May 12 2008, 12:15 PM
I agree. We should keep a low profile for now. Lets head back to the ship and regroup.
Jeryk finishes his drink and stands, ready to leave.
May 12 2008, 10:11 PM
Jannel grins at the constable like the cat who ate the canary. Be careful what you wish for.
The noble man takes a bite of his jadeek Shipyard accident eh? Nothing serious I hope?
May 13 2008, 03:09 AM
The constable gets a chuckle out of the crack. I suppose that I don't want a full blown blaster battle but a good mystery would be nice. He swallows another bite and drinks the pale green liquid in front of him. It has a faint grassy smell mingled with alcohol. I'm not sure how bad it was to be honest with you. The shipyard was closed for a while and that usually means bad things. There were casualties though - most of them conscripts. It didn't make anyone happy around here. The local leaders bucked as hard as they could before the Imps told them to back off. The rumor mill said something about a new weapon platform. However, I also heard it was a new engine so I just don't know. I can say that one wing of the hospital is closed to normal traffic and there is some type of experimental bacta gas being used to treat the patients. Anyway, I figure that they will put the boot down when they are ready. It's not much use worrying about it. Gesturing to his green beverage he asks, Would you like to try some Briosum?
May 13 2008, 05:05 AM
Daylin pulls out his commlink, clicking it over to Rand's channel. It's Nojbu. Staying out of trouble I hope? If you've got some free time , care to meet us back at the Serenity Now?
May 17 2008, 05:35 PM
Jeryk and Daylin head back to the ship, waiting for Rand to show before they set the lock out protocol, locking out every and anyone save Jennel. Daylin activates the ships meager security, hoping at least for an alert should anyone approach. After everything is set, as secure as possible, he leads the two young men into the cargo hold, where he takes a cross legged seat on the floor.
I know the two of you have questions, that both of you want to know more about what is out there. Questions about the Force. Understand first that such questions are dangerous. Not becuase of the Empire, but because of the nature of the Force its self. To truely learn of the Force, it nust be an end in and of its self, never a means to an end. You do not learn of the Living Force in order to accomplish something. You do not learn of the Ways in order to find greatness. Never seek to become a Jedi in order to become a Master, or even powerful. In order to find enlightenment, you must not seek it. You must let go of the self, of your ambitions and your dreams, of you fears and hopes, worries and concerns. To touch the Living Force, you first must connect with it, to come into contact with all that is around you. In order to do that you first have to let go of that which binds you within yourself.
There is no emotion; there is peace.
There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no passion; there is serenity.
There is no chaos; there is harmony.
There is no death; there is the Force.
This is the Code of the Jedi. You must know it. You must do more than commit it to memory. It must be a part of who you are if you are to walk down this path. A Jedi ust have the most serious commitment, always being mindful of the Living Force around him and the affects his actions have on it. A Jedi uses the Force only for Knowledge and Defense. Defense of the self, and defense of other living beings. The Force is not a weapon, and should not be harnessed in this way. You must ever be mindful of your actions, and of repercussions that your use of this gift may have upon the universe around you. Let there be no doubt in your mind that there is a Light and a Dark side to the Force, and that your thoughts and actions will tie you to one side or the other. The Dark side is fueled by selfish emotions, central needs. A Jedi is selfless, self sacrificing, and giving towards others. A Jedi's life is lived for others, not for adventure or greatness. Keep this always in mind. It is a difficult life, and one that should not be undertaken lightly.
The Jedi Master Mace Windu once said "Jedi do not fight for peace. That's only a slogan, and is as misleading as slogans always are. Jedi fight for civilization, because only civilization creates peace. We fight for justice because justice is the fundamental bedrock of civilization: an unjust civilization is built upon sand. It does not long survive a storm." Remeber these words and remember to learn of the past. Much has been lost over the decades of the Empire's rule. There are few left who know and understand the true core of the Jedi Order.
Both of you are older than you should be to begin the training. In the past, Jedi training began almost since birth, the lessons taught gradually, the proper mindset instilled through moral lessons taught as children. Teaching you at an older age leaves you open and more vulnerable to the Dark Side. I will take you as my students if you wish to learn. Becoming a Jedi Initiate is a tremendous responsiblity, and transcends even your commitment to the rebellion. The Jedi did not fight wars in the past, and I believe that the Order's participation in the Clone Wars partly led to it's down fall. The Force is not about politics and governments, it is about life. Extinguishing life is never the right choice. It is, sometimes, the best choice, or the only choice, but it is never right. A Jedi thinks before he acts. A Jedi is never brash, never rushes in. Knowledge is the Jedi's ally. But when a Jedi must act, he does not hesitate. Contemplation over Life can lead to destruction. Rashness over contemplation can lead to downfall. It is a fine line the Jedi walks.
