rand's side.
Five creds on the big guy.
Mar 4 2008, 05:07 AM
A Twi'lek slides up to Jannel and says, I'll take that bet.
A crowd is starting to gather around the fight in progress.
Mar 6 2008, 05:49 AM
Rand's head is spinning. Time slows down as he lands on air. Everything is black.
The local constabulary arrives on the scene and begins dispersing the crowd. Torg! Why are you trying to kill tourists? Lock him up for a few days. Several officers move to get Torg. His large shoulders shrug downward. He seems used to this drill.
Get this man a medic. I think he has internal bleeding. Anyone here with this guy?
Mar 6 2008, 10:12 PM
Jeryk steps forward.
Yes. This is a member of my crew, Conn. I apreciate you aprihending that animal. But what Conn has in work ethic he lacks in manners. Speaking of manners, where are mine? The name is Ryker.
Jeryk extends a hand to one of the men.
Im so very sorry for the trouble he has caused. I assure you that this will NOT happen again He shoots a look a t Rand is if to appear the Captian is angry with a member of his crew.
Mar 7 2008, 12:28 AM
Conn lies on the floor unconcious oblivious to his Captains words.
Mar 7 2008, 03:49 AM
The constable smiles and shakes Jeryk's hand. Good to meet you, Ryker. Captain Phinelius Card. You'll need to provide a statement. You said that he wasn't courteous to the big lump? What was that about?
Mar 8 2008, 07:30 AM
......Wait..? Is this actually working?
Well, as far as I can tell. The animal was attempting to hustle money off of travelers by claiming he worked for a king and that we needed to pay tribute. Natrually we didnt beleive him. And instead of letting me handle it, Conn decided to let the man know we werent interested in his game in a less the reputible manner. And that's about the time the fight insued, where Conn had his....backside parts, handed to him. Jeryk turns to Daylin. Did I forget anything?
Mar 10 2008, 03:23 AM
Besides two young hot heads maybe learning a little something, that about sums it up Captain.
Daylin nods, looking agrieved at the whole episode, adjusting the pack's strap on his shoulder as the weight wears on him.
Mar 10 2008, 05:18 AM
About that time the medics arrive and begin checking over Rand's unconscious form. A human female declares that he is showing signs of internal bleeding. They load him on a stretcher and send him for treatment.
Mar 10 2008, 10:30 PM
Daylin rolls his eyes, hiding his concern for the young idiot.
Captain, with your permission, I'll go with him. If he wakes up alone in an unfamiliar med-bay, he's liable to do something else foolish.
Mar 10 2008, 11:04 PM
Ok. Now a nice finish. Be a tough guy. Man, I hope Rand is ok...
A good thought. Go with them. When he wakes, let him know that whatever condition he's in, he will have to deal with me later. And I expect his work to continue as followed. It was his arragonce that got him there.
Jeryk turns back to the Constable
Mr. Card, once again I apologise on behalf of my crew, for the actions of one of my men. I hope that we can forget about this mess soon enough?
Mar 11 2008, 02:17 AM
I still need your statement. I have been looking to put Torg under the detention block for a while now. I hate that one of your men got the bad end of the stick; however, you and I seem to be on the same page when it comes to letting men learn from their own mistakes. I assume that you received a copy of local laws when you cleared customs?
Mar 15 2008, 04:48 AM
Captain Card looks to Jeryk as if waiting for him to follow. A member of the constabulary hands the Captain a pad. He glances at it and says, Here are the details for the hospital for your crewman. Please follow me down to the station so you can give us your statement.
At the station - more of an isolated office than anything else - the Captain shows Jeryk to a small room and introduces him to a human officer who takes his statement. On his was out he passes a Gamorrean kicking and sreaming, high on something. It takes four officers to get him into the station.
A little while later, Jeryk finds himself back at the hanger.
Mar 16 2008, 02:22 PM
Daylin accompanies Rand to the hospitalization unit. While there, he keeps an eye on any common afflictions present in the Admitted. Any trends or patterns present in the hospital might be useful for gathering intel. While sitting and waiting for the young man to recover, he listens, listening to the staff, listening to the gossip going around the room.
Mar 16 2008, 03:30 PM
Gossip tends toward politics and the Empire more than anything else; however, not much of direct use. The nurse tells Daylin that he is lucky to have his friend alive. Apparently, Torg, sends several people a week to the hospital. In the waiting room Daylin overhears that there was an accident at the shipyard for some project and that no one knows what is going on. Only the Imperial docs with security clearance are getting through.
