QUOTE (fistandantilus4.0 @ May 19 2008, 10:10 PM)
I might be able to dig up the pic of the deckmeister from SR3s Matrix book.
isn't there a shadowrun pic of two women together? thought i read that somewhere, would prefer that if possible
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ May 20 2008, 02:38 AM)
So you mean "paladin".
with 1,000 life points, maximun charisma, and the holy avenger sword, with my war horse! stand and deliver! so that my hamster might have a better look at you!
QUOTE (Snow_Fox @ May 25 2008, 03:34 PM)
In RL he is married with children. and I believe he owns his house. That having been said, for the rest of his post, I've never been to louisianna in my lIFEand we just came up with another reason not to.
whoa! if ya hoping around da country then don't knock off LA just yet! great food, awesome music, corrput politicians, truely and eclectic group of scalewags. Ya'll should swing by sometime, you and the wife could hang out at the house, trading recipies, doing macrame, and folding doilies, and playing with the kids. Meanwhile me and your better half head on down to the quarter. We will dine at hooters, see flashing on burbon street, and of course visit the "clubs" there, the barely legal one being where we most patronage. Then while he and I are getting a lap dance by a coupla schoolgirls we'll high five each other and toast to our good Fortune with copious amounts of booze
, who knows, after their shifts, mayhaps they'll give the two of us a "private" session? Definatly sounds like a plan ta me! just lemme know when ya'll coming down, but these next few weeks will be kinda problematic. We are moving to our new house and I will be without internet access for an indeterminate amount of time.