I am a Jedi, but I am no Knight. I am a scholar and a Consular. Once, in the past, I may have been a Guardian, but that time is past. I must impress upon you the dangers we all face. It is very rare that a Jedi would take more than one student, and even then it is usually only done by a Master. Rarer still that Initiates be as old as you. We must understand the dangers and recognize them, act with the Knowledge of what we face before proceeding. If you are ready, we will continue your training that I have already begun.Daylin bows his head for a moment in silence, listening more for the sounds of their hearts than their words, to make sure they are truel ready.
[ Spoiler ]
May 17 2008, 06:24 PM
Once Daylin has a feel for the moods he speaks again.
Before we begin, it is crucial that you remember this; there are other paths to the Force, but there is only one way to be Jedi. It is not about the powers or flashing sabers, stately robes or influence. The Jedi way is about the Jedi way, the philosophy and the quest for knowledge, and the protection and sanctity of life. All these things must be one and in accordance for the Jedi. To seek out the Dark side for the sense of "True knowledge" is folly, beause you put knowledge above the sanctity of life. To venture endlessly hunting criminals and enemies turns defense into offense, and sacrifices knowledge for "protection". These things must be in balance within the Jedi, or he is no Jedi.
With that in mind, we will begin.
I am going to touch the Living Force, and with it, sense the events that transpired here weeks ago to discern the nature of this "accident". That may give us more clues for our investigation into the Empire's newest weapon. I will first touch your minds, again through the Living Force, to famliarize you with the feel of it. Once I do, it will be up to you to maintain that link as I connect to the Universal, or Guiding Force. That will allow is to view the All of things, including the past, and perhaps the future. First, we will begin a meditation. You must Empty your mind entirely. Focus on the Jedi Code. Devist yourself of passion, pain, anger, ambitions, golas, dreams, anxieties. Everything. You must achieve perfect Emptiness to allow the Force to flow within you. You cannot fill a cup when it is already full, and so you must empty your mind of all things to make room for the Force. Allow it to fill you, to flow into you, to become one with you. You have a sense of the Force, and you will recognize it when it comes to you.Daylin speaks quietly, as if guiding their mantra, soon ceasing to speak, achieving Emptiness himself. For five minutes he maintains it in absolute silence, giving the young men time to find the inner peace that hopefully will come naturally to them. For Jeryk, the training his old Guardian provided will come back. For Rand, the guidance Daylin himself has tried to give over the last year should be sufficent. He waits, then reaches out with the Force to touch their minds.
[ Spoiler ]
Projective Telepathy Difficulty Control Very East +2 (LOS, not Touching)/Sense Very Easy (+2 Close Friends- Rand, +5 Friends Jeryk)
Rand -
Jeryk -
Remember that you can take a second round of time to add +1D to any actions ("Taking Time")
As the Initiates meditate, they feel the connection open between themselves and Daylin. They sense first his emotive state, a calm serenity and sense of oneness. He his empty of conflict, impatience, anxiety, worry, or any other emotion. It is a sense of perfect calm. His thoughts touch their minds.
Open yourselves to the Living Force.Daylin touches the Force, connecting his thoughts to it, and uses it to bridge the gap to the Unifying Force, sensing this place. He searches time for the sense of danger, pain, fear, and shock, searching the dock yards for the accident that claimed so many lives and caused so much pain only a few weeks ago. He spreads his senses out, searching into the future as well, looking for clues to what dangers the future may bring as well, and what the future holds for the Star Destroyer they are searching out.
