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Once the waitress is gone, Daylin turns back to the crew, wondering if any of them will step up the the mantle of leadership. Anything interesting from your side? he says to the others. We need to find some way of getting some eyes over to that part of the yards.
Just this. Need to scan it. Jannel flips the optical chip up to show the old man again. Getting into the yards is easy. Break something or fake a break on the shuttle and then "Cap" here goes down and ask to puruse the yards. Or say that the owners are looking to expand the fleet. Happens all the time. Staying there is another story.
That might get us some distant holos. Any ideas for getting closer? We may need to get hold of someone's Ident badges, and do some fast talking.
I could try for a fly past. Probably wouldn't gets us anything close but the birds eye view could help.
No, our sensors wouldn't have long enough range. This is an orbital station... there must be access tubes riddling the thing ... perhaps if we can get access to the tunnels, we can get a closer look at what they've got going. A slicer would help, but what we'd be looking for is old infomration and routes that have fallen into disuse. We would need contacts with old construction crews. Ones probably unfriendly to the Empire taking over their sector as well no doubt.
Over in another corner, there is a heated argument going on between a Gamorrean and a Wookiee. It did not look like it was going to end well for the Gamorrean.
Well, I suppose I could do some fast talking. Daylin and I should see to a slicer, and...... Jeryk trails off as the argument between the Wookie and the Gamorrean becomes louder. He turns to get a better look.
The Wookiee grabs the arm of the Gamorrean and pulls for all he's worth. The Gamorrean squeals in pain before crashing to the floor. The place gets quiet in a hurry and the sound of bones breaking can be heard by all. Just when it appears that the Gamorrean will loose his arm, he taps the ground and grunts.

The Wookiee releases him and he stumbles out of the place. The Wookiee sits down and orders a round for everyone. The crowd cheers and the music starts back up.
Arm wrestling match, you suppose?
Couldn't say. Gamorreans tend to be aggresive, and wookies tend to over react. Perhaps jsut a misunderstanding. At least no one was seriously hurt.

I would suggest that Rand check out a few of the bars, looking for a 'good chat'. Perhaps you could see if you could find any old timers that may have had something to do with building the dock yards, or maitenance. Jannel can to talk to his friend the constable and see if there's anyhting more that can be learned from him. In the mean time, Jeryk and I can see what we can find in the yards, 'looking for parts' and see if there's any leads we can follow from there.
Alright. I say we get to work. Ive been looking for a.......I just relised I dont know a single thing about ship parts.
Jeryk stands, ready to leave.
Daylin, are you coming?
Jannel smacks his head lightly and rolls his eyes at Jeryk's utter naivete. You're looking for a crystolic injector for a Class 2 hyperdrive. They break all the time on that model of drive. And if the price is over six hundred creds you're getting screwed.

The nobleman rises from his drink, while dropping a five cred chip on the table as a tip.

Guess its time for me to go make friends with the locals. Try not to spend all our money kid. Oh, what time you lot want to meet up at the ship?
Daylin rises slowl as Jannel settles the bill. Talking of moving thigns forward is always good, but jumping up and going about it is certainly something better left to the newer generation.

Good thing Jeryk has so much energy. He can cover that for the both of us. A little patience may be advisable though. Better than running off half cocked. Can't help but worry that we're missing something, that we need to step back and look at the whole holo more.
Still, time to gather pieces of that particular holo, perhaps bring it into focus more... off we go.

Yes, I'm coming. Try to remember that bouncing about the cantina is better left to young Rand here though, eh?

Daylin smiles at the young man, the good natured jibes being nothing new between them, then looks to Jannel. I would suggest five hours. Enough time for each of us to get into a bit of trouble, but hopefully not quite enough to get in too deep. We should get a better idea of what we're looking at, then reconvene our little meeting.

Jeryk, I need to pick up a few things at the ship. Shall we?

Without further ado, he heads out of the cantina, wanting for all the world for some robes to wrap around his old body. He never used to feel the cold like this. Still, that might be a tad to obvious. Wouldn't do to show such frailty around the younglings anyway.
The bright sun eases the cold that Daylin was feeling. He and Jeryk reach the ship with no problems.