Mar 17 2008, 05:00 PM
Jannel waits for the constable to depart. He then concludes his buisness with the Twi'lek.
So who pays who here?
Mar 17 2008, 06:02 PM
The Twi'lek frowns and hands over a 5 credit chip; he then turns and heads off in a different direction. Jannel notices that under the credit chip is an optical chip used for holding messages as well.
Mar 17 2008, 10:16 PM
Jeryk turns to Jannel and says quietly so only the two can hear.
I cant beleive I pulled that off.
He takes notice of the cred chip.
Make some extra cred?
Mar 21 2008, 03:11 PM
Jannel smile at Jeryk cannily.
That and more. He slides the credchip and the optical chip apart for a second. Then the nobleman pockets both.
What do you say we get our selves some drinks cap? Jannel smiles lazily.
Mar 22 2008, 04:52 PM
Jannel and Jeryk find a nearby cantina without any trouble. The hostess, an attractive young woman with long black hair, asks the two of them where they would like to sit.
Rand's eyes flutter open and he takes a deep painful breath. It would appear that despite all of the doctors efforts he still has some issues.
Mar 23 2008, 05:17 PM
Emptiness for one half hour
Daylin looks up from his supposed nap, actually concentrating on the sight and sounds of the hospital, listening to conversations in rooms far away.
Easy there young Rand. Keep your calm, we're in a safe place.
Projective Telepathy ( Difficulty Very Easy +5 if user does not want to make a sound - 5+6 (Emptiness) = 11
Projecting to Rand, who is 'in training'
Concentrate on your wound, and let the Force flow through you. Let it take away the pain. Concentrate, and open yourself, master your body and your pain, and the rest will follow.
[color=gold]Farseeing to see the wardened off section of the hospital where the ship yard victims are at.
Control DC = Very East - modified by Proximity Sense Very Easy if target is friendly and doesn't resist/ Perception resist if resisting, modified by relation ship
Concentration (Control Power) 3+6= 9
Farseeing (Control) 1d6+6 - 6(3)+6 = 14
Farseeing (Sense) -2d6 +6+3d6 (Concentration - 1d6 for using another power - Farseeing) = 5d6+6 3,4,5,4,5= 21+6= 27[
Mar 23 2008, 05:17 PM
Emptiness for one half hour
Daylin looks up from his supposed nap, actually concentrating on the sight and sounds of the hospital, listening to conversations in rooms far away.
Easy there young Rand. Keep your calm, we're in a safe place.
Projective Telepathy ( Difficulty Very Easy +5 if user does not want to make a sound - 5+6 (Emptiness) = 11
Projecting to Rand, who is 'in training'
Concentrate on your wound, and let the Force flow through you. Let it take away the pain. Concentrate, and open yourself, master your body and your pain, and the rest will follow.
Farseeing to see the wardened off section of the hospital where the ship yard victims are at.
Control DC = Very East - modified by Proximity Sense Very Easy if target is friendly and doesn't resist/ Perception resist if resisting, modified by relation ship
Concentration (Control Power) 3+6= 9
Farseeing (Control) 1d6+6 - 6(3)+6 = 14
Farseeing (Sense) -2d6 +6+3d6 (Concentration - 1d6 for using another power - Farseeing) = 5d6+6 3,4,5,4,5= 21+6= 27
Mar 23 2008, 05:24 PM
The vision is a bit fuzzy. All of the patients are lying in beds with multiple tubes running out of them. The room is full of a white gas, which would account for the fuzzy nature of the vision. Most of them appear to have pilot or engineering insignias on their uniforms. The doctors are wearing a contagion suit with breath masks. One pilot in particular doesn't look like he will make it. His wounds appear to be open and show no signs of closing.
Mar 23 2008, 05:41 PM
White gas? Why in the world would the place be filled with igas[/i]? And what would hit both pilots and engineers? They're generally in different parts of the ship...Daylin attempts to focus in, pinpointing a doctor that the others seem to be deferring to, attempting to single out someone of importance that might know more of what's going on. He tries to look past the suit, to get a glimpse at the person inside, and get a better grasp of who and what he is, to make it easier to find him in the future.
[ Spoiler ]
Roll something? Sense mabye?
Mar 23 2008, 06:55 PM
[ Spoiler ]
Yeah, Sense sounds about right to me.
Mar 24 2008, 04:08 AM
Sense 2D6+6 = 6(5),1+6= 18
Mar 24 2008, 04:57 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Daylin is able to see an older human doctor talking with several technicians. He is unable to penetrate the mask with his vision; however, he can hear them talking. No, Tom, I don't know exactly what kind of experiment they were running on the engines. In fact I doubt we are supposed to know that either so keep that to yourself. All I know is that this gas is keeping them in a type of stasis until we can heal them. Only problem is they don't heal very well until we move them out of this ward.