[ Spoiler ]
Far Seeing -
Control - Very Easy - Modified by Proximity ( Not line of sight, up to 10Km +7), Modified by Past (+5 from GM) = +12 /
Sense - Very Easy
Past Viewing- Time - One Minute Ctrl:DC 4+12=16/Sense 4:
Control 1D+1d ( Taking Time) +3D (Concentration: 4D-1D for two powers) +6 (Emptiness) = 5D+6 - - 2D+6(Emptiness) - = 10
Future Viewing - One Minute

C 4+17=21/Sense 4
Control 1D+1d ( Taking Time) +3D (Concentration: 4D-1D for two powers) +6 (Emptiness) = 5D+6 - 25
Sense - 2D+6(Emptiness) = 11
May 17 2008, 07:11 PM
Jeryk sits across of Daylin, leaving a spot for Rand. He closes his eyes.
Open. Stay open. Let go of everything.
May 17 2008, 09:08 PM
The Force opens into their minds and floods the senses. Rands feels as if he is drinking from a high pressure hose. For Jeryk the sensation of the Force returning is comforting. The clouds of time part for the three of them and they see the shipyards from the view screen of an Imperial shuttle. The shuttle performs a flyby of the Star Destroyer they were sent to find. There are explosions around and in the ship. Suddenly they see the events inside the ship from the point of view of someone running down the corridors. Each feels as if it is his own voice shouting orders to the crew. They hear themselves yelling, Get that reactor back online! Get the wounded to the medical bay! You three! With me! They gesture to two crewmen and an officer standing stunned in the corridor. The three comply instantly. The four are racing down the corridor and pass doors marked "Authorized Personnel Only." They turn toward a door marked "Top Secret - Authorized Personnel Only." As the door hisses open there is a flash of light and the four open their eyes on the floor. They see only a large cylindrical object on the table in front of them. Their hands and faces burn from a silent heat. The light from the device is a bluish white. Each of them opens their hand and injects themselves with an ampule of some form of medicine.
They awake in the medical bay as they are being prepped for evacuation. Their superior officer stands over them and asks, Is it the Omega Project? Can it be saved? Each replies, The prototype is a total loss, check the backup data. Then blackness takes them.
Each is wearing a white coat and looks down on a young officer surrounded by a white gas. The doctor smiles at the superior officer and says, I think he will make it. He took the ampules you gave him so he will have a fighting chance. I am concerned about these wounds that don't seem to be healing - even with bacta. I am trying a new form of bacta - this gaseous form you see.
The vision fades and is replaced by one more clouded and laced with a feeling of unnerve.
An Imperial officer stands on a hologram projector and is being praised by another officer. Well done, Captain. The Emperor will hear of this. With Omega on a Star Destroyer we will be able to cloak the ship and see through the cloaking field at the same time. The pathetic so called Rebellion will fall.
The vision fades completely and the three of them find themselves back in the hold of their ship.
May 18 2008, 02:01 AM
Omega? Just what in the hell is The Empire doing?
Jeryks eyes are wide and full of worry.
We need to report this. Is it safe to send a message?
May 18 2008, 04:44 AM
Daylin takes a moment to recover, slowing his breathing, finding his center again. He doesn't answer Jeryk right away.
There is no Passion; there is serenity.
We should see what we can do to get a perliminary message off of a hyperspace beouy. The Tapani Sector is full of them becuase of the gases in the sector. It will be more secure than the hyperlink system that they're sure to monitor. It will have to be preliminary only though. They'll want to know more. We'll have to find it.
May 18 2008, 05:10 AM
The meal concludes and the constable and Jannel find themselves sipping coffee.
May 18 2008, 05:55 AM
Once centered again, Daylin rises from the floor, heading towards the cockpit. He turns to the initates before leaving.
Sit and think for a while. Contemplate what you've seen and felt. I'll send the message.
The old man walks slowly, feeling strangely revitalized. It's not the feel of the Force within him, it's the hope he feels again, for the first time in a long time. Its good to trust someone that closely again. Its good to have a student again. Its good to have someone to pass his knowledge to, and the hope that they can do better with it than he did.
Once in the cabin, Daylin composes a brief message on a datapad, encrypting an compressing it for a short burst transmission.
<<<< @ Command - [Daylin] Prelim report- Imp constructing cloak tech (Code Named :Omega Project). Designed to allow full cloak that ships can see through from their side. Eliminates largest drawback of cloak device. One accident already. Contamination is resistant to bacta. Expect they will overcome failings of project and complete project. Further inquiry following. Please advise. - End
With the brief message qued, he keys it into the Nav Comp along with the desitantion coordiantes. He then keys up the Nav Comp, keying it to the local beouy, and begins to download course corrections for the system, sending the data packet along and out with the standard traffic, letting it be lost to imperial eyes in the shuffle.