As Jannel reaches the constables office, he sees the same Gamorrean talking to the constable's office.


Rand is greeted with a few smiles and the occasional chuckle as he sets off.
Jeryks stands idly watching, and waiting for Daylin to retreive whatever it is they had come for.

This old man is strange. There is obviously so much he wants to teach us. Needs to teach us. And yet, accept for the occasional advice and a good war story, he seems to refrain just a tad. Why? Why would someone with an abundance of knowledge keep even a little to himself...I can tell from the way he restrains that he hasnt been this way long. Im curious as to what happened, if anything at all, that did that to him. I wonder if I could get him to take me as an apprentice. Perhaps I can get him to teach more openly. Ask more questions, even things I already know, perhaps keep up the act of being naive, and etc. But....I really didnt know that part for the ship. Perhaps I am a bit naive. All the more reason I need a master to teach.

Is there anything I can get for you while Im here? Other than that roughtine I pulled back at the fight, I do feel a bit useless.
Daylin moves about the ship, already ducking under bulkheads as if it's interior is second nature to him. He's spent most of his life on haulers like these, and learning their ins and outs is simply something he does now.

Pack a hold out if you've got one. Better to have it and not need it than the other way. If we run into a need for something bigger, I'm sure we can arm ourselves off of who ever we run into. But I'd prefer not to do anything that will draw attention to us.

I think it best if we cruise the bazaars for a little while, get a couple of those parts that we really could use, then move on. I'd like to get the ship prepped to go as well, refueling and the like, just so that we're prepared incase there is a need to leave on short notice. Again, better to be prepared and not need....

He flips through a few switches on the engine console , double checking fuel and power levels, hull stress, and a half dozen other minor details on the ship while talking to Jeryk.
After that, we head down towards the star Destroyer docks, gawk like tourists at the big ships, and see if there's anything worth seeing. While we're there, we keep an eye out for anything interesting, like where the locals don't go. Then that's where we head, to see if there's any trouble worth stirring up. The old man grins a much younger man's mischeivous grin as he hits some keys on a datapad, then turns it to Jeryk.

While we're aboard, we should look through the ship's computer, the hyperdrive and NavComp, and a few other basic systems. This is Imperial space, and they're certainly not above putting trackers, bugs, and listening devices aboard a ship they're curios about. Check the NavComp especially, incase they sliced into it. I'll take the Aft end of the ship, you take the Fore deck.

Daylin waits for the younger man's nod before deleting the data text, and heading towards the rear of the ship. They might waste an hour digging through the ship for something that isn't there, but again, better to look and not have needed to ...

As Daylin heads back towards the crew quarters, he ducks into his own room, taking a few minutes to poke around and make sure nothing has been disturbed. Years of hiding from the Emperor's Hunters have endowed him with a healthy sense of paranoia he sees no point in giving up with the Emperor's death. Once he's satisfied nothing has been moved, he carefully pulls up one of the deck plates, to make sure that he leaves to tell-tale scrapes. Between and beneath a nubmer of similar pipes, he withdraws the long black and chrome cylinder that would mark him for death were it seen anywhere on this station. He slides the powerpack back into the pommel of the lightsaber, for now leaving it disconected, but inserted. A minor push and twist of the Force will connect the circuits, powering up the weapons. Until then, without power, it isn't a weapon, and won't scan as such. He silently hopes to have no need of drawing it, but again, better to have and not need...
Jerykl heads to the foredeck. He's used to searches like this with his former master. A good sense of judgment with just a tad of paranoia never did anyone any harm. First he checks the NavComp. Runs a scan, then looking manually through its programs to see if anything has been tampered with or opened after they're departing from the ship earlier. While the NavComp scans, Jeryks begins to search the area for disturbances, things out of place, and anything that wasnt there before. He looks very thouroughly. Even in the most ridiculas places, such as the bathroom, under chairs, and various other hiding spots for and device set to spy. He doesnt want to disappoint the team by overlooking something.
Search-4D= 14 net success's
After not finding anything on the deck, Jeryk heads to the Aft end of the ship to find Daylin.