He turns to the rest of the group. Who else is stable enough to go to the bacta tank? The few present start naming a few names.
Mar 24 2008, 05:04 AM
Having little else he can do at this point, Daylin commits the names to memory. Perhaps by researching a few of the wounded technicians, they can discover more of what's going on. He lets the power fade, seperating his concsiousness from the Living Force and it's connection to the doctors above, and again looks at Rand.
Are you feeling well enough to get out of here yet?
Mar 24 2008, 05:02 PM
Jannel motions for his erstwhile "captain" to pick a place to sit.
Mar 25 2008, 09:36 AM
Rand's head clears a little as he concentrates on Daylin's channelled instructions.
I think I can stand. Banthadung! Did you let that guy hit me while I was down? How long was I out?
Rand glances around for his clothes.
Mar 25 2008, 05:46 PM
Daylin smiles slightly. No Rand, that was the ground that hit you. You've been out for about two standard hours. We should see about checking you out and meeting up with the Captain and he others. Are you feeling up to walking?
Mar 25 2008, 11:56 PM
I think I can manage it.
Rand shifts carefully to try this theory out with minimal chance of looking like an idiot again.
Did I make us any friend with my glass jaw?
Mar 26 2008, 04:16 AM
Well we met hte local constabulary. Daylin says with a smile We'll have to see what the others can do with that.
Mar 27 2008, 09:15 PM
Jeryk looks at the assortment of bevarages the cantina has to offer.
What do you suppose I get? Im a bit unfamiliar with this type of thing. My former master forbid me from consuming alcohal. Said I needed to keep my body pure and mind alert at all times.
Mar 28 2008, 05:40 AM
Although a bit unsteady, Rand with Daylin's help, makes it to the cantina with the rest of the team. The first round of drinks has already hit the table.
Mar 28 2008, 07:33 PM
Jeryk stands up and walks to Rands other side to aid Daylin.
Rand, Im the newbie, remember? Im not supposed to be starting the heroics just yet. What were you thinking?
Mar 28 2008, 10:04 PM
Jannel waits for the others to sit.
Doubt he was thinking. I got us four beers. Don't worry "Cap" they wont't cloud your mind too much
He flashes the optical chip at the other two team members.
You tell the tale, old timer. Then we gotta scan this.
Mar 28 2008, 11:50 PM
Young Rand had an interesting stay in the hospital. There wasn't much for me to do but sit back and listen to old ladies gossip by the hydro cooler.
Daylin leans in over his drink, not really drinking the lum, having sworn it off years ago. He speaks lower over his cup, to keep his voice from drifting. It seems there was some sort of accident at the shipyards. Both pilots and engineers were injuered. They must be kept in some sort of 'white fog' atmosphere to keep them alive. The doctors are all completel baffled by it. Everything is blocked off in a very high security wing. He sits back up a bit, smacking his lips.
Hmmm.... the lum could be a little warmer, but it's not the worst I've had. Find any good deals on parts while you were out Jeryk?
Mar 31 2008, 05:11 PM
I was trying to get some rep, and get us known. Part two worked from what the old man said, the first part not so much. Rand grins ruefully as he takes a sip of his drink still running the mental loop Daylin taught him to keep the pain managable.
On the otherhand I'm now a known fool, which means anything stupid I do can be dismissed as nothing more than idiotic.
Apr 1 2008, 02:21 AM
Daylin smiles reassuringly. It seems you're performing precisely to plan Rand. I thought we would, as usual, send you in as the "back water rube" , the 'schill", to make people more comfortable, as we've done before. It seems you've set your self up perfectly.
Apr 1 2008, 04:25 AM
The waitress walks up to the table and asks, Would you like anything to eat with that?
Apr 1 2008, 07:11 PM
Well I'm famished. What do you recommend good looking?
Apr 2 2008, 12:23 AM
Jeryk rolls his eyes, as he waits for the waitress to leave so he can continue his discussion with Daylin.
Apr 2 2008, 05:23 AM
Well, she leans over a little. I suppose this would be good. She points to a local dish on the holographic menu.
Apr 2 2008, 06:09 PM
I'll take one of those, then. Rand smiles at the girl, his friendly manner showing that Daylin's exercises are helping. I think my crew mates live on booze alone.
Apr 3 2008, 04:14 AM
That will be fine. She walks away.