May 18 2008, 06:04 AM
Jeryk sits in his chair. Looking out the windows, thinking out loud.
....If they have something like that, then whats going to happen to the rebelion?
May 18 2008, 06:07 AM
Daylin turns to Jeryk, finishing his message as the young man plops into the cockpit chair next to him.
Just another mission. The Empire has had super weapons for the last decade that could and would wipe us out at any time. Look at the Death Stars. Look at the Star Destroyers. Look at it's elgions of storm troopers, and the Emporer's Inqusition. Look at Darth Vader. The Empire has had the ability to wipe out any number of beings that could rise against them at any time. They still haven't been able to. Do you know why?
Daylin sits quietly, hands in his lap, perfectly composed but very serious. These are the types of questions, and answers, that will begin to define the young man before him into something better.
May 18 2008, 06:10 AM
Jerky looks at the ground, then up to Daylin.
No master, why?
May 18 2008, 06:16 AM
Daylin hesitates for a moment.
I'm no Master. But I am his teacher. It is appropriate. Wrong, but correct. Heh... I suppose the whims of the Force will always have it's mysteries.
Because what the Emperor always forgets is that this is a war being fought not with weapons, be they super or not. It is not fought with troops, be they legions or dozens. It is a war fought in the hearts and souls of all living beings in this Galaxy. History has proven again and again that intelligent beings will sell their freedoms and even lives again and again for the sake of short term security. They will give up almost everything, even following a despot, and put up with almost unimaginable oppression. But only for a time. There is a fire in the heart and soul of every living being that can be smothered, but never entirely extinguished. It burns free. It always does. Not even Palpatine can extinguish it from every soul. Mark my words, that is exactly his aim. He will wage his wars against us, but the more he tightens his grip, the more systems he oppresses and destroys, the more systems will turn against him. Palpatine, like all that turn to the dark side, is his own worst enemy. Mark me apprentice, it will be his own pride that will be is down fall.
In the end, it will come to the Jedi to finish this. It always does.
May 18 2008, 06:42 AM
Jeryk nods.
Your right. In all my years learning about the force, is that all that beleive in it, the fire in your heart, and hope that we'll be free, nothing can stop you. Not all the blasters, sith, or super weapons. I do not fear the empire. I do not fear Palpatine. I do fear, however, not doing my part in this world. Wether it big or small. I dont want glory, or to be stronger. I dont want to sit around, and do nothing. Especially when Im capable of doing so much more. My former master told me that Im capable of doing more than any other like me. I dont know why. I always felt that he knew something, that he wasnt telling me. I could never figure it out. Before he died, he said, Please, just know. Just know your path, for Pelag- At about that time, the bounty hunter shot him dead. I suppose he thought he was speaking nonsense. But I knew he was trying to tell me something from my hiding spot.
May 18 2008, 06:47 AM
Daylin nods, still eyeing Jeryk critically.
Be mindful of your feelings, especially now that you've taken your first steps down this path. This is when you are most vulnerable. Fear in any form can be turned against you. Want to do your part, but do not fear failure. 'There is no death'. Sometimes we fail. We cannot let fear of failure or inaction affect us. Let it go.
I know of no "pelag". There is house Pelagia in this sector however. Perhaps his past was tied to them. They had many Jedi within the House before the purge.
May 18 2008, 06:49 AM
Pelagia? What are they about?
May 18 2008, 06:53 AM
Daylin sighs.
I take it you did not take the time to read the files on the system I sent to everyone then?
House Pelagia was the dominant house in the Tapani Sector unti lthe rise of the Empire. Their house numbered at least 50 Jedi, an almost unheard of number. The Force was strong in their families. When Palpatine began his inquisition, House Mecetti quickly took advantage of the Emperor's orders to ally with the Imperial military and destroy their ancient enemy. There have long been rumors of a cult of assassins within House Mecetti that supposedly had ties to the Sith. This cult was wiped out by the Pelagia Jedi. They were no doubt looking for a pay bakc as well as a chance at ascension.
Today Pelagia is a shadow of it's former self. They are the least of the Great Houses and control only a small portion of Tapani Space. Not around here unfortunately. Now House Mecetti is the dominant house in Tapani.
May 18 2008, 07:04 AM
What do you think he was trying to say?