All clear up here. Any luck on your end?
Daylin pokes his head up form a service hatch. No, nothing. Let's hope that means we're clean. I suppose we shoudl get going then.

Suiting action to word, Daylin gets the little gear he has together, waiting for Jeryl, and heads out, going towards the bazaar. He speaks low, close to the young man to avoid being over heard.
We'll do some trading, get some basic part and tools for the ship. Nothing expensive, just enough to get us around the old traders in the area. No one talks like old men. Trust me. See if we can dig up any good gossip that way. Once that's done, we'll drop off whatever we end up with back at the ship, tehn walk the docks for a while, seeing what the shadows hide.

Watch your wallet.

Dalyin lets Jeryk lead the way, looking for likely ol men to share old stories with. Hopefully stories that involve secret ol ' man ways into the restricted sections of the star port.
Jannel stands less than patiently in the constables office, waiting while the now familiar Gamorrean tells his tale of woe. The nobleman lets years of experiance eavesdropping expand his hearing.

Perception 4D+2=14

It's so funny how people think they won't be listened to.
Jannel's grasp of Gamorrean is not perfect but he is able to understand bits and pieces of what is being said.

That big hairy ..... nearly broke my arm....what are you going to do about it?
As Dalyin and Jeryk walk around the bazaar they are greeted by the hum of a busy place. Old and young alike hawk their wares. It seems anything and everything legal is for sale. There are a few children with a remote controlled, miniature helo harassing an astromech droid. The beeps and whistles convey its annoyance if not its words. The aromas of various foods waft through the air - one of the newest rages in marketing as no open areas are cooking food. Several old humans are playing Dejarik in the corner while bets trade hands. A guard walks up and places a bet as well. A moment later the grey-bearded, balding man is declared the victor and the bets are paid off.

@ Jeryk

[ Spoiler ]
Daylin nods to Jeryk, saying quietly to him This looks like a good spot. Let's jsut settle in for a nice, slow game. Why don't you do what you can to endear yourself, while still playing off being a bit young and naive. Let these gentlemen enlighten you. And perhaps see what you can do to help the guard on his way if he decides to hang on, without annoying him over much.

Daylin leads the Jeryk up to the table, looking over a couple of shoulders for a moment, quietly explaining the game to the "Captain", waiting for an invitation.
Jeryk nods. He lets a focused look spread across his face as if hes actually trying to understand the game his friend is explaining. A quite, Yes...Yes. And a Hmm...Yes I understand, slip out every once in a while. Also waiting for an invite.
Jannel grins internally at the Gamorrean's discomfort. It always amazed the noble how so many people thought that everyone else should deal with their personal problems. He had learned a long time ago, no one cared unless they could make a credit. Families were different but that was no longer an option for Jannel d'Trahn.

The nobleman waits less than patiently for the constable to conclude his business with the alien.

Hey there constable. How's it going? Two things, one my captain wanted to make sure that there wouldn't be any trouble with our friend Torg. Two, thought I'd buy you a cup of the local synthcafe and get the local gossip. Been awhile since I've been planetside.
The constable smiles and replies, That sounds fine. Let me check on a few things. He speaks briefly with a few of his officers and then heads toward the door. Do you like Sullustan food? There's a great little place around the corner. Torg is cooling his reactor in my best cell for the next several days.


The winner of the last game glares at Jeryk and says, Keep quiet over there, boy.
Daylin pats Jeryk on the shoulder ammicably. He's just learning. Daylin replies, and continues watching the game quietly.
Sullustan eh? Thats the spicy stuff right? Sure, I knew a guy awhile back from there, great cook. Jannel for once wasn't lying, the d'Tranh family cook had been from Sullus. The amicable alien had worked for his father for nearly twenty years. Another "sin" in the eyes of the new "empire"
You don't say? I hope you got him to teach you a recipe or two. Good stuff. It's not all spicy but those are my favorite. The amenable constable greets the hostess in Sullustan and asks for a table near a window. He then orders a dish he describes as particularly spicy and recommends a milder dish. Following the order he asks, What's on your mind?