May 18 2008, 07:07 AM
I couldn't say without knowing more. What did he tell you about your past, or his own?
May 18 2008, 07:27 AM
Well, I was still an Infant at the time of the rebellion. He said my mother and father brought me to him, said to take me somewhere safe. He told me much about his time at the academy. Nothing relevant. Just funny stories of his youth. He never mentioned anything about my family. Just that my father and mother were great Jedi. True to the code. And that they wanted to instill that in me. He did tell me one story that stuck.
He looks distantly, recalling a fond memory, but painful none the less. His tone gets quieter.
There was a scorpion sitting on the side of a big dirt road, with all of his legs broken. He suddenly sees a frog, hopping passed him. The scorpion says, "Please frog. My legs are broken, I cannot get to the other side of this road, so I cannot eat. Please, allow me to ride on your back." The frog replies, "How do I know you wont sting me?" The scorpion says, " Ill give you my word, I will not sting you." The Frog agrees on the word of the scorpion and puts him on his back. They get about halfway across the road and the scorpion stings the frog. The frog says, "Why would you do that? Now we're both going to die." The scorpion says, "I cant help it, Im a scorpion."
He was teaching me the difference between Sith and Jedi. It was my first lesson...
May 18 2008, 07:30 AM
Daylin nods.
Stories, parabels, are an excellent teaching tool. Most people are more receptive to a lesson learned than to being told what to do. The Sith thrive on betrayal. The Dark Jedi, the falled of the Order, are the worst of them. They often become true Sith.
So you know nothing of your past then? We could run a genetic scan I suppose and see if your DNA matches any patterns known to a particular system. It would be a start.
May 18 2008, 07:32 AM
And what if I am a member of Pelagia? What then?
May 18 2008, 07:37 AM
Then you keep your head down.
If you're a lost scion of the family, most likely, they would want to make contact. But as quietly as possible. Especially if you're training as a jedi and a member of the Alliance. It could be a huge boon for the Alliance, but it would also be very dangerous for the already weakened House. You must consider these things before letting your emotional ties of perhaps connecting to a lost family take control of you. However, I do not believe in coincidence. Master Yoda himself once said "There is no coincidence; there is the Force". It may mean everything that you are here. But, it may also mean nothing. We shoudl approach this matter cautiously. First, I think we should do what we can to confrim your ancestry. That means a trip to the medbay.
May 18 2008, 07:43 AM
Shall we go now then?
Jeryk jumps up from his chair excitedly.
May 18 2008, 07:48 AM
Calm yourself. You're young but you're not that young. I think one more exercise before the medlab. Are you prepared to repeat the process we did before? This one will be harder, as it is farther in the past, and possibly took place far from here. We will see what we can accomplish.Without further discussion Daylin drops into the mediation of Emptiness again, waiting for Jeryk to find the same inner peace, then searches back through the Force, searching for Jeryk as a child, and the conditions he left his home in.
[ Spoiler ]
Same dice as before: = 23 will consider using a character point. Not sure what the DC will be here.
May 18 2008, 08:07 AM 2D6
5,5=10 Jeryk sits across from Daylin. Attempting to calm his nerves and find the peace he had before.
May 18 2008, 10:57 PM
The sounds of the day begin to melt away as they drop into a trance like state. The vision is more cloudy this time. It is as if there is uncertainty here. Unlike the clarity of the last vision, the see this one from a nuetral, non-participant point of view. A woman is holding her son while another man looks on. He is covered in a robe and cowl. Two more hooded individuals join the group. They begin a conversation in hushed tones. We are here. The woman replies in a pained voice, Show me your faces. They comply, dropping the cowls and opening their robes. There is a man and woman, both wearing lightsabers at their sides. They are dressed in traditional robes. The still cowled man steps forward and takes the child from her arms. Treat him as if he were your own son. The woman nods and adds, Jeryk, we trained together while you were at the temple. Although we may not see eye to eye, I promise you that your son will be well cared for. Turning to the boy's mother, she asks, What name would you like him to have. Jeryk, just as his father. Please, keep him safe. Keep my baby safe from the coming storm.
The vision becomes cloudy once again and the two find themselves on the deck once more.
May 19 2008, 10:11 PM
Rand breathes deeply, the emptiness of the ritual helped cover the pain. Now with the shock of the link closing the pain floods back. He concentrates trying to shut it away he barely hears Jeryk and Daylin's conversation. A part of him feels a call from the pain, an offering of strength. With great effort he forces it down. The pain fades out and Rand stands to his feet.
Enough of this dream crap. I'm fit enough for some field work. What do we need from the underworld? A slicer would be first right. Or we could sit around like Lotus addicts. He looks at his companions tranced again. As they come round he speaks again, We need to get in the base right? We need a slicer.
May 19 2008, 10:13 PM
Daylin nods. I think we do. We need information we can't get otherwise. Old plans for the starport would be ideal for one.
May 19 2008, 10:18 PM
Jeryk sits quietly. Not relising that other men have begun speaking. Hes thinking on what he just saw, and heard.
My mother...
May 19 2008, 10:29 PM
Daylin turns back to Jaery after allowing him a moment to compose himself.
This vision lends credence to what we suspect. "The coming storm" cold well be the purge of house Pelagia. However, it could be the purges in general. It suggests however, that since you were given to the care of another Jedi, that you parents could not leave where they were, and had ties to the Jedi. Again, possibly Pelagia.
I would suggest that you allow me to continue the investigation at this point. With a blood sample and some time, I may be able to confirm your blood line. It would take subtlety and patience however. I am more accustomed to dealing with things queitly. Why don't you assist Rand with his work, while I see what I can find of Pelagia, and your possible ties to them.
They may be less threatened by me than someone claiming to be a lost scion. As a Jedi, and with the records of being such, albeit buried long ago, I have as much to lose as they do by contacting me. I may be able to open communication with them, and go from there.
May 19 2008, 10:33 PM
Buck up kid. The old man always gives his pupils headaches. We'll leave his to dig into your history and you and me can go look for someone to helps us do something really stupid.
May 20 2008, 01:25 PM
Jeryk stands without facing Rand.
...Cant wait.... Shall we get to the upcoming, inedible, mayhem then?
May 20 2008, 10:13 PM
Daylin ignores the "old man" comment, heading towards the medical 'bay', leaving the two young men to their troubles-to-be.
Young Rand is as adventurous as ever it seems. And as irreverant. He reminds me far too much of myself. And I had the advantage of training form a much younger age. I fear the darkness I sense in him will bring him far too close to the brink.
Daylin has the unsettling notion of raising two apprentices, Jeryk and Rand, the eager pupil and the ambitious student. He sees te two of them, learning side by side, Rand always racing ahead, looking for the next oppurtunity.
Let us just hope then that I'll still be around to curb that somewhat. Raising two apprentices that could some day face each other because of poor choices now would be a poor fate indeed.
Or perhaps I'm just getting too worked up with the prospect of trying to teach two young men, full of energy and stuborness, already acquinted with their way of doing things.
Daylin heads into the cargo bay, getting together the meager med supplies, and returning to take a blood sample from Jeryk. Walking into the cockpit again, he sets the medkit onto a panel, taking out a pen like device. Daylin walks over and puts the slim device to Jeryk's arm. A quick prik and the sample is taken, the device going back into the medkit.
May 21 2008, 12:26 AM
Jeryk looks down at the needle as Daylin sticks him. After hes taken the sample, Jeryk looks up at Daylin.
Good Luck.
He adjusts his robes, and looks to Rand.
I wonder how many beings Im going to have to talk out of pummeling him today. Ill have to keep a closer eye on him. Ive got a bad feeling. I sense an uneasiness in Daylin. I understand his concern. Rand will be difficult to steer onto a different path. But Its necessary if he is to avoid the dark side. Je'Lynn, watch over us.
Im ready, lets see what we can do.
He motions to the door. After you.
May 21 2008, 06:24 AM
See you soon, old man.With little more than a nod Rand is out the door, and off the ship heading into the depths of the space port. He looks for the seediest bar he can find and once there settles himself in for a few drinks and a few questions.
[ Spoiler ]
streetwise = 9 for a getting an idea of the basic underworld here
May 21 2008, 12:19 PM
As Rand Rushes out the door, Jeryk shakes his head.
Impatient as usual.
Jeryk chases after Rand until he catches up to him outside the bar.
May 21 2008, 08:52 PM
Jannel stands outside the cafe. Thank you for the gossip constable. Two quick things before I go. One, do you still have a Navigators Guild around here? Two, where would my captain go to look for work?