The game is abruptly over with a vicious attack from the Mantellian Savrip. The old man smiles as those around the table collects bets. The guard looks like he is about to crack. Resigned to his fate, he hands over Imperial Credits to cover his bet and then sinks into an alcoholic beverage.
Wait a minute....

Jeryk approaches the game, with a grin.

Id like to place a bet. You interested in taking more money?
The game over, Daylin sits in with the other old men, apparently abandoning Jeryk for the older company. He smiles, greeting the others at the table.

Now this is how a station should be. Let the young pups work, while the seasoned hands show them what a bit of experience an do. I remember working on a station on Sullust some years back, there was this crew foreman, big man, hair like it was on fire, but real soft spoken like. Sensible kind of man, never lost his temper, always easy to get along with. But put him in front of a Djark board, and oh the things that would come out of that man's mouth! Daylin laughs, remembering wistfully. Nothing fazed this man, I mean nothing. We had some Imperial overseer come through one day, start poking his nose in, flipping things that didn't need to be flipped just to "make sure it worked", and the damned fool initiated a core melt down! Half the crew was wailin', but the foreman just real calmly pushed the overseer aside, went through the sequence, everything shut it's self back down, calm as you could be.

That very night, one of the sullustan workers distracts him with a gambit, takes his Kray Dragon piece... oh did he explode! Thought he was gonna tear the poor fellows ears off! Little man went scurrying into an access tunnel while the rest of his held the foreman back, giving him a head start! Poor mouse was lost almost three days in those tunnels!
Daylin laughs again, louder this time, recalling old memories, enjoying a good story.

The fact that it's completely fabricated of course doesn't slow him one wit.
An aging man nods to Daylin and replies, I can only imagine. Where ya from stranger?

In the mean time the old man running the game smiles and says, If you want to loose some money, be my guest. He gestures to the seat opposite him and the betting begins with long-shot odds on Jeryk.
Jeryk sits opposite the old man.

Alright. Now its been a while since Ive had a chance to sit down and play a game of...whats it called again? Jeryk chuckles. I must look like a fool right now. I apologize. I dont get alot of time off the ship and no one on my crew shares my like for these games.
Daylin gives a little chuckle at Jeryk before replying. Coruscant originally, although it's been.... decades at least since I was there. Move around a lot, freighter rews and such. Where the work is. Taken more trips down the Shapani route than I care to count.

Jeryks here's being a little coy. What he means is, no one will sit down with him without taking his money. He makes is too easy is all.
Daylin laughs again, patting Jeryk on the shoulder as the next game starts.

We're in fresh out of Elrood right now. Hard to get a good game out there in the rim worlds. The 'roods aren't quite so bad as everyone says, even if they are a bit rustic. Honest folk. Simple, but hard working.
Jannel covered the slight hitch in the flow of conversation by taking a swig of Sullustan coffee. He didn't care what anyone else said, the stuff was damn good.

Oh you know how it is. Been awhile between ports and such. Any fun stories you can share? Nothing illegal mind you, I've got my license to think of.
The constable smiles in a knowing sort of way and then composes himself. I'll steer you clear of any Imperial entanglements but truth be told, I would love to see someone try something against the law. It gets boring now and then.

He looks up as the food arrives and smiles. Well there was some sort of accident up at the shipyard a while back. He gives Jannel an appraising glance.


The old man smiles at Jeryk. Normally, I don't take candy from babies, but you look old enough to know better.


The old man nods to Daylin and replies, I can imagine. You wanna place a bet on your crewmate? I figure a credit or two won't hurt me and if by some miracle he wins, I wouldn't mind the pot. He passes a few credits over to another man. Nodding toward the guard he says, You have any idea what his problem is?
Daylin throws a dozen credits into the pot, giving Jeryk an encouraging nod. Probably wound pretty tight, what with a star destroyer being here and all.You can see that behemoth from 1000 klicks away. Has to be tense for the security. I heard it's been docked here a while too. Daylin leans in, watching the game, commenting off hand.
The old man nods. Yep, I imagine you're right. Heard that they had some problems about a month back, or was it two? The old man leans in toward Daylin and adds, Anyway, I can't imagine the uncultured brutes would do well with set backs.
Daylin nods as if responding to a simple, sensible observation. If they can't blast it, they can't handle it. And they're like as not to get blasted by their superiors anyway. Hmm... he'd better watch his flank they're or he's going to lose that gundark.