Later, after receiving the information he wanted Jannel makes his way back to the ship. Interesting the Imps are testing a new weapon or weapon system. Which means Old Stone Face would be happy to see it go bye-bye.
He enters the ship quietly, the subtle odor of memory hanging in the air.
The noble seats himself on his bunk and grabs the rooms info reader. He slots the optical chip he "won" in the reader. But he can't stay awake. The combination of long held fatigue and overcaffinated blood sneaks up on him. I'll only rest my eyes.
Sleep is quick to fall.
He can't move! He's been strapped down in a high backed chair and can't move! Part of his waking mind recognizes this room, this bright white room. He wants to leave, now! But they won't let him, he can't move![/color]
A weasel faced man enters and Jannel relaxes slightly It's only the political officer. The weasel nods and another man enters the white room. A small baby faced man with the eyes of a shark
Hello Lt. d'Trahn Jannel's fear skyrockets. No one knows his real name! It's an old trick in the noble circles, change your name and join the Republican Guard Expeditionary Forces, or the Pilot's Academy, or something. Better than sitting home and letting the inevitable chase of matchmaking and politics eat away at you.
We've wondered where you were hiding but to be honest, never expected this. The peacemaker's son, here among the warmongers. He smiles and his smile is a shark's too.
I'm certain you thought that we were going to give you just another standard loyalty exam, but you're wrong Lt. d'Trahn, very wrong. The shark eyed man turns on the till now blank holoscreen. There sitting in a similar chair is a man who shares Jannel's features, the same aquiline nose, the deep brown hair, the same piercing blue eyes, despite the split lip and bloody nose. In fact this could be Jannel d'Trahn in twenty or thirty years.
Father! shouts the youth. But the shark eyed man is ready.
We had hoped it wouldn't come to this. The Empire requires Lord d'Trahn to give up his constant protest of "citizens rights" and "the public good". Or failing that a Lord d'Trahn who will be more reasonable. Which is it gentlemen, father or son? The two noblemen lock eyes. Jannel knows his father, knew the depth of his convictions. The family motto said it all. Honor through Service
I will never give you what you want Moff Farrad! Never! The people must be heard! Their voice is the only true way to govern! shouts the elder d'Trahn.
The people? What do they know of governance? Of decision, of power! They are tiny worms in a huge galaxy. They... know... nothing. the Moff oozes confidence, he has seen the end of this game. Execute him. from somewhere off screen a large caliber blaster emerges and is pointed against the older man's head. Jannel's heart freezes with terror, his father mouths the words "I love you my son" before a [color=red]red bolt of force obliterates the elder d'Trahn's head.
Jannel wakes to a pool of sweat covering his bunk. Obviously he lived through his father's death, but the dream was always so intense. The Empire and its servants were owed a great deal for the death of Markon d'Trahn. And now Jannel was in a position to give it to them.
He returns to the optical chip, somewhere there was the information that would bring the Empire's downfall. It was just a matter of finding it.
May 21 2008, 11:25 PM
@ MerissYou are welcome. I enjoyed the meal. The Navigators Guild - or rather - what is left of it can be found by the main port. You can access the city guide if you would like a map. Work? If you are avoiding Imperial fares, then I'm not aware of much; however, the few non-human traders that still come through this system would be happy to hire anyone without xenophobia. Try the southern port.-----
The optical chip requests an access code. After a moment
Jannel enters a basic Rebellion cipher and the chip activates. The message is short but useful. The same Twi'lek that paid with the chip appears and begins speaking in accented Basic.
Greetings, fellow members of the Alliance. I am Lieutenant Cho'nel of Alliance Intelligence. I was provided with the appearance of your team by old Stone Face. The display shows pictures of each of you.
You will find technical schematics of the kitchens and waste processing facility for the orbital shipyard attached to this file. Make your way to the station and find the information that old Stone Face wants. Under normal circumstances I would not put sensititive information on a chip; however, my cover has been blown and I will be replaced soon. I hope I am fortunate enough to find you. Cho'nel out.-----
@ Ophis & SinNThe cantina has some strange band over in the corner playing the same tune over and over again. Various being of the galaxy mill about: most are human here. The bartender asks for an order.
@ Ophis[ Spoiler ]
I assume that you are just asking for a general gist of the underworld?
If so, Rand easily understands that this cantina is a good place to start. That guy in the corner looks like he might know a few people. The cantina will have small blasters on all sides if a fight breaks out. (Possibly a few large ones as well.) In an Imperial controlled area, the law enforcement will be a bit tougher than other places but general information is available.
May 23 2008, 07:31 AM
Finishing up with the medical supplies and gathering his own gear, Daylin checks the ship again, noting the authorized entry of Jannel. Finding him not in the lounge, Daylin heads towards his bunk, rapping on the iron door.
Jannel, it's Daylin. Do you have a moment?
May 28 2008, 06:26 AM
As Jeryk sits for a while waiting for Rand's plan to kick in he thinks.
I hate this song..
So my friend, what have we got?
May 28 2008, 11:39 AM
Huh? Oh sorry old timer I was reading, sure c'mon in
May 28 2008, 09:58 PM
Daylin manages to stop himself from rolling his eyes as he enters Jannel's 'quarter's. Instead, he leans against the door frame, not imposing himself on the limited personal space.
Rand and Jeryk are out looking for a slicer to see if they can find any old routes or maitenance tunnels through the station to get to the dry dock the Destroyer is docked at. We've confirmed from a second source that there was an incident, some sort of leak from the destroeyer, and passed on a message 'home'. We also swept the ship for listening devices. We didnd't find anything, but I would suggest doing another later, including checking the ship's computer systems.
It seems their "Omega Project" is some sort of cloaking device, modified to let them see outside of the cloak. Their prototype is destroyed, but they have back up files I expect we'll be asked to deal with those. Again, a good reason to have a slicer.
I expect the two of them to get themselves into some trouble, so try to be ready to move when they do. I'll be away for a little while. We have a line on some potential allies I'm going ot be pursuing. It may be nothing, but fate can be a funny thing. I'll have my communicator on me stil if you should need to reach me.
Did you learn anything useful from the constable?
May 29 2008, 12:13 AM
The constable knew about the "incident", heh, nice turn of phrase there, old timer. Didn't know much of what happened, though. Said there was an explosion and some folks got hurt. Be interesting to see if we can turn him into a source for the Rebellion. He doesn't care much for the Imps. Seems they don't give him enough to do. Think we can change that? Jannel grins wickedly. The really interesting part of my day? This. The noble man points to the slowly revolving schematic of the orbital station on his display.
I won more in my little wager than I expected. Seems we're not the first ones they sent out this way. Our late lamented predescessor managed to get his hands on this, prolly blew his cover getting it too. What do you think he intended us to do with it? Jannel's smile suggests that he knows precisely what to do with it.
May 29 2008, 05:36 AM
Daylin looks over the schematics briefly, impressed with Jannel's resourcefulness. Well done Jannel . Quite the coup. Did your contact mention any need of assistance getting off station? This really is the turn we needed, and much sooner than I ever expected we would get it. Things seem to be leaning our way. I suggest we not waste it. We should go over these immediately and see if we can find an access point. I'll contact Jeryk and let him know he can narrow the list of things we need a slicer for. We should also back this up somewhere, incase we should face a similar fate. If you need the rest, I have a little time I can spare going over the plans.
Daylin concentrates for a moment, only briefly closing his eyes, sending his thoughts to Rand, with whom he is more familiar.
Jannel got the plans. We could still use a slicer.
There, that should alleviate some of his rush. And so much more secure than a comm call...
If this was handed off to us, your contact probably had something similar in mind. It obviously came at great expense, so let us not waste time. We can discuss the applications while we examine it.
Suiting action to words, Daylin double checks the ship's security lock down, then sits with Jannel, looking over every detail of the plans, looking for an older access path or sub system that requires infrequent maitenance.
Jun 11 2008, 08:07 PM
Gah! Enough of this, old timer! There, right there, an access tunnel! Jannel points a long aristocratic finger at he small accessway.
The waste crew rotates every six days, what more can we ask for? Replace the incoming crew with us, take a few explosives and well ...... the nobleman lets that eternally smug expression cross his face again.
Jun 11 2008, 10:05 PM
Jeryk waves his hand over Rands face, hoping to erase the dazed look he has. After snapping his fingers a few times, he speaks.
Rand? Are you paying attention? We need to focus. Please do me the courtesy of just that, will you?
Between finding a decent slicer and keeping Rand focused, This is going to be harder than I thought