What happened that's got them so edgy?
Jeryk smiles at the old man.

You'd be suprised at what I know old man. Ready to begin?
Daylin rolls his eyes, supressing a groan.
Suprisingly, Jeryk manages to both keep his gundark and gain a strategic advantage over the old man. There is a quick whisper in the crowd and the bets begin changing hands again.

The old man smiles with cold eyes. You will have to be better than that to sandbag me, boy.


I thought you said your young friend couldn't play. The old man smiles knowingly at Daylin. Anyway, the ... Looking across to the Imperial guard, he lowers his voice. Our guests, managed to blow up something that put a lot of soldiers in the hospital. Problem is they let a lot of native sons die in that blast. Don't know more than that and it don't do well to ask.
Jeryk moves his peice, still smiling.

And better I shall, my old friend.

He looks back at the old man. Its your move.
The old man is disgusted with what he sees on the board. You win this time boy but know that the rest of the games will know that you and the old man are running a scam!

The crowd collects bets left and right. The Imperial guard looks dumbfounded. I ... won?

Perception 16+
[ Spoiler ]


You didn't tell me that you and the boy were working a game there. Not a bad one either. I did well, so I don't mind. Have a good day.

The game breaks up and the old men head in different directions.
Jeryk Laughs out loud. A scam? Your just lost is all. Id be happy to play you again, some other time.

Jeryk stands and walks to the guard.

Make out okay?
Daylin sits back, a little surprised, but trying not to let it show.
I'll just tell myself he learned it all from watching me.

Daylin nods to Jeryk. Well played.We best move on though. I don't think we made too many friends today.

Daylin intercepts the man he was talking with as the crowd disperses, offering him his hand.
It was no plan, the boy's just better than I thought. No hard feelings between your friends I hope.

My name is Arpor, of the 'Serenity Now'. We're in port for a few days, looking for some good deals and a chance to relax... for once. Too many harassing Imperial officials digging through our ship. If you had any idea how many times I've had to reseal bulk heads because they tore the poor girl apart looking for 'contraband'...

Anyway it's good to find some like minded company for once. Do these games get arranged often?
The guard nods. Good play there toward the end. I have to go now.


The old man turns toward Daylin. Na. Old Zeek just gets like that when he looses. Though, I suppose he was serious that the other games will be looking out for you two though - so no long odds next time. Just about any time you can imagine, there are games going on. The name's Blik Oma. I hear a man looking to get some R&R should look up Rainey's. It's a bar about three klicks from the spaceport. Just keep your head down if a fight breaks out.
This is not going anywhere, and not what we need. But if I push more, he may be suspicious.

Thank you, we'll look in to that then.

Daylin gives the man's hand a shake, then collects his winnings.

Well at least we have a little more cred to work with. But this approach is getting us no where. Wandering the docks poking our heas into dark placescan only end badly too. We need another plan.

Daylin heads back over to Jeryk, scooping the young man up as he walks away from the game. For a few minutes he talks of pointless pointers for this game that the younger man obviously doesn't need, taking care to walk through a number of areas that would serve as choke points where it would be hard to miss someone following them. Well used to watching his back, Daylin keeps the stroll casual, not looking about furtively. After grabbing a cup of caf, which Daylin pays for from his winnings from Jeryk's game, he talks in a low voice over their plans.

This is going no where. You might have beat him too fast. I did not get anything we did not already know. Daylin grins,amused at the speed of the game and Jeryk's apparent ease with it. We may have to look into accessing someone that can normally get access to the port. Perhapswe can try this gambling hall and see if young Rand can find us a slicer. it would fit with the image he's already presented, as being impulsive and getting into trouble. We need more information.
We've been seen at the market, doing the things we should be doing. i think it best if we return to the ship. There may be more that we can do from there.

Daylin does not elaborate